VII. REPORT PREPARATION A. REPORT PREPARERS LSA Associates, Inc., Prime Consultant: Project Management and Report Production; Land Use and Planning Policies; Population and Housing; Municipal Services; Utilities and Infrastructure; Visual Resources; Alternatives; Cumulative Impacts; and CEQA Required Assessment Conclusions. 2215 Fifth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Lynette Dias, AICP, Principal, Project Manager Kerry Sinnott, Assistant Planner Skip Shimmin, Graphics Patty Linder, Graphics/Document Production Sue Smith, Word Processing LSA Associates, Inc.: Cultural Resources; Biological Resources 157 Park Place Point Richmond, CA 94801 Christian Gerike, Principal, Cultural Resources Manager Andy Pulcheon, Cultural Resource Analyst Malcolm Sproul, Biology LSA Associates, Inc.: Air Quality and Noise One Park Plaza, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 Tony Chung, Ph.D., Principal Keith Lay, Senior Air Quality/Noise Specialist Baseline Environmental Consulting: Hydrology and Water Quality; Hazards and Hazardous Materials; Geology, Soils and Seismicity 5900 Hollis Street, Suite D Emeryville, CA 94608 Yana Nordhav, Principal Tod Taylor, Hazardous Materials Bruce Abelli-Amen, Senior Hydrologist Fehr & Peers: Traffic, Circulation, and Parking 3685 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Suite 301 Lafayette, CA 94549-3763 Christopher Gray, Associate P:\ASO330\Products\Draft EIR\Public\7-ReportPrep.doc PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT 237 LSA ASSOCIATES, INC. DOWNTOWN MARTINEZ DRAFT SPECIFIC PLAN EIR DECEMBER 2004 VII. REPORT PREPARATION B. REFERENCES ABAG, 2001. Projections 2002: Forecasts for the San Francisco Bay Area. December. Alhambra Creek Watershed Planning Group, 2001, Alhambra Creek Watershed Management Plan, April, quote from page 50. Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), 1995. The San Francisco Bay Area B On Shakey Ground. April. Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 1966. BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines Assessing the Air Quality Impacts of Projects and Plans. April. (Amended in December 1999.) Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association, 1999, Start at the Source, Design Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection. Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), 1987. Sea Level Rise: Predictions and Implications for San Francisco Bay. December. Bennyhoff, James A. and David A. Fredrickson, 1994. “A Proposed Integrative Taxonomic System for Central California Archaeology.” In Toward A New Taxonomic Framework for Central California Archaeology: Essays by James A. Bennyhoff and David A. Fredrickson. Bennyhoff, James A., 1994. Variation within the Meganos Culture. In Toward a New Taxonomic Framework for Central California Archaeology: Essays by James A. Bennyhoff and David A. Fredrickson, assembled and edited by Richard E. Hughes, pp. 81-89 (original manuscript, 1987). Contributions of the University of California Archaeological Research Facility 52. Berkeley. Blake, M.C. Jr., R.W. Grayner and D.L. Jones, 2000. Geologic Map and Map Database of parts of Marin, San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa and Sonoma Counties, California United States Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies MF-2337, Version 1.0. California Department of Parks and Recreation, 1976. 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