Mon CO ^S50C‘ 7 ( c 1U ' 1 picc'roi.il, Th e Co a st Ad v e r t is e r (Established IXittl Fifty-Second Year, No. BELMAR, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1944 Single Copy Four Cents THE Wall Finds Money Inlet Terrace Association Outside Column Not Available for To Start Improvement By JANE GIBBONS Repairs Planned Work Next Month IN ONE WEEK a revolutionary State Will Not Release Will Finance Building of Bulkheads, Clean Lagoon; movement within Germany that al­ 1943 Allotment for Im­ Cost Will Be $ 10,000— Paid Half Now and Half most achieved the death of No. 1 Nazi; the overthrow of the To jo re­ provement of Hurley Over Five-Year Period; Group Met Thursday. gime in Japan . this good news ob- Pond Road. As a result of their meeting Thane— secured the events of the political The 1943 $4,000 allotment from the day with the board of commissioners^, campaign, in which President Roose­ dirt road fund will not be available Board Hears Report the Inlet Terrace association has: an­ nounced that the work of bulkheatflhg velt countenanced, if he did not en­ for the repair work planned on the and cleaning the lagoon will be staKtedi gineer, the doom of Now Dealer Wal­ Hurley Fond road, it was reported at On Proposed Inland winthin 30 days. The proposed! mt- laces campaign for renomination for this week’s meeting of the Wall Town­ provement will cost $10,000, with- S2>,- the Vice Presidency . Arthur Krock ship committee by Irving S. Bennett, Waterway Project 000 to be paid when the work: is. able political writer for the New York township clerk. Mr. Bennett said that started, and $5,000 over a period1 «£' five years. Times, suggests that this ends the do­ the township engineer, Claude W. Pfc. JAY W. STERNER, Jr. Army Engineers Hand in The association, which represents;' mestic New Deal. RICHARD F. DORER Birdsall and advised him that the Unfavorable Report on the owners of 43 dwellings and 10 va>- SENATOR TRUMAN, chosen in­ state would not release the money cant lots in the Inlet terrace neigjfr- stead of Wallace, is a good match for Canal, Connecting Link for the proposed work, since the Hur- ■ Jay Sterner Home borhood, took action after repeated Governor Bricker, Mr. Dewey’s run- Pvt. Richard Dorer ley Pond road is not a through thoro- Between Fla., Canada. attempts to urge one of the property ning-mate. The Democrats had been owners to repair the bulkheads on his saying that Bricker was a product of fare. From South Pacific The army engineer's unfavorable re­ own land had failed. “The Ohio Gang” of machine politi­ Missing in Action However, the money may be used port on the proposed inland waterway The association proposed to repair- cians. Mr. Truman’s association with Belmar Paratrooper Was for any other road with through con­ Veteran of Two Years A c­ between Manasquan inlet and the bulkheads on the lots of Mrs. Benja­ Boss Pendergast of Missouri should nections, and Committeeman Karl Shrewsbury river was read and dis­ min Farrier, 319 Eleventh avenue,, put the second-place part of the camp­ tion With First Division Member of Division in Newman moved that the clerk notify cussed at Tuesday’s meeting of the which have a frontage of 200 feet on aign on all fours . one pf the in­ Mr. Birdsall to proceed in his efforts of Marine Corps. mayor and commissioners. The board the lagoon, and levy the cost, estimat­ teresting aspects of the campaign is Allied Invasion. to acquire the fund for other roads in went on record as being in favor of ed at $7,000, against the property. The that two New Yorkers, both of them A veteran of two years of South iMr. and Mrs. George C. Dorer, 58 the township in need of repairs. the canal, and adopted a resolution lots, it was brought out, already have? idealists, are running for the Presi­ Pacific action, Pfc. Jay Willard Ster­ Pine Tree way, received a W ar de­ The allotment, although made last which will be sent to Congressman borough tax liens amounting to $3,000s- dency, and each of them has for a ner, jr., arrived at his home, 606 Sev­ partment telegram this week, inform­ year, was not available then for many Auchincloss and Senators Hawkes and against them. running mate a good practical politici­ enth avenue, last week as one of a Walsh. ing them that their son, Pvt. Richard reasons, among them the lack of avail­ Several of the association members an from the other side of the Appa­ group of shore men who fought for 25 F. Dorer, has been missing in action able materials for doing the work, and The canal would be the last con­ at Thursday night’s meeting ques­ lachians. months with the famed First division necting link of the inland system from since June 6. Private Dorer wras a the necessity for using such materi­ tioned the advisability of attempting A SU R V E Y to determine* the land of the U. S. Marine corps on the Florida to Canada providing a water­ member of the 506th Parachute in­ als on defense measures. to levy an assessment against proper­ use of every piece of property In New­ beaches of Tulagi, Guadalcanal and way for small boats to travel from the fantry division which spearheaded The committee expressed their wish ty which already is in debt but it was. ark was begun this week by the New­ other strongly defended Japanese po­ south to the north of the country with­ the allied invasion of France on D- to use the $4,000, or at least a portion said that the association, in that case, ark Central Planning Board . the sitions in the South Pacific. out chancing the storms of the ocean. day. of it, on the Glendola-Bailey's Corner would have the right to get judge­ fact is worth noting to give one an The men of the First division left Private Dorer enlisted in the Na­ road. In the army's report signed by ments against any other property" idea of how far community planning the United States early in the spring tional Guard and was a member of Committeeman Newman also report­ Col. Albert H. Burton, corps of en- owned by Mrs. Farrier. aim s to go when peace comes . the Company G, 114th Infantry in Asbury of 1942. After extensive maneuvers in ed that I, J, K, L and Pine streets are engineers, one of the reasons given for Mr. Farrier, who was present, told planners want results that will en­ Park, before entering the paratroops. | the Pacific, they hit the beaches of badly in need bf repairs and resurfac- j the unfavorable report was that the the association that he had “no com­ able them to reach logical conclusions He transferred to the regular army af­ Tulagi, Gavutu, Tanambogo, Florida, ing and suggested using the oil treat­ "prospective general benefits would ment to make at this time.” on zoning, population density, street ter receiving basic training at Fort Guadalcanal, British Solomons islands, be so small in value to the compari­ arrangement and park development. ment found successful in other sec­ Benjamin Rachlin, chairman of the Dix. on August 7: The action they found son of the cost of the improvement, tions of the township. and made there has been described repair committee, said that the dam­ A SMALL TOWN in Jersey has dis­ His brother, George, also serving in as not to ^warrant the expenditure of In explaining the amount of oil ne­ as the toughest fighting man has ever aged bulkhead of the Farrier property- covered a plan for helping but the the Army, was formerly a paratroop­ government funds therefor.” cessary and available, Committeeman endured, and changed the course of had allowed earth from the lots to sift manpower shortage in oine way. Sev­ er. He also has a sister, Katheryn The roprt also stated that the ma­ Alfred C. Chapman told the members the entire war. For five months the into the lagoon and has made neces­ eral commuters, who work all day in Dorer. jority of those in favor of the canal that one carload of oil, which is the marines lived and fought under con­ sary the present project. the city, put on their overalls after were “pleasure-craft owners, profes­ usual amount released at one time, i ditions of extreme privations, and Mr. Rachlin said that the proposed supper and Ireport at the firehouse to sional fisherman, and small resort contains 1,000 gallons, and would be cleaned the Japs out of these islands. work would clean the inlet, which comunities, which foresaw a great in­ take ovflr the job of cleaning the sufficient to complete two miles and runs south for 300 feet from Shark Presbyterian Church For their gallant work there, the crease in business.” town’s 18 miles of street. About 15 of 400 feet of a road of normal width. river to the lagoon, and the lagoon for division was awarded the presidential Against the improvement were the them report for work each night, get­ Mr. Newman then offered a motion ! 300 feet east and 300 feet west, mak- unit citation, the highest award in t^is railroads, and some other utilities. ting the job done in short order. A To Pay Off Mortgage authorizing the purchase of a carload | ing it possible for the tides each d a y country.
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