_c^' •ti•’^B&J«^^il4'lteibj\•^.,■-i ««* -fti ..«--y«^=r _•■ ■ V O PAGE TWENTT-FOTTB x j. ■ ' iKanrbPiiti^r ^tirnins ^l^ralb WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26; 1962 Hear the Hoard of Education Candidates at the High School Tonight Average DaUy Net Press Run ' Wor the Week Ended The Weather THURSDAY September 22, 1962 Foreoeot of D. S. Weather Oool, rain moderate to heavy at 13,628 timee, windy tonight. Low SS to 69. Member of the Audit Friday dondy, windy, eool, lain Bureau of Oirenlatlon Mancheater-^A City of Village Charm taperiny off. High near 60. VOL. LXXXI, NO. 304 (TWEN'fY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1962 (OlaMifiod Advertlsint aa Pago 22) PRICE n V E CENTS r at Report on Study State News Fallout Danger Roundup to Bar Main Straet, Manchester' 3-4123 Woman Killed, O ve r e stim at ed Sister Injured, OPEN THURSDAY i^R ID A Y 9:30 to 9:00 In Auto Crash' ro at ’ Gates WASHINGTON (AP)—A Senate-House Atomic Energy EAST LYME (AP)—Mrs. Committee reports that estirhates on fallout hazards have Rae Silverstein Simons, 79, Regularly 29.99 Regularly 8.99 apparently been somew^hat too high. The committee reported Hartford, was killed, and her the findings Wednesday after a series of hearings and a 65-year-old sister critically in­ UN May Urge MEN’S KING SIZE study of re-evaluatlons made by|> -------- jured in an accident on th ej^ 1 IVT • Gas Masks, g(wernment and scientific groups. _ Connecticut Turnpike h e r e i|\ e C lS i N e f f O t i a t e The report estimates that fall­ yesterday. o WOOL out from all weapons tests , con­ Fallout Levels Mrs. Simon.s, a widow, was dead TV ducted through 1961 would have on arrival at Lawrence and Me­ Billy Clubs, L4........ • •rii TOGGLE the same long-term genetic effect morial Hospital, New London. Berliii Issues on the U.S. population as tht^t pro­ In State Milk Her sister, Mrs! Bessie S. 'Snit- duced during isix months to 1V&. kin, 15 Slater Ave., Norwich, was. UNITED N ^ O N S , N. Y. CONVOY TRAY years of radiation exposure from In critical condition at the hospital. (AP)—Britain today urged Dogs Ready natural sources. At Record High She has head and leg injuries. It ' noted testimony ' that the The - fatality brought Connecti­ all members of the United Na­ COATS amount of strontium 90—which in Hartford (AJ>)—The state cut’s highway death toll to 217. It tions to make it unmistakably OXFORD, Miss. (AP)— TABLE .large enough doses may cause Health Commissioner plans to call compares with 190 on the same clear they want the. Soviet Sheriffs *and city policem^ hone cancer and leukemia—ap­ a meeting of the Inter-Depart­ date last year. converged on the University \ e wool plaid pearing in the diet is only about Union to end the tension sur­ mental Fallout Committee in view State Police said the car, operat­ of Mississippi campus'^loday lininsrs s e t s one-half to one-third as high a.s of the latest increase of the level ed by Mrs. Snitkin, mounted the rounding the Berlin wall and Regularly 12.99 ’ previously indicated. negotiate a settlement of the to join the guard against Ne­ ^ Regularly 8.25 • qtiilt lined of radioactive iodine in, Connecti­ center espli^nade near the Bridge The report also noted that earli­ cut milk. Brook,.-overgass, hit the steel di­ Berlin problem. gro James H. Meredith. FAMOUS BISSELL e wood tosfsries er estimates of cxpo.sure to cesi­ Dr. Franklin M. Foote, the com­ vider and crashed into the concrete . In a policy speech before the state police at the five gates to um 137, another radioactive prod­ the campus carried gas masks e detachable e brass missioner, reported that the leVW road abutment. 108-nation General Assembly, For­ REVERE WARE CARPET SWEEPER tubular uct of fallout, has also been re­ reached the third—and hlghestJ-- Besides her sister, Mrs. Simons eign Secretary Lord Home spoke and billy clubs ■ and wore steel hood ^ duced. helmet liners. legs of the radiation protection rwges is survived by two sons and four out strongly against Communist As to the leukemia or bone can­ during the past week. brothers. policy on Berlin and else­ More than 1(X) police cars stood NEW DEEP 2.QCART * new centennial model e double yoke cer hazard -from fallout, - the re­ parked around the gates—highway back, front Samples of milk tested by the where. But he appealed for "a port estimated that the possibility department’s laboratory showed more active use of the process of patrol cars, sheriff’s cars and city SAUCEPAN AND COVER and shoulder e set of 4 of these diseases resulting from Wage Late .Complaint conciliation everywhere.’^ police cars from the length and Regularly 59c tha level to be ^t 116 micromicro- breadth of the state—and more * all metal case all nuclear testing to date is com­ curtes per IRef, placing Connecti­ NEW HAVEN (AP) — A com- “The first and mo.st dangerous; e chain complete parable to the possibility of incur­ plaint alleging violations of the , conflict " he said “is the were arriving. hangers with self ring diseases from six months to cut milk in'Range III for the first federal miTilnriim wap’e law^ ha^ Cauac Oi coniiiCL, ne BaiQ, la me The reinforced bau^rier of man­ LADIES’ RAYON TRICOT time. Koy.,. ftiorf i Communist effoct to impose their * gleaming stainless steel * large, easy to empty dust e patch pockets , storing 8’/4 years of exposure to natural been filed against a Newington power against the 29-year-old Ne­ background radiation. Foote said the new level does not firm by the U.S. Department of ‘ ^ ^ gro numbered an estimated 400. PANTIES chambers / e black, loden caster call for control measures art pres­ Labor. by that type of political warfare, Only the^monpus police carried ^ fast heating copper bottom mounted rack ent. Levels are averaged over a backed by force, they call peace­ guns. I e 36 to 44 The department filed the com- ful coexistence.” e elastic le? e band lej: one-year period before control plair yesterday in U.S. District As they,; did Wednesday when * cool bakelite handle * easy stprfng 14th Soviet Test measures become necessai'y. Court against the Connecticut Lord Home dealt at length with they tiimM back Meredith and • white e sizes 5 to 10 The commissioner said he would Carting Co., Inc., (2524 Berlin the Berlin issue, a.ssaillng the federal marshals at the gates, the UPPSALA, Sweden (AP) — The call a meeting for next week of ’Tpke) Newington, a firm that col­ Berlin wail as a callous cruelty state officers wore no sidearms. seismological Institution ’ of Upp­ the fallout committee which was lects rubbish from business and and an outrage and accusing the County and city officers arriv­ sala University registered anoth­ appointed by Gov. John N. Demp­ industrial concerns in the Hartford Soviet Union of “artificially cre­ ing during the morning stepped er Soviet, nuclear te.st today in the sey earlier this year. ating crise.s in Berlin." out of their cars, then unstrapped area. While urging a negotiated set­ / Novaya Zemlya area- The session, he said, would de­ In the complaint, the Labor De­ their guns and put them in their The 14th in the current test ser­ termine what control measures tlement on Berlin, the British cars. partment says the company paid leader declared that the Western ies recorded here, the blast was might be taken in the event of pro­ its employes less than $1 an hour Six police dogs remained in po­ estimate^, to have the power of 32 longed increases in the fallout lev­ powers would accept no plan Steel helmet liners, gas masks and night sticks are the order of the day as Mississippi lice cars about 200. yards inside prior to Sept. 3, 1961, and less than which "would merely provide a megatons, or slightly stronger els. 11.15 an hour when the minimum Highway Patrolmen gather at the gate of the University of Mississippi imOxford to4$^ the main gate. than the test Tuesday. A megaton cloak for a Communist takeover anticipating another attempt to enroll a Negro in the state institution. (»P Photofax.) N ^sm en on the scene Identl- was raised to that amount. In ad­ 2% million free peoples.” is equal to a million tons of TNT. (Continued on Page Six) dition, the company' and its man­ fied oCBeers from such widely sep­ "That is not negotiable,” he arated places as' Harrison county ager, Michael Miano, 209 (Cheshire said. St., Hartford, allegedly failed to '^Whatever Must Be Don^. on the Gulf Coast to the south and In the Assembly Wednesday, 300 Arrested, from Tupelo in extreme northeast Reds Supplying Arabs pay overtime for mont.-.than 40 Prime Minister Keith J. Holyoake Mississippi. hours tirtil ** week. ,. of .New Zealaq^ jjaid that in the As“ dotises opened for the day FABULOUS FALL ALL NEW and EXCITING ALL MARKED WITH SALE STARTS ON SHOP EARLY! Soviet^U.S. dispute over Cuba, 75 Shot in 'Plot on the hilly, wooded- campus, the " Third Arrest "Peace depends on the two su­ Congress Efldorses students went about their business K MERCHANDISE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY “BIG BARGAIN” RED TAGS THE DOT OF 9:30 TOMORROW STAY LATE! NEW HAVEN (API—The num­ perpowers showing almo.st super­ as usual. Newsmen spotted stu­ \ U.S.
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