BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, No. 115 Tuesday, Aug. 26, 1969 12 pages Garden Apt. zoning on council's agenda Report due from city plan board Recommendation for re-zoning of the Garden Apartments site.will be forwarded to City Council from the Planning and Zoning Board at m tonight's regular meeting of the Council. Change in the zoning, now classified as "civic center," has been pending before the zoning board for the past several months and action was post- poned several times pending Council action on major revisions to the multi- family housing code.. The proposed developer, Itvenus, had wanted the site changed from civic center zoning to B-l business and R-4 multi-family housing. The zoning board has recommended the change to R-3-B under the provision of the new code which becomes effective Jan. 1, School started already? No, it was just orientation day at the new Boca 1970., Among the other items on -J, Raton Junior High Scbool that brought out this rash of bicycles. Classes tonight's Council agenda are a start there Sept. 2 along with the rest of the schools in the city. proposed pay raise for members of the Council, a revision of the ordinance governing charitable solicitations, changes in theR-B-l (motel-business) zoning requirements, and a change to School enrollment shows permit medical center zoning in the Welfare CouncU President Joe Jodrey checks shipment non-perishable foods will continue through this week at vicinity of Independence Acres sub- of relief supplies destined for hurricane Camille's vic- the Main Fire Station on North Federal highway. division. ': :':• student population up tims in Mississippi. Collection of clothing bedding, and Council will also receive a proposal from Roll, Johnson and Associates, : Enrollment in the city's public there. architects, for a continuation of plans Trafford said the .figure is about for Spanish River Park. The firm set elementary schools was running "about normal" as thV official what could be expected &t this time, or $7,000 as the fee for preparation of perhaps a little higher than normal. He Local hurricane emergency working drawings and specifications registration drew to a close yesterday. In this case, "normal" meant said he expects enrollment at the. for an additional parking lot and tunnel school, now operating with 12 portable and clearing and grubbing of the ad- substantially higher.than last year. Largest influx of new students was classrooms, to hit the 1,000 mark this ditional 1,000 feet of land recently year. acquired by the city. noted at Addison Mizner if chool in relief efforts to continuet- Boca Raton Square. Principal Bob At Boca Rat^n School, which has a In a letter to City &|anager .Alan kindergarten program continuing Local efforts to provide emergency this week. ' .' North Dixie highway at noon today and Alford, Robert E. Roll pointed out that Trafford said that 935 students had relief for Mississippi's hurricane The Eoca Raton WelfareiCouncil will the final load there will be trucked to registered late yesterday, included in from last year, total enrollment other supporting facilities will be yesterday stood at 443 students. Camille victims will continue through close its hurricane relief depot on Miami for airlift to Mississippi by the required to make the park extension the total-are 50 students in two classes Salvation Army. the new kindergarten program Principal Don Robinson said that with "feasible for public use." in five portable classrooms now on the However, a collection depot at the site, the school's capacity stands at jumpin; Main Fire Station, manned by the about 550. Bridge People Unlimited youth group, is Marshal called to Paul Sammons, principal at J. C. slated to continue in operation. The Mitchell School, said that yesterday's youths also are funneling their registration turned out 630 students, collections to Mississippi through the 100 more than were registered last could be expensive Salvation Army. year. He said that another 70 students probe rash of fires are expected to be on hand when A spokesman for People Unlimited ByJIMRIFENBURG "A lot of them were bigger than I Investigation of a series of fires in fire was confined to mattresses, fur- classes begin next week, boosting the said yesterday, however, that the niture and other items. Damage was total to 700. am," she added. supply of clothing, blankets, non- Garden Apartments opened yesterday A maximum penalty of $500 and Bridge tenders say the bridge with the arrival here of a Florida state minor. Mitchell School has two portable perishable foods and medical supplies He said that evidence was recovered possible six months in jail can be jumping practice is increasing every has outstripped the supply of con- fire marshal. buildings, both used for special handed down to persons who swim or weekend and they expect it to hit a at the scene to indicate that the fires education classes. tainers. The greatest need now is for City Fire Inspector Kerry Koen said were set and that a check for finger- dive in the waters of Boca Raton Inlet, peak over the three-day Labor Day cartons in which to pack the donations yesterday that the city had requested Continuing registrations are ex- City Attorney John Ruff said yester- weekend coming up. prints is now being conducted. pected through the week as parents and masking tape or twine with which state officials to look into cir- Monday's fires bring to nine the day. City Attorney Ruff said an ordinance to seal them. cumstances surrounding a series of returning from summer vacations and Bridge tenders at the Inlet span said prohibits swimming or diving from the number of blazes at Garden Apart- late arrivals from other cities and Financial contributions are still fires dating back to July. He said that ments since last month. All were the as many as 30 kids were jumping off mouth of the Inlet to some 200 yards being accepted by the Palm Beach with two fires involving five apartment school districts rush to get their the bridge Sunday morning and af- north of the bridge. The same or- same type of fire, Koen said, and some children into school County chapter of the American Red units in the early hours of Monday type of "accelerant" was used in each ternoon. Police were called on 11 dinance also prohibits swimming or Cross in West Palm Beach. morning, a pattern emerged which different occasions to stop the prac- diving within 100 yards of the Palmetto case. (Accelerants make the fire burn seemed to require further in- better ... like kerosene, cigaret lighter tice. Park bridge. vestigation. Tender Mary Lemke said kids were "There is no specific penalty set fluid, and other tilings.) riding the span as it raised to let boats down in the code," he said, "but it The department answered a call at Except for a fire Aug. 9 which go through the waterway and then would come under the general penalty 3:29 a.m. Monday in two separate, non- caused extensive damage to the office Aug. 23 —25,1969 dropping the 30 or more feet to the clause giving the city judge the right to Ann Landers Page 6 adjoining apartment units. At 5:30 of the apartment project, all of the water. a.m., the department was back again fires were of the same type, involved assess a fine of $500 and six months in Classifieds 10-11 High Low Rain "I went out and tried to talk to jail." Editorials 4 to put out a fire involving three ad- furniture or mattresses, and occurred Sat. them," she said, "but they threatened jacent apartment units. in vacant apartments. Koen described 91 73 .46 One city official when asked if diving Public Notices 1G Sun. to throw me off the bridge if I didn't let is the same as jumping said it was a 8 Koen said that in all eases the the current probe by the state fire 94 72 0 Sports Mon. (noon) them alone. debatable point. Women's News 6-7 apartments were vacant and that the marshal as "routine." 84 72 Tr. Bids over estimate on | beach fire substation i Bids for construction of the fire and material and the "tremendous substation at South Beach, sub- volume of work in the area." He said stantially higher than city estimates, that the building design calls for will be reviewed at tonight's meeting methods and materials which are of the City Council. No action is standard and locally available and expected on the construction contract, that "no drastic design changes" could pegged at $113,403 in the low bid by be made to effect economies of the Sommers and Messmer Construction magnitude required to bring the price Co. City estimates for the job, on the down to the budget. basis of $20 per square foot, stood at The city faces two alternatives — $80,000. Paul McKinley of the ar- accept the low bid or reject all of the chitectural firm of Shoup and bids — but may postpone a decision McKinley, said that- acceptance of until a subsequent meeting. deductive alternates could reduce the price by only $5,000. He said that other recent bids in the West Palm Beach area had indicated that the city could have expected to meet the $20-per-foot budget. Architect's sketch, right, shows McKinley attributed the high bids to front of fire department substation the rapid increase in the cost of labor proposed for site on south beach. :y*¥:¥:¥S:*:::*a:x^^ 2 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesdoy, Aug.
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