APPENDIX B: BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT Sierra West Assisted Living and Memory Care Project City of Santa Clarita APNs 2827-005-042 & -043 Prepared for: MR. NORRIS WHITMORE P.O. Box 55786 Valencia, CA 91385 Attn: Mr. Norris Whitmore (661) 406-0961 Prepared by: ENVICOM CORPORATION 4165 E. Thousand Oaks Boulevard, Suite 290 WestlaKe Village, CA 91362 Contact: Jim Anderson, Senior Biologist (818) 879-4700 ext. 234 January 2020 Revised February 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 METHODS 1 2.1 Biological Resources Inventory 1 2.1.1 Literature Review 1 2.1.2 Field Survey 4 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 4 4.0 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 6 4.1 Vegetation and Plant Communities 6 4.1.1 Vegetation 6 4.1.2 Natural Communities of Special Concern 8 4.1.3 Plant Communities/Habitats Listed in CNDDB 9 4.2 Plant Species 10 4.2.1 Plant Species Observed 10 4.2.2 Special-Status Plant Species 10 4.3 Wildlife Species 12 4.3.1 Wildlife Observed 12 4.3.2 Special-Status Wildlife Species 12 4.4 Wildlife Movement 15 5.0 PROJECT IMPACTS 16 5.1 Impacts to Special-Status Plants 18 5.2 Impacts to Special-Status Wildlife 19 5.3 Impacts to Nesting Birds 20 6.0 REFERENCES 22 FIGURES Figure 1 Location Map 2 Figure 2 Aerial Image of the Project Site/Photo Location Map 3 Figure 3 Vegetation and Impacts Map 7 PLATE Plate 1 Representative Photographs of the Project Site and Habitats 5 Biological Resources Assessment S ierra West Assisted Living and Memory Care Project City of Santa Clarita i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLES Table 1 Natural Communities at Project Site 8 Table 2 Status Codes for Special-Status Plants 11 Table 3 Status Codes for Special-Status Wildlife 13 Table 4 Impacts to Natural Communities at Project Site 17 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Biological Database Searches Appendix 2 Vascular Plants Observed November 7, 2019 Appendix 3 Potential for Occurrence of Special-Status Plant Species Appendix 4 Vertebrate Wildlife Species Observed November 7, 2019 Appendix 5 Potential for Occurrence of Special-Status Wildlife Species Appendix 6 Preliminary Grading Plan, CRC Enterprises, July 12, 2019 Biological Resources Assessment S ierra West Assisted Living and Memory Care Project City of Santa Clarita ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION Envicom Corporation has prepared this Biological Resources Assessment for the Sierra West Assisted Living and Memory Care Project site located in the City of Santa Clarita, California (see Figure 1, Location Map). The proposed project consists of construction and operation of an assisted living and memory care facility and associated improvements. The subject properties (APN 2827-005-042 & -043) total just under 4.0 acres and are currently undeveloped. The site is bordered on the south by a memorial park, on the north by commercial development and undeveloped land, and on the west by undeveloped land. Sierra Highway runs along the easetern boundary of the site and the SR 14 is a few hundred feet to the east. The site is located near the northeastern corner of the USGS 7.5’ Oat Mountain topographic quadrangle map. An aerial image of the site is provided as Figure 2, Aerial Image of Project Site / Photo Location Map. This report includes a discussion of biological resources that are confirmed present and that have the potential to occur at the project site. The methods and results of field investigations are summarized, and maps and representative photographs of natural communities and special-status species are provided. The existing conditions discussion is followed by an analysis of project impacts. Lists of vascular plants and vertebrate wildlife species observed during field surveys as well as an analysis of the potential for occurrence of special-status plant and wildlife species are included as appendices to the report. 2.0 METHODS 2.1 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES INVENTORY 2.1.1 Literature Review A literature review was performed that included information available in standard biological references and relevant lists and databases pertaining to the status and known occurrences of sensitive and special-status biological resources. Other sources of information included aerial photographs, topographic maps, soil survey maps, climatic data, and relevant policy and planning documents. The following sources were among those reviewed in preparation for field surveys, or that were consulted during preparation of this report (for a complete list see the references section): • Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS), California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), data as of December 11, 2019; • California Natural Communities List, CDFW, November 8, 2019; • California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Rarefind 5 report for the 7.5’ USGS Oat Mountain quadrangle and eight (8) surrounding quadrangles, CDFW, data as of December 11, 2019; • California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Inventory of Rare and Endangered Vascular Plants of California report for the 7.5’ USGS Oat Mountain quadrangle and eight (8) surrounding quadrangles, CNPS, data as of December 11, 2019; • List of Special Vascular Plants, Bryophytes, and Lichens, CDFW, October 2019; • Protocols for Surveying and Evaluating Impacts to Special-Status Native Plant Populations and Natural Communities, CDFW, March 10, 2018; • Special Animals, CDFW, August 2019; and, Biological Resources Assessment S ierra West Assisted Living and Memory Care Project City of Santa Clarita 1 14 Placerita Ca nyo Lyons Ave. n Rd. 14 126 N 126 5 ew ha ll 14 Av e. Project Site Project 210 . y Site w 118 Source: GoogleMaps, 2018. 5 H a r r e i S 14 5 210 5 Source: ESRI, World Street Map, 2016. SIERRA WEST ASSISTED LIVING AND MEMORY CARE – BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT Location Map 0 2,000 4,000 FIGURE FEET 1 Legend Project Site Photo Locations 1B 1C . y w H a r r e i 1A S 1D Aerial Source: Google Earth Pro, Nov. 19, 2018. Site Plan: Ken Stockton Architect, July 10, 2019. SIERRA WEST ASSISTED LIVING AND MEMORY CARE – BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT Aerial Image of Project Site / Photo Location Map 0 50 100 FEET FIGURE 2 • United States Fish and Wildlife Service Critical Habitat Mapper, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), data as of December 11, 2019. The results of the literature review with respect to the status and known occurrences of sensitive and special- status biological resources at the site and in the surrounding area are discussed under relevant sections later in this document. Lists and maps generated when searching the CNDDB, BIOS, and CNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants are provided in Appendix 1. 2.1.2 Field Survey A biological survey to inventory the resources at the site was conducted by Mr. Jim Anderson, Senior Biologist at Envicom Corporation. Mr. Anderson also performed natural community mapping of the site using high-resolution aerial imagery from November 2018. The survey area included the entire subject properties. The survey was conducted on November 7, 2019 between the hours of 11:45 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in warm and clear conditions (mid-70s °F) with winds of 0 to 10 m.p.h. The survey included a search for protected biological resources, including rare, threatened, and endangered plant and wildlife species, special habitats, and special-status natural communities, as well as an evaluation of the value of the site for wildlife movement. The survey was performed by slowly walking transects across the site and by investigating particular areas thoroughly, as necessary. The survey methodology resulted in an investigation of all of the natural communities and habitats within the survey area, including oak woodland, chaparral, herbaceous communities, and disturbed areas. An inventory of vascular plants was recorded, with all species identified to the taxonomic level necessary to determine their status. Vascular plant species determinations were made using The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, 2nd edition (Baldwin B. et al. 2012). Vertebrate wildlife species were identified by direct observation, vocalization, or sign (e.g., tracks, scat, or burrows). Wildlife species identification relied upon Reid (2006), Sibley (2016), and Stebbins (2003). Several photographs were taken as a record of conditions at the time of the survey. 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING The project site is situated within a foothill area between the Santa Susana Mountains and San Gabriel Mountains at elevations ranging from approximately 1,400 to 1,570 feet above mean sea level. The site is generally south and east-facing, dry, and exposed. The site consists of flat to gradual slopes near Sierra Highway which transition abruptly to hillslopes and low ridgelines in the western portion of the site. Representative photos of the site and habitats are provided on Plate 1, Representative Photographs of the Project Site and Habitats. The geology at the site consists of conglomerate and sedimentary rocks of the Saugus Formation (United States Geologic Service, http://ngmdb.usgs.gov/maps/mapview/). The site is not notably rocky. Vegetation is predominately non-native grasses and forbs, chaparral, and oak woodland. The eastern portion of the site where the facility would be constructed is disturbed, while the vegetation in the western portion of the site is relatively pristine. The soils at the site are of the Saugus Loam association, which consists of loam and sandy loam derived from weakly consolidated alluvium (Web Soil Survey, websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov). Average high/low summer temperatures in the project vicinity are 88/64°F, average high/low winter temperatures are 68/44°F, and precipitation is approximately 18 inches per year (Western Regional Climate Center, [email protected]). Biological Resources Assessment S ierra West Assisted Living and Memory Care Project City of Santa Clarita 4 Photo 1A – View facing northwest of coast live oak trees and disturbed habitat in the eastern Photo 1B – View facing south of ruderal habitats within the proposed development footprint.
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