Copyright © 2012–2021 Miles B. Cohen and Leslie Rubin Tips for Using Eluaḥ™ 5782

Copyright © 2012–2021 Miles B. Cohen and Leslie Rubin Tips for Using Eluaḥ™ 5782

Copyright © 2012–2021 Miles B. Cohen and Leslie Rubin Tips for Using eLuaḥ™ 5782 NAVIGATING QUICKLY WITH BOOKMARKS OR LINKS To navigate using bookmarks If the Bookmarks panel is not open on the left side, click/tap the icon to display the 1st-level bookmarks: Front Cover Tips for Using eLuaḥ™ 5782 Front Matter HEBREW CALENDAR SECULAR CALENDAR HOLIDAY OBSERVANCES OTHER COMMEMORATIONS SPECIAL SHABBATOT Appendixes • To open a sublevel of a bookmark, click/tap > or ▫+.. • To access the desired destination, click/tap the bookmark label. To navigate using links To access a: Click/tap a link: month on page iii — Contents holiday on page vii — About the Year 5782 specific date in a small calendar at top of page cross-reference destination in the text (e.g., “see p. 83”) CUSTOMIZING YOUR ELUAḤ Use available customization tools (e.g., highlight, add text, draw). Copyright © 2012–2021 Miles B. Cohen and Leslie Rubin !Tishrey 5782 Sep | Oct 2021 + Add × Omit ☞ Take note ּתִׁשְֵרי Sep 16 11 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Siddurim 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 L Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 S Shabbat and Festival Sim Shalom 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 W Weekday Sim Shalom 27 28 29 30 3 4 5 6 F Full Sim Shalom (both editions) P Personal Edition of Full Sim Shalom THROUGH HOSHA’NA RABBAH (some congregations, through Shemini Atseret) L S W F + Psalm 27 for the Season of Repentance 59 80 92 40 For details, see yellow box, p. 9. THROUGH 24 TISHREY (some congregations, through 1 Ḥeshvan) Taḥanun ּ ַ תחֲ נ ּו ן × Motsa’ey Yom Kippur ֹמו ָצ ֵאי ֹיום ִּכ ּפ ּור ּתִׁשְֵרי Tishrey 11 Thu 16 Sep Conclusion of Yom Kippur L S W F Arvit for weekdays 264 281 137 200 עְַרבִית Weekday Amidah: L S W F Attah ḥonantanu 272 287 143 212 אַ ּ ָ תה חוֹ נַ נְ ָּ ת ּנו + L S W F Full Kaddish 280 294 160 222 ַ ק ִ ּדי שׁ שׁ ָ ֵ ל ם L S W F Havdalah here. 283 299 165 700 הַ בְ ָ ּדלָ ה Some recite For instructions, see below. y L S W F Ale nu 281 297 163 696 עָ לֵ ּינו L S W F Mourner’s Kaddish (some omit) 282 298 164 698 ַ ק ִ ּדי שׁ יָ תוֹ ם L S W F + Psalm 27 for the Season of Repentance 59 80 92 40 L S W F Mourner’s Kaddish 58 82 100 52 ַ ק ִ ּדי שׁ יָ ת וֹ ם L S W F + Havdalah: 283 299 165 700 ner sheshavat, a flame lit נֵ ר שׁ ֶ שׁ ּ ָ ַ ב ת Light the candle from ☞ before Yom Kippur. See “Resting Candle,” p. 21. Hinneh el yeshu’ati ִה ֵּנה ֵא·ל ְיׁש ּו ָע ִתי × Bo·re peri hagafen ּ ב ֹ ו רֵ א ּ ְ פרִ י הַ ָ ּגפֶ ן Bo·re miney vesamim ּב ֹוֵרא ִמ ֵיני ְב ָׂש ִמים × ner sheshavat, do not light a נֵ ר שׁ ֶ שׁ ּ ָ ַ ב ת In the absence of) (. ּב ֹוֵרא ְמ ֹאוֵרי ָה ֵאׁש Havadalah candle, and omit Bo·re me’orey ha’esh ּ ב ֹ ו רֵ א מְ א ֹ ו רֵ י ָ ה ֵ א שׁ Hamavdil beyn kodesh leḥol הַ ַּ מבְ ִ ּדיל בֵּ ין קֹדֶשׁ לְ חֹל :After Arvit if the moon is visible ּתִׁשְֵרי Tishrey 11 e L W F Kiddush L vanah 286 167 704 ִ ק ּד ּ ו שׁ לְ בָ נָ ה (Thu 16 Sep (night For procedures and instructions, see p. 223. sukkah, even if you סֻ ּ ָ כה At home Begin immediately to build your can do only a small first step. See “Looking Ahead to Sukkot,” p. 25. 24 Copyright © 2012–2021 Miles B. Cohen and Leslie Rubin Sep 16 ּתִׁשְֵרי Add × Omit ☞ Take note! Tishrey 5782 Sep | Oct 2021 11 + Siddurim 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Sep 18 ּתִׁשְֵרי L Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 S Shabbat and Festival Sim Shalom 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 W Weekday Sim Shalom 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 F Full Sim Shalom (both editions) 27 28 29 30 3 4 5 6 P Personal Edition of Full Sim Shalom Sukkot Looking Ahead to Sukkot Building a Sukkah • Immediately after Yom Kippur ends (or as soon thereafter as possible), begin .sukkah—even if you can do only a small first step סֻ ּ ָ כה to build your This concrete act symbolizes our firm commitment, expressed throughout Yom Kippur, to build mitsvot into our everyday lives. • During the days leading up to Sukkot, complete the sukkah. סֻ כּ ו ֹ ת hiddur mitsvah (beautification of the Sukkot הִ ּד ּו ר מִ צְ וָ ה It is considered an act of in a manner that enhances your סֻ ּ ָ כה mitsvah) to build and decorate your enjoyment of the festival. Acquiring Lulav and Etrog אַ רְ ָבּ עָ ה מִ ינִים netilat lulav (taking the lulav) requires נְִִטִ ילַ ת ל ּו לָ ב Themitsvah of ,(etrog (1 citron אֶ תְ ר ֹ ו ג ,(lulav (1 palm branch ל ּו לָ ב :(arba’ah minim (4 species .(aravot (2 willow branches עֲ רָ ב ֹ ו ת hadassim (3 myrtle branches), and הֲ דַ ּ ִ סי ם as fresh and אַ רְ ָבּ עָ ה מִ ינִים see above) is to acquire) הִ ּד ּו ר מִ צְ וָ ה Another act of unblemished as available and affordable so that their beauty enhances your enjoyment of the festival. All the branches are placed in a special holder made of woven palm fronds and tied with side fronds from this or another lulav. See instructions, p. 27. Parashat Ha’azinu ּ ָ פ ָ ר שׁ ַ ב הַאֲ ּזִ֥ינו Shabbat שׁ ַ ָ ּ ת ב ּתִׁשְֵרי Tishrey 12 Sat 18 Sep Ha’azinu הַַאֲ ּזִ֥ינו :(Torah 7 aliyot (minimum Devarim (Deuteronomy) 32:1–52° ְ ּד ָ ב רִ י ם ☞ °Do not subdivide any of the first 6 aliyot. The divisions below are which denotes ,הזישו לשך indicated in the Talmud by the mnemonic the first letter of each of the 6 aliyot in the poetry section. No other parashah has aliyah divisions mandated by rabbinic tradition. (ו) 28–432:19 (י) 18–332:13 (ז) 12–232:7 (ה) Annual: 132:1–6° M32:48–52 52–732:44 (ך) 43–632:40 (ל ) 39–532:29 Triennial: Chant the full parashah, divided as above. .hal-adonay הַ לְ אֲ ·דֹנָ י Read °32:6 ☞ kerey, the manner in which this word is read, is governed by קְ רֵ י The the Masorah, written in the Aleppo Codex ( and described in Masoretic commentaries such as Minḥat Shay: ,hal הַ לְ Read this as a single word, (2) pronouce the 1st syllable as (1) and (3) then pronounce God’s name, adonay. ,improperly. As noted in some books הַ לְ יְ· הֹוָ ה Most books present Notes for Torah reading continue on p. 26. 25 Copyright © 2012–2021 Miles B. Cohen and Leslie Rubin !Tishrey 5782 Sep | Oct 2021 + Add × Omit ☞ Take note ּתִׁשְֵרי Sep 18 12 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Siddurim L Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 ּתִׁשְֵרי Sep 18 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 S Shabbat and Festival Sim Shalom 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 W Weekday Sim Shalom 27 28 29 30 3 4 5 6 F Full Sim Shalom (both editions) P Personal Edition of Full Sim Shalom is to appear as a word standing by itself. This is a feature ה the ketiv, the manner in which the word is written in ּ ְ כתִ י ב only of the the Torah scroll; it does not affect the pronunciation of the word. Shemu’el (2 Samuel) 22:1–51 2 שׁ ְ מ ּו ֵ א ל ב׳ Haftarah Av Haraḥamim אַ ב הָ רַ חֲ מִ י ם × Sukkot סֻ כּ ו ֹ ת Vezot haberakhah וְזֹ֣את הַ בְּרָ כָ֗ ה Torah 3 aliyot from מִ נ ְח ָה Devarim (Deuteronomy) 33:1–17 ְ ּד ָ ב רִ י ם 133:1–7 28–12 313–17 W319 P940 Chanted also next Monday. Tsidkatekha tsedek צִ דְ קָ תְ ָך צֶ דֶ ק × Motsa’ey Shabbat Conclusion of Shabbat ֹמו ָצ ֵאי שׁ ַ ָ ּ ת ב ּתִׁשְֵרי Tishrey 13 Sat 18 Sep L S W F Arvit for weekdays 264 281 137 200 עְַרבִית Weekday Amidah: L S W F Attah ḥonantanu 272 287 143 212 ַא ָּתה ֹחו ַנ ְנ ָּת ּנו + Short Kaddish חֲ צִ י ַ ק ִ ּדי שׁ × Vihi no’am וִ י הִ י נֹעַ ם × Yoshev beseter elyon י ֹ ו שׁ ֵ ב ְּב ֵס ֶתר עֶ לְ י ֹון × Ve’attah kadosh וְ אַ ּ ָ תה ָ ק ד ֹ ו שׁ × L S W F Full Kaddish 280 294 160 688 ַ ק ִ ּדי שׁ שׁ ָ ֵ ל ם L S W F Havdalah here.

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