4-6 EDWARD VII. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 22 'y j / A. 1905 THIRTY-SEVENTHANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTOF MARINE AND FISHERIES 1904 FISHERIES FRIFTED BY ORDER OF PARLIAMENT OTTAWk PRINTED BY S. E. DAWSON, PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1905 jNo.22—1905]. 4-5 EDWARDVII. - SESSIONALPAPER No. 22 A.1905 ToHis Excellency the Right Honourabte SIR ALBERT HENRY GEORGE, EARL GREY, Viscount Howick, Baron Grey of Howick, a Baronet, G.C.M.G.,&c.,&c., bc., Governor General of Canada. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY: I have the honour to submit herewith, for the information of Your Excellency and the Legislature of Canada, the Thirty-Seventh Annual Report of the Department of -Marine and Fisheries, Fisheries Branch. I have the honour to be, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, RAYMOND PREFONTAINE, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES, ErTAWA, February, 1905. 4-5 EDWARD VU. SESSiONAL PAPER No. 22 A. 1905 ALPHABETICALINDEX TO TIlE FISHERIES REPORT 1904 A PAGE Animal life in Hudson p, . xlviii Antigonish County. N. S., Overseers report and returns 41., 60 Anticoti Island, fishery returns Areas—extent of water Xxiii Armstrong. Wm.. Hatchery officer, Newcastle, Ont 256 B BaitFree.zersystemin Canada Xvi Bait, cold stoi age of, by Peter Mac.farlaiie . 230 Black Bass, breeding and transportation of . xl. Rev View lobster hatchery 243 Bedfordbutchery, N.S 242 Behring Sea (nestion, remarks xlvi Sealing Fleet of 1903 and 1904 xlvi, 220 Catch of Seals 1903 and 1904 xlvi. 224 Bellive.au, A. H., Inspectors reports 150 Bensly, Dr. B. .4rthsir xv Bertram, A. C., Inspector of Cape liret,on Island. report 35 Biological Marine Station, Richmond Bay, P.E.I xiv Georgian Bay XV Bonaventure County, P.Q 145, 154 Bounties Fishing Regulations 10 Statement of claims received and paid 1903 12 General remarks XIX, 15 Statement of claims received and paid since 1382 . 18 Statement of all vessels receiving them, 1903 19 to 84 British Columbia. Reports on fisheries by Inspector C. B. Sword xliii, 214 Reports hy Inspector J. T. Williams xliv Reports on fish culture 350 Seal catch in 1903 and in 1904 220, xlvi List of Salmon canneries and pack for 1903 and pack of 1904 218.xlii Statements of catch and fishing material 221, 223 Visit of Hon. Minister Marine & Fisheries xii Bureau Fisheries Intelligence xlvi I)etailed report on, by M. Mackerrow 309 Report on cod, herring, lobsters, mackerel, salmon, squid, &c 310 to 355 MARINE AND FISHERLES 4-5EDWARD VII., A. 1905 0. PACK 'Canada', D. U. Cruiser.. 303 Carmichael, Alex. U., report on hatchery (C.B. ) 244 Cape Breton Island,(SeeNovaScotia District No. 1) 37 Fisheries officer's reports 35 Fisheries Intelligence Bureau reports 331 Capital invested in the fisheries of Canada xxvii Catelier, L. N., report on fish culture 254 Caviare, its preparation, &c., by Prof. E. B. Prince lxiii xci, Chapman, H.. A., Inspector, N.B., reports... 102 Charlotte County, NB., reports of overseers 98, 109 Coast—extent of Canadian coast lins xviii Coarse fish—methods of extermination by Prof. E.E. Prince lxxi Cod, remarks on 128, 143, 148 Colchester County, N.S., Overseer's report 41, 59 Commissions, Fishery xii Cowie, J. J., Herring curer expert lxxxiii Cruisers, Canadian list of, stations 271) Culture of fish.(Sec 'F '). Curlesv',D. U. cruiser, (Capt. Pratt) 299 Cunningham, F. H., Supt. of Hatcheries, report 233 Cumnherland County, N.S 56 D. Dessve, A. 1., Hatchery officer at Magog 262 Digby County, returns 82 Dogfish reduction works xvii Dogfish, remarks on vii, xxxv, xxxviii, 41, 97, 148. 335 . 298 Dunn, Capt. E. of Dominion cruiser 'Petre . Duncan, A. U., Inspector, Out xli E. Expenditure xviii, I Suhdivision by provinces 2 Fish culture Fisheries Protection Service 5 Comparative statement 8 Export of fish fromCanada xxii F. Fish culture xc Report on, by Prof. B. B. Prince, for 1904 225 F. H. Cunningham, Supt 233 Lobster pounds 231 Re New hatcheries 25, 233, 2411 Reports of officers in charge of hatcheries 235 to 264 List ,, ,, ., xxxiii Hatcheries in Nova Scotia 230, 242, 245 New Brunswick 229, 246, 249 Quebec 229, 253 Ontario 229, 256 Manitoba 230, 260 British Columbia 230, 235, 237, 240 Expenditure 3 Oysters cultivation.(5cr letter 0 '). INDEX vii SESSIONALPAPER No. 22 F—Concluded. PACE Fisheries Protection Service xlvi Reposton, by Commander 0. 0. V. Spain 279 Cruisers, their captains and stations 2711 Expenditure Fishways 153, 188 Fisheries Protection Service Mix/us Virev4i licenses 280 List of U.S. fishing vessels entering Canadian Ports 284 Reports from captains of cruisers 281) Fishery officers, staff xxxi Intelligence Bureau.(See letter 'B '). Bounties.(See letter 'B '). Statisticalstatements.(See letter 'S ') Season of 1904, remarks on xxxiv Ford, L. S., Inspector, report xxiv, 44 Fraser River, B.C., hateherie 235 Fry, Distribution of 228 Recapitulation since 1873 229 Fundy Bay, fisheries 96. 100 G. Gaspé Hatchery 253 County, P.Q 145, 158 Georgian Bay Biological Station xv Gloucester County, N.E., returns 116 Gonrdeau, F., Lt. .Col., Deputy Minister's Report xi Grand Manan fisheries 190 Graham, John, Captain of the 'Osprey ' 80 Granite Creek Hatchery 237 Gnysbornngh County, N.S 42, 64 if. Halket, Andrew, Naturalist, report xlvii Halifax County, N. S., reports 42, 68 Harrison, 11. B ,FisheryInspector xxxvi, 104 Harrison Lake Hatchery. B.C 239 Hatcheries, new 225, 240 Report on.(See also Fish culture). Herring, inprovement in curing by .1. J. Cowie xii—lxxxiii Commission XII remarks on 44, 97, 145, 216 Hoekin, H., Inspector's reports xxxiv, 40 Hurley. J. 1k!.,Inspector's report xl Hudson Bay Expedition (animal life) xlvii I. Intelligence Bureau.(See letter 'B Inspectors of Fisheries, list of xxxii Report from.(Seeea,hProvince) Inverness County. N.S., returns 39, 52 K. Kemp, Ernest. oyeter expert's report 265 Kent County, NB., returns .116 Kent. Capt. W. H., cruiser 'Kingfisher', report 290 'Kingfisher', D. 0., cruiser 290 Knowlton, C. T., Capt. of the 'Canada' 303 Kestrel, 'D. 0. cruiser B.C 299 MARINE AND FISHERIES 4-5EDWARD VII., A. 1905 L 'La Canadienne" D. U. uruiser 306 Lavoie,N., Dr., inspector, report 147 La Have, N.S., fishing fleet 318 Lake Superior 190 Huron 192! Erie 194 Ontario 196 of the Woods 190 LeBlanc, Nap. S., Hatchery officer 232 Lindsay, Robt., Hatchery officer, Gasps 233 Lobsters, remarks on 41, 127, 149 hatcheries, N.S. and NB 243, 252, 263 Lobster pounds 231 Lunenburg, fishing fleet 318 County, returns 74 M Magog Hatchery 262 Marine Biological Station report xiv Magdalen Islands 146, 160 May, Capt. Geo. NI., of the "Constance 296 Mackerel, remarks on 44,144 Manitoba Lake 202 Manitoba, report and statistics of Fisheries hy Inspt. W. S. Young . 201,204 Margaree Hatchery, C.B 244 Matheson, J. A., Inspt. P.E.I., report 127 Miller, E. W., Inspector, N.W.T., reports xlii, 206 Miramichi Hatchery, N.B., report 247 Mowat, Alex., Hatchery officer at Restigouche 249 Moisie and Mingan divisions 146 McCluskey, Chas., Hatchery officer, report 246 Mackerrow, A. P., Intelligence Bureau 309 McPherson, A. J., Overseer, Lake Winnipegosis . 202 Macfarlane, Peter., Report on the bait cold storage 269 N New Brunswick, Report on 1)istrict No. 1, by Insp. J. .11. Pratt 96 2 R. A. Chapman 102 0 3 H. E.Harrison 104 Synopses of Fishery Overseers' reports 98, 106 Statistics of Fisheries District No. I 109 0 2 . 114 3 121 Recapitulation of Yield and Value of Fish 125 Fishing Materials 126 List of Vessels receiving bounties 29 Movements of Fish, Intelligence Bureau 346 Neweombe H. Capt. B.C. cruiser 299 Newcastle, Ont., Hatchery, report 256 Nimpkish Hatchery, B.C 240 N W. Territories, Report by Inspectors E. W. Miller and H.S. Young xlii, 206 Statistics of Fishery, &c 212, 213 North Shore Division, P. Q., reports 146 Northumberland County, N.B., returns 116 Nova Scotia, Report District No. 1, A. C. Bertram 35 2. R. Hockin 40 3. L. S. Ford 44 INDEX ix SESSIONALPAPER No. 22 N—Concluded. PAGE. NovaScotia, Synopsesof Officers' reports 37, 41 StatisticsotFisheries I)istrictsNos.1,2 46,56, 74 Recapitulations, Yield and Material 00,94,95 List of Vessels receiving bounties 19 Intelligence Bureau reports . 310 0. Ontario, remarks on fisheries 186 statistics of Fisheries 190 statement of fishing materials 200 Overseer2s reports.(Seeeachprovince and district). Oyster Culture, hy Mr. B. Kemp 265 remarks on xvi Ogden, Alfred, Hatchery officer, N.S 242 Osprey 'Dominioncruiser 289 Ottawa Hatchery 259 Ostrea '(Dom.Steamer for oyster culture) 265 P. Parker, Wrn., hatchery officer, Sandwich, Ont 257 Pelagic sealing xlvi 'Petrel,' Porn. cruiser in Ontario 298 Pictou County, N.S., reports 62 Prince Edward Island, Report on fisheSg, Inspector J. A. Matheson xxxvii, 127 Statistics of Fk series 129, 140 Fisjiing Material 138, 141 Intelligence Bureau reports 309 Psince, Prof. E. E., Commissioner, report on Fish Culture, 225 Marine Biology xiv Special articles on :—1. The sturgeon industry of Canada. liii 2. Methods of coarse fish extermina tion lxxi Pratt, Capt. J. H,, Inspector, N. B., reports xxxv, 96, 292, 304 Protection Service (SeeletterF.') 279 Q. Quebec,Reports on the Gulf St. Lawrence, by Dr. Wm. Wakeliam xxvii, 142 South Shore, by Dr. N. Lavoie 147 Inlani Divisions, by A. H. Bellivexu and Jos. Riendeau 150, xxxviii, xxxix Synopses of overseers' reports 145 Statistics of Fisheries for Gulf Division 154 Inland Divisions 180 Recapitulation of yield of fisheries 184 Fishing Materials 185 Intelligence Bureau reports 349 R. Revenue, statement of 7 Comparative statement of xi, 9 Report of Deputy Minister xi Report of Inspectors.(See also each province). Restigouche hatchery 249 County returns 116 Richmond County returns 37, 46 Bay, P.E.I 266 Riendeau, Joseph, Inspoctor's report xxxviii Robinson, Thos., Hatchery officer 239 224 x MA R1NT AND FISHERJIES 4-6EDWARD VII., A.
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