I ;;>fee.:<"" t�, . R�§l'1e'r County Counci 1 Meeting . c·ounty of Athabas. ca �o. 12 Tuesday, July 24, 1984 Present: Reeve Kostil•<; Councillors Flasha, Bencharsky, Le>�is, Keith (A./1. only), tlatoga, Johnson, Patry and Richards; County Administrator L. l. Gurel; Assistant Secretary-Treasurer H. R. Jodry; Hunictpal Intern 8. Waldowski. Ca II to Order: Reeve r<osti•' called the meeting to order at 10:00 A.M. �li nutes: It was moved by Councillor Richards that the minutes of the regular County Counci1 meeting of Ju11e 28, 1984, be ap�r.oveld as corrected. Hotion carried. Corr.ection on Page 6498 under heading Drainage - Amlsk Lake. Amend motion as follows: "It by the •1as moved Counci IIor Flasha to amend .agreement for Charron Creek from $40,000. to ·$65;000. and .... " It was moved by Counct llor Flasha that the minutes of the regular County Council meeting of July 3, 1984, be approved as corrected. Motion carried. Correction on Page 65DI under heading Family & ·community Support Services. Amend sentence as· fo 110\•IS: .. "Counci Ilor ·Patry reported Aganda: It •1as moved by Counci Ilor Hatoga that the agenda, wl th additions, be accepted by Counci I. Motion carried unanimously. 1•\tnutes : It •<as moved by Counci Ilor Bencharsky that the minutes of the special County Council meeting of July 6, 1984, be approved as corrected. /•lotion carried. Correction under heading \�estern ·rractot· as follo1·1s: "Harranty on elther Grader - 6 months ••." De Iega t ion: R. Keglowitsch, County A.L.S., attended the meeting at this time to . discuss the follo11ing: ·Baptiste lake Ringroad Survey 1 t •.<as noted that the road through LL 17 to 22·66-24-\.14 >�as surveyed . but never registered. Agreements are in place r;,iith J.. �1ikkelsen (Lot 17) and C. Ryland (Lots 18 ·& 19) and the unregistered porti.on · of road thr.ough these lots is presently being used. · It l•<as roved by Councillor Johnson that the County proceed with registration of the surveyed road through Lake Lots 17, 18 and 19-66-2.l!-\J4.to the Summer Vi IIage of �lest 6a.pti ste boundary. /•lotion carried. It 1·1as oroved by Counci Ilor lewis that the survey on the northern part of the road, through Part Lake lot 19, LL 20, LL 21, LL 22·66-2.4-\J4 be filed as information. Hot ion carried. Road A llo•lance ·- �1. il: · 7-6 7-23·\�4 It �1as agreed to proceed with survey and registration. of a road through \J.-i 7-67-23-\i4· .. and procurement of agreements �11th the landOI•tners, p; Loziak and G. Robocon, under Division #8 construction program. Road Allov1ance • Section 24-68-17-W4 It "'as agreed to proceed l<i th registration of a road allowance through Section 24-68-J7-\J4 in Division fi7 pending the procurement of agreements · from landowners B. Plamondon, R. Gauthier, R. Bigelo1� and L. Everhart • _1�----------·-- ��<.� -" ./ Veeve �·· Spe-.:.1'<:\! Regula• County Council M eeti ng · County of Athabasca tlo. 12 Tuesday, July 24, 1984 L Botten ·or�inage Project - ·N:i 7"c5"19-W4 It was moved 'by Councillor Keith 'that C ounc il authorizeR. Keglol�itsch to obtain prel irninary agreements from the landO>mers on �.';} 7-65-19-\.14 for �1.00, in cons u ltation �lith the Agricultural Fl eldman, A. Barker. Motion ca rried . East Heights Gr av el - Pt . 3 4- 66-2 2-W4 Reeve Kostlw reported that no crushi ng will be done in the East H�lghts gravel pit In 1984. Liquid Was te Disposal Councillor Patry reported on a me eting he attended at G roswDnt Hall on July 21, 1984, with re spect to a liquid sewage dumping f acility to serve the Baptiste Lak e and Island lake areas. Representa.tives from Alber ta Environment and the At ha basca Health Unit along with representatives from the :loca'l' Summer Vil l.ages attended the meeting. It was moved by Councillor Keith that Councillor Patry be authorized to serve on the Committee to investig ate a liquid sewage disposal facility · for the Baptiste Lake and Is l and Lake area for information purposes on ly . Motion carried. G: E lle n - Ro chester Sewer 'Hook-Up Reeve Kostiw r eque sted that the Utilities Committee investigate Nr. Ellen ' s concerns regarding hook-up to the Rochester se>�er system a·s well as the Roc hes'ter Hote J hook-up. NE 5�69-19-W4- Landfill Site It was moved by Council lor Matoga that discussion on a landfill site in �� 5-69-19-W4 be tabled. lbtion carried. Boy1 e & Are a tandfi 11 ·SIte Counc•I l or Bencharsky advised that discussions are sti II i n · progress '"lth respect to a pr op osed Boyle end area j oint lan dfi ll site . Lot I - Grassland :{Old Fi rehall) ··tots 6 & 7, Block·4,·ptan·sso c:t.; Coliriton Councillor Johnson requested that the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer contact Mr. John Pysyk of Gras sland to discuss the O�>tership of t he old firehall situated on Lot 1 prior to tendering the lot and bui lding for sale . Hew Administrati on Bui Id ing It 1•as noted that no input on a new building location has been rec eived from the pubI ic. There �>ter e discussions on locating a bui Id i ng east of the Town of Athabasca. Reeve l<ostiw requested that the Ne�-1 Administration Building coomittee prepare a report for the next meeting. Alberta Transportation - B. McGarvey Vehic le Damage It was noted that J�r. Mc Garve y's claim for dam ag es to his vehicle while driving along SR831, south of Boyle, amounted to $102.00 ($30.00 - mote l , $72 .o'o - towing and repa irs} It "'as moved by Councill o r Bencharsky that Councfl reconfi r m their decision to compensate Mr. Brian McGarvey in the amount of $102.00 for damages. Motion carried . · ·In te rMat t on a1 · SymJ'ios ium · on . t:& n d · 1 rif orn\a t ion S ys terns It was moved by Counc• I lor Pe try that Mr. R. Keglow.itsch be authoriz ed to a tten d the lnternation<>l Symposium on Land 'information Systems to be held in Edmonton from October 15 to 19, 1984. Moti on ca rried . Jie:� -==---�-------- £:: Page 6509 S�to't Reswlar County Counci I Meeting County o·f Athabasca t;lo, 12 · Tuesday, July 2�, 1984 'Alberta Municipal 'Affairs·- ·olvislon 'Boundaries It l•tas suggested that Hunicipal Affairs be advised that CounciI w! 11 be presenting c;omrents •..,!th ·respect to divisional boundaries in six to eight l•teeks. It \•las moved by CounciI lor Patry that a COI\lni ttee of Counci1, consisting of CouncillorsKeith, Bencharsky and Hatoga, with Councillor Bencharsky . as Chairman, be established to investigate divisional boundaries. Hoti on carried. Sy-Lal• Mo. 36-1984 - Re�ulation & Licensing of Pub! ic Places It vJas moved by Councillor Lev1ls that By-Law No. 36-1984 be given a first reading. �lOt I on carried. It was moved by Councillor Keith that By-Law No. 36-1984 be given a second reading. 11otion carried. It l·tas rroved by Councillor Johnson that unanimous consent be given by Co unci I to. give By-Law No. 36-1984 a third and final reading. Hot ion carrIed unanimous 1 y. It \•laS moved by Counci.llor Patry that By-law No. 36-1984 be given a third and final reacling.. Hotion carried unanimously. Sy-Lal•t t�o. 37-J98lt - Speed limit - Slue Heron Estates It 1·1as moved by Councillor 11atoga that unanimous consent be given by Council to give By-Law No. 37-1984 a third and final reading. /·loti on carried unanImous 1y. It v1as moved by Councillor lel•tis that lly-Lal•t tlo. 37-1984 be gi·ven a third and final reading. Notion carried unanimously. Co unci IIor Johnson requested that the Pub 1 i c \�orks Supervisor be ad vised to place appropriate speed Iimit signs in the Blue Heron Es.ta.tes subdivision. ·summet VtllageS - Fl re Protection and landfi 11 Site Services It v1as moved by Councillor Sencharsky that the Summer Villages be invoiced for fire protection services at 3.13 mills and landfill site services at 1.69 mills based on their equal·ized assessments. Hot ion carried. H. Stromberg - Drainage Problem - Amisk Lake - Lot 22, Plan 772 2369 Reeve Kostiw requested that the Public �lorks Committee investigate �lr. Stromberg's drainage concerns. Radio T01·1er ancl Bui I ding Tender It was noted that Hotorola •�ould be sending an agreement to indicate their 0\,tnership of the radio t01·1er and building situated on SE 5-65-23-\ollt. Reeve Kos.th1 requested that the admlnlstration investigate this matter further v1i th 110torola. ·A. ·Hahaden Councillor Keith •·eported that A. Hahaden advised that he v1ill be removing a building, to '''hich he claims ovmershlp, from Jackfish Lake. 81ais Development • Skeleton Lake The County Administrator sta·ted that there was nothing further to report on the Blais development at this time. Page 6510 �t-Y:itt! Re�lar· County Council Heeting County.of �thabasca No .. 12 Tuesday, July 24, 1984 Golf Course Lease Agreement Reeve Kostil• requested that the admini·stration advise the President of the At�abasca Golf & Country Club that the County is in the process of amending the proposed lease agreement. NH l5-68-24-W4 - Road Allm•tarice Lea:>e ·Agreement Counci Ilor Patry advised that the lease agreement for the road all01·1ance .
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