2013- Pocket 2014 Profile Institutional Research & Planning Leadership STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor Nancy L. Zimpher, Chancellor WESTCHESTER COUNTY Robert P. Astorino, County Executive Board of Legislators Catherine Borgia Gordon A. Burrows David Gelfarb Peter Harckham Kenneth W. Jenkins Michael B. Kaplowitz, Chair James Maisano Sheila Marcotte Catherine Parker Virginia Perez Benjamin Boykin II Mary Jane Shimsky Michael Smith Bernice Spreckman John G. Testa Alfreda A. Williams Lyndon Williams New York State Government Representatives Senate Assembly Greg Ball Thomas Abinanti Ruth Hassell-Thompson Sandra R. Galef Jeffrey D. Klein Stephen Katz Andrea Stewart-Cousins Amy Paulin George Latimer J. Gary Pretlow David Carlucci Shelley Mayer Steven Otis David Buchwald 24 Table of Contents ■ Overview ........................................................ 3 ■ Mission ........................................................... 3 ■ Accreditation .................................................. 4 ■ Governance and Organization ........................ 4 Cabinet ..................................................... 5 The Faculty Senate ................................... 5 Faculty Union ........................................... 5 Staff Union ............................................... 5 ■ Facilities ......................................................... 6 ■ Faculty ............................................................ 7 ■ Finances .......................................................... 7 ■ Student Composition .................................... 10 ■ Graduates ...................................................... 11 ■ Programs of Study ........................................ 12 The Associate Degrees ........................... 12 Certificates ............................................. 14 ■ Continuing Education ................................... 15 Professional Development Center .......... 15 Extension Centers ................................. 15 Community Services .............................. 16 Mainstream, The Institute for Mature Adults ................................... 16 The English Language Institute ............. 17 Center for the Arts.................................. 18 ■ Educational Opportunity Center ................... 19 ■ Online Education .......................................... 20 ■ Specialized Services ..................................... 20 The Office of the Disabled ..................... 20 First Generation Students Program ........ 20 JobSTAR……………………………….21 2 23 WESTCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Westchester Community College Dr. John F. M. Flynn, Interim President Overview BOARD OF TRUSTEES David Swope, Chairman Westchester Community College is one of 30 com- Betsy Stern, Vice-Chair munity colleges affiliated with the State University of New York (SUNY). It is the 5th largest commu- Toni Cox-Burns nity college in the SUNY system. Gregory Gaafar, Student Trustee Robin Bikkal, Esq. Located on a 218-acre campus in the center of Westchester County, the college enrolled 13,781 Honorable Andrew J. Spano credit students in fall 2013 and an additional Dr. Norman Jacknis 13,903 (2012-2013) annual non-credit students. Joseph P. McLaughlin The most recent graduating class (May 2013) boasted 1,602 degrees in 51 programs. Dr. LeRoy W. Mitchell Honorable John Nonna Tuition in fall 2013 is still very affordable: $2,140 Yolanda Howell, Secretary per semester full-time with an additional student fee of $221.25. Students attending part-time pay $179.00 per credit hour. COLLEGE FOUNDATION OFFICERS Tuition costs for non-residents of New York State Deborah Raizes, Chairperson are $5,885 per semester, full-time, and $493 per credit, part-time. Ruth Suzman, President Joseph Carlucci, Vice President Jennifer Gruenberg, Vice President Mission Matthew McCrosson, Treasurer Westchester Community College provides Eve Hart Rice, Secretary accessible, high quality and affordable educa- tion to meet the needs of our diverse comm- Prepared by unity. We are committed to student success, The Office of Institutional Research & Planning academic excellence, workforce development, July 2014 economic development and lifelong learning. Nancy M. DeRiggi, Associate Dean Michael D’Alessandro, Research Analyst Sharon Gabin, Research Analyst Naomi R. Dogani, Research Assistant Marci Keon, Office Assistant 22 3 Accreditation is geared towards remedial education students who are also first-generation college students, low- Westchester Community College is fully accredited income and/or disabled. Identified at the outset of by the Middle States Association of Colleges and their college experience, a group of 165 students Secondary Schools, which accredits institutions in are offered a myriad of special academic support the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, services and financial assistance to help them Delaware, Maryland, the District of Columbia, the complete their degree and transfer to a four-year Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Canal Zone, institution. A full-time coordinator, counselor and and the Virgin Islands. office assistant are working actively to oversee the program. The retention rate of students participat- The University of the State of New York (the ing in the program has been remarkably higher than Board of Regents) authorizes the college to award a control group of similar students. two-year Associate Degrees in Arts, Science, and Applied Science, as well as a number of one-year JobSTAR originated in 1990 when Westchester certificates in various program areas. Community College and the Westchester County Department of Social Services began a relationship as collaborative partners. Since the program’s in- Governance and Organization ception, its primary goal has been to assist partici- pants to improve their educational and vocational A ten-person Board of Trustees governs the skills, maximize their earning potential, provide college. Five are appointed by the County Board of case management, counseling, work readiness, and Legislators, four by the Governor of the State; all promote self –sufficiency. As well as being the serve seven-year terms. The student body elects a liaison between the participant and the Department student member for a one-year term. Officers are of Social Services with securing their supportive elected by the Board of Trustees annually. A list of services. JobSTAR is responsible for the design appointed members appears on the inside jacket of and implementation of several programs on campus this booklet. providing services to TANF individuals. The President of the college is appointed by the Board of Trustees and is responsible for the imple- mentation of its directives and for keeping the Board informed on all college matters. Since the college is under County sponsorship, the President is in close communication with the County Execu- tive and the County Board of Legislators. 4 21 Online Education Cabinet: The President is advised by his Cabinet which is comprised of the following: Vice Presi- Online Education at Westchester Community dent/Dean of Academic Affairs, Vice President/ College offers students the convenience of choos- Dean of Student Affairs Services, Vice President/ ing an instructional delivery system and time Dean of Administrative Services, Vice President of schedule best suited to their individual learning External Affairs/Executive Director of the Founda- needs and lifestyles. The college offers several tion for Westchester Community College, Vice approaches to becoming involved in this exciting President/Dean of Continuing Education and new way to learn. Workforce Development, Vice President of Infor- mation Technology, Associate Dean/Director of the In fall 2013, Online Education had 2,972 enroll- Educational Opportunity Center and Assistant ments in 33 courses available online. An Associate Dean of Evening Services. Degree in Liberal Arts/Social Science, Associate’s Liberal Arts and Sciences/Humanities and a Cyber- The Faculty Senate: The Faculty Senate is a self- security degree are all offered completely online. governing body composed of faculty, administra- For more information about the Online tors, and two students. It is charged with the program at the college visit the Online Education responsibility in the Union contract of expressing website at www.sunywcc.edu/dl the faculty’s position to the President in the form of recommendations on professional appointments, reappointments, tenure, sabbaticals, and such other Specialized Services professional matters as educational policy, curricu- lum, student activities, and scholastic standards. A wide range of tutorial services are available to students, free of charge. Developmental students Faculty Union: In 1969, the Westchester Commu- needing tutorial support are assisted by the Aca- nity College Federation of Teachers (WCCFT) was demic Support Center. Many of the senior tutors chartered as local #2431 of the American Federa- are also adjunct faculty teaching in the Reading, tion of Teachers (AFL-CIO) and became the Math, ESL, Science and English departments. faculty’s bargaining agent. On the basis of certifi- cation issued by the Westchester County Employ- The Office for Disabilities Services assisted about ment Relations Board, the County and the college 1,400 students during the 2012-2013 academic year recognized the WCCFT as the exclusive represent- by providing supportive counseling, academic ac- atives of all full-time and regular part-time profes- commodations,
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