• . ■'^* - ■?;vv---;., ■,; .V- ,/ t. ■ • Witri'jS *•■ >V 'FRIDAY, NOVEMBia t, 196( ' f j : f V L X ; ' ■ c. pACnHVfiNTT^ ^anririfBtieir lEtirrilnQ Averaie Daily Net Pteaa Ron /Far tha Weak B«6a« V. .. " Sunset Council No. 46,- Degree Tha Great iSooka Dlscusalon Oct. a t, 1656 of Pocahontas, will *njft Howlw Qroup’ wlH meat Wedneaday night AbbiitTown night atfg o’clock In Twiker Hkll. at 7:30 at the Mery Cheney This will be- the' first meeting rer Library. The book to be discussed 11 ,9 1 6 BpMitUat S.C WalUr J. Crock- sumlng the pracUce of having two is Plato’s ''Gorgiss.” Leaders will af tha A«at meetings a month. Final plans will be 'Mrs. Katherine Bourn and John Boraae af Orselatlaa •tf, wtaoM wtfe, litni- X. M ancIw iter^A City of ViUagm Charm W ait S t, won flt Ale* be made for entertaining Great .Tubiak. Wert St, «ctntly parUclpa^^ PocehonUs Katherine Dunn and 'a ffy KsardM Conkm W«*i» ^ATO her staff at the next meeting, Nov. The WCTU will meet at the South’Methodist Church Tuesday, MANCHESTER; CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8,1955 manmnrrt uatiiK U ®- 21.- VOL.' L*XXV, NO. 81 (TWELVE PAGE8) BrltWt troopa in Wert 0«nnan>.. Nov. 8, a t 10:30. A pptluek ■X A Clark F ot 5«' The Epworth Circle of the South luncheon will be served at noon. try Dlrtrtbn'a 11th RertrAent, he MethOdlst Church will hold a food A business meeting will follow at entered tha Army In 1M2. , sale tomorrow morning' at the J. 2 p.m,, with roll call, to which the W. Hale Store, starting at 6:30. membm-s are asked to respond with Flood Peril Hartford Alliance of Delta, Del- a verse of scripture or something • ta. Delta will hold Ita annual The ManchesUr Wales will re­ of interest In current events. Hos­ Hunt New Man founder'B day banquet at 'M nlly peat their show, "Tons of Fun.” tesses will be Mrs Dgvid Cham­ College next at the Rocky Hill Veterans Hos- bers, Mrf. Winism McKinney and A t Ansonia p.m. The a p ^ e r will ba Marie W. i)ital and at the Rockville High Mrs. Arthur Gibson. fietcher, national treaaurer. Any ikhcol and not In WOthersfleld Mancheater TrirDelU who haa not and Rockville, as reported in last • TJje annual dinner of the Child Diminishes boen called may phone Mr*. night's Herald. The show will, be given at the Rocky Hill Veterans Evangelism Fellowrtilp will he r Qiariea' Baxter. 361 Summit at., served tomorrow a t 6 p.m. at the j . X . By THR ASSOCIATED raSSS before tomorrow ewniitg fof rjeer- lospltal oh Nov. 11 and at the, Rockville High School on Mov. 13 Cbvbnant Congre|mtlonal Church. By EOBEBT SHAW Ansonia, a flood jittery vationa. and 26. Tickets for the Rockville 43 Spruce St. The Juniors win | have a meeting tonight a t 7 o’clock i Stafford Springs,i^Nov-i community, had’another Edith Allen and Mrs. Harriei Neri.i a t the cliufSHT^' "(Sp^iill-r^A iievr deTrelop* scare during We night, but theMmSi Mathodlrt Church are two of the Rockyllla members of mhfit in the Doris Hatch inin> the danger ebbed, when rain reminded that the regular Monday the club, or from members Of the der case wag reported yester> turned to snow in the north executive meeting ii being poet- Wates in this. town. poned until Tueeday a t 7:30 p.m., Jobless Claims! day when the contenta of A 'em part of the state, and i^en the board will meat In con­ King David Uidge No. 31, lOOF. aecond note found near tne ceased entireiy over the lower lifer es junction wlth the special Quarter­ will meet tonight at 7:30 In Odd Decrease Here body of William T um ^w aa Naugatuck River valley. ly Conference of the church. , Fellows Hall. Following the busi-. reportedly bared by the The river held pretty much V ness meeting a social hour will be within Its banka even here, except From H pital; / \ The Men’s Club of St. Mary’s Claims for unemployment com-(j Look Crawford County, y^a.. Dis­ enjoyed. for eoms minor flooding in the l/'' ■Sptsoopal Chu«!h will, hold a sup­ pensatlon In the Manchester area | trict Attorney; / ^ lower end of town where It crept per meeting Monday night at 6:30 The Chaminade Club Will hold dropped froni 783 to 718 during:, noU touched off a ■ggt« into a lumber yard which was ds- Had ration rt the church. The speaker for the Its monthly meeting Monday night the week, ending Oct. 28, accord-!' by ^nnsylvaiUa:’^8tata Police for atfoyed In both thS| Aug. 16 and >>. >-J - evanlng will be MortOn Nace, di­ at I o'clock in the Federation Ing to a repdrt of the Slate I-abOr. Definitely on the long •George MeOefflck, Tum er’a oue- Oct. IS flooda H a rtfi^ , Nov. 8 (A5—State Po­ rector of youth and laymen’s pro­ Room of Center Congregational Department that was released to-1 Ome frte i^ employe and fallow Ool. Timothy Quinn, the Army lice heaqquartera reported that a gram In the diocese of. Connect!- Church.' ' * dGy,-^ I heif side ... our long* patient. / - / Engineers* disakter coordinator for life term {Iriaonec confined to 4 ■ cut. / V ■ Th4 report showed that Initial: line, rich-surfaced coats Turner, who was being sought Ansonia, aald early this morning lord hospital—Teddy Zulew- A daiighter .was bom Wednes­ claima. which repreienl new spells | for queitioning Thursday regard­ that the hourly-rate of the rlae '8, of 421 South Ave., Bridge-, The Hartford CSmpt day at the HarUord Hospital ta of unemployment, were down also., of flaaca, alpaca pile ing Mlse Hatch’s death, com­ was dimifiishing. < aacaiied at 1 a.m. '(IQ$T) to­ American Society of ^ TToot En- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony lamonaco. There were 88 such claims last' and plushy twaed, plus mitted imicldah* before police Rise Slacks Off day. week as compared with 105 In ■' reached Mm. XT the Un»a ot her gUteers wlU, hold a technical acU- 62 Vernon St., Rockville. The fine quality. , At three o’clock It had rieen ^ y Police Lt. Anton Nelson iat^ rtW meeting Nbv. 14 at 8 p.m. In maternal grandmother IS Mrs. the previous week. 1 I ' disappGarancG two and ont- half two inches during the Zuiewskl waa operated on Tubaday the Hartford Gas Cb. Auditorium. Florence North of Rockville and Women last week accounted for j years agb, ha was the “chief aua-. hour, a definlta slaekliii morning in St. FVancia, Hospital B, D. Wltemeyer, manager of U»r the paumal grandparenU are Mr. 601, or W.O per cent, of the claims. pect." the four to five inch Nmly rise after removal from tliA Wethera- Fixed Gage and Tool Room Instru­ and Mra. Nunslo lamonaco, 174 In the preceding , week, women Telia af Letters which brought it up Mkriy tour field State Prison. ment Dlv. of the Sheffield oorp., Oak S t account^ for 532, or 67.6 p e r: Tha note, according to Penn- and a half feet between 6 a.m Nelson said the prisoner waw Daytots, Ohio, will speak, on "Oonr cent, of all claims, i aylvanla detectives -here, la a re­ Friday and mldnlghr lart night. serving a life term for second ds- The chUdren’s vesper eervtce Throughout the State, mean-: quest written by Turner to hla AUhough there/waa no, aerioue gim murder. tmilhg ■ Dimensional Accuracy while, the number of compensa­ with Umlt Type Gagea’* usually held in the afternoon of wife, UlUng her to obtain "letltpra flooding from ^ e river, surface ' Nelson said that apparantly the iecond Sunday of , the month tion claims dropped from 22,427 to as and documenU” in the poaaeaaion runoff floweA/lnto many cellar*, Zuiewskl escaped while the guard, 20,808. with a rapid recovery from ] 5wert a treat, this wonderful Wayne at the South MelhodUt Church , Maid coat dreaa classic is as tasteful and of McGafflck, who is believed to apd more than a. score of mef- thought the prisoner wts lasleep. win be held on Sunday. Nov. 20. the October flooda accounting forj Grewi. CaM, Immwi to be somewhere in Texas. - chants were crowded at one time It was not known what clothihig moat of the drop. i as much fun tp wear as an old time kt 4:30. This change has been dar— McGafflck was a clerk In the durmg. w night Into Mayor 1(V*** the prisoner was wearing. ^' made because of a eonfilot In pro­ However, a number of flood] taffy pull. , hardware store owned by Tumar's llam TVSheaebyi office -where State Police ha. ] act up road claima were received at offices 11 grams at the church. And only top ingredients go into this /I fuinily in Cambridge Springs, Pa., (^uinitand-B^tate Civil Director Leo blocks In the Hartford area and nVEDISH throughout the State. Waterbury | Style 619, Stem 14 la at the time of -the disappdarance Muleahy maintained headquarters. city poUce mads a mlnuts search The marriage of ConsUnce J. reported'1,800,of them,. Danbury delicious dish. The colors are picked 44. Style 6190, Sase ^ of DoHe Hatch, part-tim e book­ / A l l of the irierchantB. twice vic­ of the hospital gfouniJa. 1,700, Ansonia 600 and Norwalk . up in the filigree buttons, the swirling Androlevlch of Haftford and Pvt. -24W. \ keeper in the store, whose skele­ timized by floodb-in two months .Although the escape waa re­ Harman M.
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