CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION - DOCUMENTATION CENTRE STONE PIERRE BIBLIOGRAPHIE / BIBLIOGRAPHY (SEPTEMBER 2009) Centre de Documentation UNESCO-ICOMOS 49-51, rue de la fédération 75015 Paris France Tel: +33 1 45 67 67 70 Fax: + 33 1 45 66 06 22 E-mail: [email protected] 1 SOMMAIRE STONES / PIERRES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3 STONES PROPERTIES / PROPRIETES DES PIERRES ............................................................................................................... 32 GENERALITIES / GÉNÉRALITÉS ................................................................................................................................................................. 32 CONSERVATION - RESTORATION / CONSERVATION - RESTAURATION ......................................................................... 61 CONSERVATION / CONSERVATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 61 RESTORATION / RESTAURATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 90 COATINGS / ENDUITS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 101 CONSOLIDANTS AND CONSOLIDATION / CONSOLIDANTS ET CONSOLIDATION ........................................................................................ 104 RESINS / RÉSINES ................................................................................................................................................................................... 111 CLEANING / NETTOYAGE DE LA PIERRE ................................................................................................................................ 115 WEATHERING OF ROCKS / ALTERATION DES PIERRES .................................................................................................... 124 GENERALITIES / GÉNÉRALITÉS ............................................................................................................................................................... 124 POLLUTION / POLLUTION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 139 CLIMATIC FACTORS / FACTEURS CLIMATIQUES ...................................................................................................................................... 152 BIOLOGICAL FACTORS / FACTEURS BIOLOGIQUES .................................................................................................................................. 167 SALTS / SELS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 177 BUILDING MATERIALS / MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 185 MASONRY / MAÇONNERIE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 185 STONE CUTTING / TAILLE DE LA PIERRE ................................................................................................................................................. 195 PAVING STONES / PAVÉS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 196 STONE TILES / LAUZES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 197 TROGLODYTES / HABITATIONS TROGLODYTES ....................................................................................................................................... 197 QUARRIES / CARRIERES ............................................................................................................................................................... 204 2 STONES / PIERRES ¾ Key-words : alabaster, basalt, granite, limestone, marble, minerals, rocks, sandstone, schists, slate, travertine ¾ Mots-clés : albâtre, basalte, granite, calcaire, marbre, minéraux, roches, grès & molasse, schiste, ardoise, travertin 000490 - Weathering of the Kansas Capitol Building: a study of limestone deterioration. Grisafe, David A. Boston, The Technology Organisation Inc., 1982. p. 26-31, illus. (Technology and Conservation. 7,1) (eng). incl. references. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: deterioration; stone; limestone; weathering; chemical analysis; USA. // Kansas Capitol Building, Topeka (USA) ACCESSION NO: K - 179. 000493 - Decay of stone, monuments and buildings: the role of acid rain. Winkler, Erhard M. Boston, The Technology Organisation Inc., 1982. p. 32-36, illus. (Technology and Conservation. 82,01) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: acid rains; deterioration; stone; limestone; marble; chemical analysis; USA. ACCESSION NO: K-179. 000663 - Méthode de détermination de la vitesse d'accumulation des polluants soufrés dans les pierres en oeuvre. Girardet, T.; Furlan, V. Zürich, ETH, 1982. p. 25-30, illus. (GP Newsletter. 82,3) (fre). graphics, references, use of "method Leclerc". PRIMARY KEYWORDS: deterioration; stone; sandstone; air pollution; rain; sulphur compounds. SECONDARY KEYWORDS: Switzerland. ACCESSION NO: K-86. 000664 - Weathering behaviour of buildings in an urban atmosphere. Niesel, K. Zürich, ETH, 1982. p. 11-12. (GP Newsletter. 82,3) (eng). incl. references. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: deterioration; stone; flying buttresses; sandstone; air pollution; frost; temperature; Germany FR. // Cologne Cathedral, Germany (WHC 292) ACCESSION NO: K-86. 000665 - Weathering of molasse sandstones on monuments and natural outcrops. Zehnder, K. Zürich, ETH, 1982. p. 4-10. (GP Newsletter. 82,3) (eng). translation of contents and of summary of a book written in German. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: deterioration; weathering; stone; sandstone; spalling; efflorescences; crusts. SECONDARY KEYWORDS: Switzerland. ACCESSION NO: K-86. 000672 - Re-opened for business. Toronto's Confederation Life Building stands proud once more. anon. Ottawa, The Heritage Canada Foundation, 1982. p. 15-16, illus. (Canadian Heritage. 37) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: restoration works; facades; decorations and ornaments; facings; stone; sandstone; windows; cleaning; chemicals; Canada. // Confederation Life Building, Richemond st., Toronto (Canada) ACCESSION NO: K-223. 000715 - Über zusammenhänge zwischen Salzkristallisationsdruck and Porenradienverteilung. Fitzner, B.; Snethlage, R. Zürich, ETH, 1982. p. 13- 24, illus. (GP Newsletter. 82,3) (ger). graphics. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: laboratory tests; stone; sandstone; crystallization of salts; porosity; Germany FR. ACCESSION NO: K-86. 000766 - Considerazioni sul degrado degli antichi monumenti romani. Mochegiani, Carpano; Luciani, Roberto. Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte. Roma, Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia, 1981. p. 45-91, illus. (Rivista dell'Istituto Nazionale d'Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte. 80,3) (ita). Incl. bibl. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: ancient architecture; roman architecture; stone; marble; sculptures; deterioration; air pollution; vibrations; earthquakes; iron; temperature; acid rains; restoration works; Italy. // Tempio di Romolo al Foro Romano, Rome (Italy) // Arco di Constantino, Rome (Italy) // Terme di Caracalla, Roma (Italy) // Colonna di Marco Aurelio, Roma (Italy) // Colosseo, Roma (Italy) // Arco di Tito, Roma (Italy) // Arco di Settimio Severo, Roma (Italy) // Colonna Traiana, Roma (Italy) // Colona Antonina, Roma (Italy) ACCESSION NO: K-169. 001013 - Villages chypriotes. Ioannides, Constantinos P. Strasbourg, Conseil de l'Europe, 1983. p. 5, illus. (Un Avenir pour notre passé. 20) (same text in eng, fre). The Rural architectural heritage in Cyprus. eng. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vernacular architecture; clay; slate; balconies; adobe; limestone; stone; cob; flat roofs; villages; town planning; timber- framing; Cyprus. ACCESSION NO: K-18. 001112 - Damages due to formate salts. Zehnder, K.; Arnold, Andreas. Zurich, ETH Institut für Denkmalpflege, 1983. p. 2-4, illus. (GP Newsletter. 4) (eng). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: stone; salts; damage; crystallization of salts; sandstone; deterioration; Switzerland. // Erlacherlof, Bern (Switzerland) CALL NO: Pi. 195 P. 001114 - Studies on fissuration of rocks. Delgado Rodrigues, J. Zurich, ETH Institut für Denkmalpflege, 1983. p. 30-33. (GP Newsletter. 4) (eng). Incl. bibl., tables. PRIMARY KEYWORDS: stone; cracks; thermal properties; ultrasonics; granite; marble; basalt; qualitative analysis; comparative analysis; case studies; Switzerland. CALL NO: Pi. 197. 001407 - Aspects de l'architecture traditionnelle du Gévaudan. Joulia, Jean-Claude. Paris, Caisse Nationale des Monuments Historiques et des Sites, 1983. p. 11-19, illus. (Monuments historiques. 127) (fre). PRIMARY KEYWORDS: vernacular architecture; stone; granite; stone tiles; framings; France. // Gévaudan (France) ACCESSION NO: K-129. CALL NO: A.T. 233 P. 3 001559 - Control of the lichens on the monuments of Quiriguá. Mason, E.; Hale, Jr. Philadelphia, The University
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