Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection vAwmmk 3 9077 03113905 1 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Rochester Public Librory Reference Book Not For Circulotion Local Roc-he J i 115 . Rochester, Mew iurv ATU/4 Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection h ' TPTTE3rn/.'^r. ESTATES OT ] Clh.OE ChUKTY, NEW YORK (fror 1821 - I863) hh a^ Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Imtestete Estates Monroe Oo. New Yerk, . Aekley,James. Pittaford, died Aug.1, 1857. Widow, Betsey A«kley. William Aekley,Pittsford, Mary Jane,wife of Plimy H.Park, Chicago,111. Adams, Nathan H. Sweden, died Apr.l5,1b2tt. Widow,Sally Adams. son,aathen H.Adams. Adams, Robert, Ogden. died Oet.29,1828. Widow,Comfort Adams,who later married »——Luttenton of Murray,N.Y. John .Robert emd Williem Adams of LiTomia,N.Y. Martha,wife of Iseee Che^BBw of Lima, Myron end Roxy Wetkins,chlldren of Polly Adams Watkins,deceased , and Alexander A#ams of New Orleans, La, Sally,wife of S8muel Brigham. Ex.Semuel Brigham. Adamson,Thomes,Jr. Perinton. died Mar.8,1855. No ^L dow or children. Father,Thomas Adams. Adler,Abraham, Rochester, died Mar.51,1860. Widow,Julia Adler. Children t Moses, Matilda, Fanny, Rose and Frederick Adler,a11 of Rochester. all minors. Albro.Martin, Rochester, died Sept.24,1845. Widow,Harriet A.Albre. Father-in-law of the deceased,Sylrester Hutchinson,apt .Adm. Aldrich,Zaeheus. Rochester, died NOT.12,1825 Amy Aldrieh,adm.and Sunderland Pattison,Jr. NOT.16,1825. Aldridge,Roxanna R. Rochester, died Oct.20,1848. Husband,Jonas O.Aldridge. Rosanna was one of the heirs of Joshue Wileex,lete of Greece,Monroe Co.N.Y. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestate, #2. Alexander,Alexander S. died Dec.1857. No widow or descendant. Father,John Alexender,of Gelwey.Ssratogs Co N.Y. and brotherWilliem B.Alexander. Alexander,William B. Rochester, died Apr.14,1858. Widow,Henrietta Alexander. Gemelia,wife of Horatio Ayers of Caledonia,N.Y. Henry W,Alexander of Chicago,111. Jane,wife of Robert F.Taylor of Rochester. John W .Alexander ,a minor. Allcott,Amoa. Gates, died Feb.25,1824. Widow,Mehitabel Allcott. heirs ; Volney S.Allcott, Sidney S.Alleott Mary Jane,Alleott, Ann Maria Allcott, William W.Alleott, °aroline,wife of Saul Stone, Exs.Mehitabel Alleott.fcErasmus D. Smith. Allen,Reuben. Gates. died Aug.29,1852. A mother,residing in Mich, no other reletires. Jas.Fiteh,Adm. Allyn, Elizabeth, Rochester, died Feb.27,1858. Husband,Joseph Alleyn and 7 children » Rebecea W. Hannah H. Raehel M. Eliza J. William H. Jamea, Emma, all of Rochester, All of age,save James and Emma. Almy,Allen. Ogden. died Feb.16,1825, Laura Almy and brother,Job Almy. Adms.Laura Almy,Job Almy and a friend,Johnathan Parker. Angerine, Harry. Rochester* died Jen.2,1860. Widow,Mergeret AngeTine, William L.Angerine of Rochester, end James D,H,AngeTine. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Amidon,Cyrus, Parma. n diod Dee,14,1857, Widow,Oretta Amidon, 4 children » Alphonso Amidon,Clarkson, Permelia,wife of DaTid Fosaire of Clarkson, both of full age. George and Louisa Amidon,of Parma, minors. Anthony,Jaeob. Henrietta. died May 4,1858. Widow,Deborah Anthony end 2 deughters i Pheydergowy,wife of John- ethan Winslow of Henrietta, Christina Oenn, a widow,of Bronson,Ohia Anthony,Prinee. Clarkson. died 0et.5l,1848. Widow,Charity Anthony. 5 *ildren,one a minor, not named. see below. Adms.Charity Andrews end Henry I.Smith. see Appleton,Iaaee. Rochester, died NOT.26,1827. next page. Father,Isaac Appleton,of Dublin,N.H. John Monroe,Adm. Andrews,Isaac. Rush. died June 17,1827. Elizabeth Andrewa renouncee right of Administration infayor of a brother,Thomas Andrewa, appointed Adm.Dec.24,1827. Andrew.OliTer C. Penfield. died Nov.25,1855. Widow,Mary Andrew. Children N OliTer C. Adoline, k^iti', and Armine, Emeogene . all minors. AngeTine,William, Mendon. died —- 26 —- Adm.Feb .2,1852. Widow,Amer AngeTine. Adms. Amer AngeTine and Chee.Foot,Jr. see Anthony,Anthony, of Brighton. died Jan.6,1841. avara. Widow,Suaan Anthony, eons t Prince Anthony of Clarkson, Samuel Anthony of Rochester, Oaeaar Anthomy of Bergen,N.J, Elizobeth,wife of Mr.Goner of Ithaca,N.Y. aon,Thomas Anthony, •f New Jersoy,now deeensed,who left 4 ehildren,Tix.Nancy, Sarah, Susan end Heziah of N.Y.Oity. Adms.Wm.Kolly and Fred.S.Church Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestate, #4. Appleton,William. Greece. died May 21,1854. Widow, Margaret Appleton, also Admx. Archibald, Nicholas. Ogden. died Jan.1,1846. Widow, Ellen Archibald. Children » John William, ae.about 15, Mergaret,abt.11, Nieholaa J. abt.10, George Washington, ae.8. Armour,Darid.N. Pittsford. died Apr.24,185I. Father,Da-rid Armour. Salome Buckman,wife of Cyrus Buekman,is a sis-fe»r Brother, ^arwin G.Armour. Adm.Stephen lusk. Armstrong,Clement, Riga. died Apr.15,185^. Widow,^ergaret Armstrong. Mother,Isabel Armstrong og Bergen,N.Y. Araetrong, Richard. Pittsford. died Aug.1,1822. InTentory,made Sept.7,1829,mentions Mary Armstrong,a guardian of Riehard, also John Armstrong,deeeased. Reports reeieviag money from England. Brother,Joseph. Adm.Joseph Armstrong. Arnold,Aaron. Ogden. died 8ept.l5j859. No widow, Ohildren,Tiz.Jamea N.Arnold, Esther,wife of John Webster of Ogden. Aaron B.Amold of Wilson,N.Y. S.Maria Arnold of Ogden. Henry S,Amold of Charlotte,Mich. Edwin B.Arnold of Chariot Mich. Atehinson. Besalael. Parma. die* Oet.20,1828. Widow, Mery Atehinson. son s. Roswell Atehinson, Samuel Atehinson Austin Atehinson, Fuller Atehinson. daus.Polly Buell, Almyra Atehinson, Eleanor Cranson. Adms.Roswell Atehinson AS.C.Willey. Atkinson,William, Rochester, died July 17,1843. Widow,Elizabeth Atkinson, who is Adms. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestate, #5, Attridge, Thomaa. Rochester, died July 8,1857. Widow, Sarah Attridge,who with Edward S.Clerk,id AdmX. Auatln,Elhenen W. Rochester, died Sept.18,1844. Widow,Cynthia Austin. Admx. Austin,Esther. Pittsford. died Oet.29,1852, Children l Viator Austin of Allegheny Co. William Austin and Sarah, wife of Daniel A.Hicks of Pitteford. Mary,wife of Lmman HoTey of Rush. Helen,wife of Charles M.Ward of eayuga Oo.N.Y. Amanda,wife of Henry Thompson of Calhoun Oo.Mieh. Cordelia,wife of Henry Spencer of Catter augue N.Y. and Elam Springer of Clareyille,Allegheny Oo.N.Y. ainors and children of ATira Spreinger,deceased daughter of aeid Esther. Adas. Jarvis Lord and Vietor Austin, Austin,Julie Ann, Wheetlend. died Feb.24,1856. Husband,Huaphrey Austin. Mother,Locinda Ford. Abigail,wife of Milo Tuttle, laeee Dayis, all of Newsteed,Erie Co.N.Y, Edmund DBTIS of Geneaee Co.N.Y, Clerk R,Auatin and 01orinda,his wife of Pinkney, Albert S.DBTIB, the aaid Abigail,Ieaac,Edaund,,Clorinda and Albert S. being brothers and sisters of aaid Julia Ann, Austin,Peace. Rochester, died Apr,23,1858. Children t Mertha J.Berwiek of Roeheater. Ira end Andrew E.Austin of Chicago,111. Alfred and Eber Austin of Boston,Mich. Alrin E. Austin of Wilna,Jefferson Co.N.Y. Ada. AlTin E.Austin. Austln,Sumner 0. Union. died Mer.17,1855. Widow,Lois Austin. Ohildreni Sumner Austin of Webster,Mich. Lois, wife of Samuel F.Menley,of Mich. George Austin of Union, Ann and Jaaea Austin,both of Union. Adms.F.X,Beehwith end Lois Austin. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Intestate, # 6 Augustine,Maria. Rochester, died Feb.2,1854. Husbend,Sebaatian Auguetine, Children » John, Herman, Simon, minors ATery,Solon C. Rocheator. died Ju.y 29,1854. Widow,Susan C. Children,all minora J Marie H.and Georgiena. William P.Oookof N.Y.City is brother of the widow,Susan Avery. ATM or ATM, John. Wheatland. died Oet.l5j85l. Widow,Elizabeth ATOS. snd 3 children,not named. Ayrault. Charles. Rochester, died Feb.14,1842. Father,Nicholas Ayrault of Ontario Co. who is A«m. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Monographs Collection Hoxt page giwee the Inteatete Beta tee UT> to and including 186?. beginning with the Ae, All following,will inelude all Inteetatee for 186?. ) I Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Intestate # 7, Historic Monographs Collection Adams, Jesse, *enfield, died Feb.4,1861. Silas Adams of White Co. Ind. Candace Howe,widow of Jacob Howe, of Norwalk,Ohio, Almira,wi*e of Joseph Crocker of Ridgefield,0, Cheuncey Adems amd Ruth Paraenter and —— Adaaa,child of Moses Adams,deceased son of Mich, —— Betts,,a child of Caroline Betts, a deceased dau.of Mich. William Rowell,son of Polly, a deceased dau.residence unknown, Saauel Starkes end Nancy Rich children of Lucinde Starkes,a deceased dau.of White Pigeon,Mich. Adsit, Benjamin. Mendon, died May 7,1861. Widow,Ann Adsit,dow deceased, His only son,George M.AdBit, Mary Alida Adsit, Ruth Adsit and Rhode E.Adsit,his only daus. Mertin R.Devis, Melvina Davis end Ann Augusta DBVj.8>ChU<iren of Minerva Devis e deceased daughter of seid deceased Benjamin Adsit. All minors end reeiding in LaPorte Ind. Allen,Belinde. ^endon. died Aug.30,1861. No Husbend. Children ». Isaac Allen of Mendon, Phebe aage of Mendon Adolphus Allen of Lyons,Mich. Hannah,wife of Avery Downer of Wayne Co. Mieh. Joseph Allen of Boston,Mich. Abrem Allen of Commerce, Mich. Eliza,wife of —Peek of Big Bend,Wis., all of full age, and the following children of Rachel ^eyloeje deceesed daughter,viz.
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