Ms Gay McDougall,. member of the Amer.da. Lawyers' CommlUee for CMI Rlgbts Vnder Law. draft election and constituent assembly laws hammered THE DRAFT Election (Constituent Assembly) Proclamation does not make room for 'ree and fair elections and is so "(ataU, flawed that DO amount of or tinkering or moditation tan overcome its inherent problems". This was the comment of Ms Gay face. 'Df those eSlablished general McDougall of the American Law­ principles. " yers' Committee for Civil RighlS Secrecy of the ballot, verifiCfttion Under Law. Ms McDougall is pres. of vOle r identity and validity of vote ently in Namibia as the project direc­ count, Ms McDougall identified as lOr of the American Conunission on three basic guidelines and principles Independence for Namibia. She applied in democrllic elections. addressed the press yesterday on the The secrecy of the ballot in the Administrator General's new law was not guaranteed. Under the procedure as outlined in the draft legislation there was bolmd to be: a Since "inhercru pr0b- "quite possibly accurate perception lems" she proposed that a totally that a voter's choice will not be kept new eJection law be drafted. secret", Ms McDougall added. The new election law, she said, Through failing to assure that should be based on principles fol­ unregistered persons do not vOle a lowed in other democratic colmlries "meaningful guarantee of secrecy" of the world. "It follows that a whole had been rejected.. " Ho .....ever we new eJection law should be drafted. believe thatllle procedure involving following the principles adhered to numbered baUot envelopes that is set and foundpraclical in the democratic out in the draft proclamation for the countries of the wocld, ralller than purpose of verifying the identity of crealing new procedures that are inordinalely complex and fly in lIle continued on page 3 Ul,LI"A.~ WITH SHIPANGA • this photograph of alleged CIA man Bill Ullman, currently resident Swapo leader in Windhoek, was taken in Paris some years ago. He is pictured with the Swapo·D leader, M r Andreas Sbipanga, at a United Nations conference in the French capital. held at gun-point SWAPO's head oftbeelKtion campaign at Okakarara, Mr Othnttl CIA MAN IN Kazombiaze, and two other Swapo activists. narrowly escaped death or possible injury when they were fired at three times by a still unidentified white man at the Pamue Locatu,n at Okakarara, Three whites arrivcd at a spot near man he had been looking for. While the Pamue guest house wht;re the he slowl y advanced he pointed the Swapo men and collegues of theirs firearm at Mr Kv.ombiaze. TOWN NAMED from Windhoek were having a braai. Mr Kazombiaze decided to react 'and its breakfast with Plenaar and lunch with Ahtisaari' . While the Swapo men were pre­ and pushed the man's ann away. A paring to leave, the whites arrived shot went off. He then hit the man on ITS A CASE of 'spy versus spy' sintt a report hit the headlines in to detail a longstanding relationship and Olle of them greeted Mr Gerson the ehest and another bullet was fired. a South African·based newspaper, cla iming that a Californian, Hill bet .....een New York diamond dealer. Kamal1.ei. When the laller returned Bolll shots missed. Ullman, a close friend orMr Anton lubowski. is a 'sleeper' for the Maurice Tempeisman - a fricnd of the greeting, he was tOld 10 say 'good Mr Kazombiaze decided to nee United States Central Intelligence Agency (C IA ). the Kennedys and escort of Jackie evening, baas'. after his colleagues bUI ..... hen they Onassis - and Ullman. Tempelsman The three white men left butt ..... o laler returned to their vehicle they Whether Mr Ullman is a CIA man Ken Owen, claims that Mr Ullman, "wms up as a heavy .....eight player later rellU1\ed and IOld Mr Kamaazei fOlmd lIlat the light switch had been or nOI, the repon in a newspaper who has visited Namibia scveral times wherever diamonds, oil or money that he was looking for trouble. broken. Their allaeker was seen fid· apparently sponsored by Anglo­ since 1978. is a CIA 'sleeper' - an intersut ..... ith po ..... er politics··. One of the whiles recognised Mr dling insidc their cu. American. is bound to lead to conlIo­ agent in place ..... ho is waiting 10 be Tempelsman visited Namibia re­ Kamaazei and, pointing a glm at him, A police scrgeantlaler arrived on versy about the future of Namibia's called into action. cently. and met with several people. ordered him out of hi s vehicle. BUI lIle scene to enquire about the inci· diamond industry, as well a.~ some Sources in Windhoek have long including the DTA, in the company before Mr Kamaazei could get out as den!. Mr Kazombiaze contacted lIle lUnd of investigation within the ranks bct;n mystified by Ullman and the of Mr Ullman, although the Business instrucled 10, a shot was fired in his policeman again the following dilY of Swapo. fact that he 'has breakfast with Day report claims that neilller Mr direclion. and was lold that the three men were A repon in the Business Day pub­ Picnaar and ilmch with Ahtisaari '. Mr Kazombiaze intef\'t;ned, and from Olji ..... aronto and lIlat he knew lished yesterday and written by Mr The Business Day rcport gIXs on continued on page 3 the white told him thaI he was the who they were. A charge wa.~ laid. 2 Tuesday August 81989 THE NAMIBIAN AROUND THE WORLD NEGOTIATION BEIRUT· The United Nations envoy mediating in the hostage crisis, Marrack Goulding, returned to Beirut from Damascus and went straight into a meeting with a Shi'ite Moslem leader linked to the kidnappers. The meeting came a day after the Revolutionary Justice organisation offered to free United StaleS hostage Joseph TABLE STILL Cicippio if Israel released Sheikh Abdel-Karim Obeid and 450 other Arab prisoners. Israel says any exchange must include three Israeli soldiers held in Lebanon. WARSAW - Solidarity said it had rejected a Communist Party pro­ RICKETY posa110 join in a coalition government. and urged the party to make way for an opposition administration. The decision dealt a blow to AN Angolan delegation was due to leave Luanda ror talks with yean of war. The current talks have premier Czeslaw Kiszczak's efforts to make the opposition share Un ita rebels yesterday, only 24 hours arter the government accused centred on how it should be moni­ responsibility for an austerity programme, which has lead to food the guerrillas or trying to wreck the shaky six-week-old truce. tored. price rises of up to 500 per cent. The foreign minister also criti­ The official Angolan news agcncy "Unita appears to have launched a cised the United Stales - one of Unita's TUNIS - Fatah, the mainstream group in the Palestine Liberation Angop said a third round of peace military campaign to take power by main allies - for not doing more to Organisation, gave PLO chairman Yasscr Arafatclearance to fo llow talks would resume in Kinshasa under force," he said. ensure the peace plan works. "The through his diplomatic campaign for a Palestinian slate alongside the mediation of Zairean presidenl Van Dunem accused thepro-West­ U.S. position is not very clear," Van Israel. Delegates said he won 90 per cent support from the congress, MobuN Sese Seko. em rebels of yioilling the six-week­ Dunem told reponers. according to Angolan foreign minister Pedro old.cease-fire hundreds of times, and the agency. Falah's first since 1980. van Dunern. who made the announce­ killing more than 300 civilians. ac­ No details were given to the fresh ment, was quoted in anearlier Angop cording to the agency. round of talks in Kinshasa, though SEOUL - A Chinese army major who defected to South Korea 10 dispatch as saying the rebels were Angola's Marxisl goyemmenl and anned forces chief Antonio Franca days ago across the tense border with North Korea, has left for the jeopardising the peace plan agreed al Unita agreed to a cease-fire at the was expected to head the goyern­ United Slates with his wife, a foreign ministry spokesperson said. an African summit in June. summit in Gbadolite, Zaire. after 14 ment delegation. Pek ing last week demanded that the pair, who it said had acted "under the innuence of some external factors". be handed back to China immediately. GENEVA - United Slates and Soviet officials concluded the first LABOUR round of nuclear arms negotiations under the Bush administration without making progress on major disagreements. KABUL - A salvo of rockets smashed into Kabul's top hotel , the Continental, sctting the building on fire but causing no casualties as rebels bombarded the capital for thc fourth consecutive day. MAN RESIGNS NAIROBI - Talks about talks to end Mozambique's 14-year-old civil war started with officials from the mediating Kenyan govern­ New Zealand Prime Minister claims ill health ment hinting that the process will be long. Presidents Daniel Arap NEW Zealand Prime Minister David Lange, noted ror his strong the well-off pay for health and edu­ Moi of Kenya and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe met to discuss the anti·nuclear and anti-American sentiments, yesterday announced calion services. format of eventual peace negotiations, an official in Moi's office his decision to resign. Lange denounced the proposals, said. setting off a cold war within the Lange, who incurred the wrath of Lange rose 10 national leadership government. LUSAKA· Mineworkers, angry about a smaIl pay rise, stoned and both the United States and France after staning as a backstreet lawyer Douglas resigned his post late last set fire to their union's offlceson Sunday in the Zambian copperbelt oyer his outspoken viewpoints.
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