OBSERVER Vol. 100 No. 19 March 10, 1993 Page 1 International Discrimination Allegation of unfair hiring practices at Bard College Michael Poirier Page 2 Security Beat Michael Poirier Page 3 Faces of Bard Hoa Tu Fred Foure News in Brief Jeana C. Breton Page 4 Another View EPC Summary of Presidential Commission on the Curriculum To the Author of “Is That Afro for Real?” M.B. Page 5 Revision Revulsion—a critical view of the proposal Sean O’Neill Page 6 Shameless Filler! Matt Gilman “Enough Talk About You, Let’s Talk About Me” Oscar Figueroa and Elise Kanda Madame the Gypsy Queen’s Weekly Horoscope Page 7 Dead Goat Notes Greg Giaccio Pride: the Price of Equality Staci Schwartz International News Review Rueben Pillsbury Page 8 Music and Politics A personal interview with Joan Tower Robin Kodaira Catherine Schieve To remove a position but not to remove a person [Music Program Zero—MPZ] Sebastian Collett Page 9 Richard Teitelbaum Electronics professor on the eve of the next century Anne Miller Thus Spake Daron Hagen The professor of composition has a few things to say Robin Kodaira Page 10 “Drink! Sing! Be Marry!” Middlebury Russian Choir sings at Bard Linnea Knollmueller Classifieds and Personals Page 11 Physical Evidence New York City artists exhibit at Proctor Anne Miller Page 12 Inanimate and Incompetent The disappointing Coach of the Holy Sacrament Michael Poirier Page 13 The Good News Volleyball just keeps getting better Matt Gillman Amer Latif—Bard’s Squash Stud Joel Rush Page 14 In One Ear and Out the Other Matthew Apple Page 15 Excerpt from a letter to Pres. Botstein [Rehiring of Leo Smith] Luan Zherka Copyright Infringement Max Hoeber Emergency and Laundry Fund Dara Silberman Page 16 Calendar Place first clau 1Wr1p here. ltegular Dlle $0.52. lntemat!onallublcrlpt!ons mayvuy. The BARD . V 0 L U ME 1 0 0 * N U M B E R 1 9 BAR D C 0 L LEGe·* AN N- A N··o .ALE· 0 N •'H U D.. S 0 N * NY 1 Z S0 4 MARC H 1 0 .ir. 1'g"g 3 • .~ • • -~ ;; • • • .... \ l ('- ' • • • ~ ' • \ • ~ - 1 .IIi=. • - ..: • ·-~ ~ .... fl \. "! .. Great is journalism. Is not every able editor a ruler of the world? .. ... Thomas Carlyle *Inside* NEWS FEATURES · lnte~rnational Discrimination ? '\ . - Nlf you are going to have international that the College has distributed that much international student employment awards students and brag about it, you're going to money to the various departments to employ could be set up in a special fund rather than have to take care of them," stated Olivier te student workers. American students are being given directly ~o the departments. Boekhorst in an inter- subsidized by the Federal Work-Study Prq­ When a department hires an international viewSundayafternoon. gram that essentially pays for 70% of their student, the fund would cover 70% of their For the past two years, wages and leaves the remaining 30% up to wages in the same manner that the FedeTal te Boekhorst has been the employer. International students are Work~Study Program sponsors 70% of working with students excluded from this federal program, and American student wages. He claims that it is and administrators to their employers must therefore pay 100% of purely an accounting move, and 1'any sec­ rectify what he de- theirwages.Sincesomanydepartmentsare ond-semester computer studentu could de­ scribed as "'the unfair on tight budgets~ it makes better financial sign a program to oversee the College's hiring practices with sense for them to employ mostly American payroll in that manner. regard to internationa~ work-study students rather than the costlier 11Although I have a non-radical, costless, students." After submitting a proposal and foreign students. legal and relatively easy system, it was re­ going through all the proper channels, te Internationalstudentsacrosscampushave jected," stated te Boekhorst as he described Boekhorst's central ideas were rejected over experienced difficulty either finding jobs or the meeting he had with the administration what he described as a misunderstanding, getting enough hours to meet their finandal concerning his proposal. Vice-President and he fears that the discriminatory "bu- award. Some never receive the money that Dimitri Papadimibiou, Dean of Students reaucratic inertia" will continue. was promised to them because their em- Shelley Morgan, Director of Financia1 Aid When it comes to jobs on campus, te ployment opportunities have largely been Gerard Kelly, Controller Charles Crimmins, Boekhorst and others feel that international restricted to student services such as Secu­ and Assistant Dean of Student Development studentsare being discriminated against for rity, Kline or the Levy Institute. Jeffrey Huang attended the meeting last reasonshavingtodowithBard'saccounting TeBoekhorst"ssolutionisintendedtomake Monday where te Boekhorstcommentcd that practices. Both American and foreign stu- it equally advantageous for departments to he could not get a word in edgewise. dentsreceiveemploymentawardsaspartof, hire work-study or international students. 1'1t was very frustrating because I thought their financial aid packages, which means Seventy percent of the money allocated for , continued on page 2 THE BARD OBSERVER March 10 1993 2 News · continued from front pt~ge input is not only feared but re­ money without having to run the is that his system is effective and Anywhere from fourteen to that they would be supportive," jected," said te Boekhorst. ~~n is risk of losing it." Apparently he does not know of any foreign eighteen new international stu­ he pointed out while describing not even given a chance." Crimmins insists that all of the students without a job." He con­ dentsenroll each year, and Huang how he was confronted with false work-study funds must be used tinued: "Jim always open to hopes to ''give them a little more aceusations and hostility from Bureaucratic Inertia and changing the hiring practices demonstration from the student direction before they get here.~~ Papadimitriouand Crimmins. He might jeopardize the expenditure body and that is what we will Te Boekhorst described the job­ feels thathewasnotgiven achance Crimmins has a different per­ of the entire work-study federal respond to. Student advocacy ,.s placement progrant as "'paternal­ to explain himself properly and, spective on the entire situation. In allocation. #We have to make sure very important and I think it•s a istic" and not what the interna­ when he offered to abandon the a telephone interview Monday, we spend that first and then make sign of a healthy campus." Vice­ tional student community was proposal entirely to work with he stated that he believes te sure that there is enough to cover president Papadirnitriol! was not asking for. 'We don't want any them on a better solution, he was Boekhorst the promises available for conunent by press­ special treatment. If any first­ met only with silence and finally wants interna­ made by the time. year students are going to be rejection. tional students institution." Huang characterized the situa­ placed, all of them should." i~t could just be a plain old to have higher Assistant to tion like this: 11 As far as the num­ Te Boekhorst was further un­ misunderstanding," te Boekhorst priority over the Vice-Presi­ ber of jobs available the hiring satisfied by the .~~ad-hoc' measures continued. i'Jf someone was will­ work-study stu­ dent James practices are equal, but when it which do not alter the principle of ing to listen about how this pro­ dents. He ar­ Brudvig com­ comes to what type of jobs are the hiring practices at Bard Col­ posal could be made to work, it gued that the fi­ mented on there, the chances aren't so simi­ lege. 'We are pushing for the wouldn't be a problem." He insists nancial com­ Tuesday that lar." Regarding te Boekhorses structural solutions that need to that the proposal would not pri­ plexities cannot tithe burden of proposal,. he stated that "as an occur and not little emergency .oritizeinternational students over work that way. proof was on accounting move it makes things here and there. Why should anyone else; and it is merely a Work-study is a [te Boekhorst] sense... however in terms of what we have to beg for what we were redistribution of funds already "federally to demonstrate we do with federal funds, it gets promised?" ''Where do they ex­ ear~marked for International funded prior­ that the more complicated.11 pect us to go," he asked. "For two Students designed to bring about ity" and that present system years I have gone the way we're equality. He feels that his proposal Bard College is discriminates. What happens next? told to go, working for change in no way interferes with Federal obligated tospendallofthemoney I challenge him to demonstrate frominsidethesystem,andlhave Work-Study regulations because it is given, or that allocation will concretely rather than rely on Te Boekhorst' s meeting was not gone through with an open mind, none of those funds are being af­ be discontinued. unconfirmed anecdotes that the completely ineffectual. Huang only to be rejected." fected. A simple computer pro­ "Discrimination exists only in present system is unfair." agreed to umicro-manage" the "On one hand, Stuart Levine is gram would differentiate between thesensethatourprioritymustbe Brudvigacknowledged that"in employment of international stu­ asking student leadership for help work-study wages, international to use all of our federal funds/' principle, the proposed system dentsand implement i'immediate with the shop-lifting and security student wages, and regular cam­ Crimmins explained. 'We have would seem to work but the measures" to try to make it easier crises. On the other, Dimitri pus employment. to use our outside funds first and Controller's position is that his for foreign workers.
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