Illinois State University ISU ReD: Research and eData School of Theatre and Dance Programs Theatre and Dance Fall 2017 A Lie of the Mind School of Theatre and Dance Illinois State University Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/sotdp Part of the Theatre and Performance Studies Commons Recommended Citation School of Theatre and Dance, "A Lie of the Mind" (2017). School of Theatre and Dance Programs. 18. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/sotdp/18 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Theatre and Dance at ISU ReD: Research and eData. It has been accepted for inclusion in School of Theatre and Dance Programs by an authorized administrator of ISU ReD: Research and eData. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0 .1 TH EATRE @DANCE , 2017-2018 llli 11 o i s Si a / £' l/11 il'ersil )' or. to MY ::.:a: "AI.U' AU.rT COO.Mn AA~ E:TAelmlEO IN rJIM:USTO tJ , IL \11,t H t..oT FUNOI Elntll!. Jl(Y :"JB: JU:T TA.:f£ IN \')83 TO AOD TO :-ruornr.: GPA A unu unn. TWIH All! I WAMTttl TO (ALJ,. IT JIMNY JOHh'l fA..~ :A.1-"tWIOtt:;. t:11 AJ.O Grn£111\.L OATING A8J UTY. NY NON TOI.D N( TO $TIO' \llffi! COl.lt JllU. HC~DU:..: Of \11,\lAf ~, nm,~$. r&. EAn" F.C-T l: \ll~!U rn AT. I IIQH YOIJ u::,,.-c 1 N A: N"K>I A: l to!HAl.E! ~~ GIANT CLUB SANDWICJIES I ll ol r.iy saa:iwitllr: air 8 inches ol ll~r:m:ude MJ cl~b ur.~ wid:cs h1,e 1wicc l~c ceat or cb cn c. IIJ ii fr cr.:h bud. hcsb , c_ ccics 1nd _1 he 1:~cst r::c_1a & on r.11 lmb bated 1h!ck sl::cd J ccai~ br ed tr r.1111=,:11 tb:nc I Cl~ b~J! Wt sl!:e cm y1~=~e frc:b dJ,IJ t:I l~i: boracr.u de f m::h bt ra:i' Ml us wt::a ye~ cr(c1! :tc,c1111 u1csbcmr 1ba1 w1 1! #I PEPE r,, #7 SMOKED 11AM CLUB Any Stb r.iir.~i the ,cuin 1a~ n~ce Ru l,. 0:~1r::okcdh1:-:iandpmcl:r.e:hcese. l/ 4 po:indol1 u lw~c~s1:1okedh1::,. le11c: c.1cr.u10&m1y0.(l~eoric.n1I) SLIM I Hu:i & chme pr11,c1,:-:ethcue.lmtcc.111ra110&1:uyo! SLIM 2 Rom bttl #8 BILLY CLUB''' #2 BIG JOllN"' SL IM 3 Tuc J Hl .t d Ch:iic r ,out beef. sr.:oh d h1c. p1n0:~nc tlmu. Med:~1:1 me cb:e nnt ~eel. raJyo, SLIM 4 Turkey trmt le1tu:0& 1cm10. CiiD:1 CIOSIJrd. lrnt:t. lOr.tl!O &rnJy0. SLIM 5 S.t l.t mi.c .t picola.cttccse #3 TOTALLY TUNA"' SLIM l:i h~~lc pmo!cnt #9 ITALIAN NIGllT CLUB., rfC-;h h~~scr:u~c ICD J. r::iicd ll ilh cclerJ. D:li~~s. Ccnuul1ci. luli,:,capi:tli.sr:ckcdtt1r.1. an~ 001 1,sty sa~:e. sliced cuc~::1~e1. lc1t~te & 10ra110 1ndp0,c!::-:cchcese 1!11cpp rdwi1hlenu:e.101"J alo. (Mr ,~~ .t ro: ks! Sprc:m • optia~Jl) o~ian. r.tJyO & c~, ho::-:c::ude ll i!ian ,inai crrnc. (01dc1it J1 itb h01pr~,m) #4 TURKEY TOM '"' fle sh slic ed 1111 kc J b u st. lmott. lor:u ta & m yo #IO llUNTER'S CLUB"' Ttte cri ci:ia! (S pr0~ 1s• opt1:i~.tl) I foll 1/4 po~::d cl • cd1~r., me toast beef. prorab~c. ltll~tc. tc::ut o & IJ JJO. #5 v1To•' !ht 1111ci:i.tl lu l.1~ St~ • 1th cc:-:~a s1b::u. p111 ,ol:nc. #II COUNTRY CLUB''' e.t?::a!a. o::1an. lc11t:c. 10::i110. & J ,ul us 1, lu!i,:i SEcd turley brcm. rul woo d sr.::o ktd bJ::r. , ,r.iicteuc. (Hl l PCFPCIS br req:est) praial,::c. a:id 1on1 al :euccc. 1c::u10 & r:uyo! (I m y 111di1icul. re1 1!1,ays uccp1i::nil ::lnsit1) #fi TllE VEGGIE ® L1ycrsolporcl;:::th:::c:c?m:cdtrtul1,c::J~J #12 BEACll CLUB r,, <21) !::::;;," ~;md. s!.-:c~ c~:~::-:~:r. t:m:c. :c:u:a &r:ayJ (Truly.t frcb b1kcd 11.11ter tr us 1. pn.nci:~r.e ctcnc. a,ccad~ Et~rr:c: 1~~ r.,1 !:r ,cccuu:~s c:i1. SFC~ts• t~IL:~:J) sprc.td.slitc!lcorn::thr.lrnu:c. 1c::i11 oandmyol J.J.B.L.T_r,, #13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB"' B, :cn. lcn~cc.10;.u.:a&r::.ty0! Co:.:blcp1010!0ac.1c,1 110: ad~s~rcid.1liced (M yBL. T.,d:) ncur::bct. lmc:c. tcir:u10 & r:iayo. (try It an J:IJ 7-~ra:n whtlc whul trud. lbis 1rn 1c sa~d 11 ich ismt1rru::r.1r!Spcu1:• 0?1i:n1I) #14 BOOTLEGGER CLUB.' *SIDES* Rom beef. 1ur l cy bi cHt. lcltu:c. tor.mo & myo. * So1i Pt ~ •• SI 1S/S1G3 l nlr.::1ic1nclus:c1 * C~e: o!Jt o chi ~ ,ir catr::c Jl 1m n t oo k1 0 SI BS • AulFoUtoch ?~ SI 20 #15 CLUB TUNA"' • J.- t0 ko 1hcrd11 l pd!c Sl 20 The ur:ie as o:.:t 1/J Tou:1, t~u e1cep1 ibis one • [ur1l0 a~ 0lr:1rn S2 00 has 1101 r:IQIC. K~:iaJJ J~C IIJ~J :1bd. pro,ol:::c. • !11r1dcesc SI 00 sl:c,d c~c~r;'..bt1. lt11ucc & 10:-:rito. (S~rc:m • cpli:iul) * £111 11,c:.t~~SFltJd $10:1 Ttlc origin al ~ulbcbst~b 1 ticnca #Iii CLUB LULU''' sa:1;;:i,sli:cds1J;l cdhm.capico!1. Slired1ur kcybre111.b1:o~. lcm:::c.1ocJto rc1st beer. 1u1kcJ & pro,olonc. &r::,10.(JJsoriciul111rkty&bJ:cncl:i)) FREEBIES IIUSS t CLU SI ONLY ) jJ1Jrntd into ant of acr hooc1J.tda Ct ;:i lem:c 10::mo r:u.ya s1·:cd cu:~:::~c, h c::ch bcins. th en sr.101hmd with #17 ULTIMATE PORlc:ER <-J t:, 1~cF;t1s ~1Ja:'I JC"1::1yMusurd"' yc!lo11r.::~mrd C!li~n:. f.'IJJO. ltl!tCC. I0::1,110 & c::t 11r,1111011d Sr.lcktd he a~d blCO:l llilh lcm::ce. o I & , l~cca· orcca:10 sp,0:1 1~• ~:r.i:r.ude l11!ian , i~1i crc11 c. 10:-:rm B. r.i~ral (This a~e ro:hl) WE DELIVER! 7 DAYS A WEEK 207 W NORTH ST JDS S M.51N Sf 208 U NDM!RK OR 23 01 C. WA SHINGTO N ST 203 W M.5RN.ET ST 309.452.8200 309.451.1800 309.451.4700 309.664.6800 309.828.3300 NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL BLOOMINGTON BLOOMINGTON "YOUR MOM WANTS YOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JOIIN 'S!"0 Q) Proud SuPPorters Of Fine Arts ••• A£1uue/~ ,te1v ~ He1cfifcar& 2111 E. 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Locust • Bloomington, IL 309-452-7313 309-827-1600 Quality Fashion and Quilting Fabrics Sewing Machines www .mcleancountyglassIL.com Authorized Dealer For: BERNINA and Husqvama Viking Custom Shower Doors And Sewing Classes • Machine Repairs Glass Replacements! 4 SCHOOL OF TH ~f,,·•~~ ··l ;~,.\\\.,; ii..... /lli1111b·Smtc U1ii•m~• AND 9~!1&,~ Center for the Performing Arts - Illinois State University September 27-30 Illinois State University School of Theatre and Dance A LIE OF THE MIND CAST Baylor ............................................................................................................................................................ Dylan DeWitt Beth ............................................................................................................................................................ Gina Sanfilippo Frankie ....................................................................................................... ....................................... Everson Blade Pierce Jake ............................................................................................................................................................. Parker Carbine Lorraine ..................................................................................................................................................... Abigail Langner Meg ....................................................................................... ........................................................................... Elena Sasso Mike ................................................................................................................................................................ Raul Marron Sally ................................................................................................................................................................. Betsy Diller There will be two ten-minute intermissions -This performance will contain violence and gunshot effects Director WR/ADAMS Assistant Director Scenic Designers Costume Designer NICMcMINN* NICK KILGORE, JOHN STARK EMILY KINASZ Hair & Makeup Designer Properlies Master Sound Designer EMILY KINASZ DEVON RODLUND MORGAN HUNTER Lighting Designer Fight Director Stage Manager ........ KAYLABROWN PAUL DENNHARDT LUCYYAHR *Denotes Master of Fine Arts student 5 8Allstate.
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