LIGHT SPEED EXPANSION AND ROTATION OF A PRIMORDIAL BLACK HOLE UNIVERSE HAVING INTERNAL ACCELERATION Abstract: With reference to primordial black holes, an attempt has been made to develop a practical model of cos- mology. Main features of this integrated model are: eternal role of Planck scale, light speed expansion and rotation of a primordial cosmic black hole, slow thermal cooling, internal acceleration and anisotropy. At any stage of cos- mic expansion, there exists a tight correlation between cosmic angular velocity and cosmic temperature. At H0 70 km/Mpc/sec, present cosmic radius seems to be 140.56 times higher than the Hubble radius, angular ve- locity seems to be 140.56 times smaller than the Hubble parameter and cosmic age seems to be 140.56 times the Hubble age. Current cosmic graviton wave length seems to be around 4.9 mm. This model is free from ‘big bang’, ‘inflation’, ‘dark energy’, ‘flatness’ and ‘red shift’ issues. Keywords:Planck scale; Primordial Black hole; Speed of light; Dark matter; Deep frozen matter; Relativistic mass of a galaxy; cosmic anisotropy; Internal acceleration; Cosmic graviton wavelength; 1. Introduction possible ways. As of now, theoretically and observa- tionally, with respect to inflation, isotropy, expansion We would like to emphasize the fact that, the basic speed, dark matter, dark energy and rotation, whole principles of cosmology were developed when the subject of cosmology is being driven into many con- subject of cosmology was in its budding stage. troversies and dividing cosmologists into various Friedmann made two simple assumptions about the groups with difference of opinions. On the other hand, universe [1,2]. They can be stated in the following very unfortunate thing is that, quantum cosmology way. point of view, ‘as a whole’, progress is very poor [17]. Instead of discussing about the controversies, we would like to propose a new model which can pave a new way for understanding and correlating astro- 1) When viewed at large enough scales, un- physical and cosmological observations in terms of iverse appears the same in every direction. quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity 2) When viewed at large enough scales, un- in a broad sense. It needs further study. iverse appears the same from every location. With three simplified assumptions, an at- tempt has been made to develop a practical model of In this context, Hawking expressed that [2]: “There is the universe. As so many galaxies are rotating and all no scientific evidence for the Friedmann’s second the cosmic observations are being carried out with assumption. We believe it only on the grounds of photons, we consider a light speed expanding [11- modesty: it would be most remarkable if the universe 16],[18-22] and light speed rotating universe. As ga- looked the same in every direction around us, but not laxies are the key building blocks of the evolving around other points in the universe”. universe and as all galaxies constitute massive rotat- ing black holes at their centers, we consider a grow- In our earlier and recent published papers ing and rotating black hole universe model [3-16]. [3-16] we tried to highlight the basic drawbacks of That is why we call it as a practical model. Interest- big bang, inflation and galactic red shift in various ing point to be noted is that, our model is absolutely 1 free from ‘cosmic red shift’ concept. Most important point to be noted is that, we have developed a very tight quantum gravity relation for correlating cosmic 1) Mass and size pertaining to pre and post big temperature and Hubble parameter independent of bang [15,16,23] are unclear. galactic red shifts and galactic distances. It can be 2) Whether Planck scale is associated with big applied to different time periods of the past. bang or big bang is associated with Planck scale is also unclear. 3) As there exist no clear reasons for understand- ing the occurrence of exponential expansion, 2. Reasons for choosing light speed cosmologists are having different opinions on cosmic inflation [24]. 4) So far, it has not yet been possible to establish Based on the following reasons, we consider solid connection between Planck scale and cur- light speed as a special feature of cosmic expansion rent physical parameters of the observable un- and rotation. iverse. 5) At any given cosmic time, the product of cur- rently believed ‘critical density’ and ‘Hubble volume’ gives a characteristic cosmic mass, and 1) All cosmic observations are being studied with can be called as ‘Hubble mass’. Of interest, the photons. Schwarzschild radius of this ‘Hubble mass’ ap- 2) It is well believed that gravity propagates with pears to coincide with the currently believed light speed. ‘Hubble length’. Most cosmologists believe that 3) It is well established that electromagnetic inte- this is merely a coincidence. Here we wish to raction propagates with light speed. emphasize the possibility that this coincidence 4) It is well proved that, light speed is the ultimate might imply a deep inter-connection between speed of material particles. cosmic geometry and other cosmological physi- 5) So far, it has not yet been possible physically to cal phenomena. measure the actual galactic receding speeds. 6) At any stage of cosmic expansion, if the un- 6) So far, it has not yet been possible to demon- iverse maintains a closed boundary to have its strate and distinguish ‘space without matter’ and size minimum, it is having an option to follow ‘matter without space’. In this ambiguous situa- the “Schwarzschild radius” at that time. At any tion, without knowing the origins of ‘space’ and stage of cosmic evolution, if one is willing to ‘matter’, it is quite illogical to say that, space consider the ‘Schwarzschild radius’ of the ex- drags massive galaxies at super luminal speeds. panding black hole universe as its minimum 7) So far, either at microscopic level or at macros- possible radius, corresponding other characteris- copic level, it has not yet been possible to estab- tic cosmic physical parameters can be esti- lish a common understanding among quantum mated/predicted easily and can be compared mechanics and gravity. with time to time cosmological observations. 7) Whether universe is giving birth to black holes or black hole is the seed of any universe is not 3. Reasons for considering universe as a pri- yet clear [25]. When the early universe was able mordial growing and rotating black hole to create a number of galactic black holes or primordial black holes, it may not be a big prob- lem for the whole universe to behave like a big primordial evolving black hole. With reference Based on the following reasons, we consider a to the current concepts of modern cosmology, primordial growing and rotating black hole universe. probability of ‘this’ to happen may be zero, but its possibility cannot be ruled out. 2 8) Formation scheme of primordial black holes is entirely different from stellar black holes [26] and early stage quantum fluctuations seem to 5. Three simple assumptions play a vital role in understanding the nature of primordial black holes. 9) Whether galactic central halos are primordial We propose the following three assumptions. black holes or gravitationally collapsed objects is not yet clear [27]. Assumption-1: Right from the beginning of Planck 10) So far, it has not yet been possible to establish a scale, as a growing black hole, universe is expanding limiting mass range for stellar black holes and with speed of light and rotating with speed of light primordial black holes. from and about the cosmic center. It can be expressed with, 2GM c 4. List of symbols R t (1) t 2 c t At any stage of cosmic evolution, c3 Mt (2) 2Gt 1) Cosmic time = t 2) Cosmic Hubble parameter = Ht 3) Cosmic angular velocity =t Assumption-2: At any stage of cosmic evolution, 4) Ratio of Hubble parameter to angular velocity = ratio of Hubble parameter to angular velocity can be expressed as, t 5) Cosmic radius = Rt H H pl t 1ln (3) 6) Cosmic mass = M t t ttH 7) Cosmic volume = t 8) Cosmic temperature = T t cc351 where H 9.2746 1042 sec -1 9) Galactic distance from cosmic center = r pl gal t 22GMpl G 10) Galactic receding speed from cosmic center = c and M . r pl G gal t 11) Increment in expansion distance = d exp t 12) Distance from cosmic center = r d t Assumption-3: Right from the beginning of Planck scale, at any stage of cosmic expansion, cosmic mat- 13) Wave length of cosmic graviton = gw t ter energy density and thermal energy density are 14) Frequency of cosmic graviton = equal in magnitude and can be expressed as follows. gw t Note: Planck scale symbols can be understood with a 4 3 Let, Cosmic volume = ttR (4) subscript ‘pl’ and current symbols can be understood 3 with a subscript of ‘0’. 3 45 235c kT44 t Bt 3 Based on relations (2) and (4), cosmic matter energy 8 G 235 density can be expressed as, 45 c c t 3 8 Gc 45 246c t 3 2 5 8 Gc mat c c 4 t R3 246 t 45 t c G tt23G 8 3 Gc G 3 (5) 55 22 1 33ccc 3t c 246 45 t c c 3 8GR 88GG 32 tt t 8 G G 2 45246c cGc 4 26 t 32G 26 84 GGc Thus, 22 412 3 45 cc c 2 34 c 22 22 32 G GG2 t 4 mat 33 cHc1 aT tt t(6) t 88GG2 45 412c t t 3422 32 GMpl M t (8) 6.
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