Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut (028) S.S.V. (P.G.) COLLEGE,HAPUR (PANCHEEL NAGAR) B.A. (Arts Group) Merit List No.: UG-1 (REVISED) | Admission Start Date: 12-Oct-2020 | Admission End Date: 16-Oct-2020 p Type RegNo CandidateName Vert. Horiz. Father Name Domicile EWS Board XII_Stream XII% X% Wtg YG FC MeritIndex Remark 1 Unreserved 20G0088773 PRAGYA AWASTHI Unreserved Girls SHIV SHANKAR AWASTHI UP Does not belong to EWS OTH Art 98.2 93 0 0 0 98.2 2 Unreserved 20G0074899 KIRTI TYAGI Unreserved Girls SHIVRAJ TYAGI UP Does not belong to EWS OTH Art 94.6 76 3 0 0 97.6 3 Unreserved 20G0077331 MONTI KUMAR O.B.C. Not Applicable RAMAVATAR UP Not Applicable UPB Commerce 97.25 53.17 0 0 -5 92.25 4 Unreserved 20G0087046 RITIKA KASANA O.B.C. Girls JITENDRA KUMAR KASANA UP Belongs to EWS OTH Art 91.8 61.8 0 0 0 91.8 5 Unreserved 20G0088534 SAKSHI SINGH Unreserved Girls VIRENDRA PAL SINGH UP Does not belong to EWS OTH PCB 96 92.4 0 0 -5 91 6 Unreserved 20G0078499 AARZOO TYAGI Unreserved Girls MUKESH TYAGI UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 92.4 95.4 0 0 -5 87.4 7 Unreserved 20G0107923 UTKANSHA SHARMA Unreserved Not Applicable RAJEEV KUMAR SHARMA UP Not Applicable OTH Art(Without Maths & HomeScience) 87.4 83.6 0 0 0 87.4 8 Unreserved 20G0109685 SUNNY O.B.C. Not Applicable BALJEET SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 92.4 90.8 0 0 -5 87.4 9 Unreserved 20G0075503 MUSKAN SINGH S.C. Girls BIJENDRA SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH Art 86.4 61.33 0 0 0 86.4 10 Unreserved 20G0075318 ALENA O.B.C. Girls RAJESH KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH Art 86 59.5 0 0 0 86 11 Unreserved 20G0130237 JAVERIYA O.B.C. Girls SHAHID HUSAIN UP Not Applicable OTH PCB 90.6 85.4 0 0 -5 85.6 12 Unreserved 20G0090381 DEEPENDRA KASHYAP O.B.C. Not Applicable SURENDRA KUMAR KASHYAP UP Not Applicable OTH Art(Without Maths & HomeScience) 84.4 68.6 0 0 0 84.4 13 Unreserved 20G0089857 VANSHIKA S.C. Girls SUSHIL KUMAR VIMAL UP Not Applicable OTH Art 81.8 45.6 2 0 0 83.8 14 Unreserved 20G0076455 GUNJAN SINGH S.C. Girls SANJAY KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH Art 83.8 53 0 0 0 83.8 15 Unreserved 20G0089060 SURYANSHI S.C. Girls SATISH KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 88.8 78.2 0 0 -5 83.8 16 Unreserved 20G0101412 ADITIYA SINGH S.C. Not Applicable DEVENDRA SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 88.6 93 0 0 -5 83.6 17 Unreserved 20G0087149 PRACHI PANGHAL O.B.C. Girls RISHIPAL SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH Art 83.4 67.8 0 0 0 83.4 18 Unreserved 20G0087132 VERSHA CHAUDHARY O.B.C. Girls BRIJPAL CHAUDHARY UP Not Applicable OTH Art 83.2 71.8 0 0 0 83.2 19 Unreserved 20G0101315 SHIVANI TYAGI Unreserved Girls ARVIND TYAGI UP Not Applicable OTH Art 83 48 0 0 0 83 20 Unreserved 20G0146615 AKANSHA O.B.C. Girls YOGENDER UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 88 88 0 0 -5 83 21 Unreserved 20G0092861 CHANCHAL S.C. Girls YOGESH KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 88 83 0 0 -5 83 22 Unreserved 20G0089920 RENU SHARMA Unreserved Girls INDERJEET SHARMA UP Not Applicable OTH PCB 87.8 81.83 0 0 -5 82.8 23 Unreserved 20G0146551 ARPIT CHAUDHARY Unreserved Not Applicable NAVEEN KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH Art 82.4 74.83 0 0 0 82.4 24 Unreserved 20G0136922 GOLDI TYAGI Unreserved Girls PARVEEN TYAGI UP Does not belong to EWS OTH Commerce 87.4 76.4 0 0 -5 82.4 25 Unreserved 20G0025275 ANJALI Unreserved Girls DHEER SINGH UP Not Applicable UPB Art 82.2 81.5 0 0 0 82.2 26 Unreserved 20G0077840 JHANKAR O.B.C. Girls KAMAL SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 87 84.33 0 0 -5 82 27 Unreserved 20G0111781 NIHARIKA TOMAR Unreserved Girls MANOJ TOMAR UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 86.8 84.67 0 0 -5 81.8 28 Unreserved 20G0086240 RITIKA S.C. Girls YOGENDRA SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH Art 81.6 61.67 0 0 0 81.6 29 Unreserved 20G0085674 SIMRANJEET SINGH Unreserved Not Applicable HARDEEP SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH Commerce 86.4 73.4 0 0 -5 81.4 30 Unreserved 20G0027223 HARSHITA O.B.C. Girls SHRIPAL SINGH UP Not Applicable UPB PCM 86.2 93.17 0 0 -5 81.2 31 Unreserved 20G0108936 YASHIKA CHOUDHARY O.B.C. Girls JITENDRA SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH PCB 86 74.67 0 0 -5 81 32 Unreserved 20G0035617 KHUSHI SHISHODIA Unreserved Girls VIRENDRA SHISHODIA UP Not Applicable UPB Art 79.2 81.33 1 0 0 80.2 33 Unreserved 20G0075449 RAJAT TOMAR Unreserved Not Applicable DEVENDER TOMAR UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 85.2 85.6 0 0 -5 80.2 34 Unreserved 20G0092850 ROSHMI KUMARI Unreserved Girls RAMBHU PRASAD OTH Not Applicable OTH Art 79.2 50.8 1 0 0 80.2 35 Unreserved 20G0089097 VANSHIKA SHARMA Unreserved Girls DAYARAM SHARMA UP Not Applicable OTH Art 79.8 62.17 0 0 0 79.8 36 Unreserved 20G0111563 AKSHAY KUMAR S.C. Not Applicable RAJESH KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH Art 79.8 75.4 0 0 0 79.8 37 Unreserved 20G0139582 JAYANT KUMAR O.B.C. Not Applicable PRADEEP KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 84.6 88.8 0 0 -5 79.6 38 Unreserved 20G0082191 PRAGYA R. TYAGI Unreserved Girls NAVNEET TYAGI UP Not Applicable OTH Art(With HomeScience) 79.2 52.5 0 0 0 79.2 39 Unreserved 20G0097171 IQRA PARVEEN Unreserved Girls FURKAN UP Not Applicable UPB Art(With HomeScience) 79.2 79.67 0 0 0 79.2 40 Unreserved 20G0084613 VANSHIKA GAUTAM S.C. Girls LAXMAN SINGH GAUTAM UP Not Applicable OTH Art(Without Maths & HomeScience) 74.8 72.67 4 0 0 78.8 41 Unreserved 20G0091103 SONALI SEHGAL Unreserved Girls VIJAY SEHGAL UP Not Applicable OTH Art 78.8 52.33 0 0 0 78.8 42 Unreserved 20G0038018 KALPNA RANI S.C. Girls DHEERENDRA SAGAR UP Not Applicable UPB Art 74.8 86.5 4 0 0 78.8 43 Unreserved 20G0111302 AQSA ANSARI O.B.C. Girls MOHD. GULFAM ANSARI UP Not Applicable OTH Art(With HomeScience) 78.8 63.6 0 0 0 78.8 44 Unreserved 20G0121601 MEGHA MOGHAY S.C. Girls CHANDRAKANT MOGHEY UP Not Applicable OTH Art 78.6 51.6 0 0 0 78.6 45 Unreserved 20G0035924 SHEETAL SAINI O.B.C. Girls MAN SINGH SAINI UP Not Applicable UPB Art 78.6 77 0 0 0 78.6 46 Unreserved 20G0175576 ISHA CHAUDHARY O.B.C. Girls RINKU CHAUDHARY UP Not Applicable OTH PCB 83.4 86.2 0 0 -5 78.4 47 Unreserved 20G0029699 KAJAL O.B.C. Girls ARVIND KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH Commerce 83.33 90 0 0 -5 78.33 48 Unreserved 20G0076261 KANCHAN S.C. Girls SANJAY KUMAR UP Not Applicable OTH Art(With HomeScience) 78.2 52.4 0 0 0 78.2 49 Unreserved 20G0165607 SIDDHARTH VERMA S.C. Not Applicable RAJEEV VERMA UP Not Applicable UPB PCM 83.2 93.33 0 0 -5 78.2 50 Unreserved 20G0077480 RISHAB CHAUDHARY O.B.C. Not Applicable PREM SINGH UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 83 78.5 0 0 -5 78 51 Unreserved 20G0090818 VIBHORE PRATAP SINGH S.C. Not Applicable SATISH PRADHAN UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 82.8 78 0 0 -5 77.8 52 Unreserved 20G0064028 RITU Unreserved Girls MANGERAM CHAUHAN UP Not Applicable UPB Art 77.8 88.33 0 0 0 77.8 53 Unreserved 20G0042746 DEEPA S.C. Girls RAMNARESH UP Not Applicable UPB PCM 82.2 82.83 0 0 -5 77.2 B.A. (FIRST REVISED MERIT) B.A. (Arts Group) Merit List No.: UG-1 (REVISED) | Admission Start Date: 12-Oct-2020 | Admission End Date: 16-Oct-2020 p Type RegNo CandidateName Vert. Horiz. Father Name Domicile EWS Board XII_Stream XII% X% Wtg YG FC MeritIndex Remark 54 Unreserved 20G0160453 SUJATA Unreserved Girls RAJ KUMAR UP Belongs to EWS OTH Art 77.2 69 0 0 0 77.2 55 Unreserved 20G0113537 HIMANSHU TEOTIA O.B.C. Not Applicable ANIL KUMAR TEOTIA UP Not Applicable OTH Art 76.6 57 0 0 0 76.6 56 Unreserved 20G0126718 VARSHA SHARMA Unreserved Girls ARVIND SHARMA UP Belongs to EWS OTH Art 76.4 52.67 0 0 0 76.4 57 Unreserved 20G0050595 SAURABH KUMAR O.B.C. Not Applicable MAHESH CHAND UP Not Applicable UPB PCM 81.4 85.67 0 0 -5 76.4 58 Unreserved 20G0025529 ANJALI O.B.C. Girls MANGAL SAIN UP Not Applicable UPB PCM 81.4 81.33 0 0 -5 76.4 59 Unreserved 20G0051055 SHIWANI S.C. Girls SUBHASH CHAND UP Not Applicable UPB Art 76.4 79.83 0 0 0 76.4 60 Unreserved 20G0098298 ANNU GIRI O.B.C. Girls RATAN GIRI UP Not Applicable UPB PCM 81.4 84.83 0 0 -5 76.4 61 Unreserved 20G0060527 KUMKUM RANI O.B.C. Girls OMPRAKASH UP Not Applicable UPB Art(With HomeScience) 76.4 81 0 0 0 76.4 62 Unreserved 20G0093563 ARPIT SINGH O.B.C. Not Applicable SANSAR PAL UP Not Applicable OTH PCM 81.2 82.2 0 0 -5 76.2 63 Unreserved 20G0088418 ARYAN SINGH O.B.C.
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