. '_ ‘ ■ * ■ . ' ■ ' 'i- . ■ ■'. ' . ' _ • ; ,. ,f •,'- a V ' ■■ . , / ' ■ -■ , ' ■ ' . • ■ ■ ...'■ ■ - :'. ■ ' ■ ‘ . '■ ' ..■ ■ ' ■ - . • . ^ ■ i ^ ■ n-'-" ' ? , ' - v t h e w e a t h e r - ~ KBT PRESS RUN r o m a w t h7 O- »• W e n lh e r H areaa, : AVBRA<3E DAIUY CIRCULATIOX •• New Havea Tor the month of February, tOS58 Fair tonight. Friday cloudy and 5 , 1 0 8 warmer followed by fUin. Uember of the Audit Bureaa of State ClrcutationM PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN , THURSDAY MARCH 8, 1928. (FOURTEEN PAGES) VOL. XLIL, NO. 135. Classified Advertising on Page 12. __A PENOB9CX)T SUFFRAGETTES HELPS BOY FRIEND ROB MAY WORK BUT NOT VOTE HER FATHER’S FACTORY Future Honeymooners—Maybe OUT OF WORK, INSANE TILSON FIGHTS ■4>- 3SiaiLLS CRACK . Old town. Me. ,March 8.—The Quincy, Mass., March 8.— Jhtnis said the en- American Indian is fast becom­ Miss Alice Hayes, 19, daughter gagement of ing “Americanized!” of Fred L. Hayes, general mafa- THELAMEDOCK John Coolidge, son Young suffragettes of the ASADTOaAMS ager of a Randolph Shoe Com­ of the President, Penobscot Indian tribe, who had LOCAL MAN FORGETS pany, and her “boy friend” Wil­ and Florence strived to upset traditions by ton H. Peck, 23, shoe worker of Trumbull, daugh­ gaining an equal vote with the TROLLEY RAOS Brockton, must report to local PLAN r a FLOOR ter of the gover* Braves in the government of the court once a week for nine tribe, had been defeated today months as the result of a sus­ nor of Connecticut, HE HAS HIDDEN $4,000 will be announced by the Braves and some of the pended sentence for taking squaws. eighty pairs of shoes from the soon. Here is a New Haven Men Critically Connecticut Man Takes Ac­ 'A photo of the two From the time when the In­ lactory of the girl’s father. just made public. dian roamed supreme over the > ...... — -------------- ------€> It was taken last land, the Braves held solemn Jacob Shepiskey, of 66 Hurt as Driver Uses tive Part in Opposing summer. pow-wows around the campfires, ASKSMlIRDOt and the women had not been ex­ Change in Date of Inaugu­ pected to do more than the Gardner Street, Sent to Tracks, Crashes M !r,Y$TERK)U$ FLIGHT work. Now they can still contin­ ue doing that. I N D l C i m O F State Hospital, Had Stuff­ Electric Car. NOT TRANSOCEANIC rations. I DR. W O Y L E ed Bills Into Old Tobacco Wasliiugton, March 8.—Powerful New Haven, March S.—Three ' MM BALKS SOVIET TRY leaders of the House got into action New Haven men are under treat-1 Bdx— Found By G. H. English Girl and Capt. Hinch- today in an effort to defeat the inent in hospitals today following' Gideon Seeks First Degree Norris-White “lame duck” resolu­ a head-on collision at Branford TO SELLJOLD HERE Waddell and Chief of Po- cliffe May Hop Off For * ■ early today between an automobile tion. Findings In Gaudet and Rep. John Q. Tilson of Connecti­ driven by Edward t. Donahue, of cut, Republican leader, and Rep. lice Gordon. New Haven, and a Connecticut India. i Martin B. Madden, (R) of Illinois. Mellon Blocks Scheme to Gaynor Killings as Grand Company trolley of which Daniel I appropriations committee chair- J. Johnson was motorman. ; man, were scheduled to take the Get Implied Recopition Jacob Shepiskey, of 66 Gard­ The victims most seriously hurt London, March 8.—While a I floor and denounce the attempt to Jury Meets. ner street, who was committed are Edmund O'Keefe, member of powerful Stinson Detroiter mono­ change the dates for presidential the New Haven fire department, and inaugurations and the convening of to the Norwich State Hospital plane rested on the field at the By United States. Hartford, March S— Superior Fred Lane, both in New Haven Congress. on Wednesday, Feb. 29 after hospital in serious condition with Cranwell airdrome,, in Lincoln­ The former is a warm defender Court grand jury headed by James fractured skulls, and George Kelly, shire, today, supplied for a long of “lame duck” Congresses—the E. Cannon, of Windsor Locks was Dr. T. H. Weldon and Dr. D. C. in Grace hospital with probably even-year sessions in which defeat­ Washington, March S—Another flight with Miss Elsie Mackay and subtle effort of the Russian Soviet today asked to hand down two first Y. Moore had pronounced'him fractured skull and also in a seri­ Captain Walter Hinchcliffe as its ed members may serve—and the degree murder indictments. Rein­ ous condition. occupants, there was mystery as to latter declares that the proposed to obtain at least implied commer­ hart L. Gideon, assistant state’s demented, had a $4,000 nest Driver Little Hurt the plane's destination. constitutional amendment would cial recognition from the United attorney, asked the jury to return egg he didn't know about. Shep­ Johnson, the motorman, received seriously impair the budget system, A sensational report was printed j States has been checkmated. the indictments against Harold N. cuts from flying glass but was not by the Daily Express that Miss liong Fight Likely Guilfoyle, a federal veterinarian, iskey hasn’t worked for two seriously hurt. Donahue, driver of Mackay and Hinchcliffe would hop Under the amendment, according BANDITS GET HUGE IRANSOH NOTE MAN ! This view was taken by official for the killing of Mrs. Max J. years and in wandering about the auto, and John Pfannenbecker, off on a non-stop trans-Atlantic to Madden, the budget would have ' Washington today after a close Gaudet, of New Haven: and against town he had complained of be­ who was among those in the auto, flight for America, but later de­ to be submitted by a “lame duck” i scrutiny of the facts surrounding John F. Gaynor, of Southin,e:ton, for ing unable to get work. Either also were cut and bruised but were velopments indicated that the president or a president new to the WAD OF SECURITIKi REGARDED AS DODI the refusal of Secretary of the the slaying of his son, Matthew, able to go home. job. The amendment sends Con­ j Treasury Mellon to purchase $5,- he was miserly or had forgotten The accident occurred on an in­ flyers planned to head towards In­ gress into session January 6 each from ambush after a quarrel. $4,000 he had hidden in his dia. The Daily Express published i 000,000 in Soviet gold, on behalf of The jury of eighteen men was cline at the Blackstone Memorial year and changes the inauguration the government. Gardner street home. library in the center of Branford, a circumstantial account of the to January 24. unable to start its deliberations plane for a trans-Atlantic flight, Knows Nothing of Frances While the treasury department until after noon. A long confer­ Charity Superintendent Geo. with the auto climbing the hill at The entire afternoon was expect- j Take $700,000 In Stock, 1 simply said the gold could not be high speed on the trolley track. but there was no confirmation from ed to be taken in the fight over the j ence between Judge L. Waldo Mar­ H- Waddell, in protecting Shep- either Miss Mackay or Captain I assayed by the mint because it was vin, who is presiding over the court The trolley car was going east, resolution, with prospects for the; i not presented by owners and that iskey’s interests when he was down the hill. The body of the auto Hinchcliffe. final vote being put off until to-! $16,000 Besides, In Cice­ St. John Smith, Is session, Mr. Gideon and Samuel Mrs. Hinchcliffe, wife of the the Soviet could establish no title, Rosenthal, who is Guilfoyle’s coun­ comrnitted to the retreat, asked was sheared off and tossed aside morrow. | it was learned that even more im­ while the vestibule of the trolley pilot-ace, said her husband con- Backers of the measure were still sel, occupied the attention of the him if lie had any personal be­ ro Factory Stickup. ities Belief. portant reasons were back of the court during the greater part of the longings he wanted saved. was smashed. templated flight to India- She de-1 confident that they could command continuation of the ban established Both Donahue and Johnson were dared she knew nothing of any the necessary two-third vote but morning. Shepiskey told Mr. Waddell he arrested and released on their own plan to attempt a trans-Atlantic admitted that they faced a stiff in 1920. Guilfoyle Not to Testify Northampton. Mass., March 8.— | Likely to Go Back When the grand jury was finally had a bank book and a few dol­ recognaisance pending a call from flight. fight. Chicago, March S.—Two bandits the lars at his home, and he turned the local court. Expert aviators said it would be While MichamBninickas, confess-1 The gold was imported for ready for business, Mr. Rosenthal early today obtained $700,000 in f r,f n S^nno ransom let-' Soviet State Bank and held in the presented a motion askintg that over the key to his house to the a most dangerous undertaking to C'd wntei of a $d0w00 lansom j vaults of the Chase National Bank RHiLED IN BAY STATE try to fly over the north Atlantic I stock, $9,000 in negotiable bonds Guilfoyle be ordered to appear be­ charity superintendent. Northbrfdge, Mass., March 8.— I and $7,000 in jewelry in a holdup ter to St. John Smith, locked up in Equitable Trust Company fore the grand jury.
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