1 2 12/29/15 4. The judgment of the elders and the glory of God departing from the Jerusalem. Ezk. 11 Ezekiel 11-12 11:1-13 The judgment of the leaders of The prophet Ezekiel has received a vision of the Jerusalem. sin of idolatry against God, resulting in the departure of God’s glory from the temple, 11:1-4 The vision of the leaders at the East providing the reason for their present judgment! Gate. Ezk. 8-11 1) Ezekiel is transported once again being 1. The purpose for the vision was to reveal the lifted up by the Spirit to the East Gate of guilt of Judah. the LORD’S house, which faces 2. The vision was in the sixth year, in the sixth eastward. vs. 1a-b month, from his captivity. Ezk. 8:1a-c * This gate is not the East Gate on the 3. Five years before the final overthrow of wall of the city but the inner court of Jerusalem. the overall temple complex. Ezk. 4. The vision came to Ezekiel as he sat in his house 8:14, 16 and the elders of Judah sat before him and the hand 2) Ezekiel saw at the door of the gate of the Lord God fell upon him there. Ezk. 8:1d-e twenty-five men and he recognized two, 5. The vision was of God in His glory as at his call Jaazaniah the son of Azzur, and Pelatiah and commission, then a hand took Ezekiel by his the son of Benaiah, princes of the people. hair and the Spirit lifted him between heaven and vs. 1c-f earth, taking him to Jerusalem, to the door of the a) Nothing is known about these men north gate of the inner court. Ezk. 8:2-3a-e except that they were princes “sar” leading officials who determined The vision consisted of four parts. official policy. 1. The particular idolatrous abominations in the b) Jaazaniah is not the same as in chapter temple. Ezk. 8 eight, one of the 70 elders, they have 2. The slaying of the wicked in the city, who different fathers. Ezk. 8:11 embraced the abominations. Ezk. 9 3) God reveals to Ezekiel the evil character 3. The glory of God departing the temple, in view of these men. vs. 2 of the abominations. Ezk. 10 3 4 a) God calls Ezekiel again “Son of man” 11:5-13 The revelation of the leaders thoughts. indicating his humanity and frailty. 1) The prophet was once again empowered Vs. 2a-b for his ministry, the Spirit of the LORD b) God describes their evil in two ways fell upon him, telling him to speak. Vs. by what they do, “men who devise 5a-b; 8:1, 3 iniquity” and by what they say, “men 2) The prophet was to reveal the who give wicked counsel in this city”, Omniscience of God by the fact that He Jerusalem. vs. 2c knew the thoughts of their minds. Vs. 5c- 4) God declares their words that are contrary f to God’s words of judgment. vs. 3 3) They were guilty of murder, “You have a) They were saying the time is not near multiplied your slain in this city, and you to build houses”, referring to the fact have filled its streets with the slain.” Vs. that they have fortified the city and is 6 battle ready from Babylon. vs. 3a-b a) By their devices of iniquity killing the b) They were saying, “This city is the righteous. caldron, and we are the meat”, b) By their wicked counsel to not referring to the fact that the city of surrender to Babylon. Jerusalem was impregnable like a pot c) Possibly military coup of the pro- and they would be protected, the Egyptian over against the pro- meat. Vs. 3c-d Babylonian. 5) God commands Ezekiel to prophesy 4) God rejected their wicked counsel that against them. Vs. 4 opposed the prophecies. Vs. 7 a) The word “Therefore” means their a) The authority was Divine, “Therefore judgment is the conclusion of the thus says the Lord GOD”, adonai matter, based on what they were Yahweh. Vs. 7a-b doing and saying. b) The correct interpretation is given b) They were opposing God and regarding the meat and pot, Vs. 7c-e misleading the people and 1)) “Your slain whom you have laid contradicting the prophesies of in its midst, they are the meat.” Vs. Jeremiah about going to captivity. 7c-d 5 6 2)) “And this city is the caldron; for the customs of the Gentiles which are judgment not protection, but I shall all around you.” vs. 12c bring you out of the midst of it.” 9) God killed one of the two men Ezekiel Vs. 7e had recognized. vs. 13 5) God would deliver them to judgment and a) It took place as Ezekiel was they would go into exile. Vs. 8-9 prophesying Pelatiah the son of a) Fearing the sword, He would bring a Benaiah died. vs. 13a-c sword upon them by the authority of b) It caused Ezekiel to intercede for the adonai Yahweh. Vs. 8 remnant as before, falling on his face b) Yahweh would personally deliver and crying with a loud voice. vs. 13d- them into the hands of the f Babylonians for judgment. Vs. 9 6) Babylon was the instrument of God 11:14-21 The preservation of the remnant. which they would recognize at the third 1) The common prophetic formula again and final siege. Vs. 10 identifies God speaking to Ezekiel, the 7) God rebukes their false words and word of the LORD came to him. vs. 14 promised to judge them at a particular 2) God reveals to the prophet the judgment place. Vs. 11 of the people in Jerusalem about those a) “This city shall not be your caldron, who have gone into captivity. vs. 15 nor shall you be the meat in its a) God identifies the house of Israel who midst.” Vs. 11a-b have gone into captivity by three b) “I will judge you at the border of groups, “your brethren, your relatives, Israel.” Vs. 11c your countrymen, and all the house of 8) God would be acknowledge by them in Israel in its entirety.” vs. 15a-e view of the evil life-style they had lived. b) God declares what those in Jerusalem Vs. 12 were saying that those in captivity in a) They had not kept the Law nor Babylon were being judged but God executed His judgments. vs. 12a-b had blessed them by giving them the b) They had conformed to the heathen land. vs. 15f-h nations, “But have done according to 7 8 3) God commanded Ezekiel to rebuke their Law, leaving their pagan wives and words by revealing just the opposite. vs. children. Neh. 1, 13 16 b) Ezra a ready Scribe was present at the a) God acknowledged their captivity was laying of the foundation of the temple. His judgment, “Therefore say, ‘Thus Ezra 3 says the Lord GOD: “Although I have 6) God reveal the long-term fulfillment of cast them far off among the Gentiles, the remnant to the land. vs. 19-20 and although I have scattered them a) This will take place in the Great- among the countries.” vs. 16a-d Tribulation period, the last three and a b) God declared He would be a temple to half years, “Then I will give them one them, “Yet I shall be a little sanctuary heart, and I will put a new spirit for them in the countries where they within them, and take the stony heart have gone.” vs. 16e out of their flesh, and give them a 4) God revealed the short-term fulfillment heart of flesh.” vs. 19 of the remnant to the land. vs. 17 * This promise is also given by * The few hairs he placed in his belt. Jeremiah. Jer. 31:31-34 Ezk. 5:3 b) This will be to enable them to live in a) The promise was not limited to obedience, “that they may walk in My Babylon. vs. 17a-d statutes and keep My judgments and b) The promise of the land God would do them; and they shall be My people, keep, “And I will give you the land of and I will be their God.” vs. 20 Israel.” vs. 17e 7) God would judge those who would not * The land and the people go together, repent, both short and long-term they can never be thought of apart, fulfillment. vs. 21 the two are one in the Scriptures! 5) God judgment of 70 years would have it’s 11:22-25 The departure of God’s glory for the purifying affect. vs. 18 city of Jerusalem. a) At the return by the command of 1) The vision returned to the Cherubim and Cyrus Nehemiah returned to rebuild the glory of God. vs. 22 the city walls, taught them the word a) It had gone from the Holy place to the through Ezra and called all to kept the threshold. 9 10 b) From the threshold to the east gate. 1) The prophetic formula marks the Divine 2) The final departure from the temple was origin of the message. vs. 1 observed by Ezekiel. vs. 23 * Five time in this chapter it is stated that a) The mount of Olives is from where the word of the Yahweh came to Jesus ascended to heaven. Acts 1 Ezekiel affirming Divine revelation b) The mount of Olives is where Jesus and inspiration.
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