VOLUME XI, NO. 6 HAWAII'S FILAMERICAN TRlBUNE, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1951 HONOLULU, T. H. 10 CENTS PER COPY REDSP. I. Commerce Secretary Says STILL THREAT IN P. I. C o l. Soriano to Con­ Gen Castaneda quits Philippines Look for Tourist Trade tinue as head P. A. L Communism Still Real Peril as chief of staff. Signs of better times trillio n . But the country is BOSTON — The Communist “They also have an indoctri- Philippines only slowly and sometimes con menace still exists in the Philip- nation school system scattered in MANILA, May 31—A one- President Elpidio Quirino has fusedly struggling back toward pines despite execution and. im- the Huk-infested mountain areas year contract continuing Col. An­ signed a, legislative bill creating normal. prisonment of native leaders, a which they call Stalin univer- dres Soriano as president and So­ M ANILA, —M aj. Gen. M ari­ a Philippine tourist bureau. The Outside M anila good hotel accommodations Philippine government official re- sity, ” Mr. Balmaceda declared, riano Y. Compania as manager of ano M. Castaneda has resigned a; bill carries an appropriation of — accommoda­ ports here. The Philippine government government-owned Philip­ chief of staff of the Philippines $75, 000 for operation during the tions which will satisfy the lux­ Cornelio Balmaceda, secretary has adopted a program of mili- pines Air Lines was signed W ed­ armed service. His resignation coming fiscal year. The bureau ury loving American traveler — of commerce and industry for the tary and economic measures to nesday. was promptly accepted by President will attempt to revive the tourist are rather few. And M anila it­ Philippine republic, speaking b e- combat communism, he said, Justice Secretary Jose P. Elpidio Quirino. trade of the Philippines. self is greatly overcrowded and, fore the annual banquet of the These include increased counter- Bengzon, chairman of the board His move leaves the way open Approval of this bill and es­ at times, American travelers must Harvard Business School asso- intelligence, strong armed forces, which has a majority of government for Brig. Gen, Calixto Duque, tablishment of the bureau shows “watch their steps” to keep out ciation declared Saturday n ight: increased food production, elim- appointed members, and who was named acting chief of two things: of trouble with lawless elements. Col. Soriano, Spanish born na- staff the. day Gen. Castaneda’s 1—The worst of the “Huk Even with these handicaps, "The T hmenace e m eof a ncommunism c e o f ination of graft and corruption education turalized American who served departure for Washington in Jan­ menace” is over. The lawless travel in the Philippines is ex­ still exists and will continue to and development of farm lands. on the staff of Gen. Douglas Mac­ uary, to assume the title as well as Hukbalahaps (a semi-political, tremely interesting. And the exist as long sa the Communist Referring to Communist at- Arthur during the war, inked the the duties of the top military semi-bandit type) are being sub­ people are friendly to Americans, organization is not completely acks on Americans in the island agreement which brought to a leader" of the Philippines. dued; their operations much re­ naturally hospitable, conditions wiped ou t and the conditions republic M r. Balmaceda said: close a six-week controversy. National Defense Secretary duced and the ignorant forces of of travel, especially by air, are upon which it feeds are not whol­ “The real objective in these oriano, accusing some members Ramon Magsaysay has made the wily leaders are being dis­ excellent within the archipelago. ly changed. series of attempts against Amer­ of the board of “undue in­ secret of the fact he was dissat­ illusioned. Hawaii can well afford to en­ “It will continue to exist as icans, ’’ he said, “was to stir up terference” and lack of confi­ isfied with Gen. Castaneda 2—Thoughtful Filipinos real­ courage tourist travel to the as the Comintern American feeling against the dence” in the management, had chief of staff, since the secretary ize that tourists bring “new Philippines. In fact, the “resort tinue to threaten the peace of the Philippines so that aid and threatened to resign unless opera- took over the cabinet last fall. money” into their country; and countries” of die Pacific can ef­ world” operation in private hands, He said the Army staff was the Philippines sorely needs all fectively coordinate their efforts. Mr. Balmaceda said docu- stop. ” top executives had loaded with political favorites the dollars and dollar credits This wor ld attract the attention ments seized from the 26 Philip- The Philippine official term- announced they would follow him under Gen. Castenada and more they can get. of millions of Americans to the pine leaders disclosed “that an ed “one o f th e most effective t of the air line. officers were spending the nights The Philippines have much great Pacific area, and give such all-out revolution led by the measures” against the Commu- The new contract, it was re­ and week ends with their fami­ to offer tourists who will recog­ travelers a wide choice of vaca­ Communists was to have started nists has been the gift of land to ported provides that the manage­ lies in M anila than were in the nize, and accept, the conditions tion spots. last November, 1 9 5 0 ... and the dissident Communists, ment shall submit monthly bud­ fields with troops against the of the country into which they Once a tourist has come into leaders planned to deliver the “One of the new settlements, ” gets and any proposed changes of H uks. g o . the Pacific — breaking the Eu­ country to Soviet Russia. ” h e s a id . “is exclusively for sur- routes and fares to the board in Then Gen. Castaneda was sud­ The great Philippine archi­ ropean or South American or He said the Philippine Com-, rendered former Communists advance. denly “ordered” by M r. Quirino pelago was terribly devastated in Caribbean habit — that tourist munists have a “very elaborate who are now living in content- to accompany Foreign Affairs World W ar II. Great achieve- becomes an enthusiastic sales­ organization, " including a na- ment, happier and wiser. firm Secretary Carlos P. Romulo to ments h a v e been wrought in re- man for future Pacific travel. DUQUE NAMED P . I. W ashington on a "military miss tional congress, a politburo and believers in the free and demo- CHIEF OF STAFF special warfare division. cratic way of life. ” ion” MANILA, May 31 — Presi­ Dock Firms, Union May Draw The “mission” of Gen. Cast­ U . S. OFFICIALS SEEK TO HEAD OFF dent Elpidio Quirino today aneda in Washington puzzled Youth Commission’s Work named Calixto Duque chief of New Contract to Avert Strike American military and state de­ SHIP TIEU P staff and promoted him to major- partment officials here. They said they knew of no general. Hawaii longshore employers and the ILWU may negotiate a WASHINGTON, — Federal mediators today scheduled peace reason for direct talks between Limited by Lack of Funds Gen. Duque who had been acting new contract, if necessary, to avert a work stoppage June 15, The talks with spokesmen far ship radio operators and licensed engi­ chief succeeds M aj. G en. the Philippines army chief and Severe limitation on the work of the territorial commission Star-Bulletin learned today. neers as the government stove to avert a possible national mari­ Mariano M. Castaneda, who re­ when both Ambassador Myron children and youth is foreseen. “Off the record” discussions between the employers and the un­ time strike at midnight Friday. tired. ion looking toward this contingency have been held already, is was the national defense department The 1951 legislature made no appropriation for the 1951-53 bien­ M. Cowen and the commander , Cyrus S. Ching, federal mediation chief, asked representatives He had been the actual com­ reported. nium to support and expand the work of the commission. mander since Gen. Castaneda T he Intention is to write a greement exceeds the 10 per of the joint United States mili­ of the American Radio associa­ This situation is drawn to public attention by an information January for Washington contract giving longshoremen cent wage ceiling. tary advisory group, M aj. Gen. tion (CIO ) to a meeting Wed­ wage hike well over the 3. 4 per Bulletin” dated June 1, just is­ to obtain Increased military aid the same benefits they have been A wage board panel handl­ Leland S. Hobbs, were in daily nesday and the Marine Engineers cent general increase offered by sued by the commission. he profession- promised but in a form acceptable in g urgent cases was to have touch with Mr. Quirino and the Beneficial association (CIO) to the shipping companies. MRS. ANTHONY IS CHAIR Philippines national defense de­ y a 3 v " c e E x e cutive to the wage stabilization considered the Hawaii (appli­ conference T hursday. PHILIPPINE AIR LINES MAN retary and cation Tuesday but apparently partment. BOTH UNIONS, along with Mrs. J. Garner Anthony is HENRY A. WHITE R EPO R TS $291, 211 It adds that w ill be New contract talks would did not get around to it. No one here has ever dis­ the National Maritime Union PROFIT FIRST QUARTER chairman and Francis M. Okita available for bor island STARTS DRIVE Longshore employers say closed why Gen. Castaneda was AT A LUNCHEON be started if the wage board in (CIO) have demanded wage Philippine Air Lines reports is executive secretary of the commissioners Meet- Washington rejects the agree­ they would have heard from ordered to leave Gen.
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