RIHA Journal 0030 | 20 October 2011 Józef Czapski – about learning and teaching art Dorota Sieroń-Galusek Peer review and editing organized by" Międzynarodowe Centrum ultury, ra"#w / International Cultural Centre, rakow #evie ers" Maria Hussa"owska&'zy%zko, Janusz (ezda Polish version available at / Wersja polska dostępna pod: (RIHA Journal 0029) Abstract The subject of the article is the issues of intellectual and artistic formation. From the extremely rich life and intellectual background of Józef Czapski (1896–1993) – a painter and writer – the author selects the experiences he gained as a co-creator of the Kapiści group, that is a company of students who organised a trip to Paris under the supervision of Professor Józef Pankiewicz and was later transformed into a self-teaching group. Pankiewicz himself subsequently became an important figure for Czapski. Walks in the Louvre organised by Pankiewicz, not only for his students, were recorded by Czapski in a long interview published as a book. There is a likely connection between the Paris experience of the young painter and the situation when years later an émigré to Paris Józef Czapski introduced others into the world of painting, both through his essays and during walks modelled on those that Pankiewicz had invited him to. And it is this moment determining the fact that a student, consciously looking at his master, in his turn becomes a master for others, that forms the subject of these reflections. 3 4 Józef Czapski ( !"#$ ""%& $ a painter+ essayist and abo-e all a man 'hose almost century(long life 'as marked 'ith epoch(making experiences. /hen the 5olshe-ik re-olution broke out+ he 'as in 6t. ,etersburg+ 'here he founded a pacifist phalanx 'ith friends, influenced by 0eo Tolstoy7s books. During /orld /ar II he 'as taken prisoner as an officer of the ,olish army. :e 'as among the %";< officers 'ho found themsel-es in a 6o-iet camp first in =stashko- in today7s >kraine and then in ,a-lishche- 5or and ?ryazo-ets. @eleased in "A under the terms of the 6ikorski$Bajski agreement+ he 'as entrusted 'ith the mission of finding the missing ,olish army officers, -ictims of )atyC+ as it later turned out. Wspomnienia starobielskie record his 'artime experiences. =ne year after the information about the disco-ery of the )atyC gra-es 'as broadcast (2pril %+ "A%&+ the book came out in @ome published by 5iblioteka =rDa 5iałegoE it also influenced his decision to emigrate. 2fter the 'ar he li-ed in Baisons-0affitte close to ,aris, 'here together 'ith Jerzy ?iedroyF he created the 0iterary Institute (Instytut 0iteracki&+ the most important ,olish 1migr1 centre editing the Kultura magazine and publishing books by such authors as Czesław BiDosz or /itold ?ombro'icz. 3;4 From the extremely rich life and intellectual background of the artist 9 'ant to take a look at the experiences he gained as a co(creator of the )apiści group. 9 am also interested in the student(master relationship+ and especially in the moment determining the fact that a student+ consciously looking at his master+ in his turn becomes a master for others. This text is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY&NC-ND 3.0, RIHA Journal 0030 | 20 October 2011 3%4 Józef Czapski 'as among the students of painting at the 2cademy of Fine 2rts in )rako'+ 'ho 'ere taught by Józef ,ankie'icz ( !##$ "A<&. >nder his influence there emerged an idea to go to ,aris $ at that time the cultural capital of the 'orld+ a city 'here ne' trends in art 'ere born. ,ankie'icz persuaded his students that a trip to the French capital may be of key importance for their artistic formation. 0audable intentions, but the idea 'as bold and unprecedented+ not to say not -ery realistic. Ge-ertheless, in ";% the students called up the Committee for ,arisian :elp for 6tudents 0ea-ing to 6tudy ,ainting in France+ an initiati-e aimed at raising the necessary funds. (The name 'as usually shortened to H)omitet ,aryskiH 3,arisian Committee4 and the initials ).,. later ga-e rise to the 'ord HkapizmH as a description of the art they practiced.& From the -ery start they acted HprofessionallyHI they chose the president+ the treasurer and an auditing committee+ a statute 'as 'ritten. 1 Józef Pankiewicz! Self Portrait in Profile, 1900/01. National Museum Warszaw (reprod. from: Anna Bernat, Józef Pankiewicz (1866-1940), Warszawa 2006, 43) This text is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY&NC-ND 3.0, RIHA Journal 0030 | 20 October 2011 2 Józef Czapski (reprod. from: Jan Zielińs"i, Józef Czapski. Krótki przewodnik po długim życi#, Warszawa 1997, [n. *,B2 3A4 Józef Czapski admitted that the trip 'ould ha-e probably come to nothing 'ere it not for their Hteam spiritH $ the ability to cooperate. :e added that their relation 'as based on friendship+ on absolute mutual understanding and a common and all-consuming passion for painting. The relation had such a strong impact on the development of each of us that I could no longer believe in my usefulness in a team without this connection: the personal moment.; 3J4 Tadeusz 5oy(KeleCski+ an obser-er of the group7s birth and its experiences after the return to ,oland+ not only percei-ed an analogy 'ith Burger7s bohemia, but e-en 'rote that the ,aris colony of the )apists put in practice the principles of communism – that is simply friendship in the most noble sense of the word. Indeed, they coped in aris, they lived !od knows how, but they lived, always preserving their bold imagination and humour, and, remarkably, their bond survived to this day.% Józef Czapski+ HTDo polskie i paryskie+H in: Czapski+ atr"ąc+ selection, fore'ord and after'ord by Joanna ,ollakó'na, )rakó' ""#+ A . ; Czapski+ HTDo polskie i paryskie+H %". % Tadeusz 5oy(KeleCski+ HCo trzeba 'iedzieF jadLc do ,aryMa+H inI Wiadomo$ci %iterackie ;" ( "% &+ %+ .uoted in 5ogusDaw Bansfeld+ HNnane naz'isko+ nieznane obrazy+H in: &"apski i krytycy. 'ntologia tekst(w+ selected and edited by BaDgorzata )ito'ska(Oysiak and Bagdalena >jma+ 0ublin ""#+ PA. This text is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons License CC-BY&NC-ND 3.0, RIHA Journal 0030 | 20 October 2011 3#4 :anna @udzka-Cybiso'a+ a member of the committee+ named outstanding figures in this company planning their ?rand Tour.A Józef Jarema, of striking in-enti-eness and energy+ the main initiator of academic balls and director of theatre performances. Nygmunt /alisze'ski+ a 'underkind+ 'ith legendary stories about him circulating in the 2cademy. Józef Czapski+ president of the group+ indefatigable in fundraising. Got only in ,oland+ but especially in ,aris he kept finding -arious commissions for his friends, 'hich often sa-ed them from financial trouble. The function of the treasurer 'as entrusted to ,iotr ,ot'oro'ski. The money for the trip 'as accumulated by organising literary e-enings, balls, raffles, amateur performances $ one of them+ in 6Do'acki Theatre in )rako'+ 'as described by Czapski in his essay )*o polskie i paryskie. I 'ill add+ .uoting 5ogusław Bansfeld+ that the programme featured a bo+ing match, a play by ,arema called -.iss 'gnieszka's Wedding- with a stage set in the style of 0ousseau %e 1ouanier and another one, entitled -2apoleon in a ower lant,- played by &ybis in a 3%eg4rian5 set.J The students succeeded in gaining the support of Józef ,ankie'icz and the @ector of the 2cademy+ 2dolf 6zyszko(5ohusz. The ,arisian Committee meetings took place in the ,ugets' house at /olska !. 0ud'ik ,uget+ 'ho had an atelier in ,aris, for the initial period+ that is for the first t'o 'eeks, rented accommodation for the young artists in the boys' dormitory of the lyc1e at rue de la ,ompe. In 6eptember ";A t'el-e young painters of both sexes arri-ed in ,aris.# They 'ere joined there by a sculptor Jacek ,uget. The trip 'as intended as a summer school of painting. The accumulated funds 'ere to suffice for six 'eeks $ in fact the young people stayed in ,aris for six and some for eight years.6 In due course a ,aris branch of the )rako' academy 'as opened+ headed by ,ankie'icz.! 3P4 /ith his perfect command of the French language and 'ide(ranging family connections, Czapski 'as awarded the role of the spiritus agens. :e accepted these onerous duties, although they pulled him away from creati-e 'ork. 5ut he gained access to the ,aris society $ he made friends 'ith Daniel :al1y+ a friend of Degas and expert on his 'ork. Through him he met many intellectuals and artists," including 2ndr1 Balraux+ < Drieu 0a A 9 list these persons in the se.uence :anna @udzka-Cybiso'a mentioned them. :anna @udzka- Cybiso'a+ HBalarst'o to kolor+H in: WiesDawa Wierzcho'ska, 'utoportrety+ /arszawa "" + (;J. J Bansfeld+ HNnane naz'isko+ nie'idziane obrazy+H PA. # Czapski speaks about peopleI Józef Czapski+ ,("ef ankiewic". 7ycie i d"ie*o. Wypowied"i o s"tuce+ Lublin "";+ "%+ and Czapski+ HTDo polskie i paryskie+H %!+ a correction in a footnote saying that there 'ere ; )apistsI 8. 5erlinerblau-6eydenmano'a+ 6. 5oraczko+ J. Cybis+ J. Czapski+ J. Jarema, 2. Gatch, T. ,ot'oro'ski+ :. @udzka-Cybiso'a+ 6. 6trzaDecki+ J. 6trzałecki+ B. 6zczyrbuDa, N. /alisze'ski. P Józef Czapski+ HWiQzy nierozer'alne+H in Czapski+ atr"ąc+ AP . ! Felicja )rance+ HJózio+H inI 8es"yty %iterackie AA ( ""%&+ !J+ and Józef Czapski+ ,("ef ankiewic"+ "%. " Józef Czapski+ 9wiat w moich oc"ach, inter-ie's by ,iotr )Doczo'ski+ ,aris ;<< + #!(#". < 2ndr1 Balraux $ French 'riter and essayist+ =rientalist and archaeologist by training.
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