h w ' NEW TO fiekald, Thursday,, JULY 5»;"1B7U.-TK1PL15 PTflEET. " gg.' ,r", . 1,1 " " * W" Schr Decatur Oakee, Be*. Laneerllle for Now York, Htmsto. Jnly 26.Arrlred, bark Miranda (M O), VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. THE WEATHER YESTERDAY. t-ctir Marlon Dace, ""Caere, Prov leuoa for Island THE AN INDIAN WEDDING. Pcbr Ira Bile*. Hu< Klliabethoort. rla Uucenstown. _400 proridcnce for RondouL Bm»a, Jesse)ten, New OcMT Bclir Maria , JJAIE*' l*-Arj'rrd,' Bsd.'ord) RACEH Fletn'.og, William., Norwloh for RondouL 14tb, Jenkins, NYorJi. Clese ml the Qeatcd Term.A Ceol Hi-lir Sarah New London Foam, " A to TraTcllen. Uay at Lr.rerne. Arerill, for New York. Cleared Curtis, Cardiff and (Jolted Waroiif Bchr Julia New London for New 14th, Sajtadahoo, States: Excursion of the George H. Peary Lodgo- To Editor tub Herald?. I jM. Senetrokre la the Ann, Phillip., York. L'nolo, Trott, Hartlepool and bolted Stales. the op The V.iy. 8chr J Huytnoud. Am.er.ou, New London for Muled I8tb, J Mont-onerv, Perkins, Philadelphia; A'berf CONTINUED FBOM THIBD PAGE. Ceremonies of the Permit me columns to expose a c'^rtjens of the metropolis nad at last a Elizabeth1' Quilatin. Chandler, Mobile. Aborigines-. Marriage through your s'chr Menry A Doming, Boardman, Hertford for New In the roads 13th, Totemits, Steele, from San Francisco, for the mean swindle on the route between this "br®^(tolng spell" yesterday, an'*, the cool air and York. or Theobald, from Victory Oaribrlat" "The devil!" cried the Hiawatha and Minneha.^ practiced Bchr B A Mlddletown for Wioht, July 14.Off, Theobald, old Keutieuau, "I said ho. It was no ra.'e. be a c,.'jUdy overcast sky was gracefully relt and Read, Arnold. Philadelphia. for tfatnburs. Willy. Made One city and Philadelphia. It is presumed to Bchr Ha?en York. "jjladelphtaOff the Need ss Admiral, Haesloop, from NYork Why illdn't the run on the same course from Flev'j. the Crinoline.^Al>ram«vNew iuifor£<ewnow , 14th, ship yachts once it is inferred that it appreciated, temperature having declinedpleasantly ccur .euiuura, uiggius, now iiareu ; fo Kremen. the start 1 The u there would be practice, for if done i^ many degrees. 8chr Philanthropist. Hatch, New Haven lor New York. mi»lT?£po?H,JulJr 14.Arrlred, Huguenot, Peterson, IfTorkt fo EXCUSE KOR Tni LOSER, Y put in practice whenever the advaiitage offers. The following record, will show the changes in the 8chr Loon, Smith, New Haven for New York. n!uf.S ?l Man Kr.inctsoo; Rifleman, Lerny, Nets while the V/inuer would have a vt»per to At even o'clock temperature for tha past twenty-lour hours in Hchr Sarah Elizabeth, Munrre, New Haven for Now Tort. Urleans; Abyssinia. Chnxian. fit John. N B: Naturalist. blow. Now tight yesterdar'mornlng the George n. my wife visited Philadelphia. Below with t^e Rchr Judge Runyon, Bradley, New Haven lor Gregory, NYork; flarlnge, Wlillaraa, San Francisco; John the result or the contest Is No. t»51, of Order or Recently comparison corresponding day of last Farnaworth. Few San Francisco{ iiioreiy y, declsiou that lue northern route Peary Lodge, »',»« Independent a the year, us indicated fcy the thermometer at Hndnut's .Elizabelbport. Orleans; Locket, Tephnin, e' lelt Trenton man passes through, car^ taking Scbr Franklin Pierce, Hodgdon, New Haven for Rondout. Zetland, Dicks, New Orleans; Annie Kimball. Stlnaou, do; . 4,,le to the southern route for yachts Good Templars pler'No. 10 North river on two pharmacy, lUciujLi) ooruer of 8chr Garvin, for New York. Princeton, St at tuts.f. s "checks" for Philadelphia 'when tho Building, Broadway, Lavlna Jane, nrldgepow Chase, John. NB :8oloraon, Carter, do; eason or the year, it is ail udes, winds and barges lor an excursp,n to New b&'ggage; Ann street:. ^ Schr John Hlckey, Huise, Bridgeport for Ellzahethnort. do; Baxaar. Teileraon, New Orleans; Itth, Cordova.Pocahontas, naviiro/ I.-.. Alderney Park, Schr J 8 York. rauwV w,uu.wu'wuuu in" & uu lavcci i cutnm n»o check was handed to him, fifty cents was 1809. 1870. 1809. 1870. Lane, Hatch. Norwalk for New 1 a disaster 10 one of Hie Accompanying these restive teetotalers wasJersey.a 8A.M 7ft RdU 8P M fta «S Schr John K McKee, Hubbard, Norwalk for Elizabethport. BatA ar»\ BharP hBd sudden the waa on de Rchr O C Act srjsvz%£!JZti corns of the old ititlicted by newly organized, benevolent association, entitled reply It,"would be paid demanded;OA. M 77 84 CP. M 80 80 en, Hobby, Stamtord tor New York. K"^ui<3 udlng gentleman, Schr Haze, McNatnee, Greenwich for New York. RumU. heavy heels of a newsboy, and or tlie Manhattan have a ; but he said a new role had. been made, OA.M. 80 88 BP. M 77 80 8ehr Anna D for New York. Portland; Nereus,^MsllN ~"r howling Tribe, the members or which livery Price, Hawkins, Greenport Herbert, York; Fldello, kloot,do; Carl tree brought his dissertation on tUe ineiitsof the that should be made in 12 M 83 88* 12 P. M 75 77* Schr Staten Islander, uabcock, Port JelTereon for New August, Sieweru, Philadelphia , -can race to an conclusion. lodge on the' corner or Hudson and Christopher payments advance, Average temperature 84 0-10 York. Cleared 14th, (irllllths, Point and t abrupt it was On its cents yesterday Uarstang, City Richmond; 1 "Bother, old maji," said another in the crowd.and streets, and v uo periodically delight the romantic paid* delivery fifty consequentlyAverage temperature for corresponding date Schr J L Merrill, Dayton, Port j (fferion for New York. Sitka, Waiker, New Orleana; Maria, Hellberg, Richmond; w more was demanded and refused unless last 1Mb, A B Wymau, Wyntan, Boaton; Caravan. do; his sentiments were heurtliy received."ihe race is youth oi the addicted to dime novels with delivery year r. ,.... 70 BOUND BAST. See Stroomand, San Franciaeo Mlckell, and 'tis and that is me whole of it. locality the dem&ad was acceded to, and of eonrae had to Nrmphe, and WC CAmerica. begun won, They a sight of thctr decked In lull Indian The following oases of prostration hy the heat Schr Mist, Muncev, Trenton for Bridgeport. Kutered out 14th, I mil*, Grose, Mobile; Chancellor, Patten, si ;nod together and It wai a fair race. It is uol persons, be paid over. At the same time the deliverer were reported by the police as having occurred Scbr Minnetota, Phlnney, Amboy for New Bedford. do; Monsoon, Chilton, New Orleana; IBlh, Denmark ( )». manly -to detiact from the tneri's of the englishman, laces (l erceiy glowing with red paint. remarked that probably the first collection went Schr Mary Nalt, Barker, South Amboy for Norwich. Forbea. NVo Jotle A Devereaux, Clark, Philadelphia. lie di a and costume,,/and yesterday:."Scbr Geo Brooke, Hamilton, Port Johnson for Boston. 16.Cleared, Serves bully welcome hearty These braves were headed by the ''most noble into tbe collector's pocket, which 1 think very An unknown man, aged wm found Insensible Scbr Clara London, July Uelqp Campbell, Brooka, and lie will get it lroiu none more bogus In sixty-five, Post, Merrill, Port Johnaon for Portcheatcr. Boaton. > us, cougiatu'.abons/tromchief,'l j. c. Knapp, supported by the vlce-chler, F. likely. Do the company allow or wink at the West Broadway, aud was removed to Park Hospital. Schr H 8 Brooks, Lore, Ellzabethport for Boston. Balled from Gravesend 14th, Alice Wood, Dobertv, heni.iuy than (loin iheowueroi the Auieilcau yacht." swindle ? JUSTICE. An unknown woman, aged Iwrnlv-tlve, was found in New Schr J C Henry, Ltlke, l'lltzabetbport for Fell River. 16th, Jennin l.lltugwood, NVork; Palo ARo,Pklladelubla;do.; T ti% n.pdity with which the evening papers, P. Lav /son. The eagle plumes oa the heads of these Worth street, near Chatham street, insensible from the effects Scbr S Anderson, ., Elizabeth lor Providence. L. L. do. port Sturge-, . of the beat. She waa sent to Park Schr 16tli, . jiy the Telegram, wli cli had the earliest authenticesue6m genu emeu made thena Imposing, and as they of the Martin Hospital. Mary Anna, Burns, Newburg lor Norwich. Motillb, July 27.Arrived, ateamablp India, Monroe, m <waoi the result 01 the wie quite Improvement City Haasrei. Cordett, aged thirty-one, of b66 Washington street, Scbr Donna Anna, for Newport. NYork for Glutlow. contest, nought up down the street their wss sunstriick at the corner of Fourth and Schr W W Whaler, Newnurg 'July 16) * a< extraoniiuary and unprecedented. Hying wey.aed their way appearance To the* Emtor of the Herald;. streets. Taken home. Christopher Wood, keleey, Newnurg for Providence. Montreal. July 26-Sailed. ateameblp, Wylle, Liverpool; i Schr K H Barnes, Avery, Hoboken for Providence. ablp McConnell, Glasgow; bark Louise, Dobly, irwstooys were caught on the ny, were lnstanliy car ised 110 small commotion, and the lutolllgent Uttlo Would It not be well to add to Frederick Lobert, aged twenty-one, Prussian, deckhand on Scbr R M Htookfng, New York for Mlddletown. Sbandon, do' your suggestions Clark, _ (jueeostown. _ /polled of their heavy loads of pai er fresh fri ni the Vagabonds, accustomed to pav occasional vis.ts to pilot boat Hopo No. 1, was found prostrated In Roosuvelt Scbr Klls, Samuels, New York for Huntington. N RivoAHTi.it, July 12.Ent out, Von Heyden Cartlow. and were sent bowling «i\ay wnh plethoric in regard to the improvement of public parks that street, near Front, and waa taken to Park Hospital. Schr Mah, llolmes, New York tor (ireenwicb. Speclit, New Haven. flp,«-s lies. ^the Bowery theatre, immediately set up a sort or John Canlry, aged twenty one, a native ol France, of 107 Schr New York for New Bedford.
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