r-; jr117777- 71 • of f Onicial ago,: ofthe North Paeiile Union &Jeremy of Seventlidc757;4chientists, AUGUST 17, 1964 VOL. 59, NO. 32 COLLEGE PLACE, WASHINGTON "Signs" Opens Muslim Town Drinking Drivers who drinks and drives would see in such laws the fact that he would face Washington, D.C.—Six thousand A letter from Gerundio U. Ellacer, of a good chance of losing his driver's the Western Mindanao Mission, Philip- Americans who will die this year in license for a very uncomfortable period highway accidents could be alive, a pines, dated July 8, brings the follow- of time. If a man gets in a position national insurance company executive ing good news: where he has to make a choice, he will said here today (July 30) at American "On May 2 it was our privilege to see choose to protect the driver's license University. seven precious souls baptized as a and avoid the drinking and driving, William N. Plymat, president of the result of our work here. Two were he stated. Preferred Risk Mutual Insurance Com- Muslim wives and the rest came from In his talk, the insurance company pany, Des Moines, Iowa, told students Muslim influence. All of them were executive pointed out that around 50 regular recipients of the Signs. At the at the ninth annual Washington Insti- percent of the fatal-accident drivers tute of Scientific Studies for the Pre- end of this month, God helping again, in the U.S. have been drinking. And vention of Alcoholism that "our effec- we will hold another baptism. Most of half of the drinking drivers have less tive legal limit of alcohol in the blood the candidates are members of our alcohol than is normally required to (.15 percent) is about three times Signs club here. convict for drunk driving, he stated. higher than it should be." "The Sulu Archipelago is a Muslim "In suburban Westchester County, He supported an "implied consent" territory with Christians in the minor- New York, during an eight-year period law that would cause every licensed ity, but the Signs of the Times has beginning January 1, 1950, it was found driver to submit to a chemical test for created a remarkably good impression on the basis of post mortem examina- the purpose of determining the alcohol among these prejudiced people and re- tions that fully 73 percent of the driv- content of his blood should an officer lationships with the authorities and ers killed in single-vehicle accidents feel that the driver is guilty of driv- prominent citizens in this town are had alcohol concentrations over .05 ing under the influence. greatly improved. At present we are percent," stated Plymat. If the driver refuses to take the test, looking for a lot where we can build a Speaking of the point at which im- he loses his license for a specific chapel. Several Muslim leaders have pairment begins, he alluded to a study period, said Plymat. voiced their willingness to help us . conducted in Sweden in 1950 which He suggested that the present drunk "Last December we received dona- concluded that "the threshold of im- driving laws be left to stand for the tions totaling P250 from our Signs club pairment of driving ability in expert more severe offenders, but that a move members. The funds were used in re- drivers is an alcohol concentration of be made in the direction of establish- pairing footbridges and the mission .35 to .40 per mil in the blood." This ing a "speed limit" in the field of school building for the pagan Samal level is reached by approximately two drinking and driving by making it an tribe outcasts. drinks or two bottles of beer consumed offense to operate a motor vehicle with "We are grateful for the marvelous in an hour by a 150 pound man, he more than a certain amount of alcohol accomplishments through the help of said. the Signs of the Times." in the blood. Anyone desiring to send Signs over- Plymat suggested the following pro- seas may contact your own local Book gram of offenses and penalties for the Religious News Service specified amounts of alcohol in the and Bible House or write to Signs Provided Via Radio World Ministry, Pacific Press, Moun- blood: tain View, California. We can put you (1) 0.05% to 0.10%—Fine: $50 to $250. Pastors who are seeking to make No jail term. Suspension of driv- the community more aware of the in touch with some of the great needs Seventh-day Adventist church in its that exist. er's license for 30 days. (2) 0.10% to 0.15%—Fine: $100 to $250 midst will welcome "On the Air," a D. L. OLSEN religious news service provided by the Circulation Manager and/or two to 30 days imprison- ment; suspension of driver's license General Conference Public Relations for 90 days. (Second time, six Bureau. months). The weekly mimeographed summary Dear Camp Doss Trainee: (3) 0.15% and o v e r—Fine: $250 to of religious news around the world is It has been brought to our atten- $1,000 or five days to one year or taped and broadcast by a growing tion that there was at least one both; suspension of driver's license number of pastors who report that the oversight in the list of what to bring for 90 days. program is well accepted by both sta- to Camp Doss. Our letter specified (4) General section—"Drunk driving" tion managers and listeners. that black shoes should be brought —Person convicted under this who "I feel that broadcasting religious for the Class A uniform. It also refused to submit to test. Fine: news is good advertising to help me will be necessary to have a pair of $250 to $1,000 and five days to one get acquainted with the community," comfortable boots or shoes for use year. Suspension of license for says Pastor Eugene R. Taylor, heard with the fatigue uniform—we do 90 days if driver did not refuse weekly on station KROE, Sheridan, not specify the color on these. to take test. (Second time, six Wyoming. Ed H. Webb months). "I've met people downtown who have Plymat said he feels that the man expressed appreciation for the pro- NORTH PACIFIC UNION GLEANER YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Editor: Mrs. lone Morgan Phone: JAckson 5-6030, Walla Walla From the Spirit of Prophecy Managing Editor: L. W. Croaker Phone: BElmont 5-4121, Portland THE PEACE OF THE CHRISTIAN* DO YOU KNOW- Second class postage paid at College Place, 1. How peace of mind may be obtained? Ministry of Healing, p. 247. Washington. Published weekly, 50 issues each year. Subscription price $1.00 a year. 2. What to do with melancholy thoughts? Ibid., p. 251. 3. How to make your life a positive force for good? Steps to Christ, pp. NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS: All articles, 116-118. Ministry of Healing, pp. 252, 253. pictures, and classified ads must be channeled through your local con f erence secretary- *This brief testimony study was extracted from lesson three of the popular, 24-lesson Prophetic treasurer. Copy mailed directly to the Gleaner Guidance Course, and represents just one phase of the broad subject presented. If you wish to will be sent to the conference involved. (Man- enroll and learn more about the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy and how they came to us uscripts originating outside the North Pacific and also about the life and work of Ellen G. White, simply send one dollar to the Prophetic Union territory must be sent to the Union Guidance School, Box 200, Glendale 5, Calif. You will receive first lessons and a 192-page textbook Conference office in Portland, Ore.) Material by mail. Certificate award. Twelve thousand Seventh-day Adventist graduates. for publication must reach the Gleaner office on Tuesday preceding the date of issue. gram," says Pastor Paul Gregoroff, IDAHO CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send your who presents "On the Air" on WMVO new address with ZIP CODE NUM- Mt. Vernon, Ohio. BER, to North Pacific Union Gleaner, A gas station attendant and a barber It's Still True! Box 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. readily recognized Pastor K. Scheller Include old address as it appeared Seventh-day Adventists make pro- on previous issues (if possible send of Towanda, Pennsylvania, as t h e address label). "radio news pastor." And last fall digious efforts to provide proper en- during Ingathering Pastor Scheller met vironment and Christian training for POSTMASTERS: Send Form 3579 a couple who regularly listen to the their children and very rightly they to North Pacific Union Gleaner, Box might! 248, College Place, Wash. 99324. broadcast on station WTTC. "This, of course, was a help to me in starting A survey made a decade ago revealed Bible studies in their home," he writes. the startling fact that if a Seventh-day NORTH PACIFIC The couple were baptized June 20. Adventist youth takes all of his formal UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Since all the broadcasts are identified schooling in church operated schools 1544 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Ore. 97214 as a service of the local Adventist through college graduation, the chances Phone: BElmont 5-4121 church, the weekly radio reminder of are nine out of ten that he will con- the church is well worthwhile. Sev- tinue to be a loyal Seventh-day Ad- President C. A. Scriven eral pastors supplement "On the Air" ventist. By the same token, and in Secretary-Treasurer L. W. Crooker items with news of local church events, stark contrast, for a similar youth of Auditor E S Humann Adventist parentage, but who takes all Educational thus heightening the public service J.
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