. 1S828. [ 1501 ] London Gazette. TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1831. By the KING. Vaux, our Chancellor of Great Britain; the Most Reverend Father in God Our right trusty and right A PROCLAMATION, entirely-beloved Councillor Edward Archbishop of Dedaring His Majesty's Pleasure touching His Royal York, Primate of England and Metropolitan ; Our Coronation, and the Solemnity thereof. right trusty and entirely-beloved Cousin and Coun- cillor Henry Marquess of Lansdowne, President of WILLIAM, R, Our Council; Our right trusty and well-beloved 'HEREAS We have resblved, by the favour Councillor John George Lord Durham, Keeper of and blessing of Almighty God, to celebrate the Onr Privy Seal; Our right trusty and right entirely- solemnity of Our Royal Coronation, and of the Co- beloved Cousins and Councillors Bernard Edward ronation of Our dearly-beloved Consort the Queen, Duke of Norfolk, Hereditary Earl Marshal of upon Thursday the eighth day of September England ; William Spencer Duke of Devonshire, next, at Our Palace at Westminster; and forasmuch Lord Chamberlain of Our Household ; Charles Duke as by ancient customs and usages of this realm, as of Richmond, Our Postmaster-General; George also in regard of divers tenures of sundry manors, Duke of Gordon ; George William Frederick Duke lands, and otheV'aereditaiuents, many of Our loving of Leeds j John Duke of Bedford; James Duke subjects do claim, and are bound to do and perform of Montrose ; Alexander Duke of Hamilton ; Wil- divers services on the said day and at the time of the liam Henry Duke of Portland; Charles Duke of Coronation, as in times precedent their ancestors, Dorset; Hugh Duke of Northumberland ; Richard and those from whom they claim, have done and Duke of Buckingham and Chandos ; Augustus Fre- performed at the Coronations of Our famous Pro- derick Duke of Leinster; and Arthur Duke of genitors and Predecessors, Kings and Queens of this Wellington ; Our right trusty and entirely-be- realm 5 We, therefore, out of Our princely care for loved Cousins and Councillors Charles Ingoldsby the preservation of the lawful rights and inheritances Marquess of Winchester, Groom of Our Stole; of Our loving subjects whom it may concern, George Marquess of Stafford j James Brownlow have thought fit to give notice of and publish William TMarquess of Salisbury; Francis Charles Our resolution therein ; and do hereby give notice, Seymour Marquess of Hertford ; Richard Marquess of and publish the same accordingly ; and We do WeUesley, Lord Steward of Our Household j hereby further signify, that by Our Commission John Jefferys Marquess Camden; Henry William under Our Great Seal of Great Britain, We have Marquess of Anglesey, Our Lieutenant-General and appointed and authorised Our most dearly beloved General-Governor of that part of Our United King- Brothers and Councillors Ernest Augustus Duke of dom qalled Ireland ; George James Horatio Mar- Cumberland 5 Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex j quess of Chohnondeley; Charles William Marquess Adolphus Frederick Duke of Cambridge; Our most of Londonderry; Henry Marquess Conyngham ; dear Cousins and Councillors William Frederick and Ulick John Marquess Clanricarde ; Our trusty Duke of Gloucester, and Prince Leopold of Saxe and right well-beloved Cousins and Councillors Ed- Coburg ; the Most Rev.erei?d Father in God Our ward Earl of Derby ;.John Earl of Westmoreland j right trusty and right entirely-beloved Councillor George Earl of Carlisle ; Cropley Earl of Shafces- William Archbishop of, Canterbury, Primate of all bury ; William Charles Earl of Alhemarle, Master of England and Metropolitan ; Our right trusty and Our Horse ; George E^rl of Jersey ; William George \vtil-bclcved Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Earl of Errql; Archibald John Earl of Roseberry;.
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