www.ksc2013.or.kr “New Horizon for Globalization of Korean Cardiology” KSC 2013 The 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Korean Society of Cardiology 29 (Fri.)~30 (Sat.), November, 2013 KINTEX, Goyang, Republic of Korea Program Book The Korean Society of Cardiology & The Korean Cardiac Research Foundation “New Horizon for Globalization of Korean Cardiology” Scientific Committee Director Young-Hoon Kim Scientific Committee Member Dae Hee Kim Myung A Kim Soo-Joong Kim Soo Jin Kim Yang Min Kim Young Hak Kim Jin Won Kim Sung Ji Park Jeong Bae Park Hyun Young Park Hui Nam Pak Mi Seung Shin Dong Heon Yang Yong Seog Oh Byung Su Yoo Young Won Yoon Sak Lee Sang Chol Lee Hae Young Lee Gi Young Jang Kook-Jin Chun Hwan-Jeong Jeong Jae Young Choi Geu Ru Hong Soon Jun Hong Young Jun Hong We sincerely encourage you to join us at the KSC 2013 Dear Colleagues, It is our great pleasure to invite you to the KSC 2013, to be held at KINTEX in Goyang, Republic of Korea from November 29 to 30, 2013. The KSC 2013 will draw leading professionals and medical experts from all over the world to Goyang to discuss and explore strategies that address the current issues we are faced in the field of cardiol- ogy. The Organizing Committee will exert its utmost efforts in prep- arations for a successful forum where participants can be actively engaged in great exchanges of ideas and perspectives on efficient diagnosis and cardiology-related diseases treatment. The KSC 2013 will feature a wide range of excellent scientific pro- grams to ensure that you are up-to-date with the latest develop- ments in cardiology research. We also plan to present an enthrall- ing social program, where you can enjoy meeting and blending with other participants and colleagues. We sincerely encourage you to join us at the KSC 2013, which will offer you precious opportunities and rewarding experiences. We look forward to seeing you all at the KSC 2013. Thank you. The Korean Society of Cardiology President Kyung-Hoon Choe Chairman Dong Joo Oh Instruction >> Important Dates Registration Open: July 29, 2013 Deadline for Registration: October 13, 2013 Foreign Early Bird Registration (Until October 13, 2013) On-Site Registration Physician USD 100 USD 150 Trainee, Nurse, etc USD 80 USD 130 Accompanying Person USD 80 USD 100 Domestic Early Bird Registration (Until October 13, 2013) On-Site Registration Physician KRW 80,000 KRW 100,000 Trainee, Nurse, etc KRW 50,000 KRW 70,000 Accompanying Person KRW 50,000 KRW 70,000 Remember to indicate payment reference of your name on all money transfers. You can register online using electronic bank transaction after signing-up on this website. A copy of bank transfer should be sent to the secretariat ([email protected]). All bank charges for remittance must be borne by the applicants. 1. BANK NAME: KOOKMIN BANK (DOHWA-DONG BRANCH) 2. SWIFT CODE: CZNBKRSE 3. BANK ADDRESS: 173, DOHWA-DONG, MAPO-GU, SEOUL, KOREA 4. BENEFICIARY NAME: THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY 5. ACCOUNT NUMBER: 827-01-0337-591 >> Cancellation and Refund Policy Cancellations or changes must be made in writing to The Korean Society of Cardiology secretariat before September 29, 2013 · A request for cancelling registration must be pre-notified in writing to the secretariat by e-mail. · Requesting by phone / fax is not accepted. · To transfer registration fee to another person is not allowed. http://www.ksc2013.or.kr/english/sub/registration/instruction.html 평점 : 의사협회 12점, 내과분과 4점 The 57th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Korean Society of Cardiology KSC 2013 1층 Grand Ballroom (MVL Hotel) 셔틀안내 Scientific Session 10 Scientific Session 11 Nov. 28(Thu.) D1 [Boryung] [St. Judemedical] Nov. 29(Fri.) D2 19:00-20:40 Program at a Glance 정남식, 이명묵 김윤년, 김영훈 셔틀버스 A (서부역 롯데마트 앞) 서울역 ↔ 킨텍스 (제 2전시장 3번 Gate) 서울역 킨텍스 킨텍스 서울역 4F 3F 4F 3F 1F 출발 도착 출발 도착 08:00 09:00 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Room 9 (Hall 6 C) Hall 6 A+B 08:30 09:30 CAD 1 CAD 3 CAD 5 Intervention 2 Arrythmia 1 Echo 1 Basic Research 1 Vascular 1 [Eng] Intervention Symposium CHD 2 [Eng] 09:00 10:00 11:00 11:55 1-8 17-24 33-40 49-56 Keynote Lecture 90-93 112-115 134-141 Arrythmia Symposium 1 for Nurses and Key Note Lecture Imaging 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 (7) Symposium 1 Technicians & Free Papers Symposium 김영조, 김무현 박성욱, 박시훈 고재기, 전두수 현민수, 이상곤 박종춘, 신준한 한 진, 김 원 성기철, 김장영 1. 박승정, 정욱성 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 08:30-10:30 71-77 (5) Man Young Lee, 2. 장양수, 한규록 Kee Sik Kim, 153-157 12:00 13:00 14:00 14:55 최인석, 오동진 94-97 116-119 Hui Nam Pak Jun Kwon 13:00 14:00 15:00 15:55 이광숙, 서동만 주승재, 박대균 최동주, 국 현 14:00 15:00 16:00 16:55 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 [Eng] [Eng] [Eng] Intervention 3 [Eng] Echo 2 Basic Research 2 Vascular 2 [Eng] Hypertension CHD [Eng] 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 YIC 1 YIC 2 YIC 3 57-62 Arrythmia 2 98-103 120-125 142-144 Heart Failure Symposium Symposium 1 KOREA-CHINA 1-5 6-10 11-15 Keynote Lecture Symposium Joint Session 18:30 19:30 김병옥, 윤영원 정진원, 장경식 서홍석, 한승환 정익모, 김동운 김종진, 김철호 이주원, 주찬웅 (5) (Echo) ※ 60분 소요 Jeong Euy Park, Hyo Soo Kim, Chee Jeong Kim, Soon Kil Kim, 78-82 Dong Ju Choi Myung A Kim Yang Soo Jang Kyu Hyung Ryu Seung-Woo Park, 10:30-12:00 June Soo Kim, Yihua He Examiners: Examiners: Examiners: Myung Yong Lee [Eng] 셔틀버스 B (대화역 3번 출구) Young Guk Ko, Soo Joong Kim, Young Youp Koh, Vascular 3 대화역 ↔ 킨텍스 (제 2전시장 3번 Gate) Jin Won Kim, Tae Ho Park, Kyung Soo Kim, 145-147 Hyun Young Park, Yong Seog Oh, Jeong Bae Park, Ick Mo Chung, Byung Su Yoo, Tae Joon Cha, Mi Seung Shin, Poster Dong Woon Kim 대화역 킨텍스 킨텍스 대화역 June Huh In Ho Chae Kwang Soo Cha Exhibition 1 1-127 출발 도착 출발 도착 07:00 07:10 [Eng] [Eng] [Eng] Scientific Scientific Scientific Scientific Scientific (09:00-16:00) Meet Expert 1 Meet Expert 2 Meet Expert 3 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 07:30 07:40 12:00-12:50 (Echo) (Hypertension) (Vascular) [Otsuka] [Pfizer] [Norvatis] [CJ] [Bayer] 07:45 07:55 (12:00-12:40) (12:00-12:40) (12:00-12:40) 김철민, 윤정한 김유호, 오동진 홍순표, 유규형 김효수, 박시훈 노태호, 김덕경 08:00 08:10 Jae K. Oh Jae Hyung Kim Jeong Bae Park 08:15 08:25 08:30 08:40 Mini Oral 1_ Hall 6 A+B (13:00-14:30) 08:45 08:55 A: (Basic Research ) 1~3: 안영근 / (Hypertension) 4~8: 조은주, 이해영 / (Vascular) 9~11: 조구영 09:00 09:10 12:50-14:30 Break B: (Arrythmia) 12~22: 온영근, 황교승 C: (Intervention) 23~33: 박헌식, 김상욱 09:30 09:40 D: (Intervention) 34~44: 전국진, 허승호 10:00 10:10 10:50 11:00 10:30 10:40 11:20 11:30 CAD 2 [Eng] Intervention 1 Intervention 4 Arrythmia 3 Heart Failure 1 [Eng] CHD 1 [Eng] [Eng] Surgery Myocardial [Eng] 11:00 11:10 11:50 12:00 9-16 CAD 4 41-48 63-70 Keynote Lecture 104-111 Basic Research Key Note Lecture Basic Research Echo Symposium 1 Infarction 1 KOREA-JAPAN 11:30 11:40 12:20 12:30 25-32 (7) & Lipid & & Free Papers Symposium Symposium 1 Joint Session 이상훈, 송우혁 강진호, 김영학 황진용, 임상욱 이명묵, 최동주 심원흠, 장병철 김영조, 채성철 12:00 12:10 12:50 13:00 83-89 Epidemiology (5) (Intervention) Chong Jin Kim, Myeong Chan Cho, Jae-kwan Song, 12:30 12:40 13:20 13:30 Seung Jea Tahk 조용근, 김대혁 126-129 148-152 (14:30-16:00) Eun Seok Jeon Jun Kwon 13:00 13:10 13:50 14:00 14:30-16:30 Ick Mo Chung, 노정일, 고재곤 Young Bae Park, Moo Yong Rhee Junya Ako 13:30 13:40 14:20 14:30 14:00 14:10 14:50 15:00 130-133 14:30 14:40 15:20 15:30 Chee Jeong Kim, 15:00 15:10 15:50 16:00 Young Keun Ahn 15:30 15:40 16:20 16:30 Opening Ceremony_ Room 9 (Hall 6 C) 16:00 16:10 16:50 17:00 16:40-16:50 개회 및 대북공연 16:30 16:40 17:20 17:30 16:50-16:55 개회사 및 환영사 17:00 17:10 17:50 18:00 16:55-17:25 What I Have Accomplished / 16:40-18:40 18:20 18:30 Dong Joo Oh, Jae-Kwan Song 17:25-17:55 Plenary 1 / Kyung Hoon Choe 18:30 18:40 17:55-18:05 학회보고 18:50 19:00 18:05- Beerlogy ※ 10분 소요 The 57th Annual Scientific Meeting 셔틀안내 KSC 2013 of The Korean Society of Cardiology Nov. 30(Sat.) D3 셔틀버스 C (앰블호텔) Program at a Glance 엠블호텔 ↔ 킨텍스 (제 2전시장 3번 Gate) 엠블호텔 킨텍스 킨텍스 엠블호텔 출발 도착 출발 도착 4F 3F 4F 3F 1F 07:30 07:35 Room 1 Room 2 Room 3 Room 4 Room 5 Room 6 Room 7 Room 8 Room 10 Room 11 Room 12 Room 13 Room 9 (Hall 6 C) Hall 6 A+B 07:45 07:50 08:00 08:10 CAD 6 CAD 9 Intervention 6 Intervention 9 Arrythmia 4 Heart Failure 2 Epidemiology, CHD 3 [Eng] Intervention Surgery Arrythmia [Eng] 08:10 08:20 158-165 186-193 214-221 242-249 Keynote 296-303 Prevention & Key Note Lecture Gender-Related Symposium 2 Symposium 2 Symposium 2 Echo Symposium 2 Lecture(7) Rehabilitation & Free Papers CV Disease 08:20 08:35 박금수, 김영대 정상식, 진동규 전희경, 고충원 김두일, 장기육 오병희, 백상홍 1.
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