THE SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL Subscription Price Vol. XXIII No. 3 50 Cents a Year. JOSEPH HOFFMAN COHN, Editor NOVEMBER, 1940 to solve his own problems and protect his bodies have pledged their co-operation. own interests. We can only hope that he \V e now introduce to you the world's HE WORLD 'S LAST B:L,OADCAST will be left to himself to carry on his am- greates dictator with headquarters at bitious program of internal development. Rome." (Adapted from a Radio talk by Rev. J. F. Holliday, B.A., a Christian pastor of Hamilton Then our radio listener will twin the Then the radio listener Nvill hold his Ontario, and a profound lover of the Jews; dial a bit until he catches the crisp, racy breath while the Anti-Christ, the Man of with additions and revisions by the Editors) tones of an American newspaper reporter, Sin, the one who counterfeits the Lord who will be saying something like this: outlines his program to the Do you "listen in" to the news-casts? "There's more in Britain's surrender world. tie will hear this Supreme Auto- Of course you do, and every time you of the Mandate over Palestine than may crat demand the support of every man catch the news-laden ether WilVe& in your at first appear. For years the Holy Land and woman on the globe. He will hear of radio receiving set, they remind you that has been a source of worry to John Bull. the inauguration of an economic program you are living in a world of chaos and Germany and Italy have both been active that will lift the depression and finish un- commotion, a world of selfishness and with anti-British propaganda, sowing, cent cooperation which will be enforced suspicion, a world weighted with woe, a with considerable success the seeds of fer- by the use of a mark, like the caste marks world reverberating with the tramp of ment among the Arabs in and around Pa- of India, or the fastio of Italy, or the armed feet, a world that. is like the sea lestine. With the multiplied problems that hammer and sickle of Russia. Men will be and the waves roaring, a world in which the Empire has on her hands today, Brit- marked, and those who refuse to co-opera- men's hearts are failing them for fear be- ain is glad to let Palestine paddle her ate in the program and receive the mark cause of "those things which are coming own canoe. It is not likely, however, that will be boycotted. They will be allowed on the earth." (Luke 21; 23, 26) the Jew will enjoy his independence for neither to buy nor sell. They will be Have you ever wondered what the long. Turkey, Russia, Germany and Italy, starved into co-operation. radio reporters are going to talk about in all have their eyes on the Holy Land. RADIO FLASHES Italy has repeatedly asked for the Pales- the days to come? Would you like to CONCERNING CLASHING INTERESTS know? Then open your Bible and note tine Mandate, and students of European how God has predicted the news that will politics believe that it will not be long be- In those dark days, when the Man of form the content of the broadcasts that fore Italy takes Israel's country under Sin dominates world affairs, the air waves are yet to be. her wing, with the ultimate purpose of Will be crammed with news that was absorbing the land in her dreamed of forewritten in God's wonderful Book. We NEWS-CAST CONCERNING Mediterranean Empire." have only space to refer to a few of these THE JEWISH STATE If you don't believe that you will hear news flashes of the future. Some day, it may be soon, the radio some such broadcast as this, study Eze- There will be a broadcast describing listener is going to turn his dial and hear kiel 37, where God predicts the return the strained relations between the World something like the following :— and reorganization of the Hebrew Na- Dictator and the Jewish State. The radio "This is a coast-to-coast hook-up of the tion. reporter will explain how the Jews ob- Commission. We ject to the religious program of the Dic- Canadian Broadcasting RADIO ANNOUNCER INTRODUCES now take you to London, England." tator and how the World Ruler is deter- There will be a pause, and then a cul- WORLD .DICTATOR mined to whip them into line. There will tured English voice will say: "This is Time will slip by, and then the folks be a news flash concerning the punitive the British Broadcasting Corporation, who finger the radio dials will hear an measures taken by the Great Leader to bringing to you a report of recent impor- announcer say: force the stubborn Jews to co-operate in tant decisions reached by His Majesty's "Listeners on every continent. This his politico-religious plans. There will be Government. The British Parliament has broadcast comes to you from Rome. In a radio reports of anti-semet ic outbursts just given consent to the creation of an few moments we will introduce to you the that will pale into insignificance the Jew- Independent Jewish State in Palestine." man upon whom the eyes of the world are hating of Hitler, and the pogroms of Po- The announcer will go on: "Our listen- centered, the man who has seized the land, reports of trouble for Jacob that ers will readily recognize that this is a tangled reins of European politics, and will he broadcasts in which announcers remarkable and an historic step. For has saved the nations from destruction. will niake the world shudder with horror. nearly two thousand years the Hebrew The world has been crying out for a sa- There will be broadcasts in which an- Nation has been dead and dismembered viour, a deliverer, a leader who will bring nouncers will describe clashes between so far as any organized existence is con- order out of chaos, a super-man who will the Papacy and - the Dictator—incidents cerned. Israel has been scattered among give direction not merely to a nation but in a great religions controversy, growing the nations of the earth. Nationally, this to the whole world, a Supreme Dictator out of the Dictator's assumption of the people has been like a heap of dry who will do for all peoples what Premier place and -worship that belong to God, and bones." Mussolini did for Italy, and what. Herr issuing in the final and complete downfall "In 1867, after centuries during which Hitler did for Germany. We have found of the Church of -1Zoine. There will be no Jew was allowed to own real estate in him at last—the World Dictator, the Sa- news-casts describing the disintegration Palestine, Turkey began to lift the re- viour of Humanity. Ten great nations of the Dictator's empire and the division strictions upon foreign tenure of Pales- have united under his leadership. His su- of Europe into two camps, a Southwestern tinian land. In 1917 General Allenby cap- premacy is universally recognized. Not group supporting the Supreme Ruler and tured Jerusalem, ending 673 years of nomic resources of the world at his dis- a Northern group led by Russia and Turkish rule, and this paved the way for posal but the great religious organizations assisted by Asiatie allies. the British Mandate over the Holy Land. are also with him. The Roman Catholic How do we know. that these matters The period of the Mandate has been Church supports him. The Jewish state, will form the content. of boadeasts yet marked by prosperity and development. with its distinctly religious aspect, has to be? Because Ezekiel, Daniel and Reve- With the end of Britain's Mandatory declared its intention of entering into lation contain prophecies of these coming power over Palestine, the Jew will have treaty relations with him. Other religious clashes. Published Monthly, except bi-monthly during July and August by the American Board of Missions to the Jews, 27 Throop Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Entered as Second Class Matter April 4, 1922, at the Post Office. Brooklyn, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917. Authorized December 30, 1937. SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL casts, purporting to be descriptive re- THE LAST BROADCAST OF THE AGE AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS ports of an invasion of the earth by orri- TO THE JEWS, Inc. On day the radio listener will turn his lying creatures from Mars. It was all Original work established by Leopold Cohn in 1894 dial until he gets the air-waves from Jeru- fiction, make-believe, a highly imagina- salem. With breathless excitement he will tive tale, produced in England, and adap- sit besides his receiving set. And what a ted to America, but it sent a wave of broadcast it will be! The announcer will hysteria sweeping across the continent. say something like this: Radio listeners by the hundred thought it "This news-cast comes to you from was real. Theatre performances came to Jerusalem. The eyes of the world are a sudden end. Church services were in- focused upon this city. The armies of Eu- terrupted. People fled screaming from rope and Asia are converging upon it. their homes. Frightened religionists ran to The forces of the world are about to clash the shrines of saints, or fell on their in the most stupendous battle that men knees in the streets.
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