SaturdayFebruary 11 2012 7-DAY TV&RADIO GUIDE page 27 WilliamBoyd on thebooks that inspired hislatest spythriller 15 George Clooney ‘I felt Iwas goingtodie. IfeltIcouldn’t live with so much pain’ PLUS TheBritish Film Power100 10 saturday review Saturday February 11 2012 | the times CAROLYN KASTER /AP theconversation ‘I can’tmourn what Iused to be. Youhavetoreinventyourself’ At 50,GeorgeClooney hasthe keys to Hollywood,ahotlinetoObama andSudaneserebelsonhis cellphone. But, Tim Teeman finds, he’s also aworkaholicwho is depressed by fame andterrifiedofbecomingirrelevant erhaps in adiscreet restaurant booth with Clooney,who wonanOscar forBest but Iwill alwayslet people down. Iwill makes up facts, does the smartthingof aScotch, or playing blackjackinacasino SupportingActor for Syriana in 2006, alwaysbe5ft 11in, and olderand shorter attacking the guy askingthe questions as with his buddies, but really —George reveals he is planning“agradual rather than youimagine.”Hestartedtoturngrey opposedtoanswering. It’s easy to debate Clooney,here? It is strange to find the than completeretirement”fromacting. afterhighschool, “but at least my hair when you’ve decidedanswers are yesor patron saint of silver foxesinhis blandly “I’vebeen doingitalongtime. You’re not stuck around”.He’snever dyed it,“and I no. It’s hard to debateifyou acceptthe decorated production company office, allowed to be in front of camera all the don’twear make-up on films, unless Ihave world as it is: shades of grey.” He thinks with drab carpet and chequeredlight time. [Paul] Newman pulleditback. Cary azit to coverup, especially now because Romney will be the Republican candidate, squaresontheceiling,overlookingapetrol Grant stopped. Clint [Eastwood] sets the digitalshows themake-up.” “with RonPaul goingall the waytill he’s station in Studio City, LosAngeles. No bar high: he’sstill crankingout movies The Descendants,inwhich his character 115. Romney’s problem is conservatives statuesquegirlfriend.No Scotch.No tux. and interested.I’m not tired, but Iwant to tendstoacritically illwifewhohascheated don’ttrust him; they won’tvotefor Obama Clooney,nominated foranOscar and a do only great scriptsor workwith directors on him, is his “midlifemovie”,heaccepts. —theyjustwon’t vote.” Baftafor his performance as acrisis-beset Iamdyingtowork with. You’dthink that “Gettingolder on screen is not forpussies Will Obama win asecond term?“Ithink Pfather in The Descendants,iswearinga when youget the pick of the litter, the or the faint of heart. People go on about it would be adisasterfor the countryifhe grey T-shirt(revealingtanned, toned litterwould be great. But it’s very thin. It’s your grey hair,your eyes startingtosag.” didn’t,because we are succeedinginterms arms) and is as handsome as everypicture hard to find class-Ascripts. That’s why Hasheeverhad plastic surgery? “No, of the economyand jobs.”How actively suggests: the puppyeyes, the drollcharm, we [Clooney and Heslov] writethem. At nothing.”Would he? “Never.We’re guys, will Clooney campaign? “I’m well aware the only visible imperfection ascaronhis leastwecan work on subjectmatterwe’re we have the insane great luck of being that an actorstandinguponbehalf of the right armafter elbow surgeryfollowing a interestedin.” able to go bald, fat,wrinkledand grey and President does not help,itmay even do motorbikeaccident. He is also intelligent, He says he is “a restless spirit,not for no one says, ‘You can’tdothat,you can’t damage. They alwaysask me to do fund- modestandstartlinglycandidforsomeone more money or accolades,but because be aleadingman.’Why would anymale raisers, and Iwill, but that’s missingthe who doesn’tlikeinterviews (“I don’tneed there is only acertain amount actorcut around their eyes?Why point.”Clooney reveals he recently met to be more famous”), talkingabout ageing, of time [ten years, he thinks] would youeverf*** with your Vice-President JoeBiden. “I said, ‘You almostdying, his sexuality, issueswith where youget the keys face?” Clooney works out come to Hollywood formoney,you don’t alcohol, and whyitwould be a“disaster” to the f***ingkingdom. and playssport. “You come forwhat we do well: we know how if Barack Obama does not win asecond If Isay,“Iwant to do have to trytolookthe to sell products.’Ithink Obama is hard to presidential term. this”, the studios will best foryour age, not beat,but the Democrats are not good at In our meeting room at Smokehouse do it or Ican raise younger.Itnever sellingthemselves.Isaid to him, ‘You Pictures, his production company with the money inde- works. Youwill al- should sit down with [film producers] longtime collaborator Grant Heslov,are pendently.When ways lose.”Turning Harvey Weinstein and JerryWeintraub, picturesofFrance and Italy in the Second films like[recent 50 “wasn’t abig year”, guys who’vebeen opening, closing and World War, with dates and notes written political thriller] although it marked an sellingprojects foryears, to talk about the on cards. He is “up to my ass”researching The Ides of March acceptance of becom- bestwaytophrasethings.’Ifyousay, ‘Iwant The Monuments Men,his nextfilm, in or The Descendants ing“acharacteractor. If afair tax forthe rich,’Republicans say, whichheportraystheleaderofarealgroup makemoney,that helps youdon’t,the audience ‘You’re forthe redistribution of wealth, a acting his age of arthistorians sent to recoverMich- us makeacouple of new you’re desperatetohold codeword forsocialism.’The message With girlfriendStacey elangelos, da Vincis and Rembrandts loot- films, or there are justgoing on to will go,‘This is silly’. If shouldbe: ‘I’magainsttheredistribution of Keibler; inset,in edby theNazis. to besuperheromovies.” youfall in love with the idea of wealthtotherichestpeopleinAmerica.’” TheDescendants Howbadly does he want the Oscar? “I Clooney has “done more than Iever Clooney points to jobcreation, health- think everyactor would like thought Iwas goingtodo”.Hewas raised care reformand the repeal of “Don’t ask, to win, Idon’t know an actor by mother Nina and father Nick, ajour- ‘Democrats arenot don’ttell”[the discriminatorygays-in-the- who wouldn’t,” he smiles. nalist, to believehehad “social responsi- militarypolicy] as Obama successes. “I won’tbecoy and say bilities” to fulfil. The family was“happy, good at selling “There are gay marriageshappening no.”But he would be but my parents were broke, my mum made themselves. ItoldJoe where it is legal,”headds. Doeshethink happyifitwent to fellow my clothes, my dad said we movedwhen gay marriage should be legalisedfederally, nomineesBrad Pitt the rent wasdue”.Havingtoiledinminor Bidenheshouldsit not only statetostate? “Of course, and it (“myfriend, who’s TV rolesbefore findingfame in ER in the will be, and ageneration on everyone will given twogreat mid-1990s, Clooney is self-aware —and down with Weinstein’ ask, ‘What wasthat about?’”Clooney is performancesthis has been poor —enough not to grouch about to star as one of the lawyers fighting year”), Gary Old- about fame. “I remember cuttingtobacco how youwere in 1998 youwill be greatly forequalityinanLAperformance of 8, man (“some wild in Kentucky,hearingastar complaining disappointedby howyouarein 2012.” Dustin Lance Black’splayabout the court performances”), about their lifeand Iwas like, ‘f*** you’, Likehis character in The Descendants, case againstProposition 8inCalifornia, Demian Bichir (“it but Iwill saythere is no placetogothat “I’m the kind of guy who could justsit in a which madesame-sex marriage illegal. would be acareer- is private now.Spencer Tracywould be room, watchTVand letdays go by”. He has “Gay equalityisthe final leg of the civil changer”) and Jean punchingthe shit out of the guys with daughters in the film; does Clooney want rights movement. Everytime we stand Dujardin(“wonder- videocameras. There is af***ingcamera children? “I don’tknow,Idon’t think about againstequalitywestand on the wrong ful”),hismain“Best wherever yougo. No one is designedto that kind of thing. What youdoinfilms is sideofhistory.We’re not goingtobelec- Actor”rival.Cloon- be watchedall the time.”Hesaysheis separatetoyourlife.” turedonthe sanctityofmarriage by some- ey got the Golden “resigned” to it. Doesitdepress him? “Yes, AlifelongDemocrat,Clooney’s focusis one[NewtGingrich]wholeftonewifewith Globe forBest but no one wants to hear that. But it would trainedonthe Republican primaries. cancerandanotheronewithMS.It’simpor- Actorinadrama, be alie, disingenuous, not to sayone dayI “They have movedsofar to the right on tant to believeinmarriage and sanctity, Dujardin the Gold- would liketotakeawalk, or read abook, immigration and gays. Their idea that the buteveryoneshouldhavetherighttoit.” en Globe forBest inCentralPark.” richest Americans shouldn’t pay4per cent The Republicans aren’t the only ones Actorinacomedy or As forbeing dubbedthe world’ssexiest more tax ...”Hesighs. Would he be happy with agay problem, Isay.Why hasn’t any musical, as well as the SAG man: “I don’tthink that way. Who youare topay?“Yes,ofcourseIwould.Mostpeople major film star come out in Hollywood? award; both are also up for and what your image is are twodifferent would. Howcan they argue againstit?” Of He lookssurprised.“I’mnotquitesurewho the LeadingActor Bafta things. I’m not that guy from [his breakout Newt Gingrich, Clooney says: “I wouldn’t that is. There are gayactors in Hollywood; inLondontomorrow. film]Outof Sight.Itwasareallysexymovie, want to debatehim. He’s effective: he Continuedonpage10 12 saturday review Saturday February 11 2012 | the times George Clooney six of thebest
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