2017-18 Nhl Pronunciation Guide

2017-18 Nhl Pronunciation Guide

2017-18 NHL PRONUNCIATION GUIDE The following pronunciations for players, head coaches and officials are listed in United Press International phonetic style: AY long A as in mate A short A as in cat AI nasal A as in air AH short A as in father AW broad A as in talk EE long E as in meat EH short E as in get UH hollow E as in the AY French long E with acute accent as in passé IH middle E as in pretty EW EW dipthong as in few IGH long I as in time EE French long I as in machine IH short I as in pity OH long O as in note AH short O as in hot AW broad O as in fought OI OI dipthong as in noise OO long double OO as in fool U short double O as in foot OW OW dipthong as in how EW long U as in mule OO long U as in rule U middle U as in put UH short U as in shut or hurt K hard C as in cat S soft C as in cease SH soft CH as in machine CH hard CH or TCH as in catch Z hard S as in bells S soft S as in sun G hard G as in gang J soft G as in general ZH soft J as in French version of Joliet KH gutteral CH as in Scottish version of Loch PLAYERS Last Name First Name Pronunciation Aaltonen Miro (AHL-tuh-nehn, MEE-roh) Abbott Spencer (A-buht, SPEHN-suhr) Abdelkader Justin (abdehl-KAY-duhr, JUHS-tihn) Aberg Pontus (AW-buhrg, PAWN-tuhs) Abramov Vitaly (ah-BRAHM-awf, vih-TAL-ee) Acciari Noel (A-char-ee, NOHL) Acolatse Sena (ah-koh-LAWT-say, SEH-na) Adams Collin (A-duhmz, KAW-lihn) Adams Jack (A-duhmz, JAK) Addison Jeremiah (A-dih-suhn, jair-ih-MY-uh) Agostino Kenny (a-goh-STEE-noh, KEHN-nee) Agozzino Andrew (a-guh-ZEEN-oh, AN-droo) Ahl Filip (AHL, FIHL-ihp) Aho Sebastian (AH-hoh, seh-BAS-t’yehn) Aho Sebastian (AH-hoh, seh-BAS-t’yehn) Akeson Jason (AK-uh-suhn, JAY-suhn) Albert John (AL-buhrt, JAWN) Allard Frederic (ah-LAHRD, FREHD-uh-rihk) Allen Conor (AL-uhn, KAW-nuhr) Allen Jake (AL-luhn, JAYK) Allison Wade (al-IH-suhn, WAYD) Almari Niclas (al-MAHR-ee, NIHK-luhs) Alt Mark (AHLT, MAHRK) Altshuller Daniel (awl-SHOO-luhr, DAN-yehl) Altybarmakyan Andrei (ahl-tee-BAHR-MAHK-yehn, AWN-dray) Alves Jorge (AL-vehz, HOHR-geh) Alzner Karl (ALZ-nuhr, KARL) Amadio Mike (uh-MA-dee-oh, MIGHK) Amorosa Terrance (a-moh-ROH-suh, TAIR-uhns) Anas Sam (A-nihs, SAM) Andersen Frederik (AHN-duhr-suhn, FREH-duhr-ihk) Anderson Craig (AN-duhr-suhn, KRAYG) Anderson Joey (AN-duhr-suhn, JOH-ee) Anderson Josh (AN-duhr-suhn, JAWSH) Anderson Josh (AN-duhr-suhn, JAWSH) Anderson Michael (AN-duhr-suhn, MIGH-kuhl) Anderson-Dolan Jaret (AN-duhr-suhn-DOH-luhn, JAIR-iht) Andersson Anton (an-DUHR-suhn, AN-tawn) Andersson Lias (an-DUHR-suhn, lee-AHS ) Andersson Rasmus (AN-duhr-suhn, RAZ-muhs) Andreoff Andy (AN-dree-awf, AN-dee) Andrighetto Sven (an-drih-GEH-toh, SVEHN) Ang Jonathan (ANG, JAWN-ah-thuhn) Angelidis Mike (AN-gehl-EE-dihs, MIGHK) Angello Anthony (AN-gehl-oh, an-THUH-nee) Anisimov Artem (a-NEE-see-mawv, AHR-tehm) Antipin Victor (an-TEE-pihn, VIHK-tohr) Appleby Ken (A-puhl-bee, KEHN) Appleton Mason (A-puhl-tuhn, MAY-suhn) Archibald Darren (ahr-CHIH-bawld, DAIR-ehn) Archibald Josh (AHR-chih-bawld, JAWSH) Arcobello Mark (ahr-koh-BEHL-oh, MAHRK) Armia Joel (ahr-MEE-uh, JOHL) Arnesson Linus (AHR-neh-suhn, LEE-nuhs) Arvidsson Viktor (AHR-vihd-suhn, VIHK-tuhr) Asplund Rasmus (as-PLUHND, RAZ-muhs) Aston-Reese Zach (A-stuhn REES, ZAK) Athanasiou Andreas (ath-ah-nah-SEE-yew, an-DRAY-uhs) Atkinson Cam (AT-kihn-suhn, KAM) Last Name First Name Pronunciation Aube-Kubel Nicolas (oh-BAY-koo-BEHL, NIH-koh-las) Audette Daniel (AW-deht, DAN-yehl) Auger Justin (AW-guhr, JUHS-tihn) Aulie Keith (AW-lee, KEETH) Austin Brady (AWZ-tihn, BRAY-dee) Auvitu Yohann (oh-VEE-too, YOH-han) Bachman Karch (BAHK-muhn, KAHRCH) Bachman Richard (BAWK-mahn, RIH-chuhrd) Backes David (BA-kuhs, DAY-vihd) Backlund Mikael (BAHK-luhnd, mih-KIGH-ehl) Backman Mattias (BAK-man, mah-TIGH-uhs) Backman Sean (BAK-man, SHAWN) Backstrom Nicklas (BAK-struhm, NIHK-luhs) Baddock Brandon (BA-dawk, BRAN-duhn) Badini Jack (bah-DEE-nee, JAK) Baertschi Sven (BEHR-chee, SVEHN) Bailey Casey (BAY-lee, KAY-see) Bailey Josh (BAY-lee, JAWSH) Bailey Justin (BAY-lee, JUHS-tihn) Bailey Matt (BAY-lee, MAT) Baillargeon Robert (ba-LAIR-zhee-awn, RAW-buhrt) Balcers Rudolfs (BAHL-suhrs, ROO-dawlfs) Balisy Chase (BAL-ih-see, CHAYS) Bancks Carter (BANKS, KAHR-tuhr) Baptiste Nicholas (bap-TEEST, NIH-koh-las) Barbashev Ivan (bahr-BUH-shawv, ee-VAHN) Barber Riley (BAHR-buhr, RIGH-lee) Barberio Mark (bahr-BAIR-ee-oh, MAHRK) Bardreau Cole (BAHR-droh, KOHL) Barkov Aleksander (bar-KAWV, al-ehx-AN-duhr) Barratt Evan (BAIR-uht, EH-vuhn) Barrie Tyson (BAIR-ree, TIGH-suhn) Barron Morgan (BAIR-uhn, MOHR-guhn) Barron Travis (BAIR-uhn, TRA-vihs) Bartkowski Matt (bahrt-KOW-skee, MATT) Bartley Victor (BAR-tlee, WAYD) Barzal Mathew (BAHR-zahl, MA-thew) Bass Cody (BAS, KOH-dee) Bastian Nathan (bash-T’YEHN, NAY-thuhn) Batherson Drake (BATH-uhr-suhn, DRAYK) Baun Kyle (BAHN, KIGH-uhl) Bayreuther Gavin (BAY-roo-thuhr, GA-vihn) Beagle Jay (BEE-guhl, JAY) Bean Jake (BEEN, JAYK) Bear Ethan (BAIR, EE-thuhn) Beauchemin Francois (boh-sheh-MEH, frahn-SWUH) Beaudin J.C. (boh-DEHN, JAY-CEE) Beaulieu Nathan (BOI-loh, NAY-thun) Beauvillier Anthony (boh-VIHL-yay, AN-thuh-NEE) Beck Taylor (BEHK, TAY-luhr) Becker Jack (BEH-kuhr, JAK) Bednard Ryan (BEHD-nahrd, RIGH-uhn) Beleskey Matt (beh-LEH-skee, MAT) Bellemare Pierre-Edouard (BEHL-mahr, PEE-air-EHD-wawrd) Bellows Kieffer (BEH-lohz, KEE-fuhr) Belpedio Louis (BEHL-pee-dee-oh, LOO-ee) Bemstrom Emil (BEHM-struhm, eh-MIHL) Bengtsson Lukas (BENG-t’suhn, LOO-kuhs) Benn Jamie (BEHN, JAY-mee) Benn Jordie (BEHN, JOHR-dee) Bennett Beau (BEH-neht, BOH) Last Name First Name Pronunciation Bennett Sam (BEH-neht, SAM) Benning Matt (BENH-ihng, MAT) Benoit Andre (behn-WAH, AWN-dray) Benson Tyler (BEHN-suhn, TIGH-luhr) Berdin Mikhail (BAIR-dihn, mih-KIGH-ehl) Bereglazov Alexei (beh-reh-GLAZ-awv, a-LEHX-ay) Bergeron Patrice (BUHR-zhuhr-uhn, pa-TREES) Berglund Filip (BUHRG-luhnd, FIHL-ihp) Berglund Patrik (BUHRG-luhnd, PAT-rihk) Berglund Victor (BUHRG-luhnd, VIHK-tohr) Bergman Julius (BUHRG-muhn, YOO-lee-uhs) Berkovitz Matthew (BUHR-koh-vihts, MA-thew) Bernhardt Daniel (buhrn-HAHRT, DAN-yuhl) Bernhardt David (BUHRN-hahrt, DAY-vihd) Bernier Jonathan (BUHRN-yay, JAWN-ah-thuhn) Bernier Steve (BUHRN-yay, STEEV) Berra Reto (BAIR-uh, REH-toh) Bertschy Christoph (BAIRT-chee, KRIHS-tawf) Bertuzzi Tyler (buhr-TOO-zee, TIGH-luhr) Berube Jean-Francois (beh-ROO-bay, ZHAWN-fran-SWUH) Besse Grant (BEH-see, GRANT) Betker Ben (BEHT-kuhr, BEHN) Bibeau Antoine (Bee-BOH, an-TWAHN) Bickel Stu (BIH-kuhl, STEW) Bickell Bryan (BIH-kuhl, BRIGH-uhn) Biega Alex (bee-AY-guh, AL-ehx) Bieksa Kevin (BEE-ehks-ah, KEH-vihn) Bigras Chris (bee-GRAH, KRIHS) Billins Chad (BIHL-uhns, CHAD) Bindulis Kris (BIHN-DUH-lihs, KRIHS) Binnington Jordan (BIHN-ihng-tuhn, JOHR-duhn) Bird Tyler (BUHRD, TIGH-luhr) Birks Dane (BURKS, DAYN) Bischoff Jake (BIHSH-awf, JAYK) Bishop Ben (BIH-shuhp, BEHN) Bishop Clark (BIH-shuhp, KLAHRK) Bitetto Anthony (bih-TEH-toh, AN-thuh-nee) Bitten Will (BIH-tihn, WIHL) Bittner Paul (BIHT-nuhr, PAWL) Bjork Anders (B’YOHRK, AN-duhrz) Bjorkqvist Kasper (B’YOHR-k’vihst, KAHS-puhr) Bjorkstrand Oliver (bih-YOHRK-strand, AWL-ih-vuhr) Bjorkstrand Patrick (bih-YOHRK-strand, PAT-rihk) Bjugstad Nick (BYOOG-stad, NIHK) Black Graham (BLAK, GRAY-uhm) Blackwell Colin (BLAK-wehll, KAWL-ihn) Blackwood Mackenzie (BLAK-wud, muh-KEHN-zee) Blais Samuel (BLAY, SAM-yewl) Blandisi Joseph (blan-DEE-zee, JOH-sehf) Bleackley Conner (BLEEK-lee, KAW-nuhr) Blichfeld Joachim (BLIHKH-fehld, yoh-AH-kihm) Blidh Anton (BLIHD, AN-tawn) Blueger Teddy (BLEW-guhr, TEH-dee) Blujus Dylan (BLOO-juhs, DIH-luhn) Blum Jonathon (BLUHM, JAWN-ah-thuhn) Blunden Mike (BLUHN-dehn, MIGHK) Bobrovsky Sergei (bawb-RAWF-skee, SAIR-gay) Bobylev Vladimir (boh-BUH-lehv, vla-DIH-meer) Bodie Mat (BOH-dee, MAT) Bodnarchuk Andrew (BAWD-nahr-chuhk, AN-droo) Boedker Mikkel (BAWD-kuhr, MIH-kehl) Last Name First Name Pronunciation Boeser Brock (BEH-suhr, BRAWK) Bogosian Zach (buh-GOH-zhuhn, ZAK) Boikov Sergei (boi-KAWV, sair-GAY) Boka Nicholas (BOH-kah, NIH-koh-las) Boll Jared (BOWL, JAIR-ehd) Bollig Brandon (BOH-lihg, BRAN-duhn) Bondra Radovan (BAWN-druh, RA-doh-van) Bonino Nick (boh-NEE-noh, NIHK) Booth Callum (BOOTH, KAL-uhm) Boqvist Jesper (BOH-kvihst, YES-puhr) Borgen William (BOHR-guhn, WIHL-yuhm) Borgman Andreas (BOHRG-mahn, an-DRAY-uhs) Borgstrom Henrik (BOHTG-struhm, HEHN-rihk) Borowiecki Mark (BOHR-vee-YHET-skee, MAHRK) Bortuzzo Robert (bohr-TOOZ-oh, RAW-buhrt) Boucher Reid (BOO-shay, REED) Bouma Lance (BOW-ma, LANTZ) Bouramman Gustav (BOO-ruh-muhn, GUHS-tav) Bourke Troy (BOHRK, TROI) Bournival Michael (boor-nee-VAHL, MIGH-kuhl) Bourque Chris (BOHRK, KRIHS) Bourque Gabriel (BOHRK, gah-BREE-ehl) Bourque Rene (BOHRK, reh-NAY) Bourque Ryan (BOHRK, RIGH-uhn) Bourque Simon (BOHRK, SIGH-muhn) Bourque Trenton (BORK, TREHN-tuhn) Bouwmeester Jay (BOW-mee-stuhr, JAY) Bow Landon (BOH, LAN-duhn) Bowers Shane (BOW-uhrz, SHAYN) Bowey Madison (BOW-ee, MA-dih-suhn) Boychuk Johnny (BOY-chuhk, JAW-nee) Boyd Travis (BOID, TRA-vihs) Boyle Brian (BOIL, BRIGH-uhn) Boyle Kevin (BOIL, KEH-vuhn) Boyle Tim (BOIL, TIHM) Bozak Tyler (BOH-zak, TIGH-luhr) Bozon Tim (boh-ZAWN, TIHM) Bracco Jeremy (BRA-koh, JAIR-ih-mee) Bradley Matthew (BRAD-lee, MA-thew) Brannstrom Erik (BRAN-struhm, AIR-ihk) Brassard Derick (bruh-SAHRD, DAIR-ihk) Brassard Matt (bra-SAHRD, MAT) Brassart Brady (BRAS-uhrt, BRAY-dee) Bratt Jesper (BRAHT, YEHS-puhr) Braun Justin (BRAWN, JUHS-tihn) Breen Chris (BREEN, KRIHS) Brennan T.J.

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