08 12 21 New interventions Accessibility and English as a second for children inclusivity language Volume 29, Number 2. Autumn 2019 The Journal of The Dyslexia Guild Celebrating 25 years of The Dyslexia Guild Welcome Welcome to the Autumn edition of Dyslexia Review. Fellowsofthe Dyslexia Guild: From theleftLaura CareyFDG This issuecontinues our celebrationsfor 25 years of theDyslexiaGuildand andLouise Vander Valk FDG. 50 years of Dyslexia Review.Our Summer Conferencetook place in London in June andwas agreat opportunityfor ustomeetmembers andcelebrate our doublehappy birthday. We hope that those of youwho attended enjoyed theevent andlook forwardtomeeting more of youatnextyear’sconference 50 which will be held at Bath University, a2020event foryour diary. years of Dyslexia Review Dr Robert Savage andhis team of researchers presenttheir findings on promisinginterventionsfor childrenwithdyslexia; interesting international research that investigatesthe impact of carefullyevaluated theory-driven 25 interventionsfor persistent poor readers. We also presentanaccessibility years of the andinclusivity follow-onfeature from ArranSmith,who presentedatthe Dyslexia Guild conference,withhighlights andfurther detailsfor youtoexploreonthis topic. This year’s conference slides can be foundonthe GuildMembers’website. TheDepartmentfor Education hasnow advisedthatfromFebruary2019, adyslexia/ 1,500+ Guild Members, UK SpLDassessment,conducted at anyage,will be accepted as evidence foraDisabled and International StudentAllowance.Where such an assessment is produced by aspecialist teacher assessor,theyshould howeverholdacurrent Assessment PractisingCertificate(APC) at thetimeofassessment.Manyofour assessorsalready hold acurrent APCand in our article on this topic,DrAnna Smith, our Lead Assessor forAPC applications, adviseson 700 current topical questionsfor those with an APCorwho arenow seeking to gainone. books and resources in our library collection TheAutumn issuealsohas guestfeaturesonwidening participation in STEM subjects andEnglishasasecondlanguage, as well as agood selectionofbook reviews from our membersand colleagues.Wehope youenjoy our 2019 anniversaryeditionsof DyslexiaReviewand lookforward to meeting andnetworking with youatconference 1,600 andthrough our Guildmembers’onlineforumsin2020. journals in our online collection KathrynBenzine Editor Contact us: Designed and printed by: ©2019 All rights reserved. Dyslexia Review is Editors: Kathryn Benzine, Headlines MK Ltd, published by Dyslexia Guild /Real Group Ltd. Head of Education and Training 51/52 Triangle Building, Wolverton Park Reproduction or transmission in part or whole Janice Beechey,Guild Librarian Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 5FJ of any item within this magazine is not permitted and Membership Administrator Email: [email protected] until prior written agreement has been granted [email protected] Tel: 01908 014890 by the Editor.While every effort has been made Tel: 01784 222342 www.headlines.uk.com to ensurethe accuracy of the information in this publication, the publisher accepts no responsibility Autumn issue: Advertising enquiries: for errors or omissions. The products and November 2019 Stuart Curry,Head of Marketing services advertised arethose of individual [email protected] suppliers and arenot necessarily endorsed by Published by: or connected with The Dyslexia Guild or Real Dyslexia Guild/Real Group Ltd ISSN Group Ltd. The editorial opinions expressed in Centurion House, London Road 0308-6275 this publication arethose of individual authors Staines-upon-Thames TW18 4AX and arenot necessarily those of Dyslexia Tel: 01784 222342 Action. Images have been reprintedwith the Website: www.dyslexiaaction.org.uk permission of the publisher or copyright holder. Autumn 2019 | Dyslexia Review 3 Contents Volume 30, Number 2. Autumn 2019 05 Membershipnews 08 Promisingnew interventionsfor children whoare at risk of dyslexia 12 15 Accessibility and Assessment Practising inclusivity Certificate 18 21 Wideningparticipationin English as asecond STEM subjects language 23 24 Supportingpeoplewith Book reviews specific learning difficulties 1in6 adults has thereading level of an 11-year-old 4 Autumn 2019 | Dyslexia Review Membership news Jan Beechey, Dyslexia Guild Administrator and Librarian, provides an update for Guild members. SummerConference 2019 This year’s annual Summer Conferencetook place in London andwas awonderful celebration of theDyslexiaGuild (25years of membership)and DyslexiaReview (50years of publication). We were pleasedtohave thesupport of so many of ourmembers andtohear about theirstories andsuccesses. Ourcelebrationsalsohighlighted thepioneering achievements of many individuals who have helped to destigmatise dyslexia andspecific learning difficulties.See our Spring 2019 editionfor atribute to thehistory of dyslexia support in theUKand theDyslexiaGuild websitefor further detailsofour forthcomingevent in 2020.Guild Members canaccess the 2019 conference papers on theGuild Members’website. Resultsfrom ourSummerConferencesurveyJune2019 Those of youwho joinedusinLondon Suggestedimprovements Some people asked if we could to celebrateour 25th Anniversaryof Some of yourequested aforum for reduce theprice of training courses; TheDyslexiaGuild,will know what a those workingwithin theAdultand FE/ they mightliketonotethatwealready vibrantand enjoyableevent it was. HE sectors andwehave nowmade offer discounts on SpecialistCPD We surveyeddelegates to rank the this available so youcan ask questions, courses andadiscountedratefor Guild membership benefitsmostimportant to networkand find advice.Our FE/HE Members on our conference event. them,which were as follows: specialisttutor Alison BarbourMDG Andfinally, someunsolicitedpositive 1. Annual Summer Conference moderates this forumand thereisalso comments! 2. DyslexiaReviewjournal amoderated forumfor Exam Access Iwantedtotickthemall! (inrelation to 3. LibraryServices–National Dyslexia specialists moderatedbyJanet Desmet benefitsonthe list) Resource Centre(NDRC) MDG,APC. Just to saythe CPDtrainingcourses 4. Discounts at DyslexiaAction Shop Others hadasked that thewebsite areexcellent andsohelpful formy 5. DesignatoryLetters forprofessional design andaccessibilitybeimprovedand practice.Thank you. membership grades we will be exploringhow we canaddress Thelibraryservice andtraininghave 6. DirectoryofMembers this within oursoftware. Julie Trisnan been exceptional. 7. Assessment Practising Certificate worksonthe development of thewebsite MUCH more approachable and (APC)applications andisalwayshappy to hear suggestions. energeticthanmyexperienceof…. 8. Guild Galleryelectronicnewsletter Contact herat: trainingcourses@ (other professional body). 9. IndemnityInsurance. dyslexiaaction.org.uk Autumn 2019 | Dyslexia Review 5 Membership news called Dyslexia Guild membership Qualifications Update;itisherethat benefits youcan uploaddetails of Areyou gettingthe most out of your your SpLD qualifications. membership benefits? Many Guild Ourmembership grades Members arehappy to read theDyslexia areawarded according to Review andGuild Gallerybut maybe specialistqualificationsand unaware of some of theother useful youcan then use designatory resources available to them online. lettersafter your name. This is valuable if youwish Step 1: Logintothe Members’ to appear in the Directory Area of Members,asearchable https://dyslexiaguild.org.uk/and go to allMembers andthe generaldiscussion listwhere thoseseeking a MemberLogin thread canbeusedfor anythingelse. specialisttutor or assessor will be If youdonot remember your It is here that youcan ask questions able to find youbygeographicarea username, tryusing your email of othermembers andexperts within or by type of serviceyou provide. We addressand requestanewpassword Dyslexia Action.Depending on howyou canadd your contactdetails such as if youhave forgottenit. setupyour preferences,you canbe email, telephonenumberand website Once logged in youwill seemany alertedtonew postsbyemail so you address,sothattheycan contactyou optionsdownthe left-handside. nevermissathing! directly.Ifyou would likethese details TheMemberBenefits tabwill list Anotherareayou maynot be aware to appear,justemail thecontact everythingthatisavailable to youbut of is the Latest News section.Here detailsyou want to appear to us, Iwould liketodraw your attention to a you willfind vacancies from selected [email protected]. fewhere: providers and requeststoparticipate There arestill morebenefits to Guild Forums, there are five different in research studies or surveys around explore suchasa10% discount on threads which relate to assessment, dyslexia and other specificlearning our Dyslexia Action Shop products Access Arrangements, Dyslexia Action difficulties (SpLD). https://dyslexiaactionshop.co.uk/ Literacy Programme (DALP), and a Just create an account and contact the brand-new forum for Adult, Further Step 2: Update your details Shop to set up your discount. and Higher Education Specialists. So, If you click My Account on the If you have any questions about benefits there should be something relevant to left-hand side, you see an area please contact us. 6 Autumn 2019 | Dyslexia Review Annual Summer Conference Save the Date Thursday25June 2020* UniversityofBath, East Building, Claverton Down, Bath. BA27AY Forall those with aprofessional interest in dyslexia *A networking dinner,accommodation and leisure facilities are available on Wednesday 24th June •Hear expert speakers talk about research and current topics •Network with others
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