' v - ' • ' / / ■ • ' AHHUCS DAILY OIBOrLAYlOY Iw ifet IfMik «f ApHI, ItM t '■ ■ /• ' " '•'fl 5,453 1 .;,■ VOL. IH L, NO. 184. A d m t M s f M fm t$ lA ) HAMCHNMB, eONN;, b a t u w a t ; m a t t , v i u , DEPARTMENTS President Accepts Brjran &H»tae Fer U. 'S. FINAL STEP IN MILLS TO WORK SCHOOL K R G E R 4 E I S ^ A C K V«7 SniaD Proportion of lUILROADEDr ExdoMB «I Wed Side Rec ENGUSH Employeet of Cheney MELLON REPLY reatioB Bdidmg m Nodi Brothers to Conthnu On m m - y i- FOURPOSONSME Qaintt Monarch Waa i l l District Assets Upsets M Dnrinp SOh Code TOTAKHARGE KEied hr A e cifa la l^ Entire Schedule. IN WESTERN STORH Andiority S n sp en sio n Former Treasury Head Says But Waa ‘tappad a s ^ Weeh, It Is Annonnced. Tbe final move in tbe consoUda- Freakish Twist of Lck of du Ikd” - ‘■lil’ Action to Recover 2 Hfl- don of schools, the laying of an equalization tax in the several debit Saves Children in an ipan Offidab A very smell proportion of Che­ Ijpn Income Tai and Pen­ districts, was seriously threatened ney ifrothers’ employees will be last night at a meeting of tbe Se­ worked the week of Mey 14, it was lectmen and former school district SchooL Deay A e Asaortiea alty Is Illegal and Political "y''yy.fiyy'''. 'y ' (xunmitteemen, when no basis could announced today by tbV firm. The be reached for the eatabUahment of week of May 14 was named by the suitable credits and debits in the Tulsa, Okla., May 5.—(AP)— Nottingham, England, May 5. -4. Silk Code Authority when aU silk districts involved. Pittsburgh, May 6.—(AP)—An­ Four tornadoes, twisting over Okla­ (AP)—King Albert of Belgium ^ manufacturers should suspena op- drew W. Mellon, whom Republican ■^v5v- V; 'The prlndpai block to the plan ex^atlons in order to ease the mar­ was the insistence on the part of homa within 24 hours, left four per­ not meet death In an aoddentsll ket of o/er-production. Permission leaders have called “the greatest Howell Cheney, former fiKairmnn of sons dead today, but spared sever­ but was killed by being "tappod oB has been g'^ted Cheney Brothers Secretary of Treasury since Alexan­ the Ninth Scho^ board, for Inclusion al school children in their path. the back o t the head," Cokmd Grm< tc operate departments essential to der Hamilton”, asserts the govern­ in the schedule of the West Side The first tornado struck near ham Seton Hutchinson tcAd the N ok Li accepting the Gutzon Borglum statue o f William Jennings Bryan in mpresslve unVeOlng ceremanles at tlngham Writers' chfo last night, a ^ the manufacture of goods under or­ ment is “railroading” him before a recreation building which had been Wynnewood Thursday, and three der which must be delivered by a WMhlngton, President Roosevelt paid tribute to the sincerity of the “Great Coinmonw^that “made him denied listing in the assets of tne cording to the Notttnpiam JocEniaL Grand Jury next week in an effort more swooped down late yesterday Colonel Hutchinson, author ani| specific date. a force for good in his own generation and has kept alive many of the ancient faiths on which we are Ninth district, due to the fact that to collect excessive income taxes. bifilding today.” The President is shown in the rear with Captain Walter Vemou while Josephus Dan- —near Aisuma, 12 miles southwest publicist, has written a number of The Statement Mellon, also former ambassador to the Equalization boeird decided that of here; at Howden, near the Kan­ Cheney Brothers’ statement fol­ ielB, Ambassador to Mexico (left), presides over the dedication exercisea* books and plays under the naune of the Coiul of St James, issued a the West Side recreation building sas line, and near Bartlesville. Graham Seton. low s: statement last night, disclosing the waa not used primarily for school A dozen persons were injured purposes. Describing the story of iOng Al­ “As a result of the order of the government is seeking $1,319,080.90 near Aisuma, but a freakish twist bert’s death, last February 17, aa Silk Code Authority all of Cheney additional taxes and a penalty of Asks Why Excluded of the winds saved the children in the “biggest piece of spoof put over Brothers mills will be closed for the $659,540.45 based on his 1931 re- JAPAN PREPARES At the opening of the meeting, tbe Uziioa consolidated school. A on the world In the last six montim* week of May 14 to May 20, Inclu­ tiums. He said he would appeal to H owell Cheney asked Chairm.<in tornado approached, lifted and Hutchison is reported to have saldf sive, with the exception of portions the United States Board of Tax Ap­ IBN SAUD FORCES Cook for an explanation concerning passed directly overhead, dipping “He did not die as a resultiof an of the shipping, piece dyeing, print­ peals. the arrival at a decision, excluding down on tbe'other side. Alpine accident, believe me. ing and flniahing departments. The director of the vast Mellon FOR TRADE WARS the West Side Rec from the list of The dead are Andrew Tackett, 69, “I know the facts. “ A few men In the maintenance financial empire declared the action Ninth District school buildings. Mr. bis wife, 53, Emd Grady Tankard, a “This spoof was put over by departments and some upholstery is in “utter disregard of statutory Cheney quoted from the statutes negro farmer, all of Aisuma, and planned perjury in su^ a way that OCCUPY HODEIDAH governing the consolidation of weavers, to be notified individually, regulations” emd that he is “as much Mrs. Carrie Lowe, 68, of Howden. it is simply baffling to IntMUgent will be allowed to work in the dark eis ever as to hny Officials Say They Can Take schools and statqd that the exclusion people.” “The clerical departments in the groimds", but in Washington Attor­ of the West Side recreation build' “The story of Albert’s death wma main office will closed for the ney General Cummings replied that Red jSea Port Has Fallen, ing, presented as far as it concerns issued In Etelglum before he waa week of May 14 to May 20, or for “Mr. Mellon is not as much ‘in the a FEDERAL RESERVE Care of Thanselves If the Ninth district, a difficult prob­ dead. A man with a rope areimd the week following, as the work dark’ as he would have the public lem. GUNMEN MURDER bis waist does not go climl^ng by may require except m cases where believe.” Cairo Dispatches State— The town has assumed the out him self.” employees are notified individually.” Knows Tax Laws Great Britain Acts. standing bonds of the West Side rec­ No Bruises cn Body “I know something about the ad­ TO AID INDUSTRY reation building, totaling $96,000, N. Y. POUCEMAN Mentioning that Albert’s field ministration of tax laws”, the Mellon England and Italy Rnsh and using this as an example, Mr. glasses were foimd 300 yards statement continued, “but never Toksro, May 6.— (A P )—Japan is Cheney said that the town has from the body and saying he had aa* until now have I known a case placed Itself in the position of as­ certalned that there were n» bnilsna ARTISTS CRITICIZE where a taxpayer has been railroad­ Ships, Troops. Senater Glass Hopes Con- girding for the threatened trade war suming the debt on the building but on the King’ s body o r haad|^ ed to the Grand Jury without first with Great Britain, it was indicated had decline^ to accept the security CommissioDer Orders Entire Hutchison continued: being given a hearing ii. the Treas­ dfflGlally today, confident she pos­ for It. ’The building is valued at “In other words, he was tapped oft “ MOTHER” STAMPS ury and an opportunity to refute the Cairo, May 5.—(AP)—The occu­ gress Wm Past KD at sesses the mo4t formidable weapons $83,600. Department to Brmg in the back of tbe bead. Tha^ !• HoW Financed known in Belgium. Nobody dams government’s claims. * • • pation by Sultan Ibn Saud’e foroea for such a conflict “The utter disregard of statutory In response to questions Mr. speak of tbe death of Ktag- Albert SesmBNextWe^ Instead df manifesting concern at in Belgium today.” regulktieiMr’ and settled - procedure of the Red Sea port o t H odddah tbethe BritisliBriUsli 'threatthreat to tiktike te that th.e West Side Thngs Dead or Aliye. which has been shown in nqr case was reported today the Ssma protect the Empire’s exporrimMes^ buildi^ waa constructed on a bond .U factsf are that KMg Albert V ase-of Flowers /Inserted was Opposed to war. has confirmed the warning I re­ correspondent of the newspaper Al- a g a ^ Japanese competlti<m jointly ^ tb the ^ tb «p Hale ceived more than 9y year sigo from Waeklngton, May 54-(AP)—Con­ school, tfaree-tetaths bel^ charged "He would not play any part 2a guehad. clals said in effect, Japan New York, May 5.—(AP)— Po­ ‘the devlltiy o t France da conspirtnY and Feet of the Woman a source high in the council^ in tbe gress showed signs today of insist­ take care of herself. tc the recreation Imildlng and seven- lice Commissioner O’Ryan said to­ Democratic Party (in which I still The report appeared tO be in con­ teifths to the Nathan Hale SchooL for war against defensdesa Get- ing that both the RFC and the Fed­ day the entire police department many.
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