Appendix G: Bibliography of ECOTOX Open Literature Not Evaluated Acceptable for ECOTOX and OPP (November 2004) Abdel-Hamid, M. I. (96). Development and Application of a Simple Procedure for Toxicity Testing Using Immobilized Algae. Water Sci.Technol. 33: 129-74. EcoReference No.: 69584 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ,GYP,DMT; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Bednarz, T. (81). The Effect of Pesticides on the Growth of Green and Blue-Green Algae Cultures. Acta Hydrobiol. 23: 155-172. EcoReference No.: 17259 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: 24DXY,ATZ,DU,SZ,MXC,DDT; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP,CEL. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Bonilla, S., Conde, D., and Blanck, H. (98). The Photosynthetic Responses of Marine Phytoplankton, Periphyton and Epipsammon to the Herbicides Paraquat and Simazine. Ecotoxicology 7: 99- 105.EcoReference No.: 62031 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: PHY. Rejection code: Endpoints associated with marine algal communities are not relevant for this assessment. Less sensitive endpoint. Brack, W. and Frank, H. (98). Chlorophyll a Fluorescence: A Tool for the Investigation of Toxic Effects in the Photosynthetic Apparatus. Ecotoxicol.Environ.Saf. 40: 34-41. EcoReference No.: 19272 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,PAQT,FML,3CE,PCP,ETHB,TOL,4CE,NYP; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: BCM. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Brust, G. E. (90). Direct and Indirect Effects of Four Herbicides on the Activity of Carabid Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Pestic.Sci. 30: 309-320. EcoReference No.: 70406 User Define 2: REPS,WASHT,CALFT,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ,GYP,PAQT; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: BEH,MOR. Rejection code: Behavioral endpoints associated with avoidance cannot be quantitatively linked to the selected assessment endpoints. No effect on population abundance at the only test concentration. Cholakis, J. M., Wond, L. C. K., and Lee, C. C. (78). Study of the Chemical and Behavioral Toxicology of Substitute Chemicals in Microtine Rodents. EPA-600/3-78-082, U.S.EPA, Corvallis, OR 54 p. (U.S.NTIS PB-288416). EcoReference No.: 70756 User Define 2: REPS,WASHT,CALFT,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: PNB,SZ,DLD,PRN,TFN,24DXY,MP,PPN; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: MOR. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Connor, K., Howell, J., Chen, I., Liu, H., Berhane, K., Sciarretta, C., Safe, S., and Zacharewski, T. (96). Failure of Chloro-s-Triazine-Derived Compounds to Induce Estrogen Receptor-Mediated Responses In Vivo and In Vitro. Fundam.Appl.Toxicol. 30: 93-101. EcoReference No.: 69587 User Define 2: REPS,WASHT,CALFT,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: ATZ,SZ; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: GRO,BCM. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. 1 Conrad, R., Buchel, C., Wilhelm, C., Arsalane, W., Berkaloff, C., and Duval, J. C. (93). Changes in Yield of In- Vivo Fluorescence of Chlorophyll a as a Tool for Selective Herbicide Monitoring. J.Appl.Phycol. 5: 505- 516. EcoReference No.: 14619 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: ATZ,DU,SZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: BCM. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Dabydeen, S. and Leavitt, J. R. C. (81). Absorption and Effect of Simazine and Atrazine on Elodea canadensis. Bull.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 26: 381-74. EcoReference No.: 69588 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: ATZ,SZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: CEL,ACC,PHY. Rejection Code: Bioaccumulation residue endpoint. Dad, N. K. and Tripathi, P. S. (80). Acute Toxicity of Herbicides to Freshwater Fish and Midge Larvae, Chironomus tentans. Environ.Int. 4: 435-437. EcoReference No.: 304 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,CZE; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: PHY,MOR. Rejection Code: Invalid study: no control data; source of fish is uncertain; fish weight is too large. El Jay, A., Ducruet, J. M., Duval, J. C., and Pelletier, J. P. (97). A High-Sensitivity Chlorophyll Fluorescence Assay for Monitoring Herbicide Inhibition of Photosystem II in the Chlorophyte Selenastrum capricornutum: Comparison with Effect on Cell Growth. Arch.Hydrobiol. 140: 273-74. EcoReference No.: 59914 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: ATZ,SZ,DU; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP,ACC. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Eldridge, J. C., Fleenor-Heyser, D. G., Extrom, P. C., Wetzel, L. T., Breckenridge, C. B., Gillis, J. H., Luempert, L. G. I., and Stevens, J. T. (94). Short-Term Effects of Chlorotriazines on Estrus in Female Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 Rats. J.Toxicol.Environ.Health 43: 155-167. EcoReference No.: 48959 User Define 2: REPS,WASHT,CALFT,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: GRO,BCM,REP,MOR. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Fairchild, J. F., Ruessler, D. S., Haverland, P. S., and Carlson, A. R. (97). Comparative Sensitivity of Selenastrum capricornutum and Lemna minor to Sixteen Herbicides. Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 32: 353-357. EcoReference No.: 18093 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: 24DXY,ACR,ATZ,BMN,DMB,MBZ,MTL,PAQT,SZ,DMM,TFN; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Faust, M., Altenburger, R., Backhaus, T., Blanck, H., Boedeker, W., Gramatica, P., Hamer, V., Scholze, M., Vighi, M., and Grimme, L. H. (2001). Predicting the Joint Algal Toxicity of Multi-component s-Traizine Mixtures at Low-Effect Concentrations of Individual Toxicants. Aquat.Toxicol. 56: 13-32. EcoReference No.: 62304 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Fitzmayer, K. M., Geiger, J. G., and Van den Avyle, M. J. (82). Acute Toxicity Effects of Simazine on Daphnia pulex and Larval Striped Bass. Proc.Ann.Conf.Southeast.Assoc.Fish.Wildl.Agencies 36: 146-156. EcoReference No.: 2897 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT 2 Chemical of Concern: SZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR,BEH. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Fitzmayer, K. M., Geiger, J. G., and Van den Avyle, M. J. (82). Effects of Chronic Exposure to Simazine on the Cladoceran, Daphnia pulex. Arch.Environ.Contam.Toxicol. 11: 603-609. EcoReference No.: 11881 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: MOR,GRO,REP,BEH. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Fleming, W. J., Ailstock, M. S., and Momot, J. J. (95). Net Photosynthesis and Respiration of Sago Pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus) Exposed to Herbicides. In: J.S.Hughes, G.R.Biddinger, and E.Mones (Eds.), Symp.Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment, Volume 3, ASTM STP 1218, Philadelphia, PA 303-74. EcoReference No.: 70739 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: PHY. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Foster, S., Thomas, M., and Korth, W. (98). Laboratory-Derived Acute Toxicity of Selected Pesticides to Ceriodaphnia dubia. Australas.J.Ecotoxicol. 4: 53-74. EcoReference No.: 67777 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ,CPY; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: PHY. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Foy, C. L. and Hiranpradit, H. (77). Herbicide Movement with Water and Effects of Contaminant Levels on Non-Target Organisms. OWRT Project A-046-VA, Virginia Water Resour.Res.Center, Virginia Polytechnic Inst.and State Univ., Blacksburg, VA 89 p. (U.S.NTIS PB-263285). EcoReference No.: 8246 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ,CZE; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP,BCM. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Francois, D. L. and Robinson, G. G. C. (90). Indices of Triazine Toxicity in Chlamydomonas geitleri Ettl. Aquat.Toxicol. 16: 205-74. EcoReference No.: 69582 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: POP,PHY. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Garten, C. T. J. (90). Multispecies Methods of Testing for Toxicity: Use of the Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis in Nitrogen Fixation and Correlations Between Responses by Algae and Terrestrial Plants. In: W.Wang, J.W.Gorsuch, and W.R.Lower (Eds.), Plants for Toxicity Assessment, ASTM STP 1091, Philadelphia, PA 69-84. EcoReference No.: 19243 User Define 2: REPS,WASH,CALF,CORE,SENT Chemical of Concern: Cu,CuS,SZ,24DXY,ACR,BMC,BMN,DMB,LNR; Habitat: AT; Effect Codes: GRO, PHY, BCM,POP. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Girman, G. R. (75). The Effects of a Number of Herbicides upon Photosynthesis and Heterotrophy of Naturally Occurring Algal and Bacterial Communities in Delta Marsh. M.S.Thesis, University of Manitoba 179. EcoReference No.: 13583 Chemical of Concern: 24DXY,MCPA,SZ,ATZ,AMTL,LNR,EPTC,TRL,PAQT,Cu; Habitat: A; Effect Codes: PHY. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Hanioka, N., Jinno, H., Tanaka-Kagawa, T., Nishimura, T., and Ando, M. (98). Changes in Rat Liver Cytochrome P450 Enzymes by Atrazine and Simazine Treatment. Xenobiotica 28: 683-698. EcoReference No.: 69580 User Define 2: REPS,WASHT,CALFT,CORE,SENT 3 Chemical of Concern: SZ,ATZ; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: GRO,BCM. Rejection Code: Less sensitive endpoint. Heath, R. G., Spann, J. W., Hill, E. F., and Kreitzer, J. F. (72). Comparative Dietary Toxicities of Pesticides to Birds. U.S.Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife.Special Scientific Report-Wildlife No.152 57 p. EcoReference No.: 35214 User Define 2: REPS,WASHT,CALFT,CORE Chemical of Concern: SZ,DDT,DZ,PCB,ALD,ATZ,CBL,DLD,EN,HCCH,PRN,PCP,SZ,TXP,DMT; Habitat: T; Effect Codes: MOR. Rejection Code: Data reported for 5 day exposure duration are similar to 8 day exposures captured in Hill et al., 1975 (MRID 000229-23). Hiltibran, R.
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