1 - THE WESTERN KENYA SUGAR INDUSTRY; WITH SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO NYANZA AND WESTERN PROVINCES. .)/ BY i J OBUffl J.C.A. (MRS.) s'... \ * T'TT'T'rn ppr M -9 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PART FULFILMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS, DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY, UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI. JANUARY 1980. UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI LIBRARY 0101369 7 'DECLARATION: This thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. 1 (Candidate), Department of Geography. This thesis has been submitted for examination with my approval*as University Supervisor. Department of Geography. Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It gives me great pleasure to acknowledge with gratitude the assistance provided by various institutions and a number of persons. I would like to thank the Research Grants Commitee/ the Univer­ sity of Nairobi which provided the-funds for the field work. To Professor R.B. Ogendo, I ewe a raj or debt of gratitude for his encouragement and excellent supervision throughout: this study. I am most grateful to Professor F.F. Ojany, Mr. D.A. Obara and other members of staff in the Department of Geography for their encouragement and for taking keen interest in my work. Mytlianks are also due to my fellcw post-graduate students in the Department of Geography, whose advice was most valuable. also My thanks are/due to the Government of Kenya and, in particular,.several of its ministries tor providing the necessary . statistical and other required materials. I would also like to thank the Office of the President for offering me a research . permit which rade ny field work a success. I I am indebted to all the mill-white sugar cjmpanies and sugar cane outgrower farmers in Western Kenya for providing the necessary information and statistical materials for the thesis. I am most grateful toMr. J. Were of Chumelil Sugar Company, who assisted me in making the arrangements for the collection of data in Nyanza Sugar belts. I would also like to thank Mr. A. Oralaa - iv ,- of Muhorcni Sugar Company, and Mr. Obura o f Miwani Sugar mills for the assistance they gave me during the field-work. i My sincere thanks are also to the cartographers who ■I turned my drafts into finished maps and diagrams. I am also indebted to Mr. A. Musundi and Mr. S. Wan gar a for the excellent i photographic work. I am especially grateful to Mrs. Grace Kamenyi for typing the thesis. 1 - There are many other persons, too numerous to Jienticn, whose assistance was most helpful throughout this study. Finally, ny deepest thanks are to ny husband, Samuel Obiero, whose help and co-operation were invaluable, and to ny infant son, i Eugene, who calmly bore with ny absence during my stay in the sugarzcne. V CONTE.ns PAGE Declaration ......... .......... ..... I Acknowledgements ........................... .... I X C o n t e n t s .......................................... I V List of tables ................................... I X List of Maps ...................... .............. X X I List of Figures .............. .................. X I V List of Plates ................................... X V Abstract ........................ ............. X V I I Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION .................. 1 1:1 Statement of the Problem ... 1 1:2 Reasons for choice of the T o p i c ..... ...................... 6 1:3 Operational Definitions .... 9 1:4 Objectives, Scope and Limits of the Sti.cy ............ 13 1:5 Conceptual Framework ........ 16 1:6 Hypotheses ................... 38 1:7 Literature Review ............ 40 References .................... 49 Chapter 2: METHODOLOGY ................... 52 2:1 Introduction .......... 52 2:2 Sampling Design ...... ...... 53 2*3 Methods of Data Collection.. 61 2^4 Methods of Data Analysis.... 65 2*. 5 Methods of Data Presentation 76 2*. 6 Research Limitations ........ 80 References ................ 83 vi - PAGE Chapter 3;: THE LOCATION O17 THE WESTEFN KENYA SUGAR I N D U S T R Y ............ ,..... 84 References................. ....... 94 Chapter 4; THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE LOCATION OF SUGAR PROCESSING INDUSTRY IN * j WESTERN K E N Y A .............j........ 95 ■ i 4:1 Introduction .............. J ........ 95 ' I 4:2 Physical F a c t o r s ......... 96 4:2:1 Climate ............................ 96 4:2:2 S o i l s .............................. 108 4:3 Social Factors ................ «... 118 4:3:1 Demographic Factors ............... 118 4:3;2 The Role of the Government ........ 125 4:4 Economic Factors ......... ......... 127 4:4:1 L a n d ............. A.......... 127 4:4:2 Capital ..... ...................... 129 4:4:3. Labour and Managerial S k i l l .... 131 4:4:4 Industrial Raw M a t e r i a l s .......... 137 4:4:5 Transport....................... 138 4:4:6 Market Attraction .................. 142 4:4:7 Power ...i,..... ............ 145 4:4:8 Taxation ..................... 146 4:4:9 Personal considerations.... ........ - 147 4:4:10 Cost-Structure ................... 148 4:5 Summary ............................ 149 References 154 - Vll PAGE Chapter 5; THE ROLE OF THE WESTERN KENYA ' SUGAR INDUSTRY IN THE KENYAN ECONOMY ......................... 155 5:1 Introducticn ‘.................... 155 5:2 Employment in the Vfestem Kenya Sugar Industry .............. • 155 5:3 Sugar Production ................ 168 5:3:1 Sugar Production from the Vfestem Kenya Sugar Industry ........... 168 t 5:3:2 Sugar Production, Ccnsunptian and Inports in Kenya ............... 174 Rsferenoes ...................... 187. Chapter 6: THE WESTERN KENYA SUGAR PLANTS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUGAR GROWING BELTS AS DEVELOPMENT UNITS IN REGIONAL PLANNING ........................ 188 6:1 Introducticn....................- 188 6:2 Regional Multiplier Effect from Mumias * * t Sugar Industry ................. 191 6:3 Development Facilities Originating from the Vfestem Kenya Sugar Indvstry. -201 6:3:1 Roads ....*.......... .,V.‘ 202 6:3:2 Railways ....................... 6:3:3 Electricity and Teleoonnunication 214 6:3:4 Water Svpply................... 216 6:3:5 Educational Servioes ........... 219 6:3:6 Medical Servioes ............... 224 V l l l - PAGE 6:4 Other growth inducing effects from the sugar industry ..... * -. 229 6:5 Inportanoe of ^ Development points in Regional Planning ..... 237 6:6 Negative effects resulting from the Western Kenya Sugar Industry 242 6:6:1 Migration.............*......... 242 6:6:2 Food shortage and other problems related to sugarcane cultivation in the s u g a r z a n e ................ 246 6:7 Conclusion.......... 247 References ...................... 255 Chapter 7: THE POTENTIALS OF WESTERN KENYA EOR EXTENDED SUGAR INDUSTRY AND ASSOCIATED ANCILLARY INDUSTRIES AND THE ROLE OF SUCH INDUSTRIES ON THE FUTURE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT P L A N N I N G ................ 256 7.1 -niroduction ....v........ 256 ■ 7:2 The potentiality of the Western Kenya : sugar industry based on e>q?ansicn and establishment of the sugar plants ... 257 7:3 Ancillary industries based an the sugar industry....... ................. * 263 7:3:1 Molasses ......... ............ .263 7:3:2 Bagasse ........................... 269 7:3:3 Filter-cake .................... 270 7:4 The significance of future develop­ ment of tin; sugar industry in regional Development Planning. .............. 2 70 References ............. 277 IX I PAGE Chapter 8: SUMMARISED COMMENTS, RESEARCH FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.... 278 8:1 Summarized comments.............. 278 f 8:2 Research findings ........ !....... 280 1 8:3 Reconmendatians.......... ....... 288 t 1 ’ ' - i ■ Appendices. .. 293 f Appendix A:l. Mean annual rainfall for the six stations ............. ........ ... 293 2a. Mechanical analysis of soil sanples from outgrcwer farms in Mumias Sugar- belt ............................. 298 2b. Mechanical analysis of soil sanples from outgrcwer farms in Nyanza sugar-belts .... ........... 299 3a. Chemical analysis of soil sanples from - Mumias sugar-belt..,......... 301 1' db. Chemical Analysis of soil sanples from Nyanza Sugar-belts ...... ....... 302 Appendix A - 4. Mumias outgrcwer farmers‘ income expenditure in 1978 ........... - 304 Appendix B - 1 A questionnaire for outgrower farmers in the Western Kenya Sugar zcne.. 308 B - 2 A questionnaire for the managements of the mill-white svgar processing industry in Western Kenya ...... 318 Bibliography ....... ....... 327 X - ■ LIST OF TABLES *N£ ' Title Page 1. Number of outgrower farmers interviewed by sub- location from Mumias sugar b e l t ............... 57 2. Number of farmers interviewed by zone and society from Nyenza sugar coup le x ..................... 59 3. Employment at the 6 sugar-factories in Western Kenya 67 4. Sugar ^production in Kenya, 1978 ....... 68 5. The sugar-belt sizes of the large sugar factories in Western Kenya (1978) ........................ 97 6. Monthly rainfall distributicn in mm at the six sugar factories in Western .Kenya .... .......... 103 7. Monthly rainfall deficits and surpluses for Mumias sugar factory (1968-75) ......... ....... 104 8. Mean Annual Rainfall Deviation, Coefficient of Variation and Probability of Receiving 1529mm of Rainfall per annum at the Sugar Factories in Vfestem Kenya ..................... ............. 106 9. The Success of Growing Sugarcane in the Sugarzone in a Given period of t i m e .... 107 10. Chemical Tests and Soil Samples recorded as Inefficient, Sufficient, and Rich in Soil Nutrients for Sugarcane Production ...................... 115 11. Results of the Simple Correlation Analysis of Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, N, for Sugarcane Yields in Nyanza and Mumias Sugar Be l t s ............... 119 -
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