x This Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF POLHDEL, MADISON One Section MABLUOnO, MATAWAN AND d6 PAGES MATAWAN BOROUGH Member Member 90th YEAR '—- 5th WEEK National Editorial AMOcl«tlo« MATAWAN, N... J, THURSDAY, JULY'S!, 1958 Ntw faroy I'reni Atioclnlbn Single Copy ten Cents Boarding Home Matawan Home Destroyed In Saturday Blaze Holmdd Needs Proceeds From "Lemon" Sale Madison Board Gains Approval Radar Speed Unit Appoints Nurse Residential Zone Chief Phillips Aslct Opposition Losoi ; In Ravine Dr. Area l!or Check On Autos Move To Got Delay . .Matawan Zoning Board of Police Chief Joseph Phliiips -Appointment of a school • Adjustment Monday voted to recommeijded to the Holmdel mrse. split :'i|ie .Madison Town- recommend to the borough Township committee Thurs- lilp Hoard of Education at a council a variance be granted day a radar speed check should locliil mpcllnti Thursday, The Mrs. Else Schefe for property be purchased ot a oost of $500. )iml nlso tried Ineffectually to at the northeast corner ol Ra- ;et somcwlu'ic on hlrliiR an ad- vine Dr. and Aberdeen Rd., so Mayor Jnmes H. Ackeraon re- nliilslnitlvc assistant to ported tlw type recommended : that the house located there In •trnlftltlen out tho Jumbled a Class "A" residential z 6 n e by the clilel had proven satis- ichool bus trannportnlloii prob- may be used as a boarding factory In use In Shrewsbury pin during Un' month of Aug- bpme. Township. The' mayor believed ist, The board imposed tha re- such n unit would bo excellent Miss Carol Dclbnsco, as striction there must be r.o al- fof use on Holmdel Rd. In the ihnlrinnn of Hip heallli com- teration or the external struc- Hajlct area, and If an agree- nltteo, recommended the up- ture ol the house. The board ment could be mads with Kur- loiii'tinenl of MiK. Boris Me will allow changes In the inter- itall Township, on Bethany Rd. Julrc Lnui'once llnibor, f or ior to suit the ueedg of the )\e inuic's pont tit u >:il!00 so), T h> latter road forms the business to be conducted there. ry, Robert LaMura, Matawan, boundary between the two attorney for the applicant, ex- townships. Aria Hlnkle, manager of the J, J, Newberry Co, Blare, Btrutley Kordnlnsltl, former plained that the boarding house iVeit Front St., Koyporl, mrvesx more than 500 kmom, Irft lonrd. prrsldenl, -askrd w h y was not to be confused with a j Plans for renovating the for- by patrons lait week who took advantage ol Nowborrjr'i .Irs. Mcaulre Was given iirof- nursing home. He said that aj mer, school building at Craw- 'Lemon" gale. Idea was to pay full prior (or nn arlloln on rence over other applicants, boarding home Is one In which lord's Corner Tor a municipal iiilo and receive a xeeond item for ono lumon. Mr, lllnklo i of whom Intel luvd UH much there Is allowed only one bed hall ran into something of a mid lie Ima barrela of lemonaile on aaln tills week,. l live year's experlenco In patient, according to the State snog with th» report that there ehool work, lie quenllonod If Department of Institutions and was only $1150 In the oapltal t wore becnuao Mrs. McClulrc Agencies ruling; all others Improvement fund. Commit iaa "a local lesldi-nl" and the must' be able to get about and teeman Ernest E. Poseux, In Tri'County Sale Building Permit nrnoit with the nt-htiol cxppr- charge of the project, wos con- I'nco (till not como from the . take care of themselves. He fident a means of overcoming owiislup. • acknowledged the original ap- this difficulty could bo found, Urged In Voting Use Is Queried l'nlly Oimllflrd r«r I'onlllon plication had {ggeclfled only the Mayor . Ackorson informed five persons were to be k e p t Full Report Promised Stockholders At Marlboro Owner Sees Miss Ufllianco nxplalni-d that Peter Qenovese, representing Mm, Mcaulio wan a vrulnliM-- there that the state .will allow, Matawan Family New Town Hall the township board of educa- ' Freehold Meeting Assessment Avoided for any boarding home, but he . Jasper Johnson, of the Jo* cd nuran and fully qualified In scph J. Seaman Co., Perth tion, a second pump, for tho acknowledged now it was plan- 8evcn-liundred-imd-«lxly oua A requost for tho display of icr opinion, to perform school ' Amboy, who Is conducting a present tank would not bo in- ned to have eisht persons at Flees Home Fire Jail Damaged oninrstockholders of the Trl- ulldlng permits to avpld coil' duties, Uhe nototl Mrs. Mo- thorough audit of Matawan stalled at Crawford's Corner the house as the state Inspec- Countyi'Iiuial ,Eleolrlo,-Co,,| olrHcllon,—additions ~anil-|m' Quire liad.aoniiied.iiBL»ervlQes,.., Sister Saved Lives Township books, said yester- Unruly Prisoner In School so the 1)ohfd""nrfd"this tors had-declded it could com- inc., by a margin ot better than provements to houses and otti- o school ami other olvlo needs . day he will issue a complete township could keep their use fortably hold that many as the Matawan Twp. Cell 10 to ono, have voted U> author- ir structures uelnff miulo with n emoiRfiicles without- com- Of Two Young Boys report onjils findings as soon of gasoline recorded separate- ise tho cooperative'* board of But IJ. being reporled to the as lenantlon. , . .. '. - -.-•• . '232-by-156-foDt grounds were as the audit is completed. ly, The mayor- averred thai"M A Matawan mother and one A violent outburst by a Cliff- directors to negotiate with' tho iDsi'dr, wns naked by ICnilnley ample for it. The audit was ordered to de- the gasoline would be deliver- David Wuison cliBlltumed Mr. " oi her three daughters suffer- wood youth yesterday resulted Jersey Central Power and Doyce, a spectator at tho Mnrl- Question Raised termine the exact amount of ed, to tho tank In the.township's oi [lBliiJikl'a trui> intoroat - in ed second degree burns Satur- in his being given one year In Light Co, for the possible sale b o r o Townnhlp Committee Question was raised If there public funds allegedly em- name and the two pumps mllei^tliwf "this one nppolnt- day as gasoline exploded and the county Jail with a suspend- of Trl-Counly to the larger util- Thursday, He snlrt he knew of might be many more persons bezzled by former Township would be drawing from the • lienl nut of S3 on the atuff." brought to the house U the burned out their home at 21 ed sentence, $100 fine arid $5 same tank, the separate ie; ity. ' •-.. hrce auch .undertaking* In his te notod tho lionllh cvminltlen Collector Charles J. Kelly. • costs and then put on a year's necllon of tho township on board did not impose a restric- New Brunswick Ave., Mata- Sir. Johnson said he Is cordlngs would bo mcarrlnglMB The vole was rocorded at ft wan glvnii ii free lmnd-tn the tion. After some deliberation, wan. Mrs. Frank Shea and her probation by Magistrate Luth- and tlio now pumr an extra ex- sppcinl meeting of Trl-Cotinly'a which no building pormltt ever past on choice of IIUIHOB. MIBB "making progress" on the wore shown und thus ho was the members decided that If the daughter. Kathleen, 18, were audit which was begun July er A, Foster, Motawnn_ Town- pense. mcinber»Wi»—nt- the Jewish Belbaeeo obnBl'VPd.Mr*. Mo- State Department of Institu- treated, by Dr. S.M. L"a zo w, ship. Damaging the new town- Community .Center, Freehold. atrly -certniii. Uie- work novcr auh'o mot all Kchuul nurse re- 7 after a shortage reportedly To Compile Ordinances hud como lo the attention of tions and Agencies approved Matawan. Kathleen was trans- was discovered by Mr. John- ship hall- was one of his of- About 500 peraonA were pres- :iulrement», . - ... the premises for more than ferred to Perth Amboy Gener- fenses. On recommendation of Jo ent. Of theui), 314 approved Iho assessor. son July 3. On that date, the soph J. Seaman it Co,, lite aud William Jqyop Joined ••'.Mr.. eight persons, It would be dif- al Hospital.". dipt. J. Edgar Wilkinson, 'opening negotiations with J6V resignation of Mr. Kelly as ltor. It was voted to hire Philip Blacy Matthews, toning offi- Kordilhitltl In wpholillun t h o ficult to make a local restric- township police, signed o o m- t-.h and 30 disapproved. Proxlos , Mrs. "shea, who suffered a collector and treasurer was Costcllo, municipal clerk ol the cer, comtmlrd the commtlteo rlliht of Ininril nicinbiiis ta.con--- tion stand up against the rul- plalnt alleging. the defendant made the fliml tally (107 to 03 sprained ankle when the kitch- accepted and he was charged City of Perlh Amboy, to com' ho luid aakod for a rcuiilntlon ie«i lhaiiuivi) of I ho hoirith lug.from Trenton." ' Joseph Bork, 19, Prospect In favor of negotiating. en of the house was enveloped formally .with embezzlement. pile tlii! nearly 200 ordinance! lo mnkci tlio dl»plny ot a n r d ooniiii Itk'C. He Dhleotcd Hlrtirm- "~H. Conrow Wyckoff, who said in flames credited her daugh- Aye., had caused destruction at Mr. Johnson was named to of tho township In a book form Tho rfrsohilon was offered mnndbtory to certify jH building l> lo Mr,. • .WuUoii'K "I n t n r- . he was speaking for Mrs. Mar- ter, Maureen, 19, with saving the new township hull, as a dis- rcnlaco Mr. Kelly temporar- Daniel 8, Ely, township olerk by John Narzowlch, Marlboro permit liml been ti.kcn uut.
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