1400 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 19, 1861. Act; mad to authorise the levying of tolls, rates,; And it ia proposed by the said ntowfei Aet to dntiea^ and charges, and to wafer exemption* from authorise and provide for tha Testing eitbar at • payment of tolls, rate*, duties, and charge*, and future time, or presently, and in lie* of sack work- other righto and privileges. ing arrangement as aforesaid, by amalgaa*»ti*% And it ia proposed by the said intended Act to sale, or lease, of the Undertaking, Railway*, isA% repeal or amend all or acme of the provisions of lands, estate real and personal, and effects, powv*, the several local and personal Acts of Parliament rights, and privileges .of the Carlisle and Silk** following, or some of them—that ia to say, Acta Bay Railway and Dock Company, or aome part or relating to the North British Railway Company, parts thereof in the North British Railway Com- "The North British Railway Consolidation Act, pany, for eneh price, consideration in money, ahate% 1858;" "The Border Union (North British) Rail- stock, or rent, and for and upon each term*, eoe- ways Act, 1859 ;" " The North British and Selkirk ditions, and agreements aa may be agreed ape* be- Railways Amalgamation Aet, 1859;" ¥ The North tween them, and for the dissolution (if need be) of British and Jedbnrgh Railways Act, I860;" "The the Carlisle and Silloth Bay Railway and Doek North British Railway (Stations) Act, 1860 j" "The Company, and the winding-np of their affair*. North British and Border Counties Railways Amal- And it is proposed by the said intended Aet for gamation Act, I860;" "The North British and all or any of the purposes aforesaid, or in reference Peebles Railway (Lease) Act, 1861 j" "The North thereto, to make provision with respect to the pay- British (Galashiels and Peebles) Railway Act, ment, satisfaction, extinction, capitalisation, con-1 1861 j" and any other Act relating to the North version into debenture stock, or guarantee of the/ British Railway Company, and also "The Port- mortgages and other debts and engagements of the Carlisle Dock and Railway Act, 1853 ; " The Car- Carlisle and Silloth Bay Railway and Dock Com- lisle and Silloth Bay Railway and Dock Act, 1855," pany, and the interest thereon by the said Com- and " The Port Carlisle and Silloth Railway Com- panies, or either of them; and to convert all or any panies Act, 1860 j" and to make other provision in part of the shares or stock of the- Carlisle ana lien thereof, and also if need be, to reduce or vary Silloth Bay Railway and Dock Company into any tolls, rates, and charges, authorised to be taken shares or stock of the North British Railway by or under all or any of the said Acts, and to Company; and to authorise the said Companies, grant exemptions from such tolls, rates, and charges, or either of them, to create new share* or stock, and other rights, privileges, and exemptions. with or without guarantee preference or pri- AND NOTICE is HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, that ority in payment of interest or dividend, by both printed copies of the Bill for effecting the objects or either of the said Companies, and with or without aforesaid will be deposited in the Private Bill Office other special advantages; and to create mortgagee, of the House of Commons, on or before the 23d day and debenture stocks, or shares, and by all or any of December 1861. of such means, and by borrowing on cash credit of Dated llth November 1861. otherwise, to carry into effect the objects of the. DALMAHOY, WOOD, and COWAN, W.S., intended Act, and raise money beyond the present Edinburgh. authorised amount of and borrowing JOHN NANSON, Carlisle. powers, and to alter existing tolls, rates, dntiee, PRITT, SHERWOOD, VENABLES, GRUBBE, and charges, and to vary or extinguish exemptions and JONES, from payment of tolls, rates, duties, and charges, 7 Great George Street, Westminster. and all such rights and privileges as would prevent of DTJRNFORD A CO., impede the objects of the intended Act being carried Parliament Street, Westminster. into complete effect; and to authorise the levying of tolls, rates, duties, and charges, and to confer NORTH BRITISH RAILWAY other exemptions from payment of tolls, rate*, duties, and charges, and other rights and privilege*. AND And it is proposed by the intended Aot to CARLISLE AND SILLOTH BAY RAILWAY authorise the said Companies, from time to time, • AND DOCK COMPANIES. < ^^_^ to make such contracts and agreements tuT they may think proper for effecting all or any of the (Powers to North British Railway Company to purposes aforesaid, and to confirm all or any Work Undertakings of Carlisle and Silloth Bay such agreements with such omissions, alteration*/ Railway and Dock Company, with Provision for and additions, in and to the same as Parliament* Futnre or Present Amalgamation, Sale, or Lease; may require, as may have been entered into Dissolution of last named Company; Agree- prior to the passing of the said intended Aot, ments between Companies; Amendment of Acts.) and to repeal or amend all, or some of the proviiiom of the several local and personal Acta of Parliament relating to such Companies respectirely-^that i* OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that appli- to say, Acts of the North British Railway Com- N cation is intended to be made to Parliament, pany, 21 and 22 Vie., cap. 109 j 22 and 23 Vie., in the next Session, for an Act to authorise the caps. 14 and 24, 23 and 24 Vic., caps. 140,159, North British Railway Company, with the consent and 195 ; 24 and 25 Vic., caps. 102 and 114 J and of the Carlisle and Silloth Bay Railway and Dock Acts of the Carlisle and Silloth Bay Railway and Company, to Work and use all or part of the Dock Company, 16 and 17- Vic., cap. 118 } 18 anJ Undertaking of the last mentioned Company, upon 19 Vic., cap. 153 ; and 23 and 24-Viet., cap. 134. such terms and conditions as shall be mutually AND NOTICE is HEREBY ALSO GIVEN that printed agreed upon between the two Companies, and to copies of the Bill, for the objects aforesaid, will be provide for the division and apportionment between deposited in the Private Bill Office of the HOBS* of the same Companies of the receipts earned by such Commons on or before the 23d day of December 1861. Working and use, or other the receipts of the said Dated November llth 1861. two Companies or either of them ; and for the DALMAHOY, WOOD, and COWAN, WA, appointment of Joint Committees of Directors of Edinburgh. the two Companies, and for the settlement of dis- JOHN NANSON, Carlisle. putes' between them by arbitration or otherwise; PRITT, SHERWOOD, VENABLES, GBUBBE; and for all other matters and things necessary or and JONES, convenient for effecting the objects aforesaid. 7 Great George Street, WeBtniosUr..
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