GENEALOGY 977.1 F498 1863-1866 Vol. Vn.] jrxjTVE, i^oG. [50 Cts. V THE - ^. — :::: ;j -i.^^ FORT WAYME i* AllLi-i CO. FIEE LANDS PIONEEK: PUBLISHED BY THE Fire Lands Historical Society, AT THEIR ROOMS IN WHITTLESEY BUILDING, NORWALK, OHIO. • SANDUSKY, OHIO: DAILY REGISTER STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. 1866. ^^^- .. : j^0W. '^^'A> T H E FIRE LANDS PIONEER riBLISHED BY THE FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY; AT THEIR BOOMS IN WHITTLESEY BUILDING, NORWALK, OHIO. VOLS. IV, V, VI AND VII. 1863-4-5-6. .. ^ ?14753 GENERAL INDEX NoTE.-=-A Complete lutlex of the first three volumes will be found in volume three. For convenience in binding, the contents of the remaining volumes are given below. INDEX TO VOL. IV. Page. Address, Kev. L. B. Gurley, 9 Memoirs of Townships, Huron, B5 Hon. J. JI. Root, 21 " " New London,.. .52 Editorial Notice, 'J8 Oxford 88 Errata, 98 Ripley, (iO " ' Fire Lands Grant, Record History of. i).i Vermillion,.... 72 Grape, Culture of 45 Meeting—.\nnual at Norwalk, 1 " Kelley's Island, Historical Sketch of. 30 (Quarterly, Wakemau, 4 Memoirs of Townships, Hartland, 49 " " Peru, t INDEX TO VOL. V. Fage. Page. Jnarterly at Fairtiekl, 3 Anti(Hiarian, Joel Blakcslee, lUy Meeting, ( " Bronson, Early Settlers in, 113 " New London,. 5 Bank of Sandusky, 1 19 " " Castalia, 8 Chicago, First Vessel in 107 -Memoirs of Townships, l^airfleld, 36 Case "Old Squire," 114 " " Greenwich 69 Commerce on the Lake 100 years ago,. 109 " " Richmond, 57 Cincinnati Pioneer Association, 117 Ridgelield, 26 Early Settlement of Sec. 4, Norwalk, 21 Ruggles, 48 ' " WestTownsend,. .. 23 " " Sherman, 83 Fire Lands, Surveys in, 93 Missionary Pioneer, John Seward, 103 Editor's, Note 123 Miscellaneous Articles, 107 Governors of Ohio, Votes for from 1803 Mcllrath Samuel, 107 to 1861, 105 Obituary Notices, E. Andrews, 122 Gibbs Familv, 110 " " Eli S. Barnura 91 Hester Famfly, 102 Page Family 100 Huron Count}', Census of 1827,. .'. L<i 40* Relic of Olden Time, 119 Hechawelder, Johannah JIaria 108 Sherman Daniel, R'^miniscences of 98 Indian Reminiscences 112 Vermillion West, Early Days in &c 97 Keep, Rev. J., Remarks of, 18 Whittlesey Elisha, 10 Meeting—.Vimual ;it Norwalk, 1 INDEX TO VOL. VI. Page. Page. Bronson, Early Settlement of, 62 Fire Lauds Historical Society, Members Cleveland in 1796—Oliver Culver 59 of 84 Claybourn John H., oldest citizen of Chi- Garrison John, Autobiography of, 33 cago, 77 Golden Wedding at Hudson, 66 Chicago Tribune audPress^ 102 Hartford Courant, 67 Errata, 123 Lockwood Family, 21 Firelands, Survey of by Hoyt, 27 Meeting, Nonvalk, 1 - Fifty Years Ago and Now—^No. 1, 69 " Perkins 3 No. 2, 70 ' Monroeville 5 . 1 ... GENERAL INDEX. rage. of Wood aud Bishop, 43 Obituary Notices—Capt. Stanton Sholes 115 Murder "" Miscellaneous—Indian Relics 71 Mary Beebe, IKi " I Wolfin Sheep's Clothing 94 Joseph Kelle V 1 1 ti Toledo Cong. Church,.. !)5 Daniel Waldo 117 " Tranlilin's lightning rod, 95 Henry Reed, Sen.,... IKi " Origin of Stars & Stripes, 9G " John Cuppy, ^... 117 " Lake Steamboats, 96 " Mrs. Sarah" JMcCord, 117 " " First American Book, . 97 Gen. Robert Bentlev, 117 " ". " Primitive Preference... 98 Joel Downs, i;8 " Indian Conjugal Att'ec- Slaj.Wm. JJcLaughlin 118 tion .'..". 99 " Cyrus Cuuningliam,.. 118 " Forty-six Years Ago. 99 Our Summer Home, (jO " The Great Lakes, 99 Perkins, account of its settlement, 9 Big Family, 99 '• Jesse Taylor aud others of, 18 Oil Springs 100 '• Early settlement by Baker aud ". " Gas Springs 1 00 others,.. 23 " Name of Illinois, 101 Pioneer Meeting at Dover, 62 About tlie Old Folks,... 101 '' Toledo, 64 " Nuptial, ..101 Pierce, Mrs. Polly, reminiscences of 79 Obituary Notices—Peter Brown, 82 Press, Chicago, History of, 102 "" \Vm. Robinson, H'.i Rogers Family, 65 Mary M. Hester, lis Relic, .V Revolutionary, (is Obituary Notices—No.ih Hill 119 Sandusky Clarion—Eveuiugs with Pio- \i Dr. John H.Matthews 1-20 neers, 54 Mrs. Baum, 121 Secretary's Report at Annual Meeting, . 80 Dea. Pliilo Adams,. 120 War on Wolves, 25 " Daniel French, 120 Webb, Thomas D., Death of, 29 Dr. HenrvNiles, 122 Wood Ezra, Genealogy of, 58 Dr. Peter Allen, 123 Wedding, Golden atHudson, (i(i •' Mrs. L'rania Fenn,. 123 Williams Countv. early History of. 73 " Leonard Case, 7.5 INDEX TO VOL. VII. Page. Address, Prof. Hartupee 16 Meetings—.Annual at Norwalk ] " " lle^-. John Safford, 28 Quarterly at Vermillion,. .. 4 " Rev. L. B. Gnrley, 64 ' '• " Bellevue 6 '• '• " Bear Hunt on the Marsh, (i 1 Plnnouth, s ". Bill, A Doctor's 73 McArdle, Jolin P 49 Black Hawk, 84 Minute Men of the Revolution 115 Coon Skin Library, 41 JMiian, Early Settlers of, : 58 Charivari, of Greentield, the last, 62 No Time like the Old Time, 41 Courtiug two hundred years ago, 93 Oldest Natives of Ohio, 96 Erie Canal, opening of, 76 Obituary Notices, 77 Geology of the Fire Lands, 42 Omick John, Trial and Execution of,. 66 Grahaiu, Francis, Autobiography of, 50 Old Canoe, 105 -Golden Wedding of Col. James Smith,. 100 Personal Reminiscences of John Sey- Genealogy of Hirara Rogers, 57 mour, 34 Genessce Coinitry, Ill Pioneer Excursion to Marietta, 86 Kenton, Gen. Simon, » KKi Pomfret Celebration at lOl MlSCEI.I..\NKOUS Akticles. Pioneer Ohio, 118 Initial Facts, 97 Remarkable Family Gatliering, 27 New England Farm House, 98 Sandusky Clarion, 74 Washington's Text Book, 98 Startling Scene in Church, 117 First Paper Money in America, 99 The Old aud the New, 33 Old Fashioned Funerals aud Ordin- Threshing Macluues, tirst in Ohio, ID tious, 99 Wheat aud Wool, lirst shipment of 27 Members of Fire Lauds Hist. Soc, 94 Wayne, Gen. anecdote of, 60 Mounds and Mound Builders of Ohio,. 1 Vour Mission 110 : THE FIRE LANDS PIOl^EER. VOLUME VII.—JUNE, 1866. FIRE LANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ANNUAL MEETING. cure a more complete history of churches and schools, and called MORNING SESSION. special attention to the necessity of The annual meeting was held in immediate steps being taken to col- Whittlesey Hall, Norwalk, on Wed- lect and publish the material for the nesday, June l-lth, at half past ten Fire Lands Soldiers' Record. o'clock, A. M. C. A. Preston, Esq., Treasurer, then The venerable President, Piatt presented his Annual Report, which Benedict, Esq., though bending un- was approved. In summary it is as der the weight and infirmities of follows ninety years, was in his accustomed On liand at last report, $40 90 place, and expressed his gratification Received for membersliip, 21 00 Sales of that time was dealing so gently with Pioueer per D. H. Pease, . GO 96 the Pioneers of the Fire Lands, and $122 16 that so many of them were able to Paid to R. T. Rust, CO be present tliis occasion. upon Paid to D. H. Pease per acc't The Rev. A. Newton, of Norwalk, of Sundries, $io CO 11 20 opened the meeting with prayer. Balance The proceeduigs of the last meeting in Treasur}', .$110 90 at Monroeville were read by P. N. The foUoAving officers were then Schuyler, Esq., and ai^proved. elected for the ensuing year: The annual report of the Secretary President—Piatt Benedict, Nor- was then read and approved. It re- walk. ferred to the flattering financial con- Vice Presidents—G. H. Woodrafl", dition of the Society successful —the Peru ; Z. Phillips, Berlin ; E. Bemiss, publication of the Sixth volume of Groton ; J. H. Niles, Norwich ; Hosea the Pioneer, and the success which Townsend, New London. has crowned the labors of the Society Recording Secretary—Charles P. in collacting and publishing the Wickham, Norwalk. Historical Records of thirty-one of Corresponding Secretaries—F. D. the thirty-two townships embraced Parish, Sandusky; P. N. Schuyler, in their organization. It recom- Norwalk. mended that efforts be made to se- Directors—C. A. Preston, F. D. ; THE FIRE LANDS PIONEER. [June, 1866. Parish, Z. Phillips, P. N. Schuyler, By Judge Charles Standart, of D. H. Pease. Auburn, N. Y., the New England Biographer—S. 0. Parker, Green- weekly Journal, dated April Sth, field. 1728. Keeper of Cabinet—R. T. Rust, By Dean Clapp, Peru, a Confeder- Norwalk. ate States Treasurj^ Note, obtained The roll of Township Historical by his son, Lieutenant H. S. Clapp, Committees was called, and Messrs. 19th Regiment U. S. C. T., at Rich- C. E. Newman, Martin Kellogg and mond. J. H. Niles Avere appointed a special By Elon Gibbs, New Haven, The Committee to report at the afternoon Ohristiaii Observer, Vol. 2, a period- session tiie names of suitable per- ical published in England in 1803 sons to fill vacancies. two letters to General Hull on his Rouse Ely, Esq., of New Haven, conduct as a soldier, &c., 1821 ; an ex- presented a genealogical sketch of position of Church Catechism, print- Hiram Rogers, of Plymouth, written ed in London about 1717 ; the Psalms by himseH—a lineal descendant of of David, printed in 1716, with tunes the ninth generation from John and "rules for learning to sing." Rogers, the martyr. By John F Green, Perkins, a The Constitution was then read Methodist Almanac for 1836, being and twenty-eight persons became the third of its publication. members of tlie Society, when a By E. B. Harrison, Norwalk, late recess was taken until half-past one, of the 123d Regiment O. V. I., a f100 P. M., during which the members eight per cent. Confederate Bond, enjoyed the hospitality of the citi- with coupons. zens of Norwalk. By E. J. Waldi-on, Hartford, a pew'ter spoon made by himself in AFTERNOON SESSION. 1821, in Canterbery (now Hartland,) The Session was opened by singing from an old pewter platter, formerly to the tune of Ijenox, '' Bloiv Ye the owned by his grandmother, and cast Trumpet, Bloin" after which the in moulds use'd by his grandfather special Committee appointed for that about one hundred vears ago- purpose at the morning session, rec- By C.
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