INSIDE ••• • FULBRIGHT SCHOLARS CONDUCT RESEARCH AT wsu • CULT EXPERTTO SPEAK • EMPLOYEE DEVELOPME;NT COURSES LISTED FACULTY & STAFF NEWS • CASE WINNERS NAMED Friday, March 5, 1999 • Volume 9 Number 25 • Washington State University INSECTS INTHE MOVIES TOPIC OF MARCH II Teleconference LECTURE An award-winning insect ecologist will 'draws~ artists present her lecture, "Insects in the Mov­ ies-Bugs on the Big Screen;· as the 1999 from Spokane E. Paul Catts Memorial Lecture next week on the Pullman campus. to .program The lecture is scheduled for 8 p.m. Thurs- day (March II) in Todd 276. · A recent teleconference produced by the Col­ May Berenbaum, head of the University of lege of Agriculture and Home Economics' Infor­ Illinois, Urbana-Champaign entomology mation Depa.ttment has received high marks for department, is an author of numerous its unique backdrop. scientific and popular books and articles, as Two Spokane artists-Harold Balazs and Ken well as a fellow of both the American Spierrning-spent time during the two-hour tele­ Academy of ArtS and Sciences and the conference working on three 4-by-8-foot panels American Philosophical Society. In 1994, that served as part of the program stage. Berenbaum was elected to the National The program, "The Resilient Communities Academy of Sciences, the highest honor Satellite Series," featuring futurist Robert bestowed by the United States on an Theobald of the Northwest Regional Facilita­ American scientist. tors of Spokane and hosted by Scott Fedale, CAI-IE Information, was the first of a three-part Artists Harold Balazs, foreground, and Ken Spierming create an artistic backdrop as part of the Berenbaum will be available f~r a book­ CAHE's first segment in a three-part teleconference program,"The Resilient Communities Satellite series. Series." signing session before the lecture. Organizers were interested in adding the hu­ At 9 p.m., the Third Annual lns~ct Cinema manities element to the program that would dis­ Cult Classic will present "Beginning of the cuss community leadership and resilience-how End;' a 1957 film that features giant grass­ to find and foster leadership for the new millen­ hoppers attacking Chicago. nium. Both the lecture and film are open to the "So, based on what they heard, the pair of public without charge. artists created a work in progress," Fedale said. During the show, the program director would The lecture is established in honor of E. cut away and let the 395 participants in more Paul Catts, a professor and chair of the than 120 sites throughout the country watch the WSU's Entomology department. Guest panels develop. speakers are chosen based on their ability "Looking at the finished work, it is hard to to make science accessible to the public. believe the work was done by two artists; their styles blended so well together," Fedale added. CTL FORUM PLANNED "The evaluation was high in all categories con­ cerning the teleconference." "Peer Evaluation and the Scholarship of The second tele!=onference in d1e series is Teaching" is the topic of a brown-bag pla.tmed for April 8 and will bring in Eugene, forum Wednesday (March I 0). Ore., businesswoman Cynd1ia Beal, an advocate The noon- I:30 p.m. program at CUB 112-113, for commLmity preparedness. sponsored by the Center for Teaching and The d1ird program, planned May 27, will fea­ Learning. will be led by Tom Brigham, Psy­ ture a discussion on ways communities are ap­ chology, and MaryWack,English and CTL proaching issues related to resilience at personal, family, community and ecological levels. The artists put finishing touches on the panels as· the teleconference concludes. Brigham and Wack will present ideas on the peer review of teaching from a joint project of the American Association of Higher Education and the Carnegie Foun­ dation, followed by open .discussion. Poets due on campus for Slonim Poetry Series Poets Edward Dorn and Jennifer Dunbar Dorn will present a poetry Reed drowned in 1986 under mysterious circumstances in East Ger­ DIALOGUETIME CHANGES reading Thursday (March 11) on d1e Pullman campus. The 4 p.m. pro­ many while making a $4 million film tided "Bloody Heart" about the The Thursday (March II) "Dialogue with gram in Avery Hall's Bundy Reading Room is part of the Ruth Slonim 1973 Indian uprising at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge Reservation the Graduate Oean" is set for I I:30 a.m.- Poetry Series and is open to me public without charge. in South Dakota. 12:30 p.m. in CUB I 08-109. Edward Dorn's epic poem, "Gunslinger," The Doms' appearance at WSU is sponsored by the English depatt­ is mought by many critics to be d1e most ment and d1e Ruth Slonim Poetry Fund. Graduate students and interim dean important long poem written during me Karen DePauw meet monthly to discuss The Slonim series continues March 23 wim a 7 p.m. program by second half of the 20th century. It has been issues of interest to both. Henry Taylor, me 1986 Pulitzer Prize winner in Poetiy. The final pro­ called "a fundamental American master­ gram is planned for March 31 at 4 p.m. wid1 Murray Jackson, University piece" by Thomas McGuane. Dorn has pub­ of Michigan professor emeritus and poet. Bod1 readings will be held in REGENTS SET MARCH lished 30 other books of poetry and prose, Bundy Reading Room. AGENDA including notable works on Native Ameri­ cans, 7be Shosboneans and Recollections of The Board of Regents meets at I :30 p.m. Gran Apacberia. His satirical voice, often Visiting Fulbright scholars conduct today (March 5) at the Lewis Alumni Centre. compared favorably to Jonad1an Swift and international research at WSU Among action items, the board will be me Latin epigrammatist Martial, is most ap­ asked to approve the replacement of exist­ parent in Abhorrences and his new work, Professors from Brazil, Mexico, Tanza.t1ia and Russia have been working ing wooden bleachers in the east end zone Languedoc Variorum: A Defense of Heresy at WSU as visiting Fulbright Scholars to further d1eir research and build of Martin Stadium. These are the last re­ Edward Darn and Heretics. academic connections with their home countries. maining seats from the original stadium Jennifer Dunbar Dorn is senior editor of Heber DosSantos Abreu, Carlos Bosch, Gabriel Mbassa and Elena built in 1936. The aging wooden seats have Sniper Logic, the publication of me creative Voznesenskaya are visiting Fulbright Scholars for 1998-99. deteriorated and are now a safety concern. writing department at University of Colorado The Fulbright Progran1 was established in 1946 under Congressional at Boulder. An editor and filmmaker, Dunbar legislation introduced by d1e late Sen.]. William Fulbright of Arkansas. The If approved, the new concrete bleachers Dorn also edited Rolling Stock, a wide-rang­ with metal seats will match the existing progran1, sponsored by the U.S. Information Agency, is designed to pro­ ing cultural journal of the '80s and early '90s. mote mutualtmderstancling between the peoples of the United States and seating throughout most of Martin Stadium. Dunbar Dorn's films have been widely other countries. , More than 2,000 seats will be replaced. The screened. She Will present work from Cold More than 70,000 Americans have studied or done research abroad un­ project is expected to cost $826,000. War Cowboy: 7be Long Exile of Dean Reed. der d1e progran1's auspices, and more than 130,000 scholars from other The regents also will hear a progress re­ Reed is the only American ever to win me countries have engaged in similar activities in the United States. port on the university's preparations for Order of Lenin for music and literature, al­ Abreu, an associate professor with the Federal Rural University of Rio de the I 0-year review of its accreditation. The though his work remains virtually unknown Janeiro, Brazil, left last week from Pullman after researching here since Commission on Colleges of the Northwest in the United States. He sold more records December 1997. Associated wim WSU's Institute of Biological Chemistry, Association of Schools and Colleges is the man Elvis in South America in the early '60s Abreu has conducted l:>iosynthetic mecha.t1ism and lignin structure studies accrediting body. The review occurs in mid­ and four million albums in me Soviet Union while here. April. jennifer Dunbar Darn in 1966 where his films were the biggest box He chose WSU after meeting IBC director and professor Norman Lewis office attractions behind the Iron Curtain. continued on page 2 pportunities Human Resource Services reports it is accepting applications for the following classifications to be used for filling future vacancies. An up-to-date listing ofpositions is available by calling a 24- hour job line, 335-763 7, and is posted on a bulletin board outside French 134. Human Subjects Review Coordinator. $2244-2849. Located on the Pullman campus. This is a 50-percent position at 50 percent of the quoted salary. Familiarity with institutional review boards and human subject ethics is preferfed.Applications must be returned to HRS by March IS. Milker. $1741-2193. Located atWSU Puyallup Research an·d Extension Center.The schedule is 6 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday-Wednesday.Applications must be returned to HRS by March IS. Secretary. $1741-2193. Located at WSU Vancouver. Experience working for an executive or high-level manager in a confidential work setting is preferred. Applications must be returned to Three of the visitirtg Fulbright Scholars to WSU this year are, from the left, Carlos Bosch, Gabriel Mbassa and HRS by March 22. Heber Abreu. Legal Secretary. $2093-2646. Located on the Pullman campus.
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