Item 4 REPORT TO: Planning Committee REPORT NO. HEP/37/17 th DATE: 12 June 2017 REPORTING OFFICER: Head of Environment and Planning CONTACT OFFICER: David Williams (Ext 8775) SUBJECT: Development Control Applications WARD: N/A PURPOSE OF THE REPORT To determine the listed planning applications. INFORMATION Detailed reports on each application together with the recommendations are attached. RECOMMENDATION See attached reports. BACKGROUND PAPERS None. Page 9 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 12 JUNE 2017 Community Code No Applicant Recommendation Pages ROS P/2016 /0419 MR ANDREW JONES GRANT 12 -21 RHO P/2016 /0589 HEED DEVELOPMENTS GRANT 22 – 26 LTD MR SHAUN BEECH WRO P/2016 /0937 SYGNITY LIMITED GRANT 27 – 32 MR CHELDA WRO P/2016 /0942 SYGNITY LIMITED GRANT 33 – 37 MR CHELDA WRA P/2016 /1048 MR HATHERALL REFUSE 38 – 45 ESC P/2017 /0053 TALWRN FARMS LTD GRANT 46 – 56 MR PETER MOLLOY GWE P/2017 /0066 MR ANDY ROBINSON GRANT 57 – 60 HOL P/2017 /0143 BELLIS BROTHERS GRANT 61 – 67 MR ROGER BELLIS HOL P/2017 /0337 BELLIS BROTHERS GRANT 68 – 71 MR ROGER BELLIS WRO P/2017 /0180 MR MEHMUT ICER GRANT 72 – 75 RHO P/2017 /0189 MR K PRODGER GRANT 76 – 79 BRY P/2017 /0217 TRECOT LTD GRANT 80 – 85 MR A COTTLE WOR P/2017 /0235 MR & MRS N VICKERS GRANT 86 – 90 WRO P/2017 /0237 MR JASON ELLIS GRANT 91 – 94 OVE P/2017 /0238 MR T J ROSSELLI GRANT 95 – 97 ABE P/2017 /0241 DEE VALLEY WATER GRANT 98 – 104 MR MARK BILLING OVE P/2017 /0265 MR JONATHON DODD GRANT 105 – 107 WRA P/2017 /0266 MRS EMMA JONES GRANT 108 – 111 WRO P/2017 /0277 MRS KAY REID GRANT 112 – 116 GWE P/2017 /0278 GLENN APPLEBY GRANT 117 – 120 Page 10 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 12 JUNE 2017 HOL P/2017 /0304 MRS K YOUNG GRANT 121 – 125 ABE P/2017 /0313 ZAVIZ INTERNATIONAL GRANT 126 – 128 LIMITED PEN P/2017 /0356 MS S ELLIOT GRANT 129 – 131 RUA P/2017 /0379 MR CARL BIRD GRANT 132 – 134 Total Number of Applications Included in Report - 24 All plans included in this report are re-produced from Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. WCBC Licence No. LA0902IL All plans are intended to be illustrative only and should be used only to identify the location of the proposal and the surrounding features. The scale of the plans will vary. Full details may be viewed on the case files. Page 11 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 12 JUNE 2017 APPLICATION NO: LOCATION: DATE RECEIVED: P/2016 /0419 THE PARKS BORRAS ROAD 28/04/2016 BORRAS WREXHAM LL13 9TG COMMUNITY: CASE OFFICER: Rossett DESCRIPTION: MP ERECTION OF DWELLING WITH DETACHED GARAGE WARD: AGENT NAME: Rossett APPLICANT(S) NAME: ALUN JONES MR ANDREW JONES ASSOCIATES LTD MR ALUN JONES ______________________________________________________________ SITE Application site PROPOSAL As above Page 12 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 12 JUNE 2017 HISTORY P/2013/0068 Erection of agricultural building for rearing of young calves and straw storage. Granted 14.03.2013. DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNING POLICY National planning policy Technical Advice Note 6: Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities Wrexham Unitary Development Plan Outside of settlement. Site access lies within zone C2 flood plain. Policies GDP1, EC12, H5 and T8 apply. CONSULTATIONS Community Council: Consulted 3.5.2016 Local Member: Notified 3.5.2016 Highways: Have made the following comments: - Site access would normally be required to provide visibility splays of 2.4 x 70m in the westerly direction measured to the centreline of the highway and 2.4 x 120m in the easterly direction measured to the nearside edge of the highway; - Visibility is inadequate in both directions – 2.4 x 33m to the west and 2.4 x 12m to the east. Visibility is impeded in both directions by the existing hedgerow; - I would not normally support any development that this likely to result in any significant increase in vehicle movements through this substandard access; - The access is approximately 18m wide, reducing to 3m wide 11m behind the highway. The access/driveway is typically less than 4.1m wide. The proposed development would benefit from a number of passing places; - The first section of the access is hard paved but could benefit from re-surfacing; - Parking appears adequate; - I would normally recommend permission be refused, however the applicant may wish to consider providing improvements to the existing access. Page 13 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 12 JUNE 2017 Public Protection: Recommend condition and notes in respect of construction times/impacts. Rights of Way: The parish map produced in 1952 during the definitive map process shows the route of Allington footpath 2 crossing the land where the proposed development will be sited; this ties in with the route shown on the 1912 Ordnance Survey map. It would appear that by 1962 people were using a route through the farm yard and this is the route which eventually ended up on the Denbighshire definitive map and latterly the current Clwyd definitive map. The route shown on the current definitive map is the legal alignment and we have no objection to the proposed development, however the applicant should be made aware of the alignment shown on the 1952 parish map and the possibility that public rights may exist over this alignment. NRW: Have the following comments: Flood Risk - We have reviewed the submitted flood consequences assessment (FCA) and have no objections to the proposed development; - While we would consider the proposed 100mm increase in the level of the access road in the vicinity of the culvert to be maintenance which is unlikely to have any significant impact on flooding, should there be any intention to raise the roadway more significantly then we would ask to be re-consulted. Surface water management - We recommend that a condition is imposed to ensure that a scheme to dispose of surface water is submitted to and approved in writing by your Authority, to ensure effective management of surface water run-off resulting from the proposed development. Foul Drainage - The application is proposing the installation of a private treatment package plant for the foul water disposal. The main farmhouse already has a private water supply for domestic use (deregulated abstraction licence) and an exemption for its foul water discharge. The new dwelling will also require an exemption for the proposed private treatment plant if greater than 50m from the private water supply abstraction borehole. Page 14 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 12 JUNE 2017 Welsh Water: Since the proposal intends utilising an alternative to mains drainage we would advise that the applicant seek advice from Natural Resources Wales and or the Building Regulations Authority / Approved Building Inspector as both are responsible to regulate alternative methods of drainage. Site Notice: Expired 8.6.2016 Neighbours: The owners/occupiers of 3 properties notified 19.5.2016. 1 objection received expressing the following concerns: - The application site is not reflective of the applicant’s landholding. - The future use of any dwelling has to be managed by way of a s106 agreement so that the dwelling cannot be sold, mortgaged or otherwise sold separately to the farm; - An application site that encompasses the farm would show dwellings such as Borras Head and the converted farm cottages which are of material consideration. The applicant should be invited to disclose the nature of all dwellings associated with the land together with their relationship to the business; - The applicant has failed to meet the tests set out in TAN6 and not demonstrated the dwelling falls within the exemptions allowing new dwellings to be built in the open countryside as set out in H5 of the UDP; - Our client’s amenity will be severely impacted – potential overlooking; - Visibility from the site access is inadequate; - No expert has been engaged to report on the presence of newts. A full survey should be undertaken; SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Policy: The site lies in open countryside and away from any settlement limits identified in the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan (UDP). Policy H5 of the UDP specifies the circumstances under which new dwellings in the open countryside may be permitted. These include cases where there is an essential need to house a full time agricultural or forestry key worker. Policy H5 is generally consistent with PPW and the guidance set out in Technical Advice Note (TAN) 6. However, as TAN6 is more up to date than the UDP I intend to assess the application using the tests set out in the former. Page 15 REPORT OF THE HEAD OF ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING 12 JUNE 2017 Functional Requirement and time tests The application site lies adjacent to a range of farm buildings that are used in conjunction with a farm business operated by the applicant in partnership with his father. There is also a separate range of farm buildings and farmhouse at Borras Head approximately 1.2km away. The business farms just over 205 hectares of land, of which nearly two thirds is owned, with the remainder being rented. The majority of the land owned by the business adjoins or is close to the application site or Borras Head. The business has 349 livestock of which 184 are dairy cows and it is planned to increase the number of milking cows to 200. There are 6 members of staff employed by the business, including the applicant and his father.
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