Kerala Gazette No. 6 dated 5th February 2019. PART III COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE LAND FAIR VALUE NOTIFICATION THIRUVANANTHAPURAM DISTRICT Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw Pn√m IfIvSdpsS \S-]-Sn{Iaw (lm-P¿: tUm. sI. hmkpIn, sF. F. Fkv.) \º¿ _n20˛C˛131244/2018. 2019 P\phcn 10. hnjbw :—`qan-bpsS \ymb-hne \n›-bn-®-Xn-t∑-ep≈ A∏o¬ Xo¿∏m°n DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂Xv—kw_-‘n®v. ]cm-a¿iw:—1. {io. tKm]m-e-Ir-jvW≥ \mb¿, hn. Cu Imcym-e-b-Øn¬ ka¿∏n® A∏o¬ At]-£. 2. s\Sp-a-ßmSv B¿. Un. H. Imcym-e-b-Ønse 29-˛9-˛2018-˛se Pn1-˛13597/18--˛mw \º¿ \ymb-hne ip]m¿i. 3. {io. tKm]m-e-Ir-jvW≥, 3033/18, 3034/18 F∂o \º-cmbn s\Sp-a-ßmSv Fkv. B¿. H.-˛-bn¬ cPn-ÿ sNbvX hn¬∏\ Icm¿.- s\Sp-a-ßmSv Xmeq°n¬ s\Sp-a-ßmSv hnt√Pn¬ tªm°v 36-˛¬ dok¿sΔ 580/18, 581/21 F∂n-h-bn¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan°v tIcf Ãmºv (^nIvtkj≥ Hm^v s^b¿ hmeyp Hm^v em≥Uv) dqƒkv, 1995 {]Imcw B¿. Un. H. \n›-bn® \ymb-hne ]p\-]-cn-tim-[n®v Ipdhp sNbvXp \¬Ip-∂-Xn\v {io. tKm]m-e-Ir-jvW≥ \mb¿, hn. ]cm-a¿iw (1) {]Imcw A∏o¬ At]£ ka¿∏n®ncp∂p. dok¿sΔ 580/18-˛¬ Dƒs∏´ `qansb Residential plot with Corp/Municipal/Panchayat Road Access C\-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-SpØn Hcp Bdn\v ` 10,00,000 (]Øv e£w cq] am{Xw)˛w 581/21-˛¬ Dƒs∏´ `qansb (Residential plot with NH/PWD Road Access) C\-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-SpØn B¿ H∂n\vv ` 12,00,000 (]-{¥≠v e£w cq] am{Xw)˛w BWv \ne-hn¬ \n›-bn-®n-´p-≈-Xv. Snbms‚ At]£bpsS ASnÿm\Øn¬ s\Sp-a-ßmSv B¿.-Un.-H.˛¬ \n∂pw \ymb-hne ip]m¿i ]cm-a¿iw (2) {]Imcw e`y-am-°n-bn-cp-∂p. Sn \ymb-hne ip]m¿i ]cn-tim-[n-®-Xn¬ \n∂pw Sn `qan-bpsS ap≥`mKw tdmUn-t\mSv tN¿∂v hmWnPy {]m[m-\y-ap-≈Xpw ]nd-In-te°v tdmUn¬ \n∂pw H∂c ao‰dpw AXn¬ IqSp-Xepw XmgvN-bnepw ImW-s∏-Sp∂p F∂pw ]cm-a¿iw (3) {]Imcw I£n-Iƒ lmP-cm-°n-bn-cn-°p∂ hn¬∏\ Icm-dns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ \ymb-hne \n›-bn®p \¬I-W-sa∂pw B¿. Un. H. ip]m¿i sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂p. sU]yq´n If-IvS¿ (F¬.-B¿.) ]cmXnI£nsb 26-˛10-˛2018, 11-˛12-˛2018 F∂o Xob-Xn-I-fn¬ t\cn¬ tI´p. hnNm-cW thf-bn¬ \ne-hn¬ H∂m-bn- InS°p∂ At]£m `qansb sks‚m-∂n\v ` 4 e£w {Ia-Øn¬ hn¬°m≥ kΩ-Xn®v hn¬∏-\-°cm¿ Fgp-Xn-b-Xns‚ ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ \ymb-hne \n›-bn®v \¬I-W-sa∂v Bh-iy-s∏-´p. Cu kml-N-cy-Øn¬ (tIcf Ãmºv ^n-Ivtk-j≥ Hm^v s^b¿ hmeyp Hm^v em≥Uv) dqƒkv 1995 dqƒ 5 {]Imcw Snbms‚ At]-£-bn≥ta¬ kzo-I-cn® \S-]Sn hnhcw NphsS tN¿°p-∂p. DØ-chv s\Sp-a-ßmSv Xmeq°n¬ s\Sp-a-ßmSv hnt√Pn¬ tªm°v 36-˛¬ dok¿sΔ 580/18, 581/21 F∂n-h-bn¬ Dƒs∏´ hkvXp-hns‚ \ymb-hne Ipdhp sNbvXp-\¬Ip-∂-Xn-\mWv At]-£-I-\mb {io. tKm]m-e-Ir-jvW≥ \mb¿, hn. Bh-iy-s∏- ´n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. I£n ka¿∏n® s\Sp-a-ßmSv Fkv.B¿.-H.-bpsS 3033/18, 3034/18 XobXn 5˛11-˛2018 \º¿ hn¬∏-\-°-cm-dp-I-fpsS ASn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ s\Sp-a-ßmSv Xmeq-°n¬ s\Sp-a-ßmSv hnt√-Pn¬ tªm°v 36-˛¬ dok¿sΔ 580/18, 581/21 F∂n-h-bn¬ Dƒs∏´ At]£m `qansb 03 (Residential plot with Corp./Mun./Pan. Road Access) C\-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-SpØn B¿ H∂n\v ` 9.88 e£w (H≥]Xv e£Øn F¨]Øn F´v Bbncw cq] am{Xw) \n›-bn®v CXn-\m¬ DØ-c-hm-Ip-∂p. 14-˛11-˛2014-˛se k.-D.(-]n) \º¿ 188/14/‰n.-Un. {]Imcw \n›-bn-®n-cn-°p∂ \ymb-hn-e-bpsS 50% h¿≤-\hpw, 31-˛3-˛2018-˛se k_v cPn-kv{Sm¿ Hm^okv \º¿ 186/18-˛mw \º¿ DØ-chv {]Imcw Sn h¿≤n-∏n® XpI-bpsS 10% h¿≤-\hpw IqSn CXn\p ]pdsa IW-°m-t°≠-Xm-Wv. Gaz. No. 6/2019/DTP/CLR (Fair Value-Supplement). 263 2 FORM 'C' [See Rule 6 (8)] NOTIFICATION No. B.20/E/131244/2018. 10th January 2019. Whereas, it is expedient to publish a notification showing revised value of land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamps Act, 1959 read with sub-rule (8) of Rule 5 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rule 1995, the fair value of the land in Re-Survey No. 580/18, 581/21 in Nedumangad Village in Nedumangad Taluk of the Thiruvananthapuram District is hereby fixed finally as shown in the schedule hereto: SCHEDULE Name of Name of Village and Corporation/ Fair value Revised Classification District Taluk Survey No. with Municipality/ Ward of the land Fair Value by use Sub-division Panchayath already fixed of land ` ` (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Thiruvanan- Nedumangad Nedumangad, Municipality .. 03 10,00,000 9,88,000 thapuram 580/18, 581/21 Residential plot (per Are) (per Are) with Mun./ (580/18) Pan./Corp. 12,00,000 road (per Are) (581/21) Collectorate, (Sd.) Thiruvananthapuram. District Collector. THRISSUR DISTRICT Xncp-ج hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ _n5-˛19713/2011. 2019 P\p-hcn 4. 6˛3˛2010-˛mw Xob-Xn-bnse 515˛mw \º¿ tIcf Akm-[m-cW Kk‰v {]Imcw Xr»q¿ Pn√-bnse Nmh-°mSv Xmeq-°n¬ Dƒs∏´ `qan-I-fpsS \ymb-hne k¿°m¿ {]kn-≤o-I-cn-®n-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. F∂m¬ Sn Xmeq-°n-epƒs∏´ hnhn[ hnt√-Pp-I-fnse GXm\pw k¿sΔ-\-ºcp-I-fn-¬s∏´ kzIm-cy-`qan k¿°m¿ `qan F∂v sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw Nne k¿tΔ k_v Unhn-j-\p-Iƒ°v \ymb-hne \n›-bn-°m≥ hn´p-t]m-bn-´p-≈Xpw Nne hkvXp-°-fpsS ¢mkn-^n-t°-j≥ sX‰mbn tcJ-s∏-SpØn hne \n›-bn-®n-´p-≈Xpw BWv. C{]-Im-c-ap≈ `qan-Iƒ°v \ymb-hne \n›-bn-°p-∂-Xn\v `qan-bpsS ssIh-i-°m¿ ka¿∏n® At]-£-bn¬ Nmh-°mSv AUo-j-W¬ Xlio¬Zm-cpsS At\zjW dnt∏m¿´v {]Imcw \ymb-hne \nivN-bn®v Cu Hm^o-kn¬ \n∂pw DØ-c-hm-bn-´p-≈-Xm-Wv. Sn k¿tΔ k_v Unhn-j-\p-I-fn¬s∏´ hkvXp-°ƒ°v ]pXp°n \n›-bn® \ymb-hne Xmsg ]d-bp∂ ¢mkn-^n-t°-j-\p-Iƒ {]Imcw Xncp-Øn-hm-bn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ B^o-kv, (H-∏v) Xr»q¿. dh\yq Unhn-j-W¬ B^o-k¿ FORM A [See Rule 4] NOTIFICATIONS Whereas, it is expedient to publish the fair value of the land as required under Section 28A of the Kerala Stamp Act, 1959 read with Rule 4 of the Kerala Stamp (Fixation of Fair Value of Land) Rules, 1995. Now, therefore, it is hereby made known to the public that the fair value fixed for the land mentioned against each Serial Numbers in respect of the land situated in the Survey/Re-survey Numbers of the Village and Taluk mentioned against each, shall be as shown against it in Column (11) thereof. 264 3 (1) No. K.Dis.15848/2018/B5. 16th November 2018. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Engandiyur. Name of Sub Re- Re- Re-Survey Panchayath/ Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sl. Survey Local Body/ Division Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ No. of cation per Are No. No. Panchayath/ No. Block No. Division Corporation Ward by use ` Municipality/ No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 144 13B .. .. .. Panchayath Engandiyur III Residential plot 20,000 without Vehicular access (2) No. K.Dis/14276/18/B5. 15th October 2018. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Engandiyur. Name of Sub Re- Re- Re-Survey Panchayath/ Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sl. Survey Local Body/ Division Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ No. of cation per Are No. No. Panchayath/ No. Block No. Division Corporation Ward by use ` Municipality/ No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 67 2 .. .. .. Panchayath Engandiyur IV Residential plot 1,00,000 with Panchayath road access (3) No. K.Dis/9192/18/B5. 8th October 2018. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Manathala. Name of Sub Re- Re- Re-Survey Panchayath/ Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sl. Survey Local Body/ Division Survey Survey Sub Municipality/ No. of cation per Are No. No. Panchayath/ No. Block No. Division Corporation Ward by use ` Municipality/ No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 45 3B .. .. .. Municipality Chavakkad .. Residential plot 75,000 with Municipal road access 265 4 (4) No. K.Dis/12952/18/B5. 17th September 2018. SCHEDULE District—Thrissur. Taluk—Chavakkad. Village—Engandiyur. Name of Re-Survey Sl. Survey Sub Re- Re- Panchayath/ Local Body/ Name and Classifi- Fair Value Sub No. No. Division Survey Survey Municipality/ Panchayath/ No. of cation per Are Division No. Block No. Corporation Municipality/ Ward by use ` No. Corporation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 160 8 .. .. .. Panchayath Engandiyur V Residential plot 1,00,000 with Panchayath road access (5) No.
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