THE PASSING THE EVENINO STAR, Washington, D. C. A-11 SHOW til AMIIIIOAt NEWIST TOURIST MTP—AT. WIT W.IHI ATTRACTION—THE FABULOUS, NEW - One Must Be Dutiful rC^MAIK-i a TONIGHT To Brain-Child, Too Wax iwm a WILLIAM UROYAN'S • By JAY CAftMODY MORE THAN 100 LIFE SIZE. LIFE LIKE FIGURES AND DOT Drama Editor SCENES FROM THE RAGES OF AMERICAN HISTORY <,“5. *•’- THE DWELLERS pUywrtght. co-playwright to precise, be In the CAVE- The be will J (UANOR J. ROBIRT DANA when "King of Heart*" opens next Tuesday night at f/iis nirrey American hintory is audience of RHILPS DIITZ ILCAR < Olney theater. an exciting educational experience." -A Wrniy Tala" This is unusual, the more so for the fact that summer among Hearts.” w™ Ph... BaoJewtCne* feoMdaF** theater plays are rarely new. these “King of m AOROAN t OtNfy Nevertheless, Mrs. Eleanor Brooke who lives in Washington Historical Wax be reunion National Mumiihi mm will on hand for a 500 2«Hi Street N.W., et I Street 7) mru with her only successful play. way up in the Arctic. As a re- Nnr IS, U,»la Mnmertel j SSI This Is no more than the due sult of this thoroughly docu- fc, \ ADULTS TSc Children 12 sad l ndcr. 50c of a brain-child, "King of Special Ores* «atee Aeelleble—Call HA. S-tttS Hearts” is more than that even. mented study, you can take it I It la a kind of problem brain- from them that: child In that Mrs. Brooke work- “The grey wolf is actually ed on it six years, alone and one of the most respectable co-author Jean Kerr, with be- truly gallant fore it became a Broadway hit. and creatures in kingdom. Mrs. Brooke dropped into the the whole animal drama department yesterday to Once mated, he usually stays talk quite modestly about her married for life, a happy mo- playwriting. nogamist. No promiscuous dat- developed The conversation ing. No straying after strange the fact that “King,of Hearts” lupine ladles, temporarily un- Films of More Than Routine Merit Lraii BtnUwiMr’a Tke.i.r, long OIIVE-IR TREATERS has been in her life a time. mated. A good provider, a vir- WANT BE A FLY? "THE LONG, HOT RUMMER”—A starry east. Joanne Weed- She wrote it for Walter Kerrs loyal, YOU TO ward, iiaaaar tuous family man, cour- not, that is what happens Paul Newman and Oreon Welles in a William THE VILLAGE i.™, Catholic university course ageous, with good social man- Os course but to A1 Hedi- Faulkner slice es life. several years before Mr. Ken- son who plays a scientist In “The Fly,” which will ners and alert intelligence. "THIS HAPPY FEELING"—May-December love still retains left to become the New York come to the Capitol Theater on July 31. Hedlson, In .9 ?* LoTlobrltian, One of nature's proudest crea- its charm with Debbie Reynolds and Curt Jurgens. BEAUTIFUL. BUT1 DANGEROUS. AT Herald Tribune's critic. i:l»U. 4 22. 7:46. CIMARRON pass (escape', dram% tions.” his prefly shape is shown here with Patricia Owens BCOTT BRADY at 0:25. No. *— Specifically, this was back in who plays in "VEhTIGO"—An Alfred Hitchcock thriller that will take you "BTRANOE INTRUDER IDA LO- So, watch your speech and his wife the film. to MrWTAH U. 8-ISAB Itth it PINO at 12 30, located In Arlinaton 1948-40. of delight dissy heights, literally. James Stewart and Kim ¦ LIT lUII N X Hot. Mieh * I. I n s Bout, An uproar . over tha 14th philanderer is, Novak. in S Bridge l.Jusl greeted its reading in class at call a what he James Stewart and Ktm Novak St, Kids Free! I a philanderer. Alfred Hitchcock', suspense thriller, that But this proved PET"—Clark Gable and Doris Day deftly han- 1:1MI 4,3(1. 8 52. time. what **• * "TEACHER’S VERTIGO.' Rt. I. E. dle pert comedy authentic 913 Plu, Extra at the matinee M. LOEW-t. led 1-17*1 was that Mrs. Brooke could 1 a in an newsroom setting. only Kornan Wynn. "TENNESSEE hilarious dialogue, SATURDAY SUMMARY: CHAMP." 3:2o—Cartoon NT. VERNON OPEN AIR write which! There will be a new weekly "MODERN TIMES”—The comedy that many regard as the nevertheless could not conceal high point in Charlie Chaplin's career. VrVMfIU il •-*4(4. 8787 llt jmagazine the drama Held - in TLSin Vernas Ate.. Alex.. Vn cttd^r^r^eV^alOpew that she was no mistress of. ! "AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS"—It be 7:BB—Start at DgetT next November .... It willbe shouldn’t nec- plot. Special at at matinee only— Week-End Parade ot Riu. | caljed "The Theater” and will HOLLYWOOD essary to list this one, but how could one not? Otant Cartoon Jamtorrr and Carle- Mm ton Carpenter. 'FIARLEBS FA- “THE INCREDIBLE Teacher Kerr suggested a' be published by the Atlas Pub- GAN. 1:00, 3:00 Evening per- SHRINKING MAN” collaborator who turned out to!lishing company, in the trade formances of Academy Award Wtn- At 11:30 Jean, Kerr By SHIILAH GRAHAM SUnloy Waratr Theaters K B THCATCBS ! ELIZABETH be Mrs. Kerr. Mrs. paper field half a centtury .. TAYLOR. DANA ("Please An All Air CnOlluiS. MXR.” 3:00. 7:08. 9.20. ANDREWS. Don’t Eat the Dai- Its contents will Include fea- 4,39 M sies”) dialogue nacnninunMar IRTHIIR AHw. lied. "ELEPHANT WALK" is also a brilliant tures. profiles, a complete list- —i—— N W (M ]MO At 9 30 AMBASSADOR 'ToVJUV *• AT m. t u*» CARTOON » writer. ling of plays on Broadway, off Sergeant*” "BLUE MURDER *T TRIN. ,IILKiIInrrn Spore CARNIVALAt “No Time for 2:35. 4'25, « Porkiog • 3:to, 6:26, IANS." at 15. K:IHI "BEAST WITH FIVE FiNOERsT* Between us.” Mrs. Brooke re-! Broadway and on the road, play Andy OrlOth. 1:16. and 9:50 PM Short Subject, at femfertably Air CeadltleaeA. All. Posterity for Pie Slingers 7735. 0:46. 2:15. 4:05, 5:5(1. 7:45 and 9:35 P.M. ALAN OUVIA df HAVIL- calls, “we wrote what Walter reviews, gossip and a theater! LADD. " Starts "VERTIOO." IIVIIA|| WO. «-'!«00. LAND. “THE PROUD REBEL Sun! . (NANA)—Pro- Friendly, by describes as 200 pounds of fashion column. Another HOLLYWOOD prime ministers. eh AVALON MIS Cm. A»e. N.W. i I9PT 4*<> Max. Are. WO 6-MOO Color Technicolor / • "VIRTIOO." (re# Continuous Prom 1:30 P M. dialogue before the play be- publishing note is that Random ( ducer George Justin—he wot? Alfred Hitchcock 2.00, Forking filmed Norsk. June, Stewort. - Budd . Kim Alfred Hitchcock , came the one he directed on House will soon issue Henry Fonda’s "Twelve Sorry that Anne Baxter’s | 4:2(1. 6:40. 0:06. S OUZENS CHAPa Angry > . ago." Schulberg's original screen- it. s-.uibb. ttt a r “VERTIGO” I • Momorial HvS on. Aaer El. at Ramllten Broadway, four seasons | play London, ¦rural v with i tmriMta . SI.. W. Men” hit—will produce the in "The Joshua DLVLIiLI BL. N.E. Free Parkins JAMES BTEWART. KIM Yinuinui , ai ~ij] Hrattartlle Ml.. script for "Wind Across the NOVAK (Filmed in San Franrisro u Sl _WA._7-2SBB. The comedy whose dialogue did not please the critics. "HIGH BCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL" color.) Comfortably Air Csadltleaed Mack Sennett biography in No- Tree." 4:0.», in See it from the start at ' "KINO SOLOMON'S MINES" Everglades.” . The volume Tomblyn, 0:50. 9MR. Impressed the critics more than 1 Anne has had bad fuck with Rum CIMARRON PASS. 1:00. 3 10. 5:20. 7:35 and 0:50 p M ck ROBERT MITCHUM blaitt the D A H R d will be released vember. with Red Buttons as "AMBUSH AT I H— acrern in THUNDER ROAD. A merits, 'and the picture 1 _ Brady. » H. 10. S« RT R NO«t its structural ran long her last two plays. Scolt 2:55. :.15. *" | m Continuous From 1:30 PM In simultaneously September. the famous movie director. The If some- 2521 **•*u«iv»i*d I Color at 9 enough on Broadway to return in /•HI VFDT ft- 5-0045. LANGLEYiMinuiffc• Sun'-tues : THE PAST York ione would only write a good lALVLtt1 nitron,ln Air. N.W. HE 4 J7QQ 5° "LAST~OP "HIOH SCHOOL tidy recompense Film bookings which have movie will be made in New I ,jji PUNS. ' CONFIDENTIAL" its authors a and1 Hollywood. movie part for a woman, Anne Free Parkins, THE LONG. HOT Alfred Hitchcock’s RUSS TAMBLYN and for their work. Afterward, it been stable since the Fourth 1 would return to Hollywood. But SUMMER," With Acodomy Award “VERTIGO" JERRY LEE LEWIS Ann Sothern, in her Wlnnrr Joanne Woodward, Paul U RICHMOND 'VTJX* HEAD AN ALL-STAR CAST sold to Hollywood for $90,- of July will begin to change secure turned 1:25. 4:20. 6:46. 0:15. With JAMES STEWART. KIM c E Comfortably Air Csn«ltloao«. was everything out here Newman. (Filmed ~ residuals from "Private Secre- | NOVAK. in San Francisco FEATURE . 425 color.) 000, a still tidier sum. next week. For one, Elvis 1 these days is Ofgfg H MX. 8-2*ll. nth in See it from the start at DOUBLE In "CALL NORTHBIDE~77?" slanted for the lUlilAli ! 3:10, 6:20, and it "ROBBERY UNDER AHMS/ tary," has bought the beautiful SI. N.W. Near Parkin* l:0o. 7:35 0:50 PM. <— like the Presley and “King Creole” will top stars. Color. Also. "ULL pIUVEIIE. | mskyiß .
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