Recommended Plant List for North Central Texas The purpose and mission of NPSOT is to promote research, conservation and utilization of native plants and plant habitats of Texas through education, outreach and example. Visit us on the web at www.txnativeplants.org for more information about the NC Chapter, or www.npsot.org for a local chapter in your area. Key: E= Evergreen P= Tolerates poor drainage S= Shade tolerant F= Very showy in flower or fruit D= Drought resistant in full sun * = Suseptible to Oak wilt B= Attracts birds or butterflies FF= very showy in fall foliage Shrubs Grasses Common Name Key Scientific Name Common Name Key Scientific Name E D P S B F E D P S B F Agarita E D B F Mahonia trifoliolata Big Bluestem D P B F Andropogon gerardii American Beautyberry P S B F Callicarpa americana Buffalograss D Bouteloua dactyloides Apache Plum E D B F Fallugia paradoxa Bushy Bluestem P B F Andropogon glomeratus Autumn Sage D B F Salvia greggii Eastern Gammagrass P S Tripsacum dactyloides Canyon Senna D F Cassia wislizenii Gulf Muhly P B F Muhlenbergia capillaris Coralbean D B F Erythrina herbacea Indian Grass D P B F Sorghastrum nutans Coralberry S B F Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Inland Seaoats P S B F Chasmanthium latifolium Dwarf Wax Myrtle E P S B Myrica pusilla Lindheimer Muhly D P B F Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Flame Acanthus D S B F Anisacanthus quadrifidus wrightii Little Bluestem D B FF Schizachyrium scoparium Fragrant Sumac D B F Rhus aromatica Seep Muhly D P B Muhlenbergia reverchonii Indigo Bush P B F Amorpha fruticosa Sideoats Grama D B F Bouteloua curtipendula Mountain Sage S B F Salvia regla Splitbeard Bluestem D P F Andropogon ternarius Pale Leaf Yucca E D S B F Yucca pallida Switch Grass P B F Panicum virgatum Red Yucca E D P B F Hesperaloe parviflora Smooth Sumac D B FF Rhus glabra Groundcovers Texas Barberry E D B F Mahonia swaseyi Common Name Key Scientific Name Texas Mock Orange F Philadelphus texensis E D P S B F Texas Sage/Cenizio E D S F Leucophyllum frutescens Cedar Sage S B F Salvia roemeriana Turk's Cap D P S B F Malvaviscus arboreus drummondii Frogfruit D P S B Phyla nodiflora Virginia Sweetspire P S B F Itea virginica Golden Groundsel D S F Packera obovata Wax Myrtle E P S B Morella cerifera Horseherb S Calyptocarpus vialis White Honeysuckle Bush S B F Lonicera albiflora Lyreleaf Sage E P S F Salvia Lyrata Missouri Violet S F Viola missouriensis Small Trees Pigeon Berry P S B F Rivina humilis Common Name Key Scientific Name White avens D P S B Geum canadense E D P S B F Wood Fern S Thelypteris kunthii American Smoke Tree D B FF Cotinus obovatus Bigelow Oak D Quercus sinuata breviloba Shade Trees Carolina Buckthorn D P S B F Rhamnus caroliniana Common Name Key Scientific Name Cherry Laurel E S B Prunus caroliniana E D P S B F Desert Willow D B F Chilopsis linearis American Elm D B F Ulmus americana Eastern Red Cedar E D B F Juniperus virginiana Bald Cypress P F Taxodium distichum Eve’s Necklace D S FF Styphnolobium affine Bigtooth Maple F Acer grandidentatum Goldenball Leadtree D S B F Leucaena retusa Bur Oak D Quercus macrocarpa Lacey Oak D F Quercus glaucoides Caddo Maple F Acer barbatum Mexican Buckeye D S B FF Ungnadia speciosa Cedar Elm D P B F Ulmus crassifolia Mexican Plum D S B FF Prunus mexicana Chinquapin Oak D Quercus muehlenbergii Possumhaw P S B F Ilex decidua * Live Oak E D Quercus fusiformis Prairie Flame Sumac D B FF Rhus lanceolata Loblolly Pine E Pinus taeda Roughleaf Dogwood P S B FF Cornus drummondii Mesquite D B F Prosopis glandulosa Rusty Blackhaw S B FF Viburnum rufidulum Pecan B Carya illinoinensis Texas Persimmon D S B Diospyros texana Post Oak D Quercus stellata Texas Redbud D S B F Cercis canadensis texensis * Shumard Red Oak D F Quercus shumardii Wright acacia D B F Acacia wrightii Southern Magnolia E S F Magnolia grandiflora Yaupon Holly E P S B F Ilex vomitoria Texas Ash D P B F Fraxinus albicans * Texas Red Oak D F Quercus texana Recommended Plant List for North Central Texas Key: E= Evergreen P= Tolerates poor drainage S= Shade tolerant F= Very showy in flower or fruit D= Drought resistant in full sun * = Suseptible to Oak wilt B= Attracts birds or butterflies FF= very showy in fall foliage Garden/Meadow Flowers Vines Common Name Key Scientific Name Common Name Key Scientific Name E D P S B F E D P S B F Barbara's Buttons B F Marshallia caespitosa Carolina Jasmine E P S B F Gelsemium sempervirens Bergamot/Beebalm P B F Monarda fistulosa Climbing Prairie Rose P B F Rosa setigera Big Red Sage B F Salvia penstemonoides Coral Honeysuckle P S B F Lonicera sempervirens Bitterweed P B F Helenium Amarum Crossvine E P S B F Bignonia capreolata Black Eyed Susan F Rudbeckia hirta Passion Flower P S B F Passiflora incarnata Blue Eyed Grass S F Sisyrinchium sp Virginia Creeper P S B F Parthenocissus quinquefolia Blue Flax D F Linum lewisii Blue Mist Flower S B F Conoclinium coelestinum Bluebonnet D F Lupinus texensis Perennials Cardinal Flower P S B F Lobelia cardinalis Common Name Key Scientific Name Cowpen Daisy D B F Verbesina encelioides E D P S B F Datura D B F Datura wrightii Blackfoot Daisy D B F Melampodium leucanthum Diamond Petal Primrose D F Oenothera rhombipetala Butterfly Weed B F Asclepias tuberosa Engelman Daisy D B F Engelmannia peristenia Calylophus D S F Calylophus spp. Engelman Sage D B F Salvia engelmannii Chile Pequin P S B Capsicum annuum Eryngo D F Eryngium leavenworthii Coreopsis D S B F Coreopsis lanceolata Fall Obedient Plant P F Physostegia virginiana Four-nerve Daisy E D B F Tetraneuris scaposa Fragrant Ageratina P S B F Ageratina havanensis Gayfeather D B F Liatris punctata mucronata Fragrant Phlox S B F Phlox pilosa Gregg's mistflower S B F Conoclinium greggii Greenthread D B F Thelesperma filifolium Mealy Blue Sage D B F Salvia farinacea Gulf Coast Penstemon P F Penstemon tenuis Purple Coneflower S B F Echinacea spp. Halberd Leaf Hibiscus P F Hibiscus laevis Rockrose D S B F Pavonia lasiopetala Horsemint D B F Monarda citriodora Texas Lantana D B F Lantana urticoides Indian Blanket D B F Gaillardia pulchella Wild Red Columbine D S B F Aquilegia canadensis Indian Paintbrush D F Castilleja indivisa Winecup S B F Callirhoe involucrata Maximillian Sunflower P B F Helianthus maximiliana Yellow Columbine E S B F Aquilegia spp. Mexican Hat D B F Ratibida columnifera Zexmenia D S F Wedelia acapulcensis hispida Partridge Pea D P B F Chamaecrista fasciculata Pink Evening Primrose B F Oenothera speciosa Prairie Onion B F Allium stellatum North Central Texas Top Ten Invasives Prairie Verbena D B F Glandularia bipinnatifida www.texasinvasives.org Ruellia S B F Ruellia sp Japanese honeysuckle Lonicera japonica Scarlet Sage P S B F Salvia coccinea Glossy privet Ligustrum lucidum Shrubby Skullcap D B F Scutellaria drummondii Chinese Privet Ligustrum sinense Skeleton Leaf Goldeneye D S B F Viguiera stenoloba Giant reed Arundo donax Snow-on-the-prairie D P B F Euphorbia bicolor Chinese wisteria Wisteria sinensis Spiderwort S F Tradescantia sp Vitex chastetree Vitex agnus-castus Spring Rain Lily F Cooperia pedunculata Nandina Nandina domestica Standing Cypress E D B F Ipomopsis rubra Chinaberry tree Melia azedarach Texas Bluebell B F Eustoma exaltatum russellianum Chinese tallow tree Triadica sebifera Two-leaved Senna D B F Senna roemeriana Johnson grass Sorghum halepense White Milkwort D B F Polygala alba Wild Foxglove F Penstemon cobaea Printing Donated by: For information about our chapter & participating nurseries visit www.txnativeplants.org/plants or scan the QR code. 900 W. Main St. Arlington TX (817) 467-3700 [email protected] Revised 2/2020.
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