AVEKAGE DAILY OIKCULATION WEATHER for tbe Month of Decenber. 1987 Foiecaat of D. 8. Weatbor BuMan. Hartford — > 6,047 Member ot tbe Audit Rain tonight; wurmor tonight; Bareuo o f Clreotottoas, colder by Tuesday night. MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM (^MUly. night, and VOL. LVIL, NO. 97 (ClasoUled Adveittelag ou Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, JANUARY 24,1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS »- JOHNSON JOINS meeting Found Gnilty in Gas Fixing Case HAWAU, QUAKE UNIQUE SOCIETY Former Employes of Blue SHAKEN, FEARS Eagle Agency Organized MILTON TAKES SEAT Under Name of "Sick Chickens.” 'vm, ITS V^CANOES Washington, Jan. 24.— (A P ) — The office of Hugh S. John- % I IN SENATE DESPITE son, first N R A administrator, lana Loa May Have Been said today he had accepted life membership in the Sick (Thick- en Society, a group of former Seat Of Temblor, Damage employes of the Blue Eagle Agency. PROTESTS BY LABOR His title win be! At Honohilo Not Heavy; “Great Thundering Rooster.” George W. Lindsay, chairman Friend Of Mayor Frank Watehmg For EnipHons. of the membership committee, said the society has no political Grand Jury Probe objectives or dues. • Hagne Of Jersey City' Honolulu, Jan. 24.— (A P )— Hawl- Annual meetings are plaimed for each May 27, rnniversary lan residenta toflay repaired minor of the Supreme Ck>urt decision Of State Parkway damage resulting from an earth- Takes Oath Of Office; holding N R A codes in'valld. quake while acientiata kept a close Lindsay said Johnson—now In watch for possible eruptions ot Oklahoma-'-would be the only Complaints Lodged Will numerous active volcanoes on Ha- Starts Tomorrow speaker at tbe next meeting. waii. southernmost island of the Be FOed With Committee. mid-Pacifle group. Possibility that Msuna Loa, one of the three Bridgeport. Jan. 24.— (A P )— FI-$> 1 June I great volcanoes on that Island, nal preparations will be made to- morrow will be tHeUfa second of Ita might have originated the temblor, FRENCH LOCATE day for the convening of an Bht- kind to be summoned In (JonnecUcut Waahinirton, Jan 24.— (A P ) was expressed by Commander J. H. In the last 100 yean. traordlnary Grand Jury in Criminal —John Milton his oath t(v Peters of the Coast Geodetic Sur- Judge Maltble, In charging the Superior (Jourt at 10 a. m. tomor- vey. “ Diploma M ill” Grand Jury, told tbe day as Senator from New Jer- GUNS AGAINST A jury returned ’verdicts Qf guilty convicting 16 major oil com-panics and 30 of the nation’s lead- row to open an exhaustive Inquiry Juron: Peters expressed belief the epi- ing oU men of conspiring to raise and fix gasoline prices in 10 mid-western states during 1935 and aey, despite a protest agrainat center of the quake, which began Into the expenditure of $6,176,177 1936, four of the defendants are shown in a hotel lobby In Madison, Wise., awaiting the verdict. Left “ There is no limit to tbe eoope of his Beating from Labor’s Nim- at 10:05 p. m. Saturday (3:35 a. m. by the State Highway Department the inquiry which you may enter to right: A. V. Borque, Tulsa., Okla., Western Petroleum Refiners’ Association; Alan Jackson, C!hicago, Partifian League. Simday, e. s. t.), and lasted two FRANCmANES for Merritt Parkway rights of way. upon and no limit to the extent to Standard Oil Company of Indiana;, J. W. Omies, New York, Sinclair Refining Company; A. M. Hughes, minutes, was around Hawaii Island. The Grand Jury, after being Bartlesville, Okla. which you may carry It save with- While the new Democratic Assistant Volcanologist Hugh charged by Judge Carl Foster, will in your own sound judgment. Senator was signing the Sen- Waesebe said if the quake orig- elect a foreman and then proceed at “If, in the consIderaUon of evi- ate register, Vice-President inated there it probably was from Air Warfare On Spanish once to open Its Inquiry by bearing dence, the Grand Jury found e ^ - Mauna Loa, though be declared State’s Attorney Lorln W. Willis dence leading them Into other Gamer announced that he was earth tremors of the type felt did Border SpiHs Over Into GATHER EVIDENCE outline the Information he has branchee o f the Inquiry," he said, referring to the elections com- not forecast an eruption. amassed and by hearing its first “you are enUrely free to follow mittee protests filed against The earthquake cracked plaster, ROSAMOND PmCHOT, witnesses. those trails to their end." MHton by the Non-Partisan tumbled crockery from shelves and Judge Foster is believed to have That the Grand Jury Is not frightened Island residenta, but no France; Both Factions En- AGAINST KIDNAPER completed his charge which will bound by the usual rules of court. League and others. casualties were reporetd. outline the powers of the Grand Is established by Judge Maltbte’s The new Senator was sworn Thought 150 Miles North. gage Jury and the field of Ita Inquiry. charge. Dr. Thomas A. Jaggar, volcano- FORMER ST A (X STAR, by Gamer before galleries While Judge Foster’s charge was “ You are not to conaider your- logist, said at Hilo, Hawaii, the awaited. It waa disclosed yesterday crowded with spectators and esirihquake’s center was near Molo- G-Men Beheve Ross Slayer selvea bound by any rigid rules of Perpignan, France, Jan. 24— (A P ) from the charge that Chief Justice evidence as Is a court. You are to friends. kai or Lanai islands, approximately WlUlam M. Maltble, then s judge of 150 miles north of the active vol- —French army authorities today use your owm good Yankee common Milton was escorted to the hastened installation of new anti- FOUND DEAD IN CAR WiH Be Sentenced Qm*ck- the Superior Court, made the "D i- sense," he said tn dlrscUng ths canoes on Hawaii island. rofltram to take his oath by aircraft and artillery batteries on ploma M ill" Grand Jury In Hartford He said the origin might have jurors to determine whether any Senator Smathers (D „ N. J.). been in Molokai Cbannel, and ex- the Spanish frontier to fight off In- on Nov. 16, 1923, that the powers of criminal offense bad been eomnilt- surgent warplanes after Spain’s de- Jy To The Electric Chair. an Extraordinary Grand Jury are Standing in the rear of the pressed belief it waa "probably very ted or anyone should be brought to big at Ita origin, and may have been vasting aerial warfare had over- Known To Millions As The MCKELLAR REPLIES virtually without limit. trial in court on criminal charges. chamber watching the cere- lapped on to French territory very deep.” Chicago, Jan. 24.— (A P ) — John mony was Governor A . Harry Water mains at Lohatna. Maul, A t least 80 persons were killed Moore, his predecessor in the and hundreds wounded In the fury of Nun In “The Mirade;” Henry Seadlund, confessed kidnap- were put out o f commission, and cracks In the earth were reported week-end reprisal and counter-re- TO. BRIDGES CHARGE slayer of Charles S. Ross, sat chain- Senate who appointed him. A fte r Oomer had referred ths elsewhere on the lig h t Islands prisal assaults on a dozen Spanish Death Caused By Carbon ed to the bare of a skyscraper cell cities and towns, both Insurgents NATIONAL C. OF C. URGES Non-Partisan League’s protast to which felt the shocks with varying today while Federal agents forged degrees of intensity. and government striking and re- tbe elecUona committee, Chairmaa the last links in the chain of evi- A t Santa Clara, Calif., Dr. A l- ceiving punishment in return. Monoxide; Windows Shot George (D„ Go.) of that oommite Senator Declaries Only Tem- dence they hoped will send the for- bert J. Newlinn, director o f Santa (France bent a formal protest to tee said be had received “ numeroufi mer 27-year-old lumberjack to the LOWER TAX TO AID TRADE lettaTfi and proteata” to tho appoint' Clara University’s Rloard observa- the Insurgent regime against the electric chair. meat ot Mlfton. tory, said hts selsmogrdpb reglstei^ frontier bombings.) Oyster Bay. N. T„ Jan. 24— (AP) porary Contracts Were An official survey showed no Federal prosecutors indicated ■ • Garner said these also would bo ed shocks of great Intensity from they would ask the Grand Jury, serious damage waa caused by 11 —The ermine-wrapped body of referred to the elections commlttso. the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands scheduled to convene today, to In- Insurgent bombs that fell just In- Roumond Pinehot, known to mil- Made By Power Authority Experts Start To Prepare “Comipt Machlae." for two hours 20 minutes, begin- dict Seadlund under the Lindbergh ning at 12:39 a. m. Sunday (3:39 side French territory yesterday lions aa the nun In Max Reinhardt’s kidnap law. The Non-Partisan League's pro- when Puiggerda, Ctatalan railhead, a. m., e. s. t.) Biblical spectacle “ The Miracle,” J. Eklgar Hoover, chief of the Fed- Report On Long Hearings LATE NEWS test saked the Senate to refuse to Worst In 11 Years. was bombed with between 21 and 30 wa'j found today In a closed auto- , Washington, Jan. 24.— (A P ) — eral Bureau of Investigation, said seat Milton on the grounds be owed fatalities. Though damage was slight, mobile on tbe Harry Alexandre es- .Senator McKellar (D-Tenn) told the Seadlund, who was also known os his appointment to a "comipt polit- French officials, who already bad ical machine” and was personally Peters said It was the “worst earth- tate here.
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