OHIO STATE CALIFORNIA f O~TOBEB 2. 19$4 MTN CALIFORNIA - OHIO STATE WILBUR E. SNYPP, Editor William A. Woodruff _____ Advertising Manager John F. Hummel ____ _____ Circulation Manager National Advertising Representative Don Spencer Co., 271 Madison Ave .. New York 16, N . Y. The niversity Pre idcnts ------------------------ 4 The Athletic Director ---------------------------- 5 The Head Coaches ------------------------------- 6 The California Football Staff --------------------- 7 Another first for Sinclair! From Sinclair Research comes a new The Hall of Fame ------------------------- 8, 9, 10 The Bear-Buck Series ----------------------------11 super gasoline power-primed with ROCKET FUEL-the same mighty Paul Laron -------------------------------------12 California Player -------------------- 14, 18, 27, 32 Ohio State Players ---------------- 16, 28 , 30, 34, 36 fuel used in V-2 rockets! Command rocket power at the touch of Facts About the Bear ____________________________ 29 The Band Honor So u a __________________________ 33 your toe . .. super getaway .. high anti-knock .. Power up with Message from the Commissioner __________________ 38 Ohio State Roster _______________________________ 39 POWER-X and feel 1he difference! In POWER-x, you also get ANTI­ California Roster _______________________________ _4} STALLING, PRE-IGNITION CONTROL and ANTI-RUST PROTECTION. I Today's Cover ---- - - --------------------- _______ _42 SINCLAIR l POIIIIER•X The New Super Fuel 3 The University Presidents The Athletic Directors DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS RICHARD C. LARKINS Ohio State University Ohio State University DR. CLARK KERR BRUTUS HAMILTON University of California University of California 4 5 The Head Coaches Bear Football Staff W. W. (WOODY) HAYES Ohio State University CALIFORNIA COACHING STAFF- Knee ling front, Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf, head coach; back row, left. to right- Jim Sutherland, assistant; Zeb Chaney, scout; Hal Grant, freshman coach; Herm Meister, line coach; Carl Van Heuit, a ssistant coach; Wes Fry, back· field coach. AUFOR~ IA' Lynn (Pappy ) \ aldorf, High School from 1937 through 1941. ln 19-1-7 he C former pre ident of the ational Coaches As­ coached at Santa Rosa Junior College. and he began sociation and first winner of "Coach of the Year" coaching in the college ranks in 1948. when he be­ honors, i one of the most important figures in col­ came line coach at Santa Clara under Len Ca anova. legiate football. He has been a winning head coach He built the 1 4 anta Iara line that upset Ken ­ for 27 years and is a strong speaker in behalf of tucky, 21 to 13, in the Orange Bowl. Mei ter moved football' role in modern college life. with Casanova to Pittsburgh Univer ity in 1950 and In 'Naldorf 's 27 years as a head coach, his team - joined the California taff in 1951. at Oklahoma ity University, Kansas, Oklahoma utherland, now in his second year as an assist­ A&M, Kansa tate, Northwe tern, and California ant coach at California, was a highly succe sful have won 160 games, lost 75, and tied 21. At Cali ­ coach at anta Monica High chool before joining fornia alone he has compiled an amazing record of the Bears. Sutherland, who played under Howard 57 victorie . 13 defeat , and three ties. During hi s Jones at C in 1934, 1935, and 1936, was the high tenure at California- he's been at Berkeley since school coach of such prominent college tars a Leon 1947- the Bear have won three PCC champion­ McLaughlin and Ike Jones of UCLA, Dick Horn ships and have played in the Rose Bowl three times. of Stanford, Landon Exley and Aldon Baldock of California gained the PCC title in 194 , 1949, and USC, Mel Lewis and Jack Kanlan of Santa Clara LYNN WALDORF 1950. and Sandy Lederman of Washington. , University of California \Valdorf i · urrouncled by an experienced corp Chaney wa a star in baseball, basketball and of as istants. They include, Backfield Coach Wes football at outhwe tern Louisiana College from Fry, Line Coach Herm Meister, Assi tant Coache · 1935 to 1939. He first came to California as a avy Jim Sutherland and Zeb Chaney, and Freshman chief in the V-12 program and was hired as a general Coach Hal Grant. assi tant coach upon his discharge in 1946. He has Fry first joined Waldorf a an as istant at Kansas also a si ted in basketball at California. State in 1934, and became head coach at Manhattan Grant joined the California staff in 1947 after a when Waldorf moved to Northwestern. Fry. who highly successful career a head football and track played at Iowa and was in the first East-West Shrine coach at Redondo Beach High School from 1939 classic, joined vValdorf again at Northwestern in on. He lists among his head coaching as ignment 1939 and has been with him ever ince. Oklahoma Baptist College and Mi souri School of Meister, who wa an All-Pacific Coast tackle at Mines. He also serves as freshman track coach at St. Mary' in 1935. was head coach at 1 apa. Calif. California. 6 7 DR. WILCE and WES FESLER IN THE FOOTBALL HALL OF FAME HE election of 12 coache · to the ::\'ational Foot­ ments a a fo tball play r. H ,,·a · an All-America T ball Hall of Fame in 195..J- includes the name of encl all three seasons he played at hio State, 1928. Dr. John \\'. \ \'ilc . who. fo r 16 y ars. guided the 1929. and 1930. In 1930, "Wes'' captained the oricliron f rtune · of Ohio , 'ate l,"niversit,·. \\ ilce' Buckeyes. His Yersatile athletic ability again was nam will be en ·brined in the Football Hall f sho\\'n as he performed n the gridiron at both encl Fame as one of the gr ate t coaches of all time and a1,1d fullback. F~sler turned in a 99-yarcl run again t today's halftime ceremonies ar intend cl to acid ~ ortlrn·estern 111 l c 29. the longest e,·er made in significance to the occasion. hio Stadium. Ile \\'as named the most Yaluable player on the 1930 squad. \\'hen Fesl r plm·ed foot ­ The 12 coaches selected to the Hall of Fame wer ball at Ohio State. the Buckeye · won l..J- ga.mes, lo t creenecl from scores of candidates and only those sc,·en. and tied three. 111 ntors retired from active coachino at lea t five J{ichard C. l,arkins. Ohio State director of years were elioible for consid ration. Th 1954 elec­ athletics. ,,·as Fesler\ teammate in both football and tion mark· the second in the Xational Football Hall basketball. of Fame'· hi ·tory. l•esler returned to his alma-mater in 1947 as l r. \Vilce's 16- ·ear tenure at hio , tate is the h(•acl ioothall coach. He sen·ed throuo-h the J 950 I nge t in Buckeye footba ll lore. His teams. 19 13 season during \\'hich his teams won 2{' gam s. lost through 1928. won 78 game· . lo ·t 33. and tied nine. 13. and tied thre . His 1949 team defeat cl California a winning percentage of .6 7. \\'ilc -c ached Buck­ in the Ro ·e Bo,d. 17 to l ..J-. eye eleven· wer unbeaten in 19 16 and 19 17. lost Thousands of candidates haw been screened for but one game during fo ur different seasons ( I 15. the l\'ational rootball Hall of Fame. and the ..J-0 19 19. 1920 (Roe Bowl). and 1926). and captured players selec eel in 195..J- were de med the ''greate t three \\' e-tern Conference championships ( 1916, DR. WILCE TODAY WES FESLER TODAY and most_ obvious ." ' acco rdino- to \\'illiam unning­ 19 17. and 1920). ha111. chairman of the Honors' Court. Dr. \\'ilce is the only Ohio State coach to haYe ·· 'hie" Harle,·. Ohio 'tate's immortal half back more than one p rf ct ·eason. \ Vilce's feat of four Buckey won the conferenc champion ·hip with "His firs ~ year a · Dir ctor of the Gridiron ac­ of 1916-'17-'19. -becam the first former Buckev to sea ·ons in ,,·hich hi · team · lost but one contest like­ their first of two succes ful unbeaten ·eason under tivitie has stamped him a much more than a ma ter reach Hall of Fame stature last year. >:ow, ''\Ves" ,,·1 ·e never has been equaled and no other hio Dr. Wike. of football scienc . He brings to the staff an joins this highly select class of football immortal . tat coach has guided hi s teams to three Bio nthusia Ill, a breadth of vision and a degree of Fesler has the distinction of beino the onlY Ohio Ten titles. Dr. \Vilce ha the di tinction of coaching nine State griclclc r other than Harlev to achie.ve the All- merican players, r presenting 13 selections to efficiency ,,·hicl1 spell CCCE in large letter ·. \\ ilce i significant in Ohi tate's ri ·e to foot- To meet him is to feel the qualiti · of leader ·hip; honor of being named an ll- ;,,erican for three ball prominence. His first year at Ohio tate marked All-American teams. Ohio tate 's fir t. and prob­ seasons. His achievements on th footba ll field have ably oreatest. All-American was harles (Chic) to know him is to le c rtain that he ha· richlv the 'niver ·ity' · initial ea on as a \\' e ·tern Con­ de rved all the hon r h has reci,·ecl. \\' are brought fitting honors to hi · per ·on and lik ,,·ise to ference member and three years later. in 1916, th Harley. wh made the mythical team in 1916, 1917 the uni,·ersi y for ,rhicl1 he played. and 1919 a a sparkling back.
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