ISSUE 2 JULY 2015 Sudan Health Sudan Health Sector Quarterly Bulletin Pre positioning emergency stocks in high risk m states as part of AWD/Rainy season Preparedness Plan Inside this issue: Item Quantity Listen To People on 2 Under the patronage of help strengthening the Basic health care kit 200 The Receiving End His Excellency the Vice response capacity of lo- President of the Republic cal authorities in these Health awareness 2 of Sudan on May 31st, areas until the interven- Package of basic 150 campaigns in Kulbus the EHA and Epidemic emergency medi- tion of the federal level cines MoH and WHO coor- 3 Control department of the reaches the affected are- Federal Ministry of Health dinates response to as when necessary. Rapid response kit 20 kits within the framework of The ceremony was at- measles outbreak early readiness for emer- tended by the officials Diarrheal disease kit 20 kits UNICEF continues to 5 gencies held buffer stock from Federal Ministry of support child health in display and distribution Health, other ministries, ceremony. The buffer Reproductive health 86 kits Sudan health partners and rep- kit stock included kits, medi- resentatives of the World Comprehensive reha- 5 cal supplies, pesticides , ORS 150,000 Health Organization, sachet bilitation and opera- spraying pumps etc. pro- United Nations Children's tion support at Guldo vided by MoH, WHO, Fund and the United Na- Ringer lactate 10,000 trail UNICEF and UNFPA. tions Population Fund. Case Study from NCA 6 Pesticide Permethrin 20,000 Project Participant The importance of early The table shows the liters distribution of the buffer items and the quantity Diazinon 5,000 stock is to meet the that had been distributed liters needs of high-risk states to be pre positioned in and areas inaccessible Hudson pumps 1500 high risk states for floods. pumps during the rainy season; Fog Machines 150 Total cost 23,428,946 SDG His Excellency the First Vice President Republic of Sudan at the distribution ceremony of the buffer stock State EHA coordinators receive the buffer stock Page 2 Listen To People on The Receiving End UNFPA has continued mance and enhance the result in some problems supporting its partners in work environment inside especially during big sur- health sector in Sudan as the Hospital. To assess gical operations, but as general and in Darfur in the results of these sup- soon as the new high particular for a long time ports, the UNFPA’s M & E quality generator to achieve one of its Associate has met the reached into hospital main objectives which is Director General of the electricity is now assured to improve the services Hospital in his office at for twenty-four hours. It related to reproductive, the Maternity Hospital in has covered the need maternal and new-born Elfasher who expressed over all units in the hos- health and HIV preven- appreciation to UNFPA, pital which included con- tion. In this frame , UN- saying “ I can assure sultation unit, intensive FPA has provided Mater- that the UNFPA support care unit, blood bank, nity Hospital in North in general and particu- operation theatre, wards Darfur with electricity larly the generator has and other supporting generator, beside other saved the lives of so units such as offices, re- A generator can types of support which many mothers and new- ceptionist and yards. save the lives of so represented in medical borns in this hospital” He also updated on reha- equipment; capacity said Dr Alradi Director many mothers and bilitation process over building of health care General of the hospital. the Intensive Care Unit new-borns in the providers; reproductive He added that, before which been supported by hospital health kits commodities the new generator which UNFPA from CHF allocat- and treatment of fistula was supported by UNFPA, ed fund. He concluded patients aiming to im- the hospital had low effi- that UNFPA positive sup- prove the delivering of ciency generator which port over years will not health services as gen- used to break down from be forgotten. eral and more specifical- time to time for the last ly to scale up the perfor- two years, which could Health awareness campaigns in Kulbus A particular successful sto- by health staff, health ry is the conduction of a nity. The students, in promoters), drama, quiz Large Awareness cam- particular, showed great programs (including paign, formed by 4 differ- interest and participa- health massages) and ent events, conducted in tion on the campaign. other mass gathering the locality of Kulbus, in The local authorities par- instruments. The volun- the villages of Kulbus, ticipated spontaneously tary participation in this Mastura and Rahat Rahma. to the campaign and event has been high, and asked to implement A total of 807 participants the feedbacks at the end Health awareness campaigns attended the different sets more large health aware- of each awareness cam- of the campaign. The meth- ness campaign. paign showed odology of the campaign high satis- witnessed short health edu- faction from the commu- cation sessions (conducted Page 3 Ministry of Health coordinates efforts with WHO to respond to measles outbreak in Sudan The Federal Ministry of Health, in coordi- WHO, through the Central Emergency Response nation with WHO, has mobilized financial Fund, supported the Federal Ministry of Health in and human resources to respond to the June 2015 to contain the measles outbreak in 52 measles outbreak in Sudan. localities in the states of South, North, East and Central Darfur. A campaign (21–30 June 2015) was Her Excellency Mrs Sumaia Okoued, Sudan's conducted in these states targeting 3 534 863 State Minister of Health said, “The Federal children (6 months–15 years) which achieved 100% Ministry of Health, with the support of administrative coverage. WHO, vaccinated a total of 6 339 733 chil- dren aged 6 months to 15 years between “The Ministry of Health and WHO are currently January and June 2015; this number repre- working to enhance case investigation, manage- sents 38% of the total target of 16 495 955 ment, and response measures in the outbreak children of the same age group in Sudan.” states through the deployment of teams of epide- The outbreak started in late December miologists from the Ministry and WHO country 2014 and affected 11 localities of Kassala office in Khartoum and sub-offices,” said Dr Naee- and Gedaref States by January 2015. In ma Al Gasseer, WHO Representative and Head of April, the outbreak was reported in an ad- Mission in Sudan. Dr Al Gasseer stressed the joint ditional 28 localities in Kassala, Sennar, the work being undertaken with UNICEF, Medecins Red Sea, and West, East and North Darfur states. A 10-day vaccination campaign from Sans Frontiers , national and international health 22 April to 1 May 2015, funded by the Mea- partners to support health in Sudan. sles and Rubella Immunization Initiative, was conducted by the Ministry of Health, in coordination with WHO, to control the out- break. The campaign targeted 1 698 104 children aged 6 months to 15 years and rec- orded administrative coverage of 101% and an independent survey result coverage of 97.4%. “Recent measles reports showed success in case management and better implementa- tion of immunization activities. Credit is due to the Sudanese Association of Pedia- tricians and clinical staff working in case management,” said Dr Malik Alabbasi, Di- rector-General of the Public Health Care Directorate in the Federal Ministry of Health. Measles vaccination team in the field, North Darfur State Page 4 Federal Ministry of Health train RAPID RESPONSE TEAMS Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and health partners has already formulated a preparedness plan covering all states in order to avoid the neg- ative health impacts of the rainy season. One of the components of this plan is training of rapid response teams (RRTs) at all levels (federal, state, and local). In case of emergencies, these teams are expected to do the initial rapid health assessments and to start implementation of the basic health interventions (water chlorination, sterilization of collapse latrines, vectors’ con- trol, waste management, PHC clinics and health education). Three federal teams and 18 states teams re- ceived three days refreshment training on rapid response. The states replicated the training and trained their local teams. Up to now, 131 local teams (77% of the target) in the 18 states were trained. Rehabilitation of Midwifery Schools in North and East Darfur states Under the umbrella of the expansion of basic health care services the Federal Ministry of Health with the support of the European Un- ion , UNICEF, and the SMOH of East and North Darfur rehabilitated the midwifery schools at North and East Darfur states. 188 qualified midwives was graduated success- fully from both Bahry and Omdurman Mid- wifery schools after completing 15 months of the unified training package . The total num- ber of midwives planned to be trained by the end of the year is 1500 including 1000 in the Northern, Southern, Central, Eastern and Western Darfur and 500 in Khartoum with the support from FMoH, WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA. Page 5 UNICEF continues to support child health in Sudan 9.6 million doses of measles vac- and religious / leaders. The local radio The mobile clinic covers a popu- cines and related injectable mate- was also used to sensitize about the im- lation of 11,846 rials were procured by UNICEF to portance of measles vaccination. respond to the measles outbreak With UNICEF support, SMOH is and targeting 7.2 million in 96 UNICEF supported provision of primary providing PHC services to South high risk and affected localities health care services to new IDPs in Zam- Sudanese refugees in Abu Jubeiha Phase 1 of the measles immuniza- zam camp through partnership with HAD, locality by running a mobile clinic tion campaign was conducted be- local NGO.
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