524 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. SENATE. DECEJ\IBER' 19' Also, petition of A'merican Council, No. 18, Daughters of II. R. 10703. An act authorizing the extension of .Monroe street .America, favoring restriction of immigration ( S. 4403 )'--to the NE. ; Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. H. n. 10843. An act authorizing the extension of Kenyon By ·1\!r. RIORDAN: Petition of Richmond Council, No. 19, street NW. ; Junior Order United American ll~chanics, favoring restriction H . R. 14815. An act f or the extension of Harvard street, Co­ of immigration (S. 4403)-to the Committee on Immigration lumbia Heights; District of Columbia ; and Naturalization. H. R. 14900. An act to extend FouTth street NE. ; . Also, petition of the Bar .Association of Seward, Alaska, for H . R. 20069. ~ act for the opening of Macomb street NW., legislation creating a fourth judicial division Of the- court, with District of Columbia.; headquarters at Seward or Valdez-to the Committee on the R . R . 21408~ An act to amend. an act entitled "An act to regu­ Judiciary. late the ~eeping of employment agencies in the District of Co­ By .Mr. SAMUEL : Petition of Walmeta Council, . No. 73, Iumbia where fees are charged' for procuring employment or Daughters of Liberty, fa.T"oring restriction of immigration (S. situations," approved June 19, 1906 ; and 4403) -to the Co.rnmi ttee on II:mnlgration and Naturalization. H . R. 22580. An act making appropriations for the· current By 1\lr. S~IITH of Pennsylvania: Petition of Sargeant Wiant and' contingent expenses of the ' Indian Department, for ful­ Council, No. 3!)9, Junior Order United. American Mecllanics, filling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, :md. for faT"oring resh·iction of immigration (&. 4-103)-to the Committee other purposes, for. the fis~l year ending Jnne 30, 1008. on Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. STERLING : Paper to accompany bill for relief of ENROLLED BILLS STONED. James O'Neal-to the Committee on lnT"alid Pensions. T.Qe message further announced that the Spenker of the By 1\Ir. WANGER : Petition of the Intelligencer, of. Doyles­ House had signed the following emolled bills ; and they were town, Pa., against tariff on linotype machines-to the Commit-­ thereupon signed by the Vice-President : tee on Ways and 1\Ieans-. S. l58. An act granting. an ·increase of pension to John Ord By Mr. WILEY of New Jet-sey: Petition of citizens of East Gordon; Orange and Orange, N. J.., and members of the Woman'~ Club of S. 2225. An act granting an increase ·of pension to Samuel Orange, against the duty on works of art-to the Committee on White; ·ways and Means. S. 2880. An act granting an increase of pension to James C. By 1\!r. WILLIAMS : Petition of the American, against tariff Coad; on linotype macQ.ines-to the Committee on Ways and Means. S. 4:174:. An act granting an increase of pension to Joseph .P. Garland; · S. 4235. An act granting an increase of pension_ to Daniel SEW.ATE. Sullivan; S. 4315. An act granting an increase of pension to J. Dillen VVEDNESDAY, December 19,1906. Turner; S. 4365. An act granting an. increase of pension to Mathew Prayer by Rev. MERRIMAN- COLBERT HARRIS, D. D., missionary Kerwin; . bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. for Japan and Korea. S. 4366. An act granting an increase of pension to Henry B. The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's Willilelmy ; nroceedings, when, on request of l\Ir. GALLINGER, and by Ul{ani­ S. 4695. An act granting an increase of pension to John H . mous com:ent, the further reading was dispensed with. Mullen; The VICE-PRESIDENT, The Journal stands approved. S. 4091. An act granting an increase oi: pension to Lycurgus ANNUAL REPORT OF THE L~TERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. D. Riggs; S. 5042. An act granting an increase of pension to Joscplline The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate tlle Twentieth S. Jones; Annual Report of the Interstate Commerce Commission; which was referred to the Committee on Interstate- Commerce, and S. 5081. An act granting a pension to Lucy Florette :Nichols; S. 5402. An ~ct granting an increase of pension to Cllarles 1\1. ordered to be printed. Lyon; MESSAGE FRO:!\£ THE HO'CTSE. S. 5~45. An act granting an increase of pension to Margaret A message from the House of Representatives, by 1\IJ·. W . J . Brannon; BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced· that the House bad passed S. fi547. An act granting an increase of pension to Hillary tile following bills with amendments; in which it requested the Beyer; concurrence of the Senate: S. 5637. An act granting an increase of pensign to Margaret &. 55. An act for the widening of Bladensburg road, and for Remmel; · other purposes ; S. 5710. An act granting an increase of pension to Samuel U. S. 64. An act for the extension of Seventh street _and Frank­ .Daughenbaugh ; lin street NE., and for other purposes; S. 5094. An act granting an increase- of pension to John S. 68. An act for the widening of a -section of Columbia road Dickey· east of Sixteenth street; S. 614:8. An act granting an increase of pension to James S. S. 133. An ac:t authorizing the extension of Twenty-thlrd Wllitlock; street NW. to Kalorama road; S. 6151. An act granting an increase-of pension to l\lnrk Ham; S. ~098. An act authorizing the extension of Second street S. 6197. An· act- granting an increase of pension to Charles E1 NW. from Elm sh·eet north to Bryant sn:eet, of W street from Hemy ~ its present terminus west of Flagler place to Second street, and S. 62~8 . An act granting a pension to Betsey Hattery; of 'V street west of Second street eastwardly to Second street; S. G259. An ac): granting_ an increase of pension to Oakaley · S. 2260. An act authorizing the extension of Meridian place Randall; NW. ; . S. 6339. An act granting an increase of pension to James S. 5119. An . act authorizing tile ·extension of W and Adams Dearey; streets NW. ; s: 6521. An act granting a pension to Abbie J. Daniels; and · s. 5'J-4G. An act to provide for the extension• of Geneseo place H . R. 22584. An act making- appropriations to supply urgent ·and Summit place, District of Columbia; and deficiencies in the apnropriations for tile fiscal yerrr ending June 30, 1907, and for other purposes. S. 5565~ An act to close certain alleys in the- District of Columbia. PETITIONS A~D ME::UORIALS. The message also announced that the House had passed the 1\fr. BENSON pre ented memorials of 'sundry citizens of Eu­ following bills; in which it requested the concurrence cf the reka, Moline, 1\fineral, Franklin County, and. Cherokee Countj, Senate: all. in the State of Kansas, remonsh·atlng against the ·enachnent H. R. 121. An act authorizing tb~ extension of Seve-nteenth of legislation requiring certain places of bu ine s in the District street NW.; of Columbia to be closed on Sunday ; which were referred to the H. R. !28. An act for the opening of a connecting highway be­ Committee on the District af Columbia. tween Water Side drive and Park road, District of Columbia.; 1\Ir. GEA.RIN presented memorials. of sundry citizens· of Port~ · H. n. 5971. An act u.utborizing the extension of T street (for­ land and Multnomah County, in the State of Oregon, remon­ merly W str:cet) NW. ; strating against the enactment of legislation requiring certain· II. R . 7039. .An act authorizing the- extension of Prospect places of business in the District of Columbia to be closed ·on street N"r· ; Sunday; which were referred to the Committee on the District II. R. 84:35. An act for the opening of Fessenden street NW., of Columbia. · · Disn-fd of Columbia; 1Ur. KEAN presented. a: petition .of ~1mfu---y citizens of'.Camden, 1906. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 525 N. J., praying that an investigation be made into the recent dis: Mr. DICK, from the Committee on Territories, to whom was charge of Companies B, C, and D, of the Twenty-fifth Infantry, referred the bill (H. R. 13675) to ratify and confirm the acts of and that justice be accorded them; which was referred to the the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma, passed in Committee on 1\iilitary Affairs. the year 1905, relating to an insane asylum for the Territory of He also pre ented a petJtion of sundry citizens of Cliffwood, Oklahoma, and providing for the establishment and maintenance N. J., praying for the enactment of legislation to regulate the of an insane asylum for the Territory of Oklahoma at Fort Sup­ inter tate transportation of intoxicating liquors; which was re­ ply, in Woodward County, Okla., and making appropriation ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. therefor, reported it without amendment, and submitted a report l\Ir. SCOTT presented a memorial of sundry citizens of thereon. Pleasants, W. Va., remonstrating against the enactment of legis­ ALLEGHENY RITER BRIDGE. lation requiring certain places of business in the District of l\fr. BERRY. I am directed by the Committee on Commerce, Columbia to be closed on Sunday; which was referred to the to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 21200) to authorize the Committee on the District of Columbia. county of Allegheny, in the State of Pennsylvania, to construct Mr. BURKETT presented sundry a,ffidavits to accompany the a bridge across the Allegheny River, in Allegheny County, Pa., bill ( S. 7292) granting an increase of pension to Stephen Prior.; to report it favorably without amendment.
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