16 Pages INGHAM TY NEWS 16 Pages VOL. LXVIII INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 29, 1927 NO. 39 FAim WINDOVV WEEK WORKERS PLAN COUNTY YflUTfIS RACE CARS ADDS INTEREST IT) WIDE DRIVE SEEKING FIRST COUNTY FAIR COUNTyEAIR BOOSTERS CONFIDENT SUCCESS ENTERTAINING FEATURES PKR.MANENT .MIC.MBKRS SIX ARE PER The followjng organizations have •At a meeting of the lngham taken winilow display space with PREDICT COiNGJENTlL BRING RESULTS County .Agricultural Society held ADD TO]AR NTEREST local merchants in which they will CILASH COMiiS AT KOCERS-ASH EXHIBITORS SPACE BEING RAPIDLY TAKEN IS STATE­ (Monday evening plans for a cam- INTERS ICCriON. exhibit farm crops, vegetables and paign for county wide membership 1{IDE.S, GREASED POLE CIJMB, fruits, canned fruits, sewing and MENT OF VOLUNTEER COMMirrEES WORKING. \vere discussed. Wide interest in a B.VIjLOON ASCENSION, SPORTS. County flfficiai Drives Car Into other articles. A prize of If25 goes permanent fair organization was to the winning club or orgatiiza- Fun And Frolic Mixed With Educsk. .Standing Freight On Maple Farm Ol'ganlKations PIonlIse Fine Displays In SIloW Window Con­ reported from all parts of the Street Crossing, '.Monday. tion: county, lt was decided that ini- lioniil Features Promise Crowds lngham County Farmer's Club at tests, D»iry Siiow To Be Fair Feature—Parade mediately following the close of .A muse nients During Tyvo Days. l./ives of six young iiersons wore Salisbury's hardware. Is Saturday FeatuIe. the fair to be bold at Mason next periiefl but serious injury to any yvas Ingham Grange at Harry Neely's week, a county wide campaign for Many are asking what is being done- miraculously avoided late Saturday Clotiiing Store. Ingham county's first fair held in more than a quarter of a century is memljcrs of such an organizatiou to provide entertainment for the vLsi.- .Alaiedon I^arnier's Club at'Con- with sufficient capital to acquire a tors to the Ingham County l^'air next night when a li'ord car driven by Rob- now rapidly assuming: definite form, final details being worked out in rapid ert Baker of lngham, sideswiped a •sumers I'ower Company. permanent home and buildings be week Friday and Saturday. Perhapst Whippet driven by Koimeth Slusser of Capitol Grange at Geo. Webb's succession and every department, provided for in the plans decided upon as undertaken. Committees are to be too much has been said about educa­ Mason, at the corncr of Ash and Rog- Shoe Store. preliminary to a more ambitious undertaking in years to come and bids fair appointed, it was decided, to seek tional features and too little about entertainment but there should be no ers streets in this city. Both cars Williamston Grange at Dens- to exceed early anticipations. Committee meetings held during the supporting member.ships in every more & Davis' Clothing Store. town and hamlet and on every dull moments. \ were being driven at high speed, the week havc indicated that every onc connecte'd yvith this volunteer movement Baker car colliding witli that driven White Oak Grange at A. McDon- farm in lngham county. lOGO .such A fine big merry-go-round with all by Slusser as the latter attempted a aid's Store. to bring ,back to lngham a yvell founded agricultural society is doing his bit memberships at .?IO.0O each is the the musical features of this time hon­ goal decided upon foUoyving yvhich turn onto ltogcrs after a race from Other merchants are planning and doing it well, ored but not time-worn attraction has elaborate window dis ilays featur- the support of the county board of been secured. To this is added one- near Jclierson avenue, it is alleged by Thursday next week will see the exhibits in place—all but the livestock, supervisors will be sought to prop- onlookers. ing farm products wli ch will make of the finest Ferris wheels ever seen Mason's business district ablaze exhibitors of animals being giy'en until IO o'clock Fridaj'' to have these in erly finance and set afloat an or- in the city. .And then there are to be .According to the statements of sev' g'anization representing every agri- end who observed the speeding cars, with county fair interest. stall and pen. The big gyninasium at the high school and the corridors lead- shooting galleries, strength testers,. • ing to the room will be filled with small grains, vegetables, fruits and like cultural and industrial enterprise games of skill—but no gambling and. the race started near Jeli'erson avenue in the county, it is announced. on .-\sii street, continuing past Bar- products of the soil. lIome economics display.s, sowing, canning and fine no cheap and trashy shows. There is a quoit pitching contest on Friday for lies with ever increasing s))eed until needleyvork will also occupy space in the lower floors of the school building, tiic speedier Whippet passed the Ford the championship of the county and just cast of Barnes, When ;ilmosf to ARM LEADER URGES l^oultry will be displayed in the Spenny garage diagonally acros.s' froni the to tiie winner will go a fine trophy lingers tlio driver of tho Wiiijipet aji- school. Here will he found row on row of pens containing utility poultry of and to the second-best a set of irofcs- lied his brakes in an attcnipt to make purest strain and proved merit. sional shoes. A real old time s ippcry the turn north but Baker ilriving tho elm pole ciinib is anothei; unique feat­ Friday morning will see the live- ure, and then the daring balloon jis- •Ford was unable to control his car stoek in place. The olil hotel barn and crasiied into the siile of the Whip- WOULD OFFSET TARll.M'^ BY to Mason to enjoy the remarkable dis- AS PENSION OVERSEER cension at .'):00 on Saturday. COUNTICR' niCNEFlTS. which during its |iast bistory has |ilays of farm products. To give the' atmosphere a genuine pet farcing that ear into a head on sheltered the beasts of many distin- plunge directly at a large Maple tree. Saturday afternoon will be filletl i!\IAUD ORR APPOINTICD , I country fair tinge, the .American Lcg- NaUuin P. Hull, Meniibor Of The Slate guished travelers has been turned with sports and entertainnieiit for I ion will assail the nostrils of all visi­ The impact .stopped the Wiiippet hut ovcr to the fair management to house COUNTY .ion. tile l'^ord continncd on tearing itself iloard flf Agriculture, Advances visitors. tors with pungent odors from frying New Idea In Farm Relief. tho dairy stock. Within its freshly OiVicial judges for the fair have S'elcded by .ludigc .McArthur To I hot dogs and Coney Island Red Hots. loose froni the Whippet, grazing a (ire white washed interior will be shown hydrant and crashing sidewise into been selected entirely from among Fir.9t Supervisor Of .Moljher's ' The Legion boys have od'ercd a splen­ Nathan l'. Hull, for many years some aristocrats of the various breeds college authorities so that every ar- I'cusiiiMi .Aid. did silver trophy cup to the Smith- the brick residence of Mrs. Eninia (). —not big stii.bles of each but types •lieed and bringing up with the front proniinent in state Grang,,e. circles, tide judged will be inspected solely Hughes school winning- most jioints iti member of the state .board of agricul- carefully selected from the hest herds from the angle of (luality and with no judging and are otherwise showing a. end penetrating the frame porch in and shown for ty'pe and production E. Maud Orr of Mason, registered front and loosing that structure from ture, banker anil insurance head, prejudice or favor to anyone. C. R. nurse and heretofore operating a pri- lively interest in the fair. speaking before the Iviwanis club of demonstrations. Ilere also will be McGee will judge farm crops; George .And like the famous Versailles doc­ its fouudations. Strange to relate seen the heifers purchased last year vate hospital here, was named Tues- none of the six occupants of the car Mason on iVIond;iy evening, advanced Starr, fruits and vegetables; George day to the position of supervisor of ument there are fourteen points of ;in entirely new idea in farm relief by boys of dairy clubs and shown this Taylor, dairy stock; C. G. Card, iioul- excellency contained in that number were seriously injured, sligiit cuts and full for the second time. Some of mother's pensions provided for by re­ i)riiises being the sum total of casual- metliods, recommending-.a system of try. Sheep and swine judges will be cent action of the boaril of supervi­ of events scheduled iby tiie sports and , extending a iiounty or subsidy to all these youn«- heifer's are now sedate announced later as will those who will entertainment committee headed b.y ties reported. mothers, doing their best t.o please sors, .ludgs L. H. Mc.Artluir of tile Monday evening Miss Helen Ijeon- surplus farm corps in order to offset juilge in home economics classes. probate court, authorized by the sup­ Harry Bond, aided by lj. R. Doane, N. the ailvuntages it is clainied the man- young owners when the milk check Poultry and farm crops and vege­ .\'. Rouse, Clyde .Mien and .Ami Ter­ nrd, deputy register of deeds accom- conies in. l3oy owners will be seen ervisors at their recent session to ))anicii by .Mi.=.-'- MiaBelle Buckingham, ufacturer i-eceives by reason of a pro- tables will be judged Friday, livestock name an ap|iointee of his own selec­ rill.
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