128 LA COCK. WILTSHIRE. [KELLY'S Wall Letter Boxes, Nott<Jn, cleared at 10.45 a.m. &; 3·5! Elementary Scha.Jl (mixed), built in r864, for 300 chil- & 7.40 p.m. week days; sundays, 7·35 a.m.; & Ray dren; average attendance, r6o; James Wild, head Bridge, 9 a. m. & 2.50 & 7.25 p.m.; sundays 9 a. m master; .Mi•s Giles, head mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTs. Cole James, grocer & parish clerk Penny William Andrews, Carpenters' Armstrong Rev. Hy.Wm. M.A.(vicar) Conservative Benefit Society (H. Arms P.H Awdry Robert William Tayler, sec.), Notton Phelps Joseph, assessor of taxes Eyres Edwin, Ray brid!!"P Croker Herbt. coal mer. Lacock wharf Pocock William Jas. farmer, New farm Foley Richard Howard, Tower house Croker Nicholas, farmer, Netbermore Ring Matilda (Mrs.), farrier & smith Fortune James Edmonds ·william, tailor Rowles Robt. Marsh,frmr.Showell frm Gilchrist-Ciark Miss, Lacock abbey Fennel! Henry, hurdle maker Sell George, farmer, Mill farm Hankey Ernest Alers, Notton house Foley Richard Howard, land agent to Self William, farmer, Whitehall farm Palmer Geo. Llewellen J.P. Lackham G. L. Palmer ~sq. & C. H. Tal- Selman Joseph, chair maker house; Beryfield house, Bradford- bot esq Swan bury Isuac, farmer, Great Not- on-Avon; & Cavalry club W &; FryEmma Jane(Mrs.),farmer,Raybdge ton farm Junior Carlton club SW, London Fry James, farmer, Manor farm Tanner Emma Jane (:'drs.), grcr.&drpr Pike Thomas, Cantax house Giles Jas. Moses, farmer, Stroud farm Tanner Robert Eyres Spring, miller Talbot Chas. Hy. J.P. Lacock abbey Guley Wm. Jas. farmer, Wick farm (water), Ray mill Tanner Mrs Hopkins Thos. Hanley, Red Lion P.H Tayler & Son, coal merchants Taylor Stuart Hopcraft Stanley :'d.B. Hunt Edmund Coulimore, stationer Tayler James, farmer, Notton Red house & fancy dealer Taylor Stuart Hopcraft Stanley M. B., Wheeler Miss, High street Independent Order of Oddfellows B.S.Edin. physician & surgeon Wild James (Loyal "Vine & Olive Branch" Tucker Benjamin Charles, farmer, Yockney Wm. Archibald,l'iotton lodge Lodge), E. C. Hunt, seo Cuckoo Bush farm Jenkins & Webb, plumbers Warren Julia Jane (Miss), draper &c COMMERCIAL. Joyce w-aiter, baker Webb Arthur, plumber, see Jenkins Austin John, assistant overseer & col­ Keen Charles, police constable & Webb lector of poor rates & assessor & Lacock & Bowden Hill Rifle Club (R. Weston Caleb, boot & shoe maker collector of taxes, Post office H. Foley, hon. sec) Wilts County Cricket Club (R. W. Austin Julia (Mrs.), butcher Lacock Horticultural Society (Eh Awdry, sec.), Notton Banks Esther (Miss) & Frederick, Latham, sec) • Wilts & Dorset Banking Co. Limited masons & builders Latham Eli, baker & grocer (agency); open on sat. (F. A. Hake. Banks Frank, pig dealer )linty William, farmer, Catridge farm manager); draw on London & Beer Albert, George inn Nurses' Home (Miss Gilchrist-Clark, Westminster Bank Ltd.London E C Blake J. H. & H. Limited, brewers hon. sec.), The Old house Wilts Friendly Society (Ciiiss Simco, Brinkwortlt Wm. baker & corn factor Patriots' Society (The) (Joseph Se!- clerk) Butler J obn, coffee tavern man, sec) Wiltshire Chas. carpenter & buildr. &c LANDFORD is a parish, bordering on Hampshire, the Rev. the Hon. John Horatio Nelson M.A. rector of on a branch of the river Test, and on the road from Shaw, near Newbury, Berks, is now occupied by Mrs. Salisbury to Southampton, 5~ miles from Downton sta­ Truman. The Rev. the Hon. J. H. Nelson, who is lard tion on the Alderburv and Wimbarne section, and 6 of the manor, and Mrs. Wigram, of Northlands, are prin­ miles soUl h from Dean station on the Eastleigh and cipal landowners. The soil is chiefly gravel; subsoil, Salisbury branch of the London and South Western rail­ sand and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barlev and way, ro south-east from Salisbury, and 7 west from Rom­ turnips The area of Landford and Earldoms is · 2,653 sey, in the Southern division of the countv, Frustfield acres; rateable value of Landford, £2,287; the popula­ hundred, Salisbury union and county court district, Salis­ tion of the ecclesiastical parish in 1901 was 254, and 358 bury and Amesbury petty sessional division, rural dean­ in the civil parish, including Earldoms. ery of Amesbury (Alderbury portion), and Salisbury arch­ Sexton, Edward King. deaconry and diocese. The church of St. Andrew. re­ Earlrloms, I~ miles north-west, formerly a civil parish built in 1858, at a cost of £ r,soo, is an edifice of brick is now a hamlet in this parish. and stone, in the Early English style, and consists of Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & A. & I. Office.-Gabriel chancel, nave, south transept, north porch and a west­ Moody, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from Salisbury ern bell turret containing 3 bells: there are r8o sit­ at 7.20 a.m. & 1.30 p.m. ; dispatched at. 6 p.m. ; tings. The register dates from the year r67r. The sundays, arrive 7.20 a.m. ; dispatched rr.4o a.m living is a rectory, net yearly value £ r65, with residence Elementary School, with residence for the master & mis­ and 7 acres of glebe, in the gift of Earl Nelson, and held tress, for ro6 children; average attendance, 87; John •ince 1885 by the Rev. William Mills Dewe B.A. of Clare Stacey, mast-er ; Mrs. Stacey, mistress ; ~In!. A. College, Cambridge. Landford House, the property o1 Kindler, ussistant mistress PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wigram Mrs. N orthlands Moody Frederick, farmer Custance Major, Landford cottage COMMERCIAL. Moody Gabriel, shopkeeper, Post off llewe Rev. William Mills B.A.(rector), Cooper John, farmer Moody John, farmer Rectory Giles Herbert, farmer Moody Reuben, jun. builder, contrac Fisher Miss, Earldoms Hatch William, blacksmith tor, carpenter & joiner & farmer Luck Gen. Sir George K.C.B. Land­ Jukes Fredk. blacksmith, Earldoms Beynolds Enos, farmer ford lodge Kendall Oliver, wheelwright Reynolds Frank, farmer Thomas Mrs. Brooklands King Jesse, farmer Reynolds Jn. farmer, Landford Woods Truman :'.iro. Landford house Knights Jane (Miss), farmer Symonds Samuel, farmer, Earldoms "LITTLE LANGFORD is a village and parish, 2! and flint. The chief crops are wheat. oats and barley. miles north-west from Wishford station on the Salisbury The area is I,OI5 acres of land and 5 of water; rateable -and Westbury branch of the Great Western railway, 8~ value, £1,032; the population in 1901 was 68. north.west from Salisbury, in the Southern division of the Sexton, Joel Bryant. 1 -connty, hundr~d of B~a':l~h and. Dole, ~alisbu~ and Ames- 'Letters, which should be addressed Steeple-Langford S.O bury pet~y s.es,siOnal division,WJiton nmon,Sahsbury co:nnty Wilts, arrive at 9 a. m. The nearest money order & -court d1stnct, rural deanery of Wyl.ye (Wylye p~rt10n), telegraph office is at Wishford, 2f miles distant and archdeaconry of Sarum and diocese of Salisbury. Wall Letter Box the Rectory cleared at 5 30 pm · The church of St. Nicolas is a small cruciform building sundays 8. 30 a.'m ' . ' ui flint and •tone, in the Norman, Early English and . ' . Decorated styles, rebuilt, after the model of the ancient · The children of Little Langford attend tbe school at edifice, in 1864, and now consisting of chancel, south chan- Steeple Langford try chapel, nave, south porch and a central turret con- GROVELEY WOOD, r! miles south, and formerly taining one bell, and will &eat about 70 persons. The I extra-parochial, is now a parish, and has a small chapel, register dates from the year 1699. The living is a · erected in 1867 by George R. C. 13th Earl of Pem­ rectorv, net yearly value £go, including 7 acres of glebe, broke, and of whicli the rector of LitAie Langford is chap­ with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Pembroke, and lain: the present Earl is the chief landowner. In the held since r8q2 by the Rev. Chas. Stratford Earle M.A. of 1 neighbourhood are some ancient entrenchments. The the University of Durham. The Earl of Pembroke and 1 area is 958 acres ; rateable value, £565 ; the population Montgomery P.u., G.C.V.O. is lord of the manor and 1 in 1901 was 6o. oole landowner. The soil is light loam; subsoil, chalk The children of this place attend the school at Barford Earle Rev. Charles Stratford M.A. /Andrews Fred, farmer J Xoyce Frank, gamekeeper to the Earl (rector), Rectory Compton Wm. farmer, Groveley wood of Pembroke, Groveley wood .
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