Metal Detector Survey and Battlefield Delineation of the Buford’s Massacre (Waxhaws) Revolutionary War Battlefield, SC Route 9 and SC Route 522 Intersection Improvements LANCASTER COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA SA29(003) PIN 30523 February 2011 T H E F L A N K C O M P A N Y T H E F L A N K C O M P A N Y Metal Detector Survey and Battle!eld Delineation of the Buford’s Massacre (Waxhaws) Revolutionary War Battle!eld, SC Route 9 and SC Route 522 Intersection Improvements, Lancaster County, South Carolina SA 29 (003) PIN 30523 Prepared for: South Carolina Department of Transportation Columbia, South Carolina Prepared by: Scott Butler Principal Investigator February 2011 Brockington and Associates, Inc. "UMBOUBt$IBSMFTUPOt&MJ[BCFUIUPXOt1FOTBDPMBt4BWBOOBI . " /" ( & . & / 5 4 6 . " 3: During February and March 2010, Brockington since the intersection improvements are a public safety and Associates conducted mitigative archaeological JTTVF )PXFWFS UIF BEWFSTF FČFDUT XFSF NJOJNJ[FE investigations and boundary delineation for the through redesign. Traditional Phase III data recovery Waxhaws (Buford’s Massacre) Battle!eld (Site 38LA564) is not an e"ective mitigation technique for historic in Lancaster County, South Carolina. #e South battle!elds. An on-site meeting was held 15 June 2009 Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) between SCDOT and SCDAH sta" to discuss the project proposes highway improvements at the intersection of e"ects and potential mitigation options. A Memorandum SC Route 9 and SC Route 522, in the Buford community. of Agreement (MOA) was signed between FHWA, $BNQDP&OHJOFFSJOH*ODXBTDIBSHFEXJUIEFWFMPQJOH SCDOT, and SCSHPO. #e MOA outlines three key this project. #e proposed improvements include the stipulations as appropriate mitigation; (1) comprehensive addition of le$ turn lanes to both SC Route 9 and SC delineation (archival and archaeological) of the Buford’s Route 522. #is project is a part of several SCDOT Massacre core battle!eld boundary, (2) archaeological statewide safety projects and will physically a"ect up to investigation of a potential second mass grave on land 20 meters (66 $ from the centerline) on both sides of the owned by the Lancaster County Parks and Recreation SC 9 and SC 522 intersection. Cultural resources survey Department, and (3) development of interpretive signage was previously completed in 2006 by Brockington and to be placed at the Buford’s Massacre NRHP District Associates for the SCDOT in compliance with state owned by Lancaster County. Stipulation 1 (battle!eld and federal cultural resources legislation. #rough delineation) and 2 (feature evaluation) are presented in consultation, it was determined that the proposed this report; Stipulation 3, interpretive signage, is being intersection improvements will adversely a"ect the undertaken and reviewed as a separate project. Waxhaws battle!eld. #e Battle of the Waxhaws (29 May 1780) was a signi!cant event during the Revolutionary War. A portion of the battle!eld is previously listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). #e two-acre historic property, recorded as the Buford’s Massacre NRHP District, is located approximately 100 feet south of the proposed intersection improvements southern terminus. It contains the mass grave of 84 Virginia Continental soldiers marked by a stone cairn and several historic monuments. As presently designed, the proposed intersection improvement project will not physically a"ect the previously de!ned NRHP property. However, survey investigations carried out by Brockington and Associates, Inc. during January 2006 (Butler 2006a) demonstrated that the Buford’s Massacre Battle!eld extends outside the NRHP boundaries into UIF"SFBPG1PUFOUJBM&ČFDU "1& ćFQSPQPTFEQSPKFDU will directly a"ect Site 38LA564 and will cause adverse e"ects to the Buford’s Massacre (Waxhaws) battle!eld. Brockington recommended avoidance of the battle!eld, but this option is not practical in this case Brockington and Associates iii TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S M A NA G E M E N T S U M M A RY .................................................................................................................................iii L I S T O F F I G U R E S .......................................................................................................................................................vii L I S T O F TA B L E S ..........................................................................................................................................................ix 1 . 0 I N T R O D U C T I O N ..............................................................................................................................................1 2 . 0 E N V I R O N M E N TA L S E T T I N G A N D H I S T O R I C C O N T E X T ..............................................3 2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL SET TING ..........................................................................................................3 2.2 HISTORIC CONTEXT ..........................................................................................................................3 2.2.1 Revolutionary War (1776-1780) .........................................................................................................3 2.2.2 Battle of the Waxhaws (Buford’s Massacre), 29 May 1780 ...................................................................3 2.2.3 The Southern Campaign (1780-1781) ...............................................................................................6 3 . 0 M E T H O D O L O G Y ..............................................................................................................................................9 3.1 BACKGROUND RESEARCH ..............................................................................................................9 3.2 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS ..................................................................................................................10 3.3 LABORATORY METHODS .................................................................................................................10 4 . 0 P R O J E C T R E S U LT S .........................................................................................................................................13 4.1 BACKGROUND RESEARCH ..............................................................................................................13 4.2 TEST UNIT EXCAVATION .................................................................................................................13 4.3 METAL DETECTOR SURVEY ............................................................................................................15 4.4 AMMUNITION ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................18 4.5 OTHER ARTIFACTS ...............................................................................................................................31 4.6 KOCOA ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................................35 4.6.1 Rocky River Road ...................................................................................................................................35 4.6.2 British Reserve ........................................................................................................................................35 5 . 0 S U M M A RY A N D C O N C LU S I O N S .........................................................................................................39 R E F E R E N C E S C I T E D ................................................................................................................................................41 A P P E N D I X A : A RT I FA C T C ATA L O G Brockington and Associates v - * 4 5 0 ' ' * ( 6 3 & 4 Figure 1.1 SC Route 9 and SC Route 522 Intersection improvements project area. ..........................................................2 Figure 2.1 Mills (1825) Lancaster District map showing location of “Buford’s Massacre” and the Waxhaw region. ....5 Figure 3.1 Stone cairn marking the mass grave of 84 Virginia Continentals killed at the Waxhaws Battle!eld. ...........9 Figure 3.2 Aerial photograph showing areas investigated during the Waxhaws Battle!eld metal detector survey. .......11 Figure 3.3 Metal Detecting at the Buford’s Massacre Battle!eld (38LA564) with county-owned NRHP tract in distance. .........................................................................................................................................................................12 Figure 4.1 Aerial photograph showing SC Route 9 and SC Route 522 Intersection improvements study area and Buford’s Massacre Battle!eld NRHP District. ............................................................................................................14 Figure 4.2 1860 obelisk marking mass grave of Virginia Continentals killed May 29, 1780. ...........................................15 Figure 4.3 South Carolina Historic Marker “Buford’s Bloody Battleground” at the intersection of SC 9 and SC 522 (east view). ......................................................................................................................................................16 Figure 4.4 USGS map showing the location of possible mass grave (Butler 2006b:6). ......................................................17 Figure 4.5 Test Unit 201, showing modern posthole depression. .........................................................................................18
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