DRAGON PIGSKIN PARADE ON PAGES 6-7 DREXEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PHILADELPHIA, PA. VOLUME XXVII DECEMBER 4. 1950 NUMBER 15 Finn Chorus Ends Tour FREE CHEST X-RAYS Drexel to Graduate Anyone desiring a free W ith T onight’s Program x-ray of the che.st may se­ cure it by reporting to the 4th floor of the main build- hmiuht s coiu'crt in th(> Drcxol {iiiditoriiini marks the cl(»so of the Sixty-four Students ing. Aiii<‘ri«‘iin door for the I’olytcch (’horns ol Kiiihmd. The s(diool is c.\- trciiicly itfoiid to liav(* the honor of playiiii- host to snch an ontstandinu WOMEN: Exercises to be H eld O n School’s Birthday -rou|t of youn.y- men, not only foi- the fine proyrani (d nuisie that they will briny’ to IMiihidelphia this evenini-', hnt also for the indieation o'l Thursday, December 7, Sixty-loiir Drexel stmh-nts w ill be gra.limted in the an litoriiim ..n the i>resti«u(> tiiat Drexel has earned as a teehnolojrieal institute. 1:00 -'6:00 Decend)ei- lL» af Drex(d’s Fifth Decenilier ('onimencement. This will be In appreeiation of this fact, th(> yiee (duhs and the en<-ineerin" the sixty-third coiiiineticenient atid fln> lifty-eiuhth amiiversarv (.f faculty liave planned a banciuet f o r _______ MEN: l'oiunl(‘r ’s Day. Mr. Archie Dean Swift. Chairman of the Hoard of the visiting singers tonislit preced- Friday, December 8. Directors of th(‘(’entral I’enn National Hatdv. will address I he trradMafes. ing the concert, and liave arranfied The uradnation c<>remony. a <-oMd»itH-d (’ommencenient ('oiivocation for them to stay at Drexel Lodpe. 9:00 - 5:00 Seniors Initiated !ind Founder’s Day exercise, will be^Hn at with the acadennc Tiirou>;h()Ut today, the group lias procession. Dr. .lames (’r(‘cse. President (d' Drexcd Institute (.1 Tech­ been taken on a tour of the school nology, will confer u])on tiu* to familiarize them with the func­ To Phi Kappa Phi undergraduati's Hacludor of tions of an American college, not Science degrees from fhe Kngi- only engineering-wise, but also so­ n<>ering, Husiness Adminisfration, cially. Conducting this tour have A t Annual Dinner w in ntnn Thirty-six senior undergraduates and Home iOconomics ('olb‘ges, and l)(*en students from the several en­ will grant diplomas from the two- gineering societies of the school. and one Home Economics graduate student will be initiated into the year Secretarial course. The g ra d u a te school will c o n fe r a .Mas- Repertoire Xational Honor Society of I’hi Kappa IMii in the Art (Jallery on t(‘r ol Sci«“nce in llome lOconomic'' This evening’s performance will d eg ree. Wednesday. Mr. Ronald Anderson iiudude folk songs and excerpts will be guest speaker at a banquet from “Finlandia” by Jean Sibelius, to be held in the Hyiler Clui), at Degrees Listed and music from the works of other which time the meml)ers will be of­ well-known PMnnish composers. The ficially welcomed into the Society. Tlu> (’ollege of Engineering will chorus is conducted by Ossi Elokas, Phi Kappa Phi was founded at graduat(> two chemical engineers, who is known throughout the world the University of Maine in lS!t7. one civil engineer, three electrical for his work with similar choral and is presently composed of over engineers, and five mechc'iniciil (>n- groups. It is rather interesting to fifty recognized chapters throughout gineers. The (’ollege of Husin<‘.ss note that Mr. Ellokas was born in the United States. The Drexel Adminisfration will graduate the same year that Finland Chapter, which was instituted in twenty from the four-yc'ar Itusiness 1 iistitute of T 0 c h n o 1 o g y was 193S, lists mend)ers from both the Administration (bourse, twcdve Inunded, and now forty-six years faculty and student body. from the (^)operative Husiness Ad­ later he is tlie leader of that school’s ministrative (’ouise, one from fiie ••horus. Top Eighth Selected Administrative' Secretarial f’ourst'. During the intermission, the The Society was founded to pro­ and three from the Retail .Manage­ Drexel glee club will sing the “Hal­ vide an incentive for scholastic dis­ ment (’our.se. The College* ot lelujah Chorus” from the Messiah tinction in colleges f)ffering other Dome lOconomics will graduate l>y Handel. Tickets are still avail- than liberal arts curricula. Eligi­ nine. al)le at the regular price of $1.75, ble students are selected from the 'I'lu* .si\ly-foiir n'pre- and at the student rate of $1.00 first eighth of the senior class in s«“nt u wide <t <»sn-s4>cI ion of }•«><)- li’oin any member of the glee club A lum ni Science B uilding their respective colleges. In deter­ graphical localities iiiclinliiig; (he or IM Nu Epsilon, mining the members to be elected, slates of Ohio, Delaware, ('alifor- a summation of the number of stu­ nia, .N<*w Y ork, ( ’on iu 'e lin it, .New dents expected to graduate in De­ U nveiled For Inspection Jersey, and IN‘nnsylvuiiia, and (lie cember 1950 and June 1951 is taken. nations <»f ('liina and (’anada. In con.jiinctioii with the annual i-'onnder's Day cclcbration on From this group, one-half of the Th(? present Commencement NOTES to NOTE December 12, th(‘ new .Mnmni Scientilic Laboratories Hiiildini:' will be limit of one-eighth of the senior Convocation is being ludd because tui'ucd o\(‘r ti» the iSoard of 'I’rustees by the contractors. I'he annual Founder’s Day class is elected in December 1950, a suflicient nutnber of studcuits .\ reception will be held in the new sfrucfure whi(di will be open * liiistinas C'oncert of the (llee and the remaining eligible students have comj)l(!ted their undergradu­ for inspection, llowexcr, at that time, there will i)e litlh* or no e(|nip- * liibs and the Orchestra will be are elected in May of 1951. ate work. Previous D»!cenil)er Mient f(ti' the lab o rato ries. lif^ld Wednesday at 1:00 in the ;\Iembership is extended only to (Commencement Exercises were held in 1 942, 1 947, 194S, and *'i't'at (\)urt. This concert has PHI K PH I on Page 4 The new hiiildiiiu' is flrepriiof, . l)ct*n expressly advanced from the constructed of reinforced c«>ii<iet«> V dfSlty bingCfS 1949. •I'uditional Founder’s Day date and ni<*asur<*s 7 8 f<M*t in widtli and y . 'I'liing exatn week, so that the IJ»4 feet in len{>tli. K w as ov ifii- I our INew Jersey "lajority of the students will have New Members of iially <h*si}>n(*d to be* a tw o -slo ry The Varsity Singers of tlie* e-om ‘jpportunity of hearing it for b u ild in g wliicli w o u ld lious(> tlie binod glee clubs have been very Student Unions tii>t time. The program will departnuMits of Civil, Clieinical, busy the past two weeks, giving sev­ "iisist of (Jrieg’s “Triumphal Blue Key Adopt .Mei'lianical, and >Ie(allur};i<‘al Kn- eral e-oncerfs. On Tuesday, Nove*m- March” presented by the orches- ghu'erin;;. This would Include ber 21, the grouj) journeyed to New Confer at Penn ''a, “Susauni” by the w'omen’s Fraternity Aims lh(‘ir laboratories, cbi.ssrooni.s, and .le'isey for an all-day four, and last club, and (lounod’s “Naza- The Hlue Key National Honor drawing rooms. Friday e*ve*ning they partie-ipafeel in Drexel will participate in an area Praise’s “Thanksgiving,” Fraternity held its semiannual ini­ a concert with edioruse's from Al­ conference of the Associatie)n of Third Floor in Reserve bright anei Ursiniis e-olb'ges. (’ollege Unions on December L** and "Hallelujah Chorus” from the tiation ban(iuet on Saturday, Dt*- .\ftei' the contract was awai'ded, On the fe)ur the* gre>up gave con- Hi. This conference will be hehl at Messiah,” and a medley of cember 2, 1950 in the Student Huild- e-erts at .Merchantville, .Mooresfowti. He>uston Hall on the University eif 'miliar CMiristmas (!arols, all by ing. Dean Stratton, faculty adviser it was decided that additional would be necessary, so a and Hamilton Township High Pennsylvania campus. Atteneiing >'‘)nibined glee clubs. of Hlue Key, i)resented the welconi- third floor was added fo the plans. Schools, as well as singing at Pros- the conference will be representa­ * * * ing address to the new members. The space on the third floor will |)ect Presbyte*rian Chure-h in Tren­ tives from colleges in West Vir­ itobert .1. Posey, English The fraternity elects men on the he allocated to the various depart­ ton and making a tirte>e*n minute- ginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jer­ Ji^lructor, will speak to the basis of scholarship, leadership, ments as necessity demands. For radio transe-riptie»n f o r station sey, Pennsylvania, and the District "*«luuan Orientation group at its character, and extra-curricular ac- this reason the* floor was con- WTTX, whieh was broade-ast af of Cohnnbia. 'lal meeting today at 1 ::U) in the Tho i)urpose of Hlue Key tivities. as two large areas which 10:15 A..M. Saturday, Nove-mber 25. ‘hillery. His topic will be The last meeting of the Assoeda- Dr. (laljibin e>f flu* sediool Psyediol- <i‘iod Hooks for Me’?” tiein was held in February at He)us- ogy Department gave short ad ^.ollege and fellow «<udents.students, for prognun leeiuius.
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