VNl.tBSlt. ei KAMI MAY 1 ti .958 The Miami HurncatktT VOL. XXXin UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, CORAL GABLES, FLA., MAY 16, 1958 No. 24 Songfest-Swingfest Springs Tomorrow LmsesasssmmmmmmKaaaammmBsaMmmmmammmmm Night Descends Upon Campus Oldest Traditional Event Boasts 21 Choral Groups By CHARIS M lit III ItT Ilurriiane Aaaiatant New/a Editor Boasting the title of oldest traditional event at UM, Song­ fest-Swingfest, 20th annual song and dance festival, will be held tomorrow evening. • at the Student Union Information Songfest, the choral competition Booth, and will also be available to­ and concert featuring 21 choral morrow night at tho auditorium and groups competing for eight gold the ballroom. trophies, will begin at 8 p.m. in the In charge of arrangements for the Dade County Auditorium. affair is Joe Turrentine, junior Following at 10:30 p.m. will be music major. Swingfest, an informal dance held Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, national at the Electricians Ballroom. Results music fraternity, is the sponsor. of Songfest will be announced there at midnight. Songfest trophies will go to thc three top groups in the sorority and Senate Forms fraternity categories and to the two best groups in the mixed group di­ vision. Group Aimed Among the eight men's groups competing will be the Men's Resi­ dence Halls and seven social fra­ At Expansion ternities—Kappa Sigma, Lambda The Senate passed a motion to ap­ Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma point a committee to form a Student Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi. Sigina Development Council during thc Nu and Zeta Beta Tan. summer in its final meeting of thc Social sororities include Alpha Chi year Tuesday. Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Chi Omega, SBG President Dick Knight said. Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamm "A Student Development Couneil Delta Zeta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, would give student representatives Sigma Kappa and Zeta Tau Alpha. an overall view of what UM is try­ Four groups participating in the ing to do." mixed competition are the Wesley Knight said that if the students and ^Hillel Foundations, Canterbury voted to tax themselves on a refe­ House and a combined chorus from rendum to be circulated next fall, the Men's and Women's Residence the money that was collected prob­ MAN, that Coca-Cola is powerful stuff. As coke spend the night on a campus bench. It looks as Halls. bottles lay thrown on the ground, this student de­ though the garbage can might hr used fnr a head ably would be administered by the rided he'd had enough liquid refreshments, so he'd rest. Emphasis for the concert will be Student Development Council. on light classics such as "Summer­ "The Council would probably be time," "It Might As Well Be Spring" empowered by the administration to and "It's a Grand Night for Singing." oversee all student fund-raising ac­ Swingfest music for dancing will tivities." he said. be provided by Dick Meyers orches In other Senate business five tra, with "Joe Whitecotton and His names were referred to the appoint­ Pals" as the break band. ments committee to check on their Admission to the combined event eligibility to hold SBG positions. is $1. Tickets may now be purchased Temporary appointees were Anita Hammond, freshman senator from the College of Arts and Sciences; Cane Honeys Judy Weiss, freshman senator from the School of Education; Jerry Zlm- To Vie Today minik and John Gregor, secretary Judging for the Hurricane Honey and under-secretary of independent of the YeaT, and for the first time affairs, and Joe Eastform, under­ a court of four Honeys, will take secretary of cultural affairs. place tonight at 8 in the Student In Senate appropriations the En­ Union upper lounge. gineering School was voted $150 for Contest winners will be announced a spring banquet, the Hurricane Club in the May 23 issue of The Miami was voted $50 and the Latin Ameri­ Hurricane and officially crowned at can Sub-Commission was voted $30. the Student Publications Banquet, A bill was passed giving Knight May 25, at 7:30 p.m. at the Garden and SBG Treasurer Phil Mandina Restaurant, Miami. power to spend monies necessary to In the past the Hurricane Honey operate SBG during the summer. of the Year was announced at the A motion was passed to suggest now defunct Sun Carnival dance. to proper authorities necessary steps All Hurricane Honeys for the 1957- to improve the quality of indentifi- 0 « 58 academic year are eligible to enter cation pictures. the contest. Ptsrjtoa by Weeaela THIS IS A DAY in which it must be proper to IT'S NIGHTTIME and classes have ended for the Contestants should wear cocktail Consultant's Job To Prof ignore signs. "Help keep your campus clean," says day. Spring has just kissed into town, and Anal dresses for the judging. Dr. Marinum J. Dijkman, associate the words, bat the campus Wednesday night, after examinations are on the way. However, these two Last year's Hurricane Honey of professor of tropical botany, will a heavy rain, looked as though it were mocking students, Marilyn Grossman and Barry Robin, the Year was Gloria De Moya and spend three months in El Salvador the sign. Thi* couple appeared oblivious to the seem too entranced in the juke box music to the 1955-56 winner was SBG Secre­ this summer as consultant to the Utter. really care. tary Nanita Greene. government's coffee institute. I'At.l Two THE MIAMI HURRICANE MAY 16, 195K I Honor Council Suspends Freshman From UM For Cheating On Exam For thc first time in the his- cretion of Ihe dean of students. appeal to President Jay F. W. Pear­ torj iA Honor Council a fresh­ In other Honor Council business son. man student was suspended four students were reprimanded for Student Body Government Presi­ using fraternity files in studying for dent Dick Knight said, "The action from school Monday for cheat­ • n examination. of the Honor Council might appear ing un an examination. A freshman woman pleaded guilty : severe to the general student body unless they realize two Important A IM .man pleaded guilty to using in a case of plagiarism and received factors. "crib riuetl" during an examination. -.' failing mark in the course. As punishment he will receive Two students involved in an alleg­ "First the responsibility in deal­ failing marks in all his courses, and ed cheat inn casi' were found not ing with violations of this nature will not be allowed to attend UM guilty. could have been assumed by UM summer sessions. He will be eligible All students found guilty by the j administration members." he said. to re-enter in the fall under the dis­ Honor Council have the right of I "The fact that they were not is an indication of the University's faith in SBG. Some 7,000 Students Part "Seeond, the question of a man's! I honor and integrity and violations against the honor and integrity of I Of Commencement Ceremonies| UM are the most serious breaches of discipline a student can make. A procession of more than one At the exercises, Dr. Harold Buell, thousand black-robed students will president of the Greater Miami "We feel that through the medium j move slowly down the aisles of the Council of Churches, will give the of The Hurricane a greater aware­ Dinner Key Auditorium on the eve­ invocation. ness by the students to the Honor i Code will come about and honor ning of June 12. The benediction will be given by violations will be reduced until they | Taking part in these commence­ Rabbi Murray Alstet of the Flagler eventually disappear," Knight said ment exercises, beginning at 8 p.m., Granada Jewish Center. will be 1,217 UM students, on their Guest speakers will not be an­ way to the coveted diploma. nounced until next week, according to Dr. James M. Godard, executive June graduates include 933 of these Group Studies SITTING PATIKNTLY for the nurse to complete her "inventory," vice president and dean of adminis­ men and women, and Summer Norman Whitten, assistant director of student activities, awaits the tration. School graduates will also take part Publications final act—thc blood transfusion. Army ROTC won the ROTC trophy in the ceremonies. Fred McCall, director of bands, A committee has been set up to for contributing 81 pints of blood in the APO-sponsored blood drive. There will be 149 from the first said the music the band will play study charges against various Uni­ summer session and 135 from the at the ceremony has not yet been versity publications of bad journal­ second. chosen, but will be announced next istic practices allegedly followed in To June graduates, the College of week. the spring election campaign. AROTC Blood Total Wins Trophy Arts and Sciences will hand out 297 Assembly and gowning of those Charges were made at a recent Air Force ROTC won the ROTC "Because of the lack of organiza­ diplomas—203 lo arts majors and 94 taking part in the commencement Publication Board meeting. A com­ tional turnout the organizational tro­ to science majors. exercises will take place at 7:15 Trophy with 84 pints of blood in the mittee was appointed by Dr. H. semi-annual Alpha Phi Omega Blood phy will not be given this semester Business Administration graduates p.m., and the procession will form Franklin Williams, vice president Drive. "The trophy has not been given will total 341; Education, 134; law, at 7:30. and director of community affairs, to any organization for the past year 70; Engineering, 70; Medical, 60, and to investigate them.
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