The Folklore Society Box M l iH, 20th Street Station, Washington, DC 20036 of dealer Wash in gton NBKulTHt VOLUME X V I , NO. 1 SEPTEMBER, 1979 PHONE (703) 281-2228 Nancy Sc h a t z, E d it or Peter Bellamy on Sept. 8 "Special Event" is indeed an apt description for the Folk­ lore Society's next concert, Peter Bellamy is a fascinating performer who w ill doubtless give us a blockbuster evening on Saturday, September 8, Peter used to be one-third of the Young Tradition. That unaccompanied trio produced three LPs in England and four fine American tours. Peter has two recent solo American LPs, one a traditional collection fea­ turing unaccompanied singing, songs with Anglo concertina or guitar, and whistle tunes, The other is a collection of Rudyard Kipling Barrack-Room Ballads, set to traditional tunes or written ones—a powerful set. Peter was also res­ ponsible for a folk opera, "The Transports," performed in England and recorded with an all-star cast. So if you ap­ preciate the many styles of British Isles music, join us at the Washington Ethical Society auditorium, 77.50 - l 6th St., N.W,, in 'Washington, at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 8, for PETER BELLAMY in concert. Admission is $2 for members, and $3 for non-members. —me P.S,: If you're wondering why this concert features Bellamy alone, instead (Cont, on p. 2) and.. Tundra on Sept. 23 Traditional music from Kent (England, not Ohio) w ill be featured on September 23 in a special concert by "Tundra," a husband and wife duo from Rainham, Kent. Doug and Sue Hudson have been singing together as "Tundra" since March, 1972. They have done extensive folksong research, and spent six years collecting local songs from traditional musicians in Kent, a pro­ ject culminating in their recent recording, "A Kentish Garland," But more important than their research, Doug and Sue bring a lively sense of humor and splen­ did musicianship to their performances. Their unac­ companied harmony singing is strong, their instrumen­ tal accompaniments varied and sensitive. This concert will truly be a special event for those who enjoy British music. The date, again, is Sunday, September 23* The program begins at 3:00 p.m. at the Washington Ethical Society auditorium, 7750 - 16th St., N.W. (at Kalmia Road), Admission is $2 for FSGW members and 33 for non-members. FROM THE PROGRAM CHAIRMAN.. BELLAMY (Cont, from p. 1) of together with Dave Swarbrick (as pro­ Because of a schedul i ng snafu at the mised in the last Newsletter), be advised Ethi cal Society, there will be no that Dave recently broke his arm, and regular September program. We’ll get playing the fiddle is difficu lt enough st ar t ed October 12 wit h a concer t by without a cast on one’s arm... We hope the DeBusk - Weaver Family from Oxford, he mends fa st! Pennsyl vani a. They perform lots of Garter Fami l y materi al and gospel tunes, and shoul d be a r eal t r eat t o hear w* More on this in the October newsl etter. SUNDAY NIGHT DANCES I hope to complete our program plans for the year by mid-November, and would The Folklore Society’s weekly Sunday appr eci at e member s' i nput i n my pl anni ng. dances w ill resume this month, starting Anyone wi t h suggest i ons for a program Sept..23, 8-11 p.m. At this writing, the shoul d wri t e me at: P.O. Box 9062, location had not been confirmed, so be Washington, D.C. 20003. Or call sure to call the FSGW Hot Line, 281-2228, 544- 4309. for details. Admission to the dance is $2 for FSGW members, and $2,50 for others, --Kathy Westra Hickerson Sept. 23 - Bob Dalsemer callin g! NOTES OF IMPORTANCE Sept. 30 - Music by the Boss-Town Bu zz-St ep s. BOARD MEETI NGS: The September FSGW Board meeting w ill be FSGW BOARD MEMBERS, 1979-80 held Sept. 5, at 8:00 p.m., at the home of Bill Day in Silver Spring, MD. Board President - Lars Hanslin meetings are open to the membership and (h ) 65^-4317 (o) 3^3-7957 your participation is encouraged. For directions, call Bill at 588-0236, Vice-President - Tom McHenry The October meeting will be held the (h) 533-1397 (o) 695-3908 fir st week in October| for information on Secretary - Susan Schwelling time and place, ca ll the FSGW Hot Line (h) 657-8551 (281-2228). Treasurer - Nan Goland (h ) 332-0232 NEWSLETTER DEADLI NE: Dance - Lisa Kornberg The deadline for the October newsletter (h ) 362-6983 is Sept. 14. We are happy to include any items of in ter est to FSGW members (assum­ Membership - Don Nichols ing space is available), but you must do (h ) 938-4564 (o) 664-5780 your part by getting items in on time. Program - Kathy Westra Hickerson Mail articles, notes, etc., to Nancy (h) 5i+^ 3 0 9 Schatz, 3312 Glenway Dr., Kensington, MD 20795. Publications - Nancy Schatz (h) 933-3073 (o) 882-5500, ex.51 NEW P . O . BOX: Publicity - Mia Gardiner Don’t forget—FSGW1 s Post Office box (h ) 573-8111 number has been changed. Our official Special Events - Mary C liff address is now: The Folklore Society of (h ) 534-7582 (o)998-2790 Greater Washington, Box 19114, 20th St. Station, Washington, D.C. 20036, At-Large - Julie Ball (h ) 379-4454 (o) 537-6484 SPECIAL THANKS: At-Lar ge - B ill Day A bit belatedly, the Folklore Society (h) 588-0236 (o) 933-5880 wishes to extend h eartfelt thanks to a ll Past President - Jonathan Eberhart those (performers, sta ff, volunteers, and (h ) 667-0778 (o) 785-2273 audience!) who helped make the 3rd annual Washington Folk Festival last June a Past Treasurer - Linda Lieberman success. Join us again next year! (h ) 526-0584 \/ I (o H I GOSPEL SING SEPTEMBER OPEN SING Each month the Folklore Society holds Everyone has a favorite folk song, informal get-togethers to sing Gospel whether it *s the la st one you learned or music and share a pot-luck dinner. The the fir s t . This month*s Open Sing leader, harmonies and enthusiasm that accompany Don Nochols, would like you to come and the singing are simply too good to miss. share that song with him and everyone You needn*t be able to read music to come else at the September Open Sing, which and p a r t ic ip a t e , will be held in the Ethical Society build­ This month the Sing will be held in the ing, 775C - 16th St*, N.W,, about 9 p.m. Mount Pleasant section of D.C,, at the on Friday, Sept, 7# There will be music, home of Arlene Rodenbeck and Rick Morgan, wine, punch, and a friendly atmosphere— at Hi 00 p.m. on Sunday, September 16, all for $1. Bring a pot luck dish and your voice. For those new to FSGW, the Open Sing is Be sure to call Arlene and Rick (H62-3667) an informal sharing of music. Everyone ahead of time to get directions and to sits in a circle on the floor in the main let them know what you*11 be bringing. room of the building or talks and jams in the smaller rooms downstairs. It is not —Kathy Condon (H62-2875) necessary to be a good musician to parti­ cipate, In fact, you can participate by simply being an audience for those who do sing or play, but be prepared to join in FIFTEEN? t on lo t s o f ch or u ses! The October Open Sing will take place Would you belive the Folklore Society on Friday, Oct, 5* in the Main Lodge at of Greater Washington is fifteen years the Getaway. The leader w ill be Helen old this fall? *Tis true, and we are Schneyer, and there will be no theme— going to celebrate with an all-night ju st lots of good songs. party, planned for Saturday, October 13. —Dolores There will be a concert, a dance, an open sing, breakfast, and more, We*11 have more details on this next month, ADVANCE NOT I CE ........ but meanwhile, do plan on being with us. If you have any pictures or other memora­ Put Tuesday evening, Oct, 9, on your bilia from the old da3's, please let Jon­ calendar for the return of Gordon Bok, Ann athan (785-22.73 weekdays) or Mary (53H- Mayo Muir, and Ed Trickett, 7582) know—we*d lik e to borrow them for a n ost a lgia cor n er , Rick and Lorraine Lee return the last weekend of October for a workshop and house concert, September ....details later x SUNDAY3 MONDAY AJ TUESDAY £* UjEDNESDAY (p THURSDAY7 FRIDAY ff SATURDAY Bel l amy (J PEfvl Pane* -6»l*n MeeTi NQ SitiGi Echo IO // tz 13 W takoma Park letter AD Ak b a r Kh a n Folk FesnuAL -L liner £p<n deoAltne Square Dance- II-to (StfoEcW® ?:3o Hp nIt/? 20 Aw. DONcer - HAepfcR; GosPfcL dk*Alin«e. Dance - 6 len Sirt§ Echo 8 ; 3 0 . 23 *S<U>Oli\c£ f fn 24 zr Zip & 2X z<? Burke fbumly TUNDRA* L-Cr- I*-*1 “Boms oX'lkt 30 LouaW “ U.IAd c* - (5l«n PSiSu> D V S k Folk MeAfet n* 'tfar.a.
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